i. r. mmi. ' INDICATIONS 07 MORE LOANS TOR FINANCING CROPS 0* THE SOUTH WAR FINANCE corporation di. KECTQB IS INTERESTED . l.\|iort Conocrn Helping ? Flan to' Da For Totaeeo flmwcri Wtat Hn Be?a Bcgu For Cotton ? Sm Newi slty of Loans ? Jl?Ty Department Re ceives Third X) La patch. With Confirm atory News of Death of All Bat One Of Americans on Z R-i Washington, Aug. 28.? Further pro fhfas 1116 floating of loan* to assist Nortw^n if""1 growers pT ila LSf? ' 8ouUx Cro'in?. 0?or f I ' ,Lou1l,'a?? ai>ies In an effort to arrange more .'c credits for tobacco and cotton 1'- 1 "rers. \ -President Caldwell's letter to h, v. ' nicing institutions or the south aUQtfMl '^-Plrector Meyer In ?ays in part: v * > ** "The Federal International Banking company haa just coir>pleteg - -lu.vcra.ble to borrowers and we _!l?Petnat these facilities will do much ^ ~~ cotton Eugene Hjdi', ji'., uiumatmr director of theTVar Finance w^poST n. suggested at one of our confer^ - "P"""? r-iin.iiii wY?e tlmiFoi tETsSTfre-Egmgr ttrp tohn rrn WitHuut ?jlugUSj^ Ftueral International banking com ? Basy is anxious to Hn 0^n.?>.|ri sibleTowara assisting tnTfie marKeT-" ? illg r,{ nrf,rtn^?. "If you have any customers In the tobacco business who need financing h ^ j?.r a Blm"ar character, wo will rf?hi have you submit to us their pioblems, together with your sugges tions as to the manner in which we rnrv tir of miHliimrt "i In- his letter to Senatdr Stanley who represents a tobacco state, Mr. Meyei indicates the disposition of the War Finance corporation to be~of assiat an?-e. t0 the tobacco growers of the south. Previous statements of Direc the WirP^aVe 8hOWn the 111 ton tion of ri?r ?T. L. ?,a,nca S9rP?ratlon to ren der all possible aid to the cotton pro ducers of the southern states Writing to Senatpr Stanley' today Managing Director Meyer, who had the ?h? t(?KbaccoPro In tho pn>V ' lie w ho have never failed to rally to our support in every, undertaking with 'out a single exception. And we are t nutting yoitr-pttrmmigirttEBln With H I firm confidence that you will respond. And without the slightest hesitancy we promise you your full moneys MISS BALLARD HONflRKb. Honoring her sister, Miss KiUe Bal lard, of Frankllnton, Mrs. R. F. Yar borough, Jr., entertained at "Rook" Wednesday morning of last weefc from 10:3^ to 1 o'clock. The home was artistically decorat ed with a variety of cat flowers . Those participating In the game were Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro, Mrs. E. L. Best, Mrs. B. T. Holden, Mrs. H. L. . Candler, Mrs. F. O. Swindell, Misses Eleanor Yarborough, Mattle Allen and | Kate Ballard. At the conclusion of the game a de- , illcious salad coursc with Ice tea was \ served . EQUIPMENT EX ROUTE. Capt. H. W. Perry, of Battery B, Heavy Artillery, LoulBburg, informs us that fifteen thousand pounds equip ment has been shipped to the Battery and Is expected dqjly. Quite a lot of other smaller equipment has already been received, and other is to follow soon. ? He also announced a big barbecue suppec. for all the members present at drill on Friday afternoon and Is es pecially anxious that all members be on hand promptly. ? ? LOUISBUBG DEFEATS ZEBULON. Louisburg defeated Zebulon of the 1 Bright Leaf League here-' Tuesday In an erratic but Interesting game of ball. The features of the game was the pitching of Jim Allen and the bat ting of tlte entire Loulstrarg team. Baitterles: Louisburg, Allen, King and Whitaker ; Zebnlon. Kemp,, Smith, Green, Whitley, V. and Whitley, R. r ? GUESTS OK UK. AND WHS. R. F. YARBOROUGH. Miss Rle Parker, Miss Kate Ballard.) Mr. B. W. Ballard, and Mr. W. J. Ballard, of Frankllnton, and Mr. W.' C. Parker, of New York were guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Yarborough Wednesday night. Miss Kate Ballard who spent last west? with her s|ater, Mrs R'. F. Yar borough, returned to Frankllnton Mon day." . 0 .SCHOOL EXTENSION SCHEDULE. The following schedule has been an nounced, by the Community Service. Friday, Sept. 2 ? Bunn. ' ' Saturday, Sept. 3 ? Robert*, t Monday, Sept. 8 ? Popes. Tuesday, Sept. ft ? New Hope. Wednesday, Sept. 7? Mfcplerlllc. Thursday, Sapt,- &? Mt . Grove . Friday, Sfttt. ? ? Wood. , Saturday, Sept. 10 (Special)? Bunn ro OPEN SEPTEMBER 20TH LorisBi Bt. to hat* thbbe WAREHOUSES The PUaters Th? l ilea ?4 The Blf tnWe T> Hell Fall CUfi ?