Times v. ? ? ** 'ft ?>- n* tr? r^ TOLUIOt L. ZS? OCTOBES 1, 1981 ASKS ROAD ? TRUSTEES RESIGN ? nvjt ljj nteituti ? ? ? ? ? - ? : C017NTT C0KHUS10KZKS WAJIT NKW BOARD FOB LOUlSBCBfl ~ The Krectton ?( Ckvek n4 Brtwtl? Hoiig?jw Hut; Mat Putwiu* - A train Oct. 17, 1191. The Board of County Commissioner* met in rcjuisr session on Monday with all members present. The meeting was opened with prayer by Kgv . U . F. ""Smith, paator nt y,railfhnrg Metho dist church, after which the mlnutea disposed of as followa: On motion of Hudson and seconded by Tlmberlake the erection of the church and retention house at the County home was deferred on account of public sentiment. .? - Motion of Tlmberlake and seootiflfid " by Hudson. Annie Neal was plated on outside pauper list at $4 . 00 per month. Motion of Hudson J. C. Junes, Sup erintendent Public Welfare, was in structed to Investigate condition of Martha Blacknall and report to Coun ty Commissioners at once. Motion of Hudson and seconded by ? Fuller that the County purchase ce ? -meat from Allen Bros. Co. for Alert bridge at 89 cents per sack. , ? Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, County Kt'alth officer, was received and filed. i-:i> reports County home and Jail In ? - it its condition. . Kion of Hudson seconded by Tlm 1 . that all accounts against the I o;: ty be Itemised as to article ana price . ? ^ Keiicrt of J , C . Joues, Superintend? rnt of Public Welfare, was received and filed. Motion of Hudson seconded by Wil der that the voucher for August for J. C. Jones be issued and paid. Minimi ut Hudson eeoeadod by Wil der that all of Lioulsburg Road Trus tees be asked t6~Wira In Umly rwtia liation at ence. ,? Report of J. J. Holden, Superinten fileJ. He reports'10 white and 11 col ored lntnates acoounts Monday, Octbber 17th. 1921 . o " ' it>TTO^AJU> TOUACCO SICX-LP ? v ? <'aiiii>algnComlng To a Close ? Only a Few More i)nys T,eft In Wlilcli To .loin ? Campaign CI ? .es Saturday, Octobcr 15. After the most successful campaign ever undertaken among the farmers forthelr organization the sign-up cam paign of the Cotton and Tobacco Qrow srs Associations of North Carolina comes to a close at sunset on Satur day, October 15th. These two associations nave done what has been said to fee impossible, that is they have organised over fifty per cent of the cotton, and tobacco far mers into a business-like selling or ganization which will make them the most powerful selling agdhcies of the two products In the world. " It ? tag been the dream of the Agricultural leaders In the South for .years of or ganizing the cotton apd toDaoco farm ers so that they might hare control of the sale of their crops s$d much has 1 een the speculation of th? power fhey might wield and of the prosperity that v ould come to the South as the result cf aucb organisation. , The success of these arfcanlsatlons has been unpara Helled and tbev stand today the strongest co-operative enter prises in the world and alt the old to bacco companlee and cotton exchan ges combined do not equal them in the control of the two crops. A large portion of the two crops grown in Franklin county have already been signed up In the associations and It Is hoped that by the time the cam paign ends on the ISth that fully sev enty-five per cent of the farmers will have signed up In them . This means for Franklin county and for Che South years of prosperity and an end to the crop mortgage system which has made slaves of tbe southern tarnfkrs for the V past fifty years. . ? TRIAL OF AKBUCKE STARTS lit MOTOMBEB San Francisco, Cal ., Oct. 8. ? The ?. ease of Roscoe C. ("Fatty") Arbuckle on the c barge of manslaughter found against him In the police court In con nection with the death of Virginia Rappo waft, assigned today to the oourt of fiuperlot Judge Harold Louderbaok ? tor Wat . Arraignment was Mt for Wednesday lit whlcfl time, according