The WATCH LABEL Ml rAftlt-8?4 ki Mtn TIm the county, the state, the union >5 SUM rar ? ??!? ?OLBJO L. LOCISBCKG. If. (X, KMAV, JI LT 1, 1W. \ IS ?rbirfltft -At s>oo tvi-wt WfnlnnartT night. June 29th a beautiful wedding was solemnlied at St Rtul'a Kpiscopal C hurch when Miss Camilla Webb Yar borough. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs J. 1'. Varbo rough became the bride ot Mr. John MelTln Glenn, of Gatetfrtlle, N. C. Before the ceremony and while the guests were assembling. Miss Sallie Williams rendered several charming selections on the organ, among them a piece of her own composition called "Light and Shadow."" The Bridal par ty entered the church to the accom paniment of "The Bridal Cborua" by 1 wihonyrtw yiriff came the' ushers. John VarborujiKil. Wilt. ..-C-oHte, Htlt yarborough and Preaalfcy Davia. Next Miss Eleanor Spott Yarborough. sis ter of the bride anjl maid ot honor, en tered alone. She wore a dress of peach taffeta trimmed with real lace, and a pretty picture hat. She carried a corsage bouquet of beautiful Klllar ney roses "which K-? "--lieri ttII Tith the dress. Following the maid oC'ho npr.-came the bride on the arm of her father, who gave her In. marriage. The bride, a beautiful young brunette was lorely In a dress of Duchess satin trimmed with real chantille lace and crystal trimming, a- long court train (ailing behind from the waist. She wore a veil with orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the vasiey. The bride was met at the altar J>y the groom and his best man, Mr. John Elliott, ot Greenville. S. C. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. N. I cllin Hughes. To the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March" the bridal party left t ? < nurch going directly to a delight l u: ?f-ceptlon given by Mr. and Mrs. W. i. Yarborough at thetr home on .Vaili ? treet. Here the guests were re , . , ,71 1 ho pnrr-h hv MlnaeS Mattie Allep and Mary Exum Burt. Mrs. Julia fcwindell and Messrs. William Ruflin._ Jr.. -James King and James Malone in the front hall which was beautiful ly decorated with cut Cowers and pot ted flowers? were Mr. and Mrs. M. "Sr Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alien. Mr. and Mrs. L. L Joyner. Dr>a:?d Mrs. R. r. -Till Uuiuugli. ? "Pbe ? rcs'oivittg ? linf stood in the parTbr with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yarborough. W. P Neal. Miss Mary Yarbprouga. Mr. C. II V mihn rnnrrli Ml?< I iict 1 Mr Fressley Davis, Miss "Jimmy" Park er Mr. J. B. Yarborough. Jr.. Mrs. Tom Alexander; Mr. Scarborough, Mrs. EL S. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. S.* J. Par ham. in the library Miss Williams at the piano and Miss Bryant on the vio lir. rendered beautiful selections. ? fir this room were Mr. and Mrs. J. L_ Falmer. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Beam. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Reavis. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bod die. In the dining room were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ricks, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allen, Mrs. E. L Best. Mrs. J. S. Williams. Mrs. Henry Macon. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Malone and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Watson. The refreshments were served by a charming grou&j>f young girls: Miss es Louise and Max Allen, Emm^ Uw reiice amf L<oui?