VOLUKT L. -3 _ LOl'LSBl'KG, S. C, FHIDAY, SOVEXBEB 25, 1M1 : ^ many?u*prises Dr AWMttllCTTlt bishop DARLCf?VOK READS A8 SKiMIBHTSOF ME T HOI 11 ST PREACHERS T? **w Presiding liters Appointed K*t. H. 1. Hecth Belarus To Pas torate u< Host To Heekj *o?at. (By T. New Barn, Nm. JO.?T be crowning ?sent of the North Carolina Conference ?et the Methodist Church. which baa X>een In aeaaion since last Tuesday night, took pUee tonight whan Bishop Darlington read the appointments of the preacher* for the Incoming year and the CdUefenee adjourned to meet in the city of Raleigh nan year. Many of the appointments aa read by the Bishop tonight (are a general sur prise even to the kitchen cabinet which worke* over Ume darter the entire session,. . * Rev. H. M. North, who haa bmed ucational secretary for the paat year ?waaarwrRoeky Mount. Rev. N. H. D. Wllaoau haa ?erred the Wash ington dlatrlct tar tN- rr-t lliian jean loTVM charch. Elisabeth City IUt.S-^M. Bntpee, wrr? district, la eeht to Oxfbrd; Reve. A. Cotton and H. B- Mercer taking tbe place of the two elder* wtnr te the pastorate Bwv. W. V P..-* waa transferred from Fayei s.n.l becomes the new pastor of Cen ? ? rv.^few Barn. andTST H. A. 1 hi. Tl?~. -*? v 1 ?. W. A. Royal goes from a pas tor... .A (ire years at Banfortl to Laur inburg am) Rev. W. Ai Cade to More head City akd.Xar. V. P. Scoville la transferred Iron Trinity to Greenville Rev. L. P?Jones Is the new past?U Sanford asdRtf. O. W. Dowd of 0r?^?'? -jh^aa 1?? u ? immedlatey after the straw I.arllegtS ordained to the'ol deacons Rerrs. W. Q. Farrair II.eft snmut J. Baeoomb " j A clariC* C. Mfotua, J.'i W. R. Hardest* C.| ffisl 1 PresbH of allegiance to the'policy t rine? of the-.f" *?" Mfn i-r.-.-iatlon yi U18 llllllUff WHO lUtH died daring the past year. Iter. Si.' 1!. Turrentlne, D. D., of Greensboro, prepared the memoir ofRev. T. V, Bonner and It waa mad by Rev. G. B. Starling. The memoir of Rev. Robinson was read by Rev. A. 8. Barnes and that of Rev. It. C. Craven by Rev. H. M, North, This paper had been prepared by Hon. T. G.' Stem, of fhtford. The conference held Its last session at 7:30 tonight and completed all the work of the conference and lyad the appointments of the preachers for next year. y ?. Durham District M. T. Plyler, Presiding Elder. Burlington, Front Street, W. B. North; East Burlington, N. E. COle tr.we. llnrlington cireult, D. A. Petty. Brooksdale circuit, J. C. Wheedbee. ( ha pel Hill, Walter Patten. Durham: Branson, H. C. Ewlng; ralrary, L. E. Thompson; Carr, C. H. Culbreth; Lakewood, W. C. Ball; Memorial, M. Bradshaw. Pearl Mill, ami Kno, D. M. Sharp?; Trinity, A; D. Wilcox. West Durham, J. W. Bradley. Dnrham circuit, J. C. Humble. Graham and Haw River, O. M. Dan iel. t Hillsboro circuit, J. B. Btalock and one to be supplied. I^esburg circuit, S. f. Nicks. Mebane. N. C. Yearby. Milton, A. J. Hobbe, Jr. Mount Tlrsah circuit, J. C. Williams Orange circuit, J. W. Autry. Person circuit. B. C. Thompson. Roxboro, Umg Memorial, J. B. Hur lev. Kast Roxboro and Longhurat, Star nes. ?? Kongemont circuit, J. F. Starnes. South Alamance, W. R. Hardesty. Vanceyvllle circuit, J. T. Stanford. Professor In Trinity College,- H. E. Speuce. i> conference Missionary Secretary, A. p Wilcox. Raleigh Dlstricl presiding Rider, J. C. Wooten. p-enson circuit, E. H. Hall. C.,ry circuit. D. N. Cavtnesa. riavton. C. T. Thrift. i'reed moor circuit, V. A. Royal. Koiir Oaks circuit, J. A. Russell. Vrnnklinton, R. F. Bumpass. Garner circuit. J, C. D. Stroud. Granville circuit, F. B. Noblltt. K. nlv circuit, J. E. Holden. l^Milshnrg. O. F. Smitn. Millhrook circuit, H. H. Mitchell. , H ford. E. H. 8nlpes. . oxford circuit, B. H. Black. prin<etnn circuit, W. O. Farrar. u ,i?ich: Central. 