TWO MEN KILLED IN EXPLOSION OF . SEABOARD ENGINE ACCIDENT occurred seu TOtnresyiuLr ilmdneer li. W (iwoi. and Colored Flremaa Deads E. J. Murphy, Brake m*n> Prebahly Fatally injured?En Rine Completely D?aellshed, f0?t Freight Cars B??IM u4 Fifteen Others Wrecked; Tram* Tnin nf For Abo?t 100 Feotj Railroad Offic ials Mill lavestlgattag^?^ Eng*. ?fer Uuuw and Flremaa J1? I.? Both of Raleigh) Brakeun Sot Ex pected To Lire. Raleigh, Nov. 27.?'Tho three men riding in the cab of the engine ver? wmij . -yards, two of them being killed Instantly and the other was Probably fatulIyTHTOm. wheh the boll ?r of the locomotive on S?aboard Air Line northbound freight tr?l? No. 86 exploded one mile south of Youngs ?ille last night from causes as yet un known. Two hoboes who were rid ing on the train were saved through tho providence that Is supposed to guard their kind. Engineer Werow g Hied The dead men are H. w. Oerow, the engineer, and Jim Jonea,-4he col ored fireman, both of Raleigh. They appeared to have been BQalded to! < fath. E. J. Murphy, of Mlddleburg t o head brakeman waa taken to the T 0 Forest College hospital, at Wake ?-Av;v-ii' wnira tt wfaiiMttifcMtii this nwrngn tha* he U not .expected IS Hwwiafacal^ed over almost the eat'.re body, reoelve4 a broken *ra and a severe fracture of the skull, which Is believed to have affected tke. brain. So badly were the m,eo dis figured that for several hours after ?the Injury, the identity of Gerow aiwl wi tsaiaw by t^iiwtg t-wr ployes. ... Kiigrlue Demolished, .w7?le.1expl0Bk>n of ?"!?>?-violence 1 w ^ ?"Elna, waa completely de Tnoliahed, the holier being completely ????red from the trucks, and the cab thrown backwards about 100 feet. i? wrecke Track? Destroyed ^ " The track waa completely destroy ed for about 100 (feet, the rails being blown awHY and a nnrt of the mad h?,i destroyed. Por the present, all trains between Raleigh and Richmond are being detoured by the Southern and ; Aftftntl/* PflBflt T.tnft Kur rnHrn. .1 r ? ?ni? v i VffiWhjnft nntrnaiL-ro^ nciais expect that the^nLinage will be repaired in Ume to restore trains to their regular runs before noon today. Investigate Cause. Railroad officials stated this morn ing that further investigation would be required to establish the cause of the explosion. However, the two ho boes, both of whom were white men, who were riding upon the train, stat ed that they became alarmed by'a pe culiar noise the engine was making about fifteen minutes before the acci dent and walked back over the cars to the rear of the train for safety. The telegraph operator at Wake Forest, three miles south of the spot where the explosion occurred, stated that when the train passed lta station, the engine waa not pulling and seem ed out of order. !?: ??i LIST OF ATHLETIC EYKNTS FOB FIELD DAT. Circular letters relative to the Coun ty Field Day have been sent to all the teacher? of the county. field Day will be held on the afternoon of th? County Seventh Orad? ?T ""IfL01* of th? County School Thla event has b?en planned be oaua? w? b?lt?v? that payncal educa tion and properly dlrntfaiplaytoas necessary to a child? growth and train '?* "? W part of On r?gaiar currlo ulum. So w? hop* that 'inrkirs and parent? will eaoourag? Um boy? and (drl? to ipMd a part oc each Lr in ?an>wt praotloe on the athletic ?v?nU listed below, not oaly with tka hon* of wfcuHhg nest spring bat ma peclally to get the benefit ot dally practice on health building ?Tiriilsss. lh??Standing broad tump - u yard dash; Basket ball throw; MO yard relay 4 boys. ' """ 90-111 Iba?8top - Hop Junta: M vd dash; Ba?? Ball throw; M yd r?Uy.' Ov?r 116 IM.?Running High Jam? 7# yd. daab; shot Put: mo yd. rata* 4 boy?; Pol? Vault. . filr* Sfwta 10-H Years?Shuttle relay. ? gtrU) All ?? relay, ? girl?; Baakat Ball throw; 40 yard daab. 1W1 Twit BhotUs relay. | drl?; All ? ?1? ! girl?; Basket n?li throw; to yard daab. It'll T ears and ov?r Potato? race ? (friar All up relay ? glHa; Ball throw1; M yard daah. ~ BOX