* Joyner, Annie Willis and Lucy Clifton Boddle, Tempie and Hattle Williams, Fannie and Annie T'erry Neal, Elisabeth and Louise Rea vis, Anna Fuller Parham, Elizabeth Clifton, L^ucy T. AJUen. Margaret Tur ner. Dorcas McIQut, Jessie Elmore and Elizabeth AU& of Oxrord. After the r#ceptlon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn motored to Rjtleigh where they i took the ihidnight train for Asheville The bride is one of LouUburg's moat < -narming and accomplished young la dies being a daughter of Mr. J. B. Yar borough, who served Franklin County as Register of Deeds for several terms and Is deservingljr popular among a host of friends both at home and abroad. The groom is the popular Superin tendent of Public Instruction of Gates County, which responsible position speaks of his popularity and worth. The couple have the best wishes for a Ion* and happy life of a large hoet of friends and admirers. Flint Cotton R'mb. John Stalling*, colored, tiring at the J. B. McKinzle place near Mr. J. J. Allen, brought un the first cotton bloom on Wednesday, It was a VMt? bloom and wan taken from a field of six acres that wan planrted April t4th_ This* speaks well for John's ability as a farmer. Germany Han fulfilled Oaf ef Her Obligations. Washington, June 28. Germany has fulfilled her obligation to replace rail way material taken by her armed forces from allied countries daring the war, according to advices receir ed here today In official circles. The inter-allied railway conunis sion demanded that Germany delirer 5,000 railway cars to Prance and Bel gilim of which the former country was to retfelre 1,500 and the latter 3,500. In compliance with this de mand, according to German figures. ??,419 state-owned railway cars and CI of private companies hare bee?r4ellr ered to Belgium and 1.492 state own ed railway cars and 113 prtrate own ed cars to Francc. si^DATjjriiOB.m?WiO!r HrU -ba LMi?WrK T?w4*j uul Wed. ? S<f ? H?r Wwt l>Me ? ETffflMt AMrmtc. XUur Sunday School workers of Franklin County attended the sessions ol the Count j Sunday School Conren tion held in the Baptist church at Loaiabarg. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Among those present were fire pastor*, six Sunday School Super lulendaata tmi nineteen Qun day school tsachers. The total attendance was about one hundred, and there were ? | * ? ? 1 r #MjTW many Sunday reboots' or tne county. Ttris was one of a series of Cw t;ous being held under the auspices of the- Xoftfi Carotina Sunday ?c-hool Association. similar aeruars *iare been M4 la almost all "of the large cities of the State, and many other meetings win be 'held in towns and cxuntry communities this summer. The meetings are in te roe tumi nation al. workers from all denominations takings part In the work. The Stale Sunday School Associa tion was represented in the Conven tion at Liouisburg by Mr. D. W. Sims, State Superintendent, and Miss Flora La vis. Assistant Superintendent. Tho se who attended the sessions express ed themselves as being well pleased with the work done. At the close of the Con Ten tkm the Franklin County" Slinday School As so ciatkm was formed. The following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year: President. G M. Beam. Liouis burg; Vice- President. Wn H. Raffia, liouisburg ; Secretary -Treasurer, J. C. Jones. Lou is burg Township Presi dents were elected as follows. Louis burg. Prank McKinne; Gold Mine. Ar thur Shesrin: Cedar Rock, Jos. T, In sioe ; Pranklinton. J. C. Cheatham; Dunn. Junius Perry . Cypress. Mrs. B. R. H5ore;"Saiidy C*^ n H TTfgtr .Hail Mfliiil Udder; Hayesville and \oungsville townships president to be appointed by the County President, Vice President and' Secretary. Battery ft.JL^errd li. I ? Hanrrr Ik Field Artillery. S. L. \ lG. sacceasfully underwent Federal In | speetion and Muster in Liouisburg on i Tuesday afternoon at 7 o'clock. The [ Eatterv is composed of four officers, a , I iplH" lwr> firel 1 Ti^nt>^*nTg inrt http Second Lieutenant, and 70 enlisted men. all, of who'", was UTe~inspection and that one arrived Jnst as the inspection was com pleted. General Metts for the State, and Maj Ristein. for the United Stat es Army conducted the Inspection and .Vaster. and were very complimentary to the boys on their appearance and promptness, . This flatlet y is ro napoo ed of some of Franklin County's fin est