0. K. Proctor; Kdenton Street, W. W. Peele; Epworth U s Jackson; Jenkins Memorial! b. P pntllshall. Seima. Bdgerton Memorial, O. B. CAROLINA TOBACCO GROWERS ^ siow coope&atite contract Xbttui Tnmber orpoums cwraeu ?4 F?r In This IS tut* t A* mired of Heading im Ct0f rh rough A?so clatfMt jwwrf Aim t? Bes^OUter WORLD'S ORBATB0T ^lilOWER SIGNS POR JOINT MAftKBTING - Mr. J. M. Galloway, of MM, who grows 'moro than any other man in tit* haa signed up for marketing, according to a tele gram received laat night at Ral eigh headquarters to the Tobacco Growers Co-opera tire Association from L. V. Morrill at Greensboro. The contract signed by Mr. Galloway, 'which is ldanilc?! with that signals br-th*-- farmer?who grows only a few haadreft pounds, Jfalls for the delivery to the coop erative association of ?60,000 pound?.. A number of Mr, Gallo way's tenants have also signed the marketing' contract bringing the total amount a( tobacco from his farm* to overa ?rs Co-operttive Association. -MorOtl signed up their mlnhnotn number of pounds lor the Tri-State Co-operative Marketing Association, according to an announcement from Raleigh head quarters. Assured of handling the erop of I91> through tbetr own asso ciation, the growers are gplng to beat |BH^I - the fnal figures Kill show 76 per cent of the 1920 production signed in the Old North state.* ?" <rr: tha Raleigh office of the Tobacco Growers "Co-operative Asso recelved the following tele Aaron Saplro at Lexington, "Burley tobacco growers association 'iuat formally atith . authorised with over forty^-twft thousand Contracts and over three-fourtbe crop. Believe you will .. -.T - ? jUjpbacco, tobaceo growing the same con growers are de termined to pass tke beet record made any other i men increases as'the campaign draws to a close. Bankers and other busi ness interest are greatly impressed by the way farmers have shown their confidence In the movement and there 1? no longer any'reason wliy business men should hesitate to tfkc .in active part in the wind-up campaign. With new b&tchee of signed con tracts coming in daily, Is impossi ble to givs.flnai Ogufes in the cam paign to date. Pj-oductloS for 1920 and present sign-up figures in mil lions of pounds for some of the lead ing counties follow: Edgecombe, 1920 production 12,800, t'i'0 pounds: sign-up 9,800,000 pounds. Greene 10,?00,000 and 8,600,000 pounds signed. Surry 11,500,000?8,000,000. Caswell 11.000.000?6,000,000. Person 11,000.000?8.000.000. , Nash 17,000, 000?12,000,000. Lenoir 14,000,000i? 8.000,000. Wayne 14,404,000?8.300, 000. VAnee 9,000,000?6,000,000. Oran ville 17,000,000?9,200.00,? News-Ob server. APPOINTED POSTMASTER. Mrs. Eva "Perry has been appdwed Postmaster at Maplevllle to sudSed the late Mr. W. E. Ussell. Sincelhe death of Mr. Utxell the office has been conducted by Mr. Raymond HobgAod. o . BITS STAB THEATRE. Announcement was made Monday by Mr. C. K. Cooke that he had sold the Star Theatre to Mr. S'. T. Oreeham. of Rendereon. who will continue to operate this popular place of amuse ment. Perry. Smlthfleld, D. H. Tuttle. Tar River circuit, W. J. Watson. Youngsvllle circuit, T. S. Coble. Zebulon circuit, W. L. Loy. Superintendent Antl-fTaloon league. R. L. Davis. Business manager. N. C. Christian Advocate, T. A. Slkee. Editor Nashville Christian Advo cate, T. N. Ivey. President I?ulsburg College, L. 8. Massey. Superintendent Methodist Orphan age, A. S. Barnes. Rev. E. R. CI egg goes to Oates cir cuit. Nashville, H. C. Tew. S]rlng Hope, W. P. Constable. Rocky Mqjrnt: Clark St., L. T. Singleton; South Rocky Mount, E. C. Olenn; Rocky Mount circuit, H. B. Strickland; First Church, H. M. North. Wilson: Calvary, J. H. Miller, Jr. Mrat church, J. 8. Love. Conference Secretary of Education, H. M. North. CEDAR BOOK flOKB TO nOTTRT TtBNS DOWN APPBOPBIATION FOK COUNTY FAIK Board ftedncr* To 15 Centa?A^e?pt? Courts Ruling As to Bandy Creek Township. The Board of County Commissioner/ met In an adjourned session on Moo It members pres ent. ? Upon motion of Hudson and second ed by Wilder and Timbertake the gen eral purpose fond was reduced to 15 cents straight?2 cents or this amount to be for pensions for old Soldiers. Upon motion of Hudson and second ed by Wilder, the Board accepted the rulings of the Court for Sandy Creek" township. Mr. F, J. Basley, Cashier First Na tional Batik, was before the Board ask lng that the $26,000 note for the use of the County and Board ot Education jointly to be due December 6th, be re newed. It wits ordered that the note be renewed for three