to the oourt Arbuckle must b? present . The court expected that ArbOokle's trlul would Do held In November. Ro bert If. WeC?ormart, assistant United States attorney general In obarga of the prohlMMi 'Pt-oeecttttons enoun ced he expected to go before the fed eral irrand Jury tomor##w 'and aqk In dictments against oortatB firms and Individuals suspected of having sold liquor to ArfttWl* d* the occsslon of the party in Which Wss Rappe was ?aid to hate been fatally injured. PLANS BIG A JUSTICE CKLE- - B RATION GETTING UNDER WAT I ieseu Cbalrmaa] Of Committee To Pat It Across. Major 8. P, Bod die, whose war re cord li too wall known to require com ment, was unanimously chosen to head a committee to put across a celebra tion 6h Amuttto lMy. Not. 11 morel fore attempted In Franklin County. While it Is planned to hold this cele bration in UonUbnrg It la the Inden tion to make It an affair In which all F'ranklla County Is to join In that spirit ot thanksgiving WMCtl we felt oa that memorable flay in ? m? when at last the termination of the most terrible oosttfct In the world's history was consumated. Franklin County In that great war must never be allowed to grow dim, so It is particularly fitting and proper that this day should be set apart and every man, woman and child of Frank lln County should unite to honor their the bloody fields of France by a cele bration of such magnitude and splen dor tha^. this day will ever stand out clearly in the memories ot all.' To make this day the success it de | serves to be every one must get be hind the Idea and push. It is hoped that every citizen of our county and his family will be present In Loulsburg on Nor. 11, to enjoy the various fea tures that are being prepared for their enjoyment and entertainment . The Fair Association has promised lQ ftrnke Armistice nay the big day of the fair, and as 'an added inducement all ex-service men will be admitted to the It is planned to have in the morn ing a mammoth parade the greatest ot Its kind ever attempted la Louis burg. in which every organization and every township of Franklin County will be represented. Three full bands will be secured to provide concerts during the day and play for the street > day ana dance and festival to be held at night. One QLthfi most prominent speakers ad dress the people. These are but a few of the features | to be provided . Lets talk it up. plan to come vnnnwlf then -t?H yoar iDelgli bor about it. It is going to be a day yeq.'U na*ar. target itiorCt^-mlBs. ? It Remember" the date Nov. ll. we know you'll remember It next year. THE BIO OPPORTUNITY <>? TUT YEAR Help Others and Thereby Help Yonr Self ? Annual Bavuir Episcopal Ohnrch . We announce to the citizens of Louis burg and Frankiin County that again the opportunity will be presented to them to attend the Annual Bazaar of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, which ?>% 111 be conducted by ti e Woman's Auxiliary at Louisburg, N. C. Tues day, Dec. 6th, 1921.' The many articles of wearing ap parel will be dainty and useful, and In buying them you will be making a purchase that you could not duplicate elsewhere. There will be numerous fancy, hand made articles that are needed In every home, and are most deslrahl* Christmas gifts. For those with a sweet tooth, we shall have the most delicious home made candles, pure, fresh and tanta lizing. C We will servo a salad course that will be a feast to the eye as well aa the palate. The proceeds from this Bazaar will go to our Orphanage, our Boys' Train ing School and for Missionary Work. 1 ou get your money's worth and more, and your money goes forward to a no ble cause,? Charity and Chr^afjanltv . We wish to thank our many friends for their liberal attendance and pat ronage in the past, and wa hope that the same old familiar faces will be seen at our on-coming Bazaar, togeth er with many new ones. Come and bring a friend to the Episcopal Bazaar, Dec. ?th, 1921. LIST OF JTTR0R8. The following Is a Hat of Jurors drawn for November term of Frank lin Superior Court: Dunna ? 