young men and includes *0 per cent ex-service men. After the inspection Capt. H. W Perry entertained the visiting officers and the officers of j the Battery at supper. Ir. S. W. Hill S^rtk> is Kmklli. We regret that Dr. Winters whom we had expected the last of this week will be kepi away by *frtom illness in Es family. However, be sends in tils place Mr. S. W Hill from his Division. Mr. Hill has had several years experience and Dr. Winters assures us that his subject will be handled well. Mr. Parker s subject next week July 5 through July Sth will be along the lines of Coopreative Marketing. Come nqi and hear these men. I .earn all tou can of Cooperative Mar kttlng It will pay Wood? July 1st. (Mr Hill). I nglenMe ? JuTy ?tlr 11 ? u Cedar Rock? July Sth (Mr Parker) Seven Paths ? July ?th (Mr Parker) Sandy Creek ? July 7th (Mr. Parker) Bonn ? July Sth (Mr. Parker). Seantj Attire Of Milady Inspires P*r- 1 Te Peetry New York. June 28. ?Scant summer styles, as exhibited in these parts, have Inspired Rev Dr John Roach ' Straton. pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, to pen a poem, which was go lug throngh Its secoao edition In the public prists today Wrote Dr Straton : "Mary had a little skirt. The latent style, do doubt. Rut eTRry tl? ihi 'Kiit lii aide She was more than half way out" In a prate foreword, delivered from his pwlptt Sunday night Dr Straton declared he did not advocate a rot urn to he old street sweeping styles "There Is n style for wrvroen's dres- , ses which is in harmony with the laws j of sanitation as well as the principles I of BMiilMtT." he said ? Heme Burned. The home of Mrs Presley Clifton, near Royal v jl? burned early Wcdnes day morning The home snd prarti rally all the contents, so we are In formed, "sras a total loss It is believ ed that the bo?se was set afire by sosse one who has not been detected yet The rewl Yellow Peril iui*t a race but a strew k Boston Post MUa rewps what he sows unless he Is an amateur gardener ?Washington Herald. DR. KILGOR? SPEAKS) I'lLAMtLIN COOTT TO BE?I* S1G> CP. Sr. H. B. H. Iwk Orcul- | ntlM WWir Mr. J. f . Jo?t. ft (.'???iltm Appoints ? 1>? elstoa t? Enter Pnirtki'lj liui MIS The meeting held In the Courthouse OiS- Saturday men nlng to ? consider. Franklin County's desires til regard to its entering the Cooperative Mark ! etlng plans Tot* cotton and toBJCw largely attended anJ enthusiastic, as was indicated by the large standing rote in favor of beginning a sign up campaign at once, when the question was pat. The meeting was presided over by Mr. J. C. Jones, who introduced Dr. R W. Kilgore in a short, but to the point address after he had stated the object of the meeting. Dr. Kilgore delivered^ a strong and , convincing speech favorabde- ? the cooperative selling plans. He said in the past we thought in the sense of production and through this brought the good old North State up to the fourth Stale in the Union Bran Ag ricultural State, but now it is our du ty to think along other lines, since we have produced, so we are told, more than the country can pay for. He ttnya that one-fourth of ail the tobac* co grown in all the United States is grown in North CareHna, and that practically all the light tobacco is grown here. Hepointed out that af ter all it was the dollar that counts. In | that although more tobaeco was made 'in 1920- than in 1919 the price in 1919 was much more. J_The Cooperative Marketing ideiT Is nor a new ?jne" he said "it has been in use for sixty years ir. the European countries and 26 years in California. Therefore we are in position to profit b\ their -errors in j ?iF4ect*ng th^ plana. '- It was through jtfi!s=ro6T5erative selling ttfe speaker said, that California took the fourth |place from North Carolina. In holding I ?p th? prii-<*s of its products by busi | ress methods. He explained how I through this idea Danish butter was ? being sold