months -On?mornsp "oT Hudson seconded by J.' P. Tlmberlake, all the county offi cers were required to turn o*er their moneys to the County Treasurer ac 4orqtng to law. All txwunlsslonere" voting aye. Deputy Sheriff W. N. Puller, was bafcre the Board and served an In junction restraining the Board froift collecting thurftoad taxes levied for Cedar Rock township.' The complaint ?aa signed by W. O, Stone and T, P. Dean and in to be heard at Raleigh on December. Xfet . On motion of Puller seconded by Wilder the Auditor was instructed to glTS G. S. Hale draw back for ^Ivent credit which was listed and entitled to off set on 1920 tax. The Board took up the question of appropriation for Franxlin County vember 11 rat n^eetlng. On motion of Wilder, seconded by Hudson it was ordered that the County do not appro priate anything tor the fair. The Daaid lidjounied tu its next leg ular meeting-.-' --.^ -it.-?i~ In a very strongly contested race. Miss Emma Bartholomew, of Louis burg, was voted the pt^ttiest young hpfcrntu Fiuikllu Cuuiity^kt lire con test held by the American, JifS?lon at theFranklln County Fatr.-;^: Tliuiu Wuiu liuuutltut glife-i ers galore at this fair but none < equal the rare loveliness of this young lady. Owing to the fact that there was no formal dance to close the Pair, there was nO ceremony of Aptrnfng the winner. But she needs no crown ?her own beauty crowns her where-, ver she goes. This should have been printed in last week's issue but the editor' mis placed the notice. O MISS TOW ENTERTAINS. On Thursday, Nov. 16, the residence of Mrs. D. F. McKlnne was the scene of a.mpst delightful social event when MlssNrafc. Mae Yow, assisted by Mrs. McKlnn^; entertained the members of the EdwmW-Puller Cluo and othor guests. The evening was chilly but Its chill was soon forgotten In -.he warmth of the room, second only to the warmth of the welcome extended to each genet by the hostesses. The rooms were attractively deco rated in large cut chrysanthemums and potted ferns. -- When all the guests had assembled the club wis called to m der by the president, Mrs. O. A. Ricks It Is Interesting to note that In so doing the president used a gavel made of a bit'of cherry weed that was a part of a piece of furniture from the home of Edwin Fuller. This gavel was pre sented to the club by his slsttr In tok en of her appreciation of the club's honoring her brother's memory in the select'.on of its name. After the reading of the minutes and roll call the program for the afternoon was carried out as follows. Mrs. J, A, Hodges opened the program with a very Interring account of "Florence Nightengale and her Wor*." A plant solo. Heller's Tarantello, was sweetly rendered by Miss 8. T. Williams. This was followed by "The Story of Jenny Lind." by Miss Annie Oreen. Miss Ruth Allen and Mrs. Ilodges, gave an Instrumental duet. As Current Topic Mrs. Ricks read "A Soldier Home from the War"; an account of the Armistice Hay colebra tlon In Washington City In honor of the nation's unknown hem. A vocal duet, The Carmina Arranged for two voices, sung by Miss 8. T Williams and Mrs. W. E. White closed whit everyone considered had- been an in teresting and Instructtve program. Miss Yow, assisted by Miss Lillian Howell, then served tnlcken salad on crisp lettuce with the appropriate accompaniment of mayonatse, beaten biscuit, olives, cheese rosettes, cofloo and salted almonds. The club then adjourned to meet next lime with Mrs. K. K. Allen. - The standing armies mny soon take a back seat.?Greenville Fledmont. ORDERS TAX REDUCED ??MUJjSI0S?B4L EXCEEDED AL THOBITY S*y? Judge Bond?S*ody Creek Wets -fcenrf "From Court Continues. .In his ruling handed down on Fri day morning Judge Bond held that the <X>tMnl8sionera had levied a tax In ex rqas of the limit allowed by the Con-" sUtutlon and restrained them from col lectins game. In the caae of -8andi_ Creek township Road Tax the Court mm tint the Commi??loners could on ly levy sufficient tax to pay the Inter est on the bonds with no maintenance. Following this Cedar Rock entered a similar suit which will De heard at Raleigh on December 1st. Otherwise the Court Das