|?MM or id Franklin Times A. y. JOBHSON, KUtor X , THE COUNTY, THX STATS, THZ UNION M*n T!a? K DkN. I srSscbhtioh aw r? TOLCMN L. L0ri8BCK?, k. c,. ebimt* September i?, mi MBBEB : TUESDAY IS TAG DAY1 EVERYBODY EXPECTED TO HELP * tnm, ? l.ouUburic To Erect s Memorial To ? W orld WfcF H rron ? To C?t Big flaw And Mount on Court (A)Mre. ? : ? !: will -Im. guoiL jjaacLlQ__tbe many 1'w'Dlf of Franklin Coanty who are Interested in the proper preservation of the memory to the boys who Aied In the service of their country In. the late World War to know that the Women's 1 Auxiliary ol the American Legion has taken up the suggestion in last w^elLH TINTES and will put on a campaign to raise the money to assure the realiza tion o t the wish uf so many. So sure are itiey that th?y will succeed that they will order the huge gun shipped once. ? 1 As stated laat wooU'tho only expense the community will be put to In con nection with the guil is td pay the ireight. Thltf amounts to about two hundred dollars and the ladles will be gin a campaign on next Tuesday to ralBe this amount, together with as muoh more aS~posslble to provide the marker and base. Next Tuesday has - been designated TAG DAY andlt Is* earnestly desired and expected that everybody will wear a Tag on that day, as it will represent the fact that you have contributed to the fund so near and ftear to us all . 'Don't wilt to be solicited, find some member of the Committee and give liberally. If "you don't And a member of the Com n ttee or It Isn't convenient* for you ? come, to Loulsburg mall your con i*ion to either, Mrs. D. T. Smith Mrs. H. H. Johnson, Mrs. G. A. Mrs. J. W. Mann or Mrs. This being a monument to the mem ? ? Jivary Individual unlrilar in the Cour.ty ?who paid the supremo pacri fice in the Country's cause, whether In camp, hospital or battlefield, every in dividual citizen In the county should be interested enoughsto jnake at least a small coaUUmUnn? __ Lets show our appreciations lor the ins an immediate voluntary contribu tion not only sufficient to cover the frcii.ln )???) to romnletp thp inli 1:1 fi .h n way as weJ would wish to see If that it might be completed and un viilcd at the services to be held ou l ^irr1 W-, A6HV if ma will all iln inn bit NOW.: MH. W. E. LZZKLL PEAP. Tnfl cnnmHnraniciit r.f fhq death nf JVlr. W. E. Uzzell which occurred at his home at Mapleviile early Saturday morning was received In Loulsburg Saturday with much sorrow. Mr. Uzzell had been In bad health for some time, but his many trlendB were not _ aware _ot the_ immediate seriousness of It until after the end had come. He was fifty years old and besides <hls wife and one son, Mr. Gordon Uzzell, he leaves three half sisters, Mrs. O. H. Harris, of Loulsburg, Mrs. Martha Perry and Mrs. Mary Perry, of near Mapleviile. c ^ "Buck," as hie Well shown thro ughout Franklin County through his fcrmer connection with the Loulsburg Tobacco Market and the Trgrftiera and Merchants Bank; had a host of friends who knew him to be a man whose lriendshlp was vfQftb while and whose ability and falrniWwM recognized by all. He was a faithful husband and father whose pleasures In life were largely at home with his family. To know him was to appreciate him. The funeral Mtfrvieei were held from his Mrtme at MaplevUle on Sunday af ternoon and were conducted by Rev. W. M. QlLmore. of Santord, a former, pastor, and the Interment was made In the beautiful little cemetery at Maple Springs. . Special huslcal selections! were rendered, and both services were 'largely attended by friends and rela "? tlves both at home and at a distance. The pallbearers were Messrs. E. H, Malone, M. 8. Clifton, H. H. Hob good. R. R. Perry, B. N. Williamson, L. L. Joyner, S. P. Boddle and Dr. R. P. Yar borough. The floral tribute was especially large and beatfMful, giving evidence of the esteem