nn-the Chicago marketi_t||g. i heart of the cattle centre. He saftT 1 1 her contracts adopted ror this state [for cotton and tobaccft WHH llie same lag tflat uf Callfoi nia except as fit was j nccessary to change for the different I crop. He stated that the Committee | appointed to draft the plans had work led on them for some time finally adopt i ing this one. and explained me differ ence between this association _and a 'general farmfrs organization. Mr. F. B. McKinne stated that there J were only two conditions that con trolled the crops. The nrst was Pro ividence. sending seasonable weather Iccnditions. The second was the sell ling conditions. "We can't help the I first" said Mr. McKinne. ."but we call and must help the seconc. I Mr. G W. Ford then occupied the floor with quite an enthusiastic talk. A call for the vote was made, which resulted practically "CTrianimous f or Franklin to enter the campaign. 1 Mr. H. B. H. Mask was present and ' made several wise suggestions and di rected the organization. An organi sation committee was appointed to select school district committees to put on the drive and to see and ap point a speakers committee to Belect ? I taker* and arrange for speakings at each community centre. The com rr.lttee selected was as follows: Dunns ? W. A. Mullen. Harris? Dr. R. P. Floyd. Youagsville ? J. T. Wilson. Frankllnton? J. A. Mltchlner. Hayesvllle ? H. F Mitchell. Sandy Creek ? W. H. riledsoe. Gold Mine ? A. A. Shearin. Cedar Rock ? W. D. Bowwen. Cypreas Vreek ? J. M. Sykes. I^oulsburg ? F. B. McKmne. After the selection of this commit- 1 tee the meeting adjourned fixing three j o'clock that afternoon as the time for j the committee to meet and arrange its 1 plans The entire meeting was one of much Interest and all present greatly en joyed the speeches by Dr. Kilgore and Mr Mask The organization committee of the Cotton and Tobacco Association met [Tri t^e CourfRouse sSUirdny 2<5ttr after ' Dr. Kllgore's address In the morning I end perfected plans for organising the j farmers of Franklin County into the Cotton and Tobaco Association* Mr Jos. C Jones was eloct^d Cam paign Director and a number of rep- ] resentatlve cotton and tobacco farm ers and business men were appointed | to work as a campaign committee. w After Dr Poe's address Saturday ' this committee will begin actively to j work on the following Monday and within the next fow days expect to j have the majority of our farmer en- | rolled in the two associations. raplnrrs SHIL / Sheriff H A Kearney and Const a- ' hie J K Thomas r?(k?rt the capture of a 70 gallon still outfit on Lynch's Creek near Mr. Sam Cannady's Mon day afternoon, and the destruction of about one thousand gallon* of beer and a lot of whiskey ?ULLUT I O.MAL ROADS MA Y ? I>AltH:HATt WXt.L err' Board Ext*?d? Order I'ar Re dnrtioa 1b WmtiTo 10W More Roa4^ -4utex Xmto I Beet Friday. Chicago. June 27. ? Employes on vtf tually every railroad will teel the 12 per rent wage ctll DlhrM by llie i xtt? road labor board to take eltect July 1, aa a result of a supplemental decision today extending the order to aearly It nldtilonal mirti Thr wage slash authorised June 1 to take efTecl FTTSay briglniilly con fani plated 104 railroads, although not the empToyei wereatrectedon air -y^a4^ ? Today '9 -addendum lo ttve de cision Included 210 roads, many of Which were parties to tne original ae clsion for employes not covered in the first order. ? The -redttcUeas ? authorized today were identical with those of the orig laal order, the only change toeing the addition of rates for marine workers id certain harbors and of a section cov orinc restaurant and dining car em djoyes. wfiose wages were ordered re duced by -60 per cent of all increases rlceivfd since FVbruary 23. 