proceeded with the usual routine of a Civil court. No eases of Importance have been tried. Our people regret the fact that this is Judge Bond's last Oourt In this County, as ha has ende^teiUilmeaU to all tliiuiiKt! his fair and Impartial man ner ot handling his Courts and his gen ial and social disposition. It is to be hoped that he may return again. T1V APPBECfA'yO^. Dr. A. H. Fleming, Secretary of the EMkgtn County Fair, has issued the ^.Slowing letter ot appreciation to the directors and department heads and their-tssistanta: "The 1921 Franklin Countf Fair Is ions for the great success, lile I appreciate the many nice said to me about the Fair I fnl llze that what la said is really I meant for you, because the directors land their assistants after all are the ones who make the Franklin County Fair and I want to thank you tor your making it a success. I am writing tWs letter to every director because it {ft Just exactly what I want to say to &ch one of them and I want you to Imuw tU.11 iuh nwJDIti at l-VanklliTToun ty an#" most especially myself appre ciate your work and most ot all the fine 'ft which ynn h??? m wrtllfc- - ,-i ? - j, ?.-v. ?The Fair was a success, no one csuld see those fine exhibits and those three thousand-five hundred children all from Franklin County and not fe?l that your effort? hart h??n cmwn.?! with success." r ? ? o Mr. Orris Moseley, son of Mr. and Mrs. N-..U, Moseley, who Is employed by the JjTMer and Light department ot l^oulsburg had the misfortune ot get ii. gLhiSArm so bndly mangled from a shot from a shot gun on Tuesday mor ning that' It had to be amputated just above the %lbow. The best Information we can get Is I that Orris took a shot gun that had I been kept at the power house and1 start jeri up the river hunting and In getting 'in the boat he either slipped and drop ped the gun or struck It side of the boat caiuilng It to discharge, the load taking eWect in the left arm juat-be low the elbow. He corded his arm with a handkerchief and walked back to the power house, where aid was called. He was taken to Drs. Perry g; Johnson office where medical atten tion was given and later taken to a hospital in Raleigh where his arm was amputated. At last reports he was testing well. WOMAN'S ACXIMARY BAZAAR. Wo are requested to state that the Woman's Auxiliary ot the American Legion wttl hold a bazaar at the Jam bes Club Rooms on Thursday night, Deeomber 18th. TO ?PEN MONDAY. The iiouisburg Tobacco Market, which h?a been making Rood sales tor the growers this week, closed on Wed nesday evening tor Thanksgiving and will open Monday. ARTICLES MUST BE SIGNED. We are In receipt of a communica tion attacting the Midway of the recent County Fair, with request for Its pub lication In the next Issue or tne Times. The article and request was also ac companied by the request, "Do not print my name In connection with It." We are always glad to publish any article, certainly those which are in tended to better our social, religious '? or business conditions, but having learned long ago that It was absolute ly necessary that these articles be signed by the writer we have had to adopt a rule for all articles to he sign ed.In all cases where an article ap- j pears In a paper, the paper Is res ponsible for Its statements or * lows, unless <44 Is signed by some person or persons.V Therefore the paper cannot publish articles that the writer hesi tates to sign, because of the fact the views contained therein Might he con flicting. And it being a rule must be | enforced with all alike. Moat of those Far East problems are Chinese puzzles.?Norfolk Virginian Pilot. --- FRANKilJiTON MCHOOL SEWS. ? Mis*- Ben&le Stacey anu Miss Sarah P/ ill* 1.1 M 0 f V| a I yi j|k ? L ? ? 1 t a i nlfir ?* ? ???ul, \7I lOO XlIgR UCDOvl 1&CUII7, made a business trip to Raleigh Sat urday. Friday, Nov. 18, a basket ball game was scheduled between ta? j rat t and Wilton's boys. All was excitement and anticipation at Frank! In ton but, alas, the Wilton boys did not appear on the bc?t?