in which he was held. The bereaved family haa the deep est sympathy of the entire oounty; TRKSENTS 00M> HEADKD CANE. In recognition of tho high eateem lri ' which they hold their former pastor and teacher, the Bible Ciasa of the Baptist Sunday School Thursday night of lost week presented a beau tiful gold headed walking uon* to Dr. W. R. Rurrell, who haa ^ocepted a charge at Monroe and waa here at the time preparing to move his household effecla. The cane waa prosonted In a most touching addreaa by Supt. W. Mills, and was accepted In beautiful words iSy tJr. . Burrell. ? < ?o ' '? "MITPAIi BB 8P0 N 8IBILITT OF srHOOii and comnrrnTT." The above wtll be the text ot the morning sermon of Rev. Q. F. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church on dent Sunday according ttt announcement this week. Services will be conduct ed at the osufcf evening hour also. The public la lnrlUd. MBS. B. F. YABB0B0U6H, #B. H08TB88. The Tuesday Afternoon Book Club ?on, Tuesday afternoon oi this we etc. with Mrs . R. F. Yarborough, Jr., at her home on Main Street. A variety of cut flower* prettily dec o rated the living room and dining room, where the guests assembled. It . waa an occasion or pleasure to the members of the club and other Invited guests to be together again and to renew their lnteroet in the dieeue alon of books and literary subjects . Mra. 8. J. Parham, re-elected Pres ident of the club, presided gracefully over the meeting. Mrs. R. F. Yar boroUgB called tliu rull auil read tbg Minutes of the last meeting, which was held Jone 14th, with Mrs. J. L. Pal mer. hostess, and recalled so pleasant ly ^y all. The Oonsfltutton and By lawg were then read, a custom of the club, wtth the tnttlar~meettng . After discussion of new books, mem bers were notified that the books must be ready to pass at the next meeting, Sept. 27th. The subject of discussion for the club for 1921-1922 Is "Travel" ? In Italy. France. England. Scotland. Ireland, Russia, Spain and America. To each couutry two or three meet ings will be given, with "Geographl cal," ~tlfe and Customs," "Literary Place," "Art, Music and Drama" Sket ches of each, with Readings from the best authors. "Italy," the subject of the program for the afternoon was chaiuilimly d<% veloped. i.. ? Mrs. R. C. Beck's paper on "Ital ian Romance Writers," was delightful giving an insight to the romantic spir it of the Italian Renaissance. In con clusion, a lovely tribute was paid to Dante, no fitting and appropriate, Sept. 14th, being the anniversary ot read a sketch of George Eliot's "Ro mola," the writing of which the Author, spent much time in Italy and picture? so vividly scenes of Italy in it. Yarborough told the story most interestingly, reading charming sket ches from the book. Mrs. D. F. Mc BaWil papor "Italian T.ifg In Tnwn and Country" was delightfully Inter esting and informing, contrasting- the life of the peasantry, middle class and nobility. Much humor and wit ran through har rlpar rtptlrvn rtf the hump. life anil eu stoma ot thwt pgoptg and much laughter greeted the accounts . amusing the Expression -teacher -of (xxiisburg College, gave a dellghtfully amusing Reading, "The I In iillrtnir \T|?1a ** DnQlKing MulC. The hostess, assisted by Miss Annie Perry Ncul and Wary Ttyatt Yarbur ough, served delicious cream and cake. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Isaac Oreen. of Weldon, Miss Rentz, of Florida, and Miss Waddell. of Sel ma. FRANK ALSTON DIE8 AT ('HABLOTTE SANATORIUM Friends of Frank Alston will regret to learn of his death at Charlotte San atorium on Aug. 31st. ? Mr. Alston hai) many friends among tbe traveling men having beten a traveling salesman for twenty-years. ' He' traveled the southern utatoH and wu on his way from Alabama to his headquarters at Charlotte when he was taken sick at Monroe. He was operated on for ap pendicitis, his condition considered serlouj/ his sister, Mrs. W. H. Pleas antaiTr., and Miss Maude Ashley left Immediately for Charlotte and wag at his bedside whet; the end came: His remains were brnu^ht to MB Bid BottSS in Warren county^ IThe funeral ser vices was conducted T>y Rev. Mr. Dra per, of Warren Circuit. Mr. Alston was upright and honorable in every sense of the word and was loyal to his .friends. He leaves three sisters and 'four brothers to whom we extend our sympathy In this their hour of sore be reavement. ? * MAKES RAID. Sheriff H. A. Kearney, Constable J. E. Thomas and Revenue Officers ?toiest Raines and ft. H. Meadows re itort a raid on a still plant about seven miles northwest of Loulaburg In Hay eSTllle township, where they destroy ed about four hundred gallons of beer and found tan gallons of whiskey and a lqt of copper near the home of F. O. Strother, who was arrested and brought to town to be given a prelim inary hearing, which was postponed to Monday. September 26th. 3. _o i CliFXiriNO A1*I? PRESSING SHOP. Mr. S. W. Putrli, of Fairmont, ha* lttMd the Medlln building on Court Street, and la equipping an ^up-to-date Gleaning and Preaelng eatal>llihment therein, f The machlnea and boiler and gem* other equipment ha* been receiv ed and are being placed. Other equip ment la expected In the next tew day a. F.Quirrarr for combat train. i ? ? .J Capt. R. H. Underwood of the Touaga ?llle Combat Train Informed the YoangarUle correepondeat to the Tim et that he la )uat In reoetpt of one thousand pound* of equipment for same and la expecting further supplies (tally.. 'REACHES OPENUKi SERMON For Loglsbir; Ollw At Methodist Chsr<"h ? Large Crowd Preseat. ft. ? _ _____ _ Her. L. S. Mas?ey, President oT Loulsburg College, preached the open ing sermon to the students at the Methodist church on last Sunday mora Ing to quite K large congregation. Taking tor his text Phllllplans 3-8 "Yea doubtless, and I count all things ^1 lnn? fnr lh? nrnUfinrr al the. owledge of Christ Jesus, My Lord;' I for whom 1 have suffered the lues of all things, and do count them hut dung, that 1 may win Christ." he made an especially strong appeal to put Christ ftrst of all things. Hfs dis course was fuTT- of sound logic and well delivered and was much enjoyed by all who heard It. Pl'BI.lC SPEAJtlJtG. Hon. W . M. Fergon la announcing a public speaking at Moore's mill (or Saturday, September 24th, 1921. at which time he proposes to rti?rii?? "our high taxes, those responsible tor them ' and our remedy . " Tbe speak ing will begin at 12 o^clock. After the speaking barbocue and refresh ments?wilt be served . Mr. Person Informs us that his address will be n>ore educational than polUScal and that It Is being made in the interest of the public rather than of himself. The pnhllc is invited to attend TAKES ?VEB STAB THEATBE. Mr. C. K. Cooke informed the Tim es man Tuesday that he had leased | the Star Theatre from Messrs. P fL_ & K. K. Allen and would operate it this season. He expects in tho near future to put on an every nigUt pro gram with the popular prices provalV lng^ ^ Mr^Coo^e^ ^mach^ | and we are sure he will meet with miir-h HiKTptm In Mb new effort MASONIC. The Louisburg' Lodge No. 4U A. P. & A. M. will hold Its regular Commu nlcatlon on next Tuesday night. Pro bably work In the third degree will be In order . ? All Masons, who can, ar* urged to be present. > Pl'NKIVt'E?TgB Mr. Editor: ? Punkln Center h*a| been dried and found wanting . jlgnajrittrfllia ttlB .Tnrlg^ li;m nnrhtng to do out play with his toes and fuss q ^ Mro. ^owoor. Ho oftyn pho ic tho cause of it alt. She made the pond go dry just to spit* him, and that the next thing will be a divorce. The Honey Bottles na.v? long gmcs cetnea their risjts to the beach as there Is nothing but mud for them to bathe In, and guess they don't like mud