1920. Excepta few subsidiary lines, whose parent owners filed petitions for re ductions. every railroad affected by decision number two the labor boards $$00,000,000 wage award or July, 1520, has been authorized to reduce wages aa average of 12 per cent. Most of tliem have received such permission for all classes of employes. In addi tion. neariy two score other roads wllkii voluntarily applied the increas ed scale fixed by the board in 1920, alao have received authorization to make a similiar cut. In Honor Bride-tn-Be. A party, complimentary to Miss Ca Jllfo ..Yarhgroqgh, was given Thurs day afternoon at four o'clock by Mrs. J. L. Palmer. Miss Elizabeth Morton met the guests at the door, and usher ed them into Lhn_paxlor to be received by he Hostess. Mrs. Palmer, and Mrs. Yarbn rough. Mtsses Camilla and Elea nor Yarbo rough and Mrs. E. H. Ma~ Ih.- priKiHpnt fflLUie bridge cl\.b At the conclusion of the games of bi^dge and rook. Mrs. ft. F. Varbor ougii presented to the .orliie-elect. in Hits. Palmer s name a pair of lovely c^iMtcei- alippef-biMikleti. _The of presentation was most nappily wor dA, and the gift was received by Miss Y p f'bdfoujfh Tn a delightfully appro^ pnate manner. The refreshments of cream and cake were not only delicious. but har mnnixed beatttifully wllft the. coler srheme, yellow and white, the plates were decorated with nasturtiums, and jmints^of the same color tones were (also served. Of the entertainments 'given in Miss Yarborough's honor. | this occasion was one or tne most de Jlightful. Defeating School fronds. Kighty-seven school communities in North Carolina have voted $8,-55,000 ot bonds for new school buildings since January 1. of this year? and this in a year of hard timejf< Jt is j>roof positive that we are not yet bankrupt in spirit or in purse. School bond issues have failed to tarry in very few communities. Two of the recent failures are Hamlet and Louisburg. Hamlet fell down the oth er day in a fifty thousand dollar prop osition. and Louisburg in a sixty thou s; nd dollar proposition. and both those cities are rich as compared with fifty other communities that went over the top with a rush. Bunn. for instance, a little neighbor of Louis Hi rjr's, voted Kchool building bonds anvounting to fifty dollars per Inhab itant. Louisburg balked on a propo sition amounting to thirty-one dollars per inhabitant. In Hamlet 296 votes were cast In fi.vor of school brmds. and only 96 votes were cast against the issue. But the minority vote defeated the proposition.? News Letter A Card ?i Thanks. We take this method of extending our heartfelt thanks to all of our friends and neighbors for their kind ness to us during the sickness artd death of our son, Morton. Their kind deeds will long be remembered and hi&hlx appreciated. t Mr. and Mrs. S. J Matthews. Breaks In Beef Market. I On Saturday night some unknown person broke in J. F Faulkner's beef n?arket on Bast Nash street and car ried away about 25 chickens, three shoulders and a lot of eggs. The en trance was made through the front door after the lo< k *tiad been broken. No one had been arrested ki connec tion with the robbery at this writing j o Services at St. Paul** Sunda). The services at St. Paul's church j Sunday next will be Sunday School and Bible Class at 10 A. M.. Morning ' prayer and sermon at 11 A M and ad ministration of lliv Holy Communion at morning services. livening prayer and sertiwm at 8 I* M . Rev. N. Collin Hughes, rector, of fic i atlng. All are cordially welcomed to Ihe services KATVRPAT. JlXX WH. ' f* Vvf5juri?c* Po? will deliver u aHnit .kl Ui? ( oort Hoim ?* to?