8. B. Mullen. F. W. Ray H. R, Perry. W. H. Tant, F. L. Boh bttt, W. WI1?T Bunn. Harrto? -J. D. Baker, R. L. Horton, P. W. Bennett, J. M, Dlckereon. TounnsYllle ? D, W. 80Wey, C. 0. Woodllef, W. T. Toung, H. W Allen. mnkllntdn? tt. K. Wpodllef, T. L Joyner, W. H. King, i. 0. New ton. Hayeerllle ? Q. T. Ayeacue, Jr., W. P. Winn, H. B. Newton. Skndy Creek ? Peter Qupton, 0. F. Faulkner . 8. H. Foster. ? Gold Mine ? J. L. Strickland, John W. Radford. O. R. Radford, A. A. Shatrln. Cedar Rock ? M. C. Smith, T. L. ' ? i* p. I Loulabdrg ? J. jf. Perry, A,. B. Per ry. W . p , MurritPr - THB FRAWlfLIN $1.60 Par Tear to TIMES Advance SPECIAL MEfflNG Of CHAMBER Of COMMERCE Commerce will be beld Friday night TJct. 7, 1921, at. tb* Court House Tat IiEHjfoi1 the purpoeo of boosting the Louisburg; Tobacco Market. Every "citizen, whether a member of the Chamber or not, is urged to he PRESENT. - ? - ? 1 P. A. RE AVIS, Chairman. T. W. RUFFIN, Sec. ATTENTION tX-SFBTICE MEN . The Government, the Ese KIM to Know that she will re tarn . Ths groom to on* of Franklin's most promising young man. Is th? son of Mr. J. 0. Bsasley, on* of the Coun ty's most successful and substantial planters and a brother to Mr. F. J. Beasley. the popular Caahier of the First Nattowfl t?hk of C/Ouisburg Ho U a young Mn of ability and qualifl cations and to popular among a host of friends. ?i. ' o ?< ?0MB COWN? A Home Coming service has been an nounced for Plney Qrove for the third Sunday I* October when It will be daslrnd and gxpected that every mem ber of the cbuixh. former members and format $IU??As of tbe^oiomunlty shall be pNMKt. All day services will be Uuld KttfcJUr. O- F. Smith, pas tor. preaching In the morning at 11 o'clock and Rev. L. 8. Masaey. Pres ident of I>wfcburg College, preaching In the aftwMM. Dinner will be Strved on tbs grounds. Bwyhodf to tnyltsdT to be present on this day and help to maka Home Coming Sunday a big success. "THIEF'S VACDETILLK." Saecfmn to Br Repeated TaniU; flight, October 11th . The J?mh? P? Lot Uut Americas Legion will again present It's recent nuccessful, entertaining and brilliant n>Knrm..f. "Thj.r. 1. ? ,t the Star Theatre, Louteburg, N. C., Tuesday night, Oct. lltfi. The well trained chorna that made such a big ttt, and waaThe talk of the town, will remain Intact and will con slst of Misses Ruth Hall. Maude Ash ley, Louise Allen, Margarel Turner, Frances Barrow. Alice Harris, Mary tanm Hurt. natnenne f leaaant?K Hat tie Williams, Helen Leigh Fleming apd Haiel Allen . The tralnng of this chS^ i us remains under the direction of Miss Beatrice Turner, who has so ably demonstrated her ability. Mrs. Julia Swindell will "remain at the piano, a position that Is. difficult beyond the comprehension of IBe au dlence at large. Jones Parham in solo work and the male quartette. Mr. Parham being In school at the University of North Carolina. Many of you remember with great pleasure, the pleasing ae lectlons of Mr. King In the "Cabaret Minstrel" that was staged by the Jam be9 Post last Spring. We are Bafe in predicting that he will please you again. A few changes wlll~be made In our programme, which we hope will "take". A mixed quartette consisting of Misses Ruth Hall, Lynne Hall and Messrs. Carl Eearce and Tracy Stockard will present a novelty burlesque on the every day tab show quartette, that ? with "Peter'&?^Clckeers." Peyton brim full of fun. The dancing that surprised every one, on account of Its superior quality, will be repeated by Misses Hazel Al len. Hattie Williams and Beatrice Turner. Doc" Fleming will do Yiddish: com edy, aiST if ho ilon't opring something new and surprising, it will ? eurprao us. We never know what "Doc" Is go-, ing-jtojancork. Lynne Hall and Jessie Thomas will again shine through their mky make trprnnrt help lip?" T"" laughing. as, Rynne Hall, Beatrice Turner, Hel eu Leigh Fleming gether with Messrs. James King. "Doc" Fleming and Carl Pqaree, will sing those catchy solos. ? 