baths. So you see I jrlll have no use for that wire for* Prank McKlnne until next summer, therefore I snail counter, mand.the order. Gljid to hear from Popes correspondent as be fad kept quiet so lone. If be had Deen dead, perhaps my trumpet would have rais ed him, as he said people thought It was Gabriel blowing. I am very glad to know that Popes has so many old maids as that Is zackly what I've been looking tor for sixty years more or less. But It seems that I have no cTTance to meet any or tnem, as 1 am kept busy in the "orchestra" all the time, and as soon as the showls over they seem in a great hurry to get out, and none but a tew Turnip Sallets ev er come up to speak to me. Now Mr. G. H. P. you tell those old maids not to be In such a hurry to leave ndxt time I cohie or J shall" put Bob Con yers on their track. l am sorry to know- that Mallle Ransdell Is too stin gy to drink enough branch water when there la a freshet, for I usually stop at his house on show nights and take supper with him, and If he Is as stingy as all that, am sure lie would rather I would pass on In the future. | But I do so much enjoy eating at his house as Mrs. Ransdell Is one of the best of cooks, and has the best ham sop and gravy I ever flopped my bill : into and T sure do have a greasy meat time (it his house. Now Mallle how about It: Is Q. H. P. telling the truth? or stretching his blanket as us ual. If you are too stingy to drink enough branch water, I hope you will not get too stingy to breathe fresh air, as fresh air will prolong your life and don't cost a cent. Now G. H. P. how about yourself being stingy? If you have been at any of the picture shows, I have ndtvjeen you . Does the ten oents admission keep you away? If so I will borrow Bob's banjo for you and you can tell the doorke- per that you belong to the orchestra and be Will let you In free of charge. It you have been at any of the shows while I was thore, don't you think you hare treat ed me mighty shabby by not coming up and speak to me a few words of consolation? I shall keep an eye out for you and hope to see you there next time, and If you are not there I will take you before Judge Bob Oonyers for trial, then you will be sorry for yourself. Tell Rob to pick out the purtlest one of those old maids tor me. for I expect to be at the next show. That's 'bout the best thing I can think of. PUHDlNr. P. 8. ? O. H. P. an>H that I play the Violin. Wonder If he cart tell a fiddle from a Violin? I never could play a Violin. PTUC8. Jl'DCE ALLE5. 'nmklln Bar Fuwi BesolsUoas ? ? Oert A4J*ar>s la Hit Hn?r. owing the announcement of the of Associate Justice William R. at his home fn Ooldsboro on ay nf last w? k IBs ? Bar o t lln County passed the following Hons which war* read In op4a and concurred In at the morn Conrt gstarday: of the Bar of Franklin Superior Court, now In ses d?e Bond presiding resoWe as tla Court ooacnrrlng In the resotntlons and roquest 'lerfc to spread same on the w? Wfx great I' leeply regret that tho career of itinguished Jurist Is ended and rd his departure aa being ? a [oss not only to the Judielal De .-us 1 but to the wntlre State, and ider to his bereaved family our ,> sympathy. -? ntt when the Court adjourns today m ?fl'i'n ii In honor of his memory. We request the Court to order this raadBtlon spreatT upon the record . Flf Uln founly ??opU re?l the Iqhb of ?tfgoort a cltlaen strongly and thor oughly concur in the remarks of the Charlotte Observer, which said edltor <3??? State is today sensible of a dis ,o*s in cltisenship in the death of Wfliiam R. Allen. Associate Justice '"^Supreme Court . The passing of Ininent citisen and jurist cade vlth Startling suddenness- and will " ' a feeling of profound sorrow jhotrt the SUte . Judge Allell Hnagarded as one of the finest jur latsfaa North Carolina. In mentality ?ad professional equipment, it has b?ea Remarked by mutual ^fiends, he Wt^ml the tvne of tne late jiidge FraaK Osborne of any man in the State. Judge Allen was a political |forc**i thn Statn and in Ttic whit- sn ? ' ? :y campaign he rendered a con splcuously effective service. He had; serve# on the Supreme Court bench | for eliven' years and had established a distluiuishcd record. He was a great Meu?uf 1Mb Qovcrnui Aycocfc aud |prov? a powerful force tn promotion 1 of th^t Governor's famous educational i iWMwn. In contemplation of his I ?