>w| tU te??n and ?r? etriliUy IitIM to pome and bear fclau A run-lean Lrfftoa "C??ntrr Store" Wi u j A Hoip rt??n cuwuuuiiigui ami uumums irf~ lun were the predominating features at the American Legion Country Store -that win staged -ln^ I .oniahnrg. Tues day, June 28th. The oojoci of thy American Legion is to" satisfy the FJl.'Ki.U ' ? with ? plfiaaing pnterrainmpnf at popular p*4c?s~? We hMliave that we achieved our object In producing the "Country Store.'' P. S. & K. K. "Allen again proved that Qlfty art our friends by providing a splendid pic We were delightfully pleased to find out Just how- many friends we have iu Lonisburg. It is evident that every merchant here is with us. because they responded to the man. with hand I some donations. A packed house i was undisputable proof of the fact that the splendid citizens of Louis burg. were willing to help us. Every available seat in the house was sold, j We wish again to thank the mer I chants, and the people of Louisburg, ?for their whole hearted response to jour efforts to pay ofT our indebted ness. It goes to prove tne old saying that folks will help you if you will try to help yourself. ? ft is n ermsoiattoir to feel that the citizens of Louisburg and North Carolina. aTe wilting ? to help the fellow that did time in the Army to help them, back In the dark days of the war. We hope with all our hearts that our comrades that "wpnt West," are able to see for them I former friends give to what we be lieve to be a good cause ? the building {of a clean Club for the young men and | women of our county. As a rule a person dislikes to have iaumeonijL-l'geLJheir" float." but we were 1 "tickled to death" when George CttTvfr ' not thi' ? American Legion's (loat. We 1 1. ope that George's kid enjoys the goat, j We couldn't. Personally we would ; rather have flowers. There's aJ dif I fere nee. We hope that Rev. Smith 1 will enjoy t hat rooster; ? Mrs. Wilde ^ I could not serve him to ner boarders a oUiur mmhImh and wt want 'to suggest that Dr. Smith takes him to la rock crusher and makes chicken sa j lad of him. Cade Hayes- says that he [wants that rooster s comb canned, be cause he- has- so many citiis for cann ,od rooster combs ? a delicacy in de maud by the Book Clubs of Louisburg. I William Jackson was very much pleas jed to draw that most valuable volumn I' The Art and Etiquette of Courtship." jWe believe that Jack needs that book. I judging from his past success as a ri Ival for some fair damsels hand. 1 Well, folks, if you had a good time ?at the Country Store, just wait until I the American Legion puts on a Thiefs I Vaudeville that they have ?n mind, and I we will show you a good time. We ; hope to cap the climax witff this pro We know that it will be 'good because William Jackson and 'Ruth Hall are going to help put it ov er. We could think for thirty days (if that were possible), and we could not think of a better advertisement than to say that Jack and Ruth are poing to put their heads together (par don us we mean brains) and work out Thiefs Vaudeville tor the American Legion, which we are believing will be the sum of SOME SHOW Held Without Bond. Percy Jones, colored was held with i out bond on order of Sheriff H. A I Kearney Monday afternoon for having: struck Roy Jackson, colored. In the .face with a baseball bat at a game of ball being played in Egerlon's pas ture. when Jackson crawled under the wire to see the game. Jones is being held pending the outcome of the injury. ?w Masonic OffKfrs. The following are the officers of Louisburg Masonic. Ixnige No. 413 elec ted at their last meeting tor the ensu ing year: /,/ R A. Newel*. W M-. ? 1 S. O. Foster. S. W. W B. Barrow. J. W K. J. Beasley. Treasurer. B. B. Perry. Secretary TV.e installation will take place at > ? :n on July 15th at the District n v * ling. Jtciivui SfnlffR at Cedar Hock Bap tist (hureh. A series of revival services will be gin at the t'?(lar Rock Baptist church | on second Sunday In July. Kev. W A. Smith, pastor of Pritchard Memo rial Baptist Church .of Charlotte, will do the preaching. The evening services at 8:30 and hour of the dfcy services will b?