< Bayers ? Expect Fu ry Prtoe tor (to*4 Trttm. With all three warehouses To opw Ltiou and the promlae of aft tall corpe yt buyers from the JMtujba burg's tobacco warehousemen expect fo make the Loulaboin Marknt atron ser and more widely known this year than it has been for many years be fore. While some of the warehousemen will not venture a guess at thp prices Cor the weed this tall outers are fr-?e bi their opinion ,that good tobacco will command fancy prices, and upon this opinion would advise all farmers to De especially particular In grading their tobacco that no good tobacco may be sold at sacrifice prices on ac bacco. It Is apparent also that It will be especially necessary this year that the farmer keep his tobacco in thl proper order and give it the attention necessary to bring gooa prices If he wishes to get them for his tobacco. The Riverside Warehouse will be operated this year by Messrs. A. W. Perry, Jr., and B. R. Ferry, both of whom have been Identified with the Loulsburg tobacco market for several years and have proven themselves ex ceptional warehousemen. The Union Warehouse will be oper ated by Messrs. S. S. Meadows and G. C. Harris. Loulsburgr-8 pioneer warehousemen, whose reputation In their line needs no comments rrom us. These gentlemen are among Louis burg's most experienced warehouse men. ...The Planters Warenouse, will be operated by Messrs. W. H. Allen and Bon NT Williamson, whose good judg ment of tobacco and popularity with tUe glowers has made tjje rltmtcpo a favorite place for niany growers . The management has announced that Mr George W.- Cohb will, have-ehargs of the books of this popular warehouse. ? Mr-. Carl Pearce; wi?o -iron u?e favor o? the many growers wno sold on the Loulsburg 'market last year, as a most excellent auctioneer, wlll do the auc tioneering for all three of fhe wfrfctt houaes tliis yeai . ? The Indications now point, with one of the strongest personnels for many years, to Loulsburg as ? among the leaders In the sale of tobacco this year In so far as expert knowledge of r.an dling the sales and advantages to pay the highest prices are concerned, and the excellent accommodation and hearty welcome. If possible, will be exceeded. . SOME WORLD WAR RELICS ADDED TO HALL OF HISTORY. Miss May F. Jones, of Asheville, pri vats, secretary for Governor Craig, who was with the Y. M. C. A., 81st Division, in Prance, has presented some interesting rellps tp the Hall ot History, in the narau plates, sorvice records and photographs of two am bulances sent to the front from Ashe ville. Jp~ One anibulance was given tfy Mrs. C. D. Newton, of A?h>.vllle, in mem ory of Kiffin Rockwell, the ftrst North Carolinian killed in the war. It was used by the French army in the sector of Chemin des Dames and Alsne. La ter It was turned over to the United States army and uned at Sotssons. The other given by the North Caro lina Society of Colonial Dames of Am erica, served In the Argonm* soctor with the French and United States ar mies. * Miss Jones' sister. Miss Elisabeth Jones served with the Red Cross In a London hospital. Her servtce badge, sugar holder, Identification paper*, and ration papers have a?so been pre sented to the Hall of History. The ambulance plates form a part of the Red Cross collection, in the same case with the pnotographa and relics of Jled Cross work done In Ral eigh during the war. ? Rateigh Times . I " LOITISRURO WINS SECOND HALF.-] Since fastalla lost to Spring Hope Wednesday. Loulsburg is officially the winner of the second half In the TSr River League even If she loses to day to Spring Hope. The President of the Tar River League Is now try ing to arrange a post series with th" winner of the Bright Leaf League, which If he succeeds will begin next week. Justice defeated Loulsburg at Jns tlce Wednesday In a fast and Inter esting game by the score of 6 to 1. Batteries: Justice. Jones sod Flow, Loulsburg, Pace and King, Loulsburg will play Spring Hope to day at 4 p. m. This Is tbe last game , of the Tar River League. Although LoulBburg can not b? beaten for sec- 1 ond half honors, they will do their best to win this game. Go oat and cheer the boys to victory. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance mdte W continu es ?a kim. EProrr to e*d strife k ?)!]? FelWwteg Ike !?tin el Bat tntiiirl Ait4 Ben. (iitOu. W. "Vs., Agg. Wi 8UH itles early today anxkm?ly a advices from tlM eastern part |oC L>ER I I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wiggins cave a most delightful burbecue dinner to I (,'lite a large cumber of rela't.'ei and (frl^n^s r.' dc ? hp hu^e oaks at their I'ime net, 1 unliV.rg on la-t *tat?rdny In honor of ttw ?Ir?d biriadz/ of Mr Wiggins. The guests t>?-can to ar rive about 11 o'clock and a refreshing repast of discourse waj entoyed as the numbers began to s*?;i rati. th-? Targe and beautliul grovo was filled Kith relatl u and friend i vho had gathered to give honor to 'h?? host in his passing years and to partake of! his generous hospitality. About one' o'clock dinner was announced and the guests presented to a table fairly groaning under the heavy load or cued | pig. friend chicken. Bam. rake, plck | lea and In tact so many good things to i I eat one could hardly be expected to . j enumerate them. After thanks had; been offered by Rsr. O. F. Smith the j repast was more than enjoyed, till all [ felt as Hon . Ben T. Koltien gave ex- | pressloa "that the cue was so fine he won't even going to wipe the grease off his mouth." | The guests remained ror so nm time after dinner but soon the parting was necessary and many were the congrat ulations and good wishes extended to Mr Wiggins and his good wife for | siirely their knowledge of What It tak- . ea t j oleom a crowd and their ability 1 and generosity In providing It is not' excelled, I AMOSfi TBS VISITORS ?