* ? the State must feel itself im- 1 ijilSuIium'g AuxllUlj 'Uf Louis burg . Baptist church met on Tu I eMay mpu. Sept" i.i, witli MVb . h. A. Kearney. The following program on state Missions was rendered. Song? Mv Country. "Tib of Thee . Prayer ? Mrs. D.' T. Smithwlck. Scripture ? 67 Psatm. Mrs. J. O. Newell. Report of Associational Meeting ? I Mrs. W. R. Burrell. An Appeal for State Missions ? Mrs. Prayer ? Mrs. Hilton. Sketch of the life of Jack Mills ? Miss Pauline Smith. Sketch^ of the life of Thomas Mere dith ? Miss Mattle Allen. Prayer ? Mrs. J. S. Howoll. Song ? Bless be the Tie That Binds. Closing Prmyer ? Miss Mattle Allen. At the close of the meeting. Mrs. J. |Q. Newell presen ted h beautiful pin to Mrs. W. R. Burrell, as an expres sion of the appreciation of the Y. W. A.'s for the Interest she has taken in the work. May Qod blesir her as she takes up the work In her new home. After the meeting the hostess served delicious refreshments In two courses. The Y. W. A. will meet Tuesday night. Sept. 27, wltft Miss Kffie Tay lor. The following ladies were present: Misses Mattie Allen, Ma y Cooper, Beu lah C?*y*r, Kelher Andrews, lantha Plttman, Nannie Hall Hale, Paulinp Smith. Km ma Bartholomew. Virginia Perry, Effle Taylor, Eleanor Turner, Mesftanras Ben T. Holden. H. H. Hilton. D. T. SmithwicK, C. A. Rag land. l?. l?. Whltaker, W. H. Allen. Roht. Bobbttt, C. B. Barnes. Ben 'Saundara, C. C. Hudson. H. A. Kear ney, J. 8. Howell. J. O. Newell. jSKRVICBS AT ST. PAin*S CHI'KCH Immediately after a short morning I service on Sunday, the IRth, there will be a congregational meeting at St. Paul's church to consider Important changes ln the Church's administra tions Erery member or tie congre gation Is urged to attend. Regular Sunday School and Blhle class at 10 A M ,H?t. N. Collin Hughes. D. D.. officiating. * SOHEDCLE . The following schedule has been an nounced by the School Extension Ser vice: The meetings open now at 7 : 30 . Krldayi Sept 18 ? Bunn. Sniurday, Sept. 17 -Koocrts Monday, 8?pt. 1? ? Popes. Tuesday. Sept. 20 ? New Hope. Wednesday, Sept. 21? Mapleville. I Thursday. 8ept. 22 ? Mt. Grove, t Kridaj. Sept. 22? Wood SK^VItlS AT PINKY GROVE . Rev. Q.?F. Smith announce that he will ooduct serrtoea at Plney Orore Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All are invttad to attend 3t> . . \ AMONG BB VISITORS Mr. R. B. White, of W?ke Foreat, attended Court here Saturday. ? Ml. J. W MMIlia, u{ Manaon. waa a rial tor to LouMnrg thla week. Mr. R_ 8. McColn, or Henderson. , waa a i latter to Uonlaburfc Monday. ? - Mr. T. T- HlcU, or Henderson, at tended Court In CoutabarK Tuesday. Rev. W. M. Oilmore and lamlly, or Saaford. ware vlattora to -Loulahuns the past week. Mra. P. 8. Spruill and daughter, of Rocky Mount, were visitors to Louls hury W>rin??ri?v Dr. H. G. Perry, of Acrtan, W. Va., was a visitor to hla people In and near Mr. T. L. Vick. of Enfield. was a iNsitor to LouUburg till* weelc, f?ucHt of his nelce, Mrs. H. W. Perry. Messrs. F. W. Hicks and A. A. Clifton attended a meeting of the Ma sonic Chapter at Henderson Tuesday night . Messrs. F. J. Beasley. W. B. Bftr row and Hugh Wtlson went over to Hen dersrnj Tuesday night, where they took the first three degrees In Chapter Ma sonry. MISS HOBGOOB IN PLEASISfi RECITAL Miss Olivia Hobgood, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hobgood. of MftplevlHe, left Sun day, for Abilene, Texas, where she takes charge of the Department of Ex pression in Simmons Cotlege. Miss Hobgood taught the past year in How ard Payne College. Texas, also in the summer sch6ol of Expression at Wai ahachie, Texas, froc which we take the following Press (Kit lee ?