PAMx! Thar? will be a box party gtvaa at -th? Mltehlner's School house. Satur day night, Dtawtor th? 10th ~ body to oordlaUy InvKad to THE NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERS' | ASSEMBLY. _] The North Carolina Teachers' A? semhTy~Wa? first organlied ?t W?y neavlUe la 1884 and with the excep tlon ot -two Tears has hold meetings each rear since its organization. For a great many rears the_ sessions were held at Mumhuad CUj ill tlie suulTBHi; I but fur the -past twn or twslv? years4 the meetings hare been held ?t the Thanksgiving season In - Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro and Ashevllie. The attendance Is purely voluntary but the numbers hare Increased to such an extent that only two or three cities In North Carolina are able to I furnish the accommodations demand ded. This year the sessions were held in Kaielgh and there were not far from 2500 progressive, daring, and en thuslastlc school workers present. ^ The general sessions were ot i>ecu Uar Interest this year. Instead of classic music at the opening of each session, community singing In which the entire audience could participate was the order ot the day. It was worth the trip to Raleigh to hear, per haps, 4000 people singing some of our best known old time songs. Onv Thursday evening we were fav- 1 ored with a chorus of school children from t?u? Raleigh public schools. This chorus^ was composed ot about 800 children from the grammar grades and the singing was fine. The audT toihiin was crowded troTTi~botTom~to top and hundreds ot people were I [ turned away for lack of even standing | room. ~ There were three dominant ideas stressed In the general sessions: Phy sical training for all the children, sight tinging as a regular public (school study, and the question of 'whether Wurtli?Carolina sKSTI rS^~ . trench or go forward in her education I al program. [*^?n Wednesday eventng~HIg Excel lency, Oov. Morrison, in his address ;af welcome took occasion to discuss i at some length the educatl6nai situa LUon In North Carolina, and with ajl P pnwsr, Are, snrt alnquanoo ot whieh | isiwer iii?, ??? . ..iij-j...., Is master, he plecitgd his admdnls uatlon to*a program of progress. Oh Friday evening. Dr. AlphonBo Smith J#oke .Ml the "CrMs in North Caro , Una. Education,!! He dlsauose^ Uie ? material prosress the state has made within the past decade and the growth of the schools. In anorrcrtng those A?JSaili?, I on waVd march, he called up in it |spect some of North Carolina's grfcat educational leaders who have finished tueir earthly tasks and ri-celved their promotion. He began witn D. Ar chlbald Murpliy and malud unUealtat lngly that this man was the first man in America to work out a plan for the |?a..r.n?n of -all the fftflT BCaC KM H 8 argued further that If North Carolina had carried out Judge Murphy's plans, she would be tcday J the leading state In the Union In point at educational efficiency. He next reviewed the work of Calvin H. Wiley and his efforts to keep the schools go ing during the trying days of the vrar between the States, doming on to men ot the present generation he re called to the attention of the audience the pleadings of Mclver, Aycoclte. and Graham. With all thp^NNHK.0' which he Is capable Dr. smith shouted, "What would these all say to us If they could speak In audible voice to us tonightT" He sald there could be but one answer. Worth Carolina must go forward." SANTA CLACS 0* THE SCREEN! That la what you will see, children, when you come to the Commonlty Cen ter meetings this wees and next, j Santa Clans In his shop on "The Night Before Christmaa," Santa Clans In his sleigh, Santa Claua coming down the !chimney and filling the little boys stocking. Come and see the pretty snow Bake* come down and learn the little story given In this picture. Come and we a whole reel of fa mous Flights and Fliers tripe in bal loons, dirigibles, aeroplanes and sea planes. Come and see Mutt and Jeff. , Come and take a trip through the 1 Land of the Sky, our beautiful North Carolina mountains. Visit the coon try around Chimney Rook, and Me ; some of the wonders or our famous Blue Ridge. In this picture you wtTT see a well knows person from this ooaaty. Can you guese who It IsT Bring your friends with you and en joy the g*mee after the plot urea. Come aad have a good time! Schedule Friday, Deo. I?Woo?. Saturday, Deo. t. ? P. M.?IjouIs Oraded School, Mlse Williams' XXL Saturday, Deo. I. .eight)?Royal. Tuesday. Dec. ??Cedar Rock. Wedaeeday. Deo. 7?Seven Paths. Thursday, Deo. ft?Sandy Creek. Friday, Deo. ??Bunn.