'Pbe ? Male quai telle cuusiglliift ? of Messrs. James King, Fred Morris, Blair Tucker and Carl Pearce, have promised not to be soVlngy with their music this time, and they can sho sing ef dey wants to. Mr. C. K. Cooke has promised us a feature picture if he can obtain It, which we shall start at 7:30 promptly and avoid an Irksome wait. All tickets will be sold at Aycock Drug Co., and every seat will bo num J be red . In this way you will be as sured of a seat and won't have to rush. Prices will be 50 and 75c down stairs and 35c In balcony. ? A WISE MAN NEVER MAKES THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE. IF YOU MISSED THIS SHOW BEFORE DON'T YISS IT AGAIN." Klnf will raptacp Mr accustomeg m Iieiinng " BOARD OK EDUCATION. The Board of Education met in reg ular session on Monday with ay pres ent except Green. After reading the minutes of the last meeting and ap proring same business was transacted as follows: A delegation from the Math Rock School district came before the Board, some asking for .the house and site to be moved, while the others opposed the moving. Upon motion of C. R. Sandling and seconded by J. C. Win ston the Board decided to run a school at the old site for this year and that all orders passed by the Board prior to thia concerning the Math Rock school are hereby rescinded. The report of J. C. Jones. Superin tendent of Public Welfare, was read and ordered filed. A. W. Perry and E. L. Best were Instructed to borrow money, if possi ble, at any time to keep the teachers paid. The Board passed an order that all school vouchers held by any on* over thirty days wo?llttle Zlon and :ti report the same at the next meeting | of the Board. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to the first Mon day in November. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors tor their klndneea and aaaiatance to ua during the Illness and . death ot our husband and father. Your kindness will ever I'C remembered. Mrs. S. L. Perry and family. A printers strike Including all the pressmen and feeders in Germany would soon Increase the value of the mark.? Boston Shoe * T rather Re porter. TOBACCO BRINGS St. 00 POUND 0> LOCISBt'HO MARKET TF^TKK SAT. SnhiimHtUI I- W^l-? gwj 8r?d? Tbe Put Week ? Jpflfes Light Bat Bring 6o? , sacrifice quality tor mere tlx* of tone, and his ?ocallsm Is so perfect that hit; softest tones carry just as far and as penetratingly as Me Ibftiwtmo. More ftrst appearance In North CaraU?? oa Thursday evening of Fair If Mk at the Raleigh Auditor lum wilt be an event of unusual Im portance, . .4*' . ? HAt* t#c btb* rnrtrrn ?at THE KKBCMANT WHO SENbH Ef THE f OPY COR WIS AD BABtT AhWA VS HAS TUB HBATBST AH I such that enables her to Invite the bes towal at the loftiest praise. Her ap pearance in-ftaleigh with the Metro politan Opera House Orchestra sever al years ago and again last year in her own recital, won for her a warm er place in the hearts of Tar Heel mu sic lovers. Never before in the history of Amer ican music has a singer made such a record as an attraction tor the spring festivals as that established by Titta Rutfo recently. Within a few days of the announcement of his availability for concerts after the close of the Chi cago, New York and Boston opera sea sons, the great Italian baritone had been engaged for no less than six fes tivals coming in rapid succession dur ing the month of May scheduled at Syracuse, Richmond. Evanston, Ann Harbor, and Newark, with a special concert of the same, character at Chi cago. ! Rutfo Is pre-eminently fitted tor tha exacting work demands of a festival artist. The huge volume of his voice overcomes the handicaps of even the