_ Thursday evening. June 16. the School of Expression presented Miss Olivia Hobgood in "The Great Divide," a drama of three acts, ? t>y~ ^William Vaughn Moody. ? Ming Hnbgood proved horoolf an ar i tist indeed in her interpretation of character and situation ; also she show ed her artistry in that she enabled both student and the practical business man- to eojov wlikn thy power ex pression exhibited in lier classical se lectiob . Miss Hobgood is not only one of is also a noted writer. She has con tilbutml shuit sturles -amt- poenia- to The American. Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, ? Woman's ? Home Companion and other leading publlca tions . The Sims library auditorium was filled to Its capacity. Mrs. F"ugate presented Mrs. Roland Harrison, a lo _cal music ^eacher. who <a-re a piano solo. Then Mrs. Frugate tn a charm ing manner presented Miss Hobgood to the receptive aiidlence, which greeted Miss Hobgood with applause as she appeared. SERIOl'S CHARGE AGAINST ARRITKLE Movie Comedian Will Be Charged With !_ First Degree Murder. Police Say. San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 12. ? A formal charge of first degree murder San Francisco police authorities have announced will be preferred today against Roecoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle, the motion picture comedian, undei arrest here in connection with the death last Friday of Miss Virginia Rappe film actress. Miss Rappe's death followed her at tendance at a party given in Arbuck le'a suite at a local hotel a week a *(/. Bhe died of injuries, which District Attorney Matthew Brady, of San Fran cioco, and other authorities allege were Inflicted by Arbuckle. Arbuckle is held without bail in the hall of justice here. He was arrested last Saturday night on his arrival from Los Angeles and was bookod on a charge of murder. He is confined in a small cell, number 12. on the hall of Justice tier known as "relony row." The Arbuckle case, his connection. If any, with the death of Miss Rappe, Is scheduled to be brought before the San Francisco county grand jury to night. A coroner's inquest Into Miss Rappe's death has been called for next Tuesday. . . ? . Arbuckle has requested that none but his attorneys be allowed to see him at the hall of Justice. He declln ed yestenl&y on the Advice of council, in make any statement. His lawyers a'rn refused to make a statement or discuss the case in any way. P<^ice yesterday were busy examin ing witnesses whom they say will be presented to the grand Jury tonight. These witnesses number 22 and are be In* guarded by police detectives. FIRST BALK NKW COTTON. The flrst bale of new cotton sold on the Loulsburg Market this season was iold on list Friday by Mr. A. W. Per ry. Jr., to Mr. C. T. Stokes for 18 cents a poundy/lfotghlng ??.r> pounds. The bale was/ginned by Mr. W. J. Cooper . ' THM FRANKLIN T1MK8 fl.SO Per Year to Adranoe TOBACCO MAEKET OPENS TUESDAY 5EW SEASOJT. A 'I Til roe Wwl?ww Tit Kill Hii. eral Bayers Already H>r? ? Iwt ArtWtj la TtMecn Circles. ? Prgpttfauwn tar ma opening of jp? Lou.la tmrs_ Tobacco Market on <filt Tuesday by the seTeral irarehoaaes and Tobacco Companies hare KWtlt been completed. All three Vim houses will be operated tins seaaeta ? the Union by Weodaww <L Ilai lia. the Planters by Allen and Wllllamstfp, Ad the Riverside by Petry & Perry ,-BMk' I house has been put In readlneaa fffi** aftmit all that l? needed now t? MO plete the advance Is the weed, wfclch is expected to to here 1n good (nmntt ties. Judging trom the reports from other markets (airly good prices may ,be expected on all grades especially the better ones . A full corps flf fcuy are already here and have made their arrftagememg? roi ? tne season. - Git a- load ready and be prwnt -OB. the opening sale. There will be many here and you will enjoy the day. Lo?fe? hurg WELCOMES you. YOrSGSVILtE TOBACCO . JLLBKET OPENS Opening sales on the Youngsville To bacco Market on Wednesday. Sepit. 