-__ Saturday, Dec. 10?Roberts. dm HEALTH DEPARTHBNT. There are a ?uiSfir of cases o? Smallpox aear Oak lUdte Softool In CvpreM Creek township. - The child ren at Ifcto school are In danger of oatehtn the disease. ( am going dowatmre prepared to vaccinate all who ?111 submit to treatment. I am also rea4y to vaoclnat* all who want to b*' f. *. MALONB, Health officer. RESOLUTIONS ^ ? Of The Bar of Franklin Cotinfrla Ap PreeUtlon Jwdgf. Whereas, "tha^Hi&n. "W7^ M. Bond, Judge of the Superior Court of North <=rrmtfn-t-|im prtami-il inn i!iu Cuurte of Franklin "County aufltg the FaH Terms, 1921, and Whereas, It has been the pleasure of the Bar to conduct with, him said term# w>t Court is that eteee- relatloft ship which should exist Detween the bench and .the bar as to give opportu nity to measure the man, lawyer and Jurist, and Whereas, after so measuring Judo Bona fflTcsirt to" express to him and" to the public our estimate of him Therefore, Be It Resolved that as a Bar, In the estimate of lawyers of A lawyer, who by virtue of his office presides over the Courts, we esteem and hold Judge Bond to be one oftha ablest, most efficient, Impartial, learn, ed, Industrious and courteous Judge* that ever adorned the Superior Court Liench of North Carolina; a judge, who In the qpnduct of his courts presides with an ease and dignity which itife presses all people, and one who is-4f> lng as much to stimulate and el ape confidence ir. and a higher n _ and reverence for the Judicial depart ment of our state in all Its function? as any man in Nuith CaiuUua.?Tt*t= we admire his clear cut ruling*, sup ported always by reason and autl itv In such convincing way and iter as to take away the sting of 1 defeated before-ihe court, and we i plaud bis clear, concise, plain and ; thorough charge to a Jury, which ways gives it a clear idea of Its dutl and functions as well as trie law pllcable to the Issues and enables It to arrive at a verdict with intelligence -end understanding. Resolved Further, that we express cur pleasure In having Judge Bond ft* preside over our courts and look for? v>Brd with pleasure to his return to dlBttttt. - Resolved Further, that these reso lutions be spread on the minutes o t the court and copies sent to the press* The Clerk, Sheriff ana other offices and the Co^t utemarapher desire td join In these resolutions ClUMUIOff SELLER OF SORTjf ???efuc^iatiu *" -T WILSON MORTON, Loulsburg. Thirteen years old, and an all rounil boy, Wilson Morton la the champion speller of North Carolina Grammar Grades* so declared after the contest held In the Raleigh High School audi torium November 23. But Wilson isn't a spelling freak. He Isn't a freak of any sort. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mor ton, of Loulsburg, and hts father is the superintendent of the Duke Founda tion for Loulsburg College. Wilson is a boys' boy, generally good at all his studies, with a particular aptitude for cartooning.?News-Obeerver. Franklin County Is justly proud of its young son, Mr. Wilson Morton,"1 who won the championship at spell ing In Raleigh on Wednesday of last week when he ou^spelled eighty-four other?' In the seventh grade spelling contest flnrfng the Teachers Assembly The spelling was written and Wilson stood alone in the eighth elimination ?spelling 270 words correctly with out missing one. He was accompa nied by Miss Oracle Hill, of the Royal school who