- an nounced later. Good good preaching. The public Is invited to attend the service?. J. LOUIS PRICK. Pastor If we scrap for Yap it will bo be cause we yap for a scrap. - Greenville. S C Piedmont. AMONG THE VTKTTfntf J. Wiggins. vem. to jodsicii yesterday. Mr. S. C. Holden visited Raleigh Wednesday. ? Mr F. N. Egerton left Wednesday for Seven Springs. ? Mr. -P ? ft. Pleasants and bride ? ar rived home Wednesday. Messrs. J. H. Best and A. A- Clifton visited Raleigh Tuesday. _ Mrs. N B. Allabrook. of Xatonc Q~ visiung ner people here. Mr W. M. Person r^urae^ Sttor ,day from a trip to Raisin. ? H. U Oandlee and F M Fui ? ler went to Henderson Tuesday. Messrs. L. L. Whitaker and J. A Mrs. S. J. Edens returned Tuesday from a visit to friends a 1 Farmvllls. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Tavlor and rhil dren were visitors to RaleTga "Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. E. F Thomas attend ed the ball game in Raleign Wednes day. Mrs. Dr. H. H. Johnson and child ren left Friday for Boston to visit rel atives. Mrs. J. C. Jones returned Wednes day from a visit to her people at War- - renton. ? Mrs. Tom Alexander. ~nt Charlotte, was a visitor to friends in Louisburg this week. Mr. J. J. Holdenxand son. Joe Ben. and Mr. E. S. Merritt visited Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. W. W. Webb and s^n, WtHmm went to Blackstone and Petersburg, Va.. this week. [ Mayor L. L. Joyner and son. Maur |ice, attended a ball game In Raleigh ! the past week. 1 ? Messrs. C-Uffortb Smith, t-heaiham I Alston and Paul Uoueiloy worn to Rol? i eigh Wednesday. Mr. M. F. Houek and son. Clifford, joi Henderson, were visitors to Louis Iburg Wednesday. j Mr. J. Q. Aqthpny. County ^ (mritifuir AgUlll or vance County. was in Louisburg Saturday. | Messrs. W. H. Allen and B. X. Wil ilianison went to Raleigh Wednesday | to -witness a ball game. Dr. A. II. Fleming ts in Rocky Mount to be with his wife at a local hospital, [who is reported as quite ill. | Mrs. C. E. Kennedy and daughter. Maggie, of Charleston. S. C.. are ris Jiting her sister, Mrs. S. j. Edena. j Mr. Frank Spruill. Jr.. of Rocky I Mount, passed through Louisburg Wednesday en route to Chapel Hill. Mrs. Geo. Cobb. Miss Mattle Allen. (Master Sam Allen and Mr. S. H. Brick lell infra visitors to Rare:gh Wednes ! day Mr. anil Mrs. James Collier. Mrs. W E. Collier and Messrs. Clyde Collier, jand H. H. Hilton attended the ball [game in Raleigh Wednes?<*ay Mr. and Mrs. M. Luther Shore and children, of Raleigh, visited relatives and friends in and near Louisburg Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Barnhardt and sodsT Car gle and Clifford, of Atlanta. Ga, *re visiting her pother. Mrs. B. B. senburg. Messrs. F. B. McKinne. J. J. Barrow. S. A. Newell, A. F. Johnson. W. D. Fuller and A J. Joyner visited War renton Monday. Misses Mary Wiatt and Eleanor Yar borough returned this week from near Asheville, where they attended the Blue Ridge Conference. Miss Mary Wiatt was recently chosen by St Mary's School as one of its represen tatives at the Conference Mr. F. A._Roth left Wednesday tor an automobile tour extending lata Canada. While away he will rtail 'Pittsburg, Cleveland, Detroit. Buffalo and -mnny of the Canadian cfttetf. W tu ruing by New York City. Hs Will be accompanied by Mr. Sprnill Up church. The trip will be made in Mr Koth's Hudson. Among those visiting Louisbacg to attend the wedding of Miss Camilla Yarborough to Mr. John Melrin Qtonn were Miss Jennie Parker, of ville. Miss Lizzie l^each, of LS$jSSbm. Miss Sallle Pearsall. "f Hii'l iiilBgi Mr. Pressly Davis, oj-^weldon. Mr. John Kliott. of Ojf^nville. S. C. l>r and Mrs. W. P. Scarboro. of Wcadtll. Mr. Waltef Scarboro, of Wendell. 3|r ami -Mrs. Wilkerson. of Wilson. Klre at Kearaej* PUsfr. r* The tire Tuesday morning noon was In the boiler room at ney's planer on the sontn side oft River, and we are Informed did damage. The fire department wered promptly and the fire waa atoc extinguished. *> o# . &

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