>_ A recent game played between first team of Klttrell and FTanklinton re sulted lna score of 14 to 2Jn favor nf FrankUntori. A teacher's meeting was held Not. 21 In (He Franklintfm school building at 3.30. This gmnp nf tpurharw in studying Dr. E. C. Brooks' 1919 vol ume, "Education (or Democracy." Supt. Taylor conducts these meet ings in a very helpful manner and j much good would bo.'derived from I them If the teachers were not so worn out from having taught all day that! their minds can't take ?n very much more. On account of teachers' meetings, i athletic practice, and various other conflicts with play practice, the Lanier | postpone~v'Uncle Ephralm-s Summer Boarders'', at-the Globe Theatre. nntll the second Tuesday evening after Thanksgiving Day. Admission 25c anfl 35c. Miss Poole is preparing the musical part of the program and of" course TKSnn?#ns "excellence in en tertainment." ? The first edition of "The Red and White", Franklinton's first school newspaper appears this week. To the high school student securing largest number of subscriptions at fifty cents will ba awarded the ij^er Society prize. Miss Margaret Raye,of the tenth grade, Mr. Sam Row? oC the eighth grade, Miss Maurlne Blackley. of ninth grade, and several others are isa Rebec working with diligence. ca Pearce has charge of the contest. On Friday, Nov. 18, the Preliminary Declamation Contest/to "select the-best I lege Contest on Thankagmns D*jr Was I held under the auspices of the L*aier Literary Society. Mr. CJlrtoa Mltch iner of the eleventh gr*?e wca e?osen the contestants received considersbl4 applause. Supt. Taylor. Miss Plgg. btacey aad.Qordun aj?:iha._ of the ficufty alluding tie Teachers' Assembly at Raleigh. Misses Brown and Joyner are spend ing the Thankaglvlag Holiday at their home in Northampton'County. Miss Ridley Walker has been out~o? school for two weeks on account of illneaa. Miss Whitfield is supplying M isb Poole, o I the Sixth Grade has spent the jweek at hoine on account of the illness Of her mother. The school is very sorry to lose these two teach er?. Miss Mary Gordon's department, grade 3, recently delighted the audi ence at Chapel period with a very well rendered morning exercise. The de votional exerflse consisted of an adap. tatlon of "The Return of Ruth," from Ithe Bible. It was played as follows: j Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, as Naomi; Mary Powell, as Orpah. Eleanor Gracfr Harper, as Ruth. The splendid ac tion and the feeKng these children put , Ir.to this play made this an-exercise of deep spiritual worth and reccftunends I to teachers the great va:ua of the drama as nn educational and splrl'ual asset, If properly employ??!. Miss Madge Wllkins. of the second grade recently presenter a very at tractive "home made" play at me Chap el period. Henry Taylor, son of the Superintendent created much amuse ment by impersonating his father. Wilson Kearney, of the ninth grade recently broke his linger while scuf fling with his younger brother. '? . Mr. Fred MorrlKls of great value In coaching the basJCP, ball Boys. Mr. Allison hlig offered to coach the debaters for the Trl-angular De bates. The students are very much pleased at this. Mr. Allison has the Interest of the school at heart and is especially adapted to thts kind of work as evidenced by his offices, a^. Scoutmaster add Sunday school teach er of boys. Some of the ladles of the town are advocating the organisation of a Par ent-Teacher Association or reorgani zation of a Betterment School Club. Honestly, don't you think It would be ol as much (?) value to the community as a Card Club? Teatoers and Par ents, what Is our duty to the children of Frankilnton? Is it to employ all of our time outside of the hours of nine t'. three-twenty In selfish indulgence? Or do we owe it to the community to j '>e*ore It high standards of useful employment? Or, shall we next spring | have to condemn ourselves In retros-' pectlon. "Weighed In the Balance and Found Wanting?" Small governmen tal units all working with the same aim, the same Ideals, ann tee samo as pirations tend toward Americanism and the fostering of democratic ideals. Hut small aristocratic clubs, having for their aim each to keep aloof from another set, to Indulge themselves in cards, to eat a few sweets and talk about a few "Inferiors.' have a tenden cy toward the very thing Dr. Brooks Is fighting In "Education for Democra cy." "in Union there Is strength." A Community Club of Parent-Teach er Association would afford a "Union". "Waiting a more convenient season ?" 