7, forecasted good prices on practically all tobaccos with the exception ot'tfeb very commonest types. With two Warehouses. Banner and Eagle open, and a third. Planters, soon to be in operation, the Market opened with iiu offering of thirty thnnniaJ pounds of first and second priminga. The farmers, without exception, were erage for the entire sale of sixteen cents per pound. With a full corps 'of buyers, all de siring tobaccos,' Youngsville bids fare to sell its quota of the crop at the beat possible prices. l'ne following is a list of the buyers representing their respective Companies: Mr. P. G. Satterfield, for the J. P. Taylor Co., Mr. W. R. Collie, for the Export Leaf Triharrn Cn , Mr a T. Hbbguod, 8or the Imperial Tobacco Co., Mr, W. T. Spalding for the R. J. Reynolds To nr?, lifr ^nhn Y. Stokes for 2BB LlggBlt gull tfltfjHHg I uljauiu LU. Iht American Tobacco Co. 'a representa tive is expected on s%ie not later than Monday. Sept. 19th. The following independent buyers are represented: Mr. H. T. RiilUnp-tnn Mr- Stanford, of Klnaton, Mr. Monk, of Durham, Mes srs. Long-ami Arnold, Mr. Dr AvWeb ster, Mr. Royster and Mr. R. E. Un derwood . A Board of Trade having been organ lied with, the following officers, F. Q. Satterfield, Pres., W. R . Collie, Vice Pres., and R. E. Underwood! Sec. and Treas., and with the Warehousemen all working in full harness, Youngs ville prospects for the season's selling looks bright. ! It is with a feeling of regret and a deep appreciation of a loss sustained that the face of the late ,C. C. Cheat ham is missed from its place In the Warehouse?*, nn thp galea n"d about the town, alike, by farmers. Warehouse men and buyers. RESOLUTIONS OK RESPECT. i Mr. Claude C, Cheatham was born in Granville County. N. C. March 2nd, 1868. he was brought up on the farm by Christian parents where be imbib ea the principles ji p;.sh and pluck; and when he reached his majority he located In the town of Youngs-rills and 'engaged In the Tobacco Warehouse business and soon made a reputAttaa that was not confined to ope locality. On July 17th, :S97 he was nuirrtv) ?o Miss Cora Winston, of Youngs vllle, N. C., and to this union wan born Bre children, four boys ana one girl vho with their mother mourn the lont of this kind and Indulgent fattier. He wan a consistent member of the M. B. Church at YrmjurilK and was laid to rest In the family cemetery by bis pastor. Rev. E . R. Cleg)?, aakt ed by Rev. C. L. Dowel I . He' fM senior member of the tobacco trade his town, was a charter member UK) director of the Rank of Youngsville and so continued till the end, he was a power In the councils or trade and a leader In the civic reforms and uplift of his town, he was full of chear and friendship and universally beloved by those who knew him bast; to was con genial in business relations, safe in council and so endeared himself to us an co-workers to leave an abiding In terest in those near and dear to him. While we do not understand why Jbe Heavenly Father calls new, we bow In humble submission to His plans and Invoke His blessings on the bereaved family. We send a copy of this resolution to Ue family, to tb? County papervami have the same spread en the minutes of the Bank. Respectfully. o. t. aim v I. W. MITCHBLU J A. WILLIAMS. ?Mr, M_ L. Plttman, of (alienors, vlstttftg his people

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