1 O. well! No, It Is the (superintend EFFECTIVE ABHY IMPERATIVE HMD OF FEAECE RECOOTS RBU IM mm IN 1 Declares Old ImperUlstJe . ??erinanj Covertly Teaehee Of Wmx and Hop*? To 1 Advantage At Very Da [ Sevea Million* of "Tii of Arm?; | lliaaM Britain, An?rln and Support Should ClvtlbaUea Be Threatened. Washington, Not. 21,?In a? w tional plea for national security 1 nouncod by Arlatlde Brland her ler, France Informed Uie arms oum ence today that however deeply might. be moved by the <sill t?> (j the hardens of armament she ? not destroy the effectiveness of army so long as the i- ? remains what It is. Summoning to the effort j namic forceof SO eloqmeMe "strong man of France" held the > attention of tk* conferenca for ma i >im 8? wwiinnd rtn* by one the aru, that beset his people. Briefly, he de clared the old Imperialistic party alt Germany still was covertly MltTI# the religion of war and ^j'^r to tan to ft? advantage at thelerydeor* France seven milUona of men trained in the use of anna, white Tteiuuii w Bolshevik Russia, with Ber milil?! ?UrrluH in an unresfwftoeelaal eeuE no one could predict. Clalats (*v*aaj Be?ev r*r Ws>, J By one means or another, said Ifr. Brlandr Germany fiSff-broiiiKt miiw arms aad was maintaining in a state of tnetaot preparedness at l<*Mt 2S4>,~ ~uma mat lung luinfah*?' Le-S^T-th* fi<rman nation should tt decide to again make war. The ?at,Cerman government He , S ?'' Artb"r J tlon Of Europe he again threatened aa Secretary Hashes daelared of FYance never fell%n deaf Amtrlctt and Italy 8n<J cull?rW?truatto^,2?^S^ Admiral Baron Kato. ape^klng i hte turn, expressed the profound thy of Japan for the declaration* 0* Premier Br land, and asserted iii?t lar themselves the Japanese desired to maintain on land oalytaocn military forces as seemed "necessary for na tional security and the manuenance of ,order within." - >o Limitation of Land Amameat. Both Mr. Balfour and Baron suggested that-?*? day's developments seemed to indla|te that any limitation of land armament wouid be difficult to establish, and although the subject was referred to a committee of the whole for future consideration there was apparent^ tncllnas.on to hasten the discusslonof details. It would not tvyrise some of the delegates if the whole land armament negotiations simmered Am to an effort merely to agree on. a gaaml statement of pojtcy. Detailed figures on the present aad proposed mlMtfery strength of France were not InchtMM In Premier Brian*? address to the conttrenrv but tonMfe ?he explained IHat Ms allusions to dC templafed reductions forecast a Wore rn<wu?.th ?' regulars as against jOO.OOO now under arms. Thin would be accomplished. lie said, by teeplng only one and a half "classes" fe train whereas at present there are two full "classes" and the ezlstlM law an thorixes three. '?? ?" ... any one asks us to |ww." said the Premier in conclud*^ dress, "I shall have to answer nloalh and definitely that It wourd be Impo-. slhle for us to do It wit|p>ii; expoetag offrselves to a most sen&s danger.** | ? GETS TWO BI? STILLS. Mr. P. J. King, Constable fttr Har ris township, reports tne capture ot & complete SO gallon copper still oetflt near B. O. King's on Thursday ad lest week and the destruction of about 1*0 gallons of beer and two gallona of booxe. On Friday the 11th he captured an So gallon still outfit on Cedar Creek In Harris township. ent's fault that we do not hate He Is a "Hre wire." Bnx a H tendent cab hot operate a Con Club by himself, pre. Jim Puraell and Mrs. Morris, two of oar leading ladles say they woald be girt to ese such an organisation la* Miss Mary Gordon one ot' skillful teachers says she ? the erganiiatlon of such a elufc. .u movement let? effect In a nom?a My. We h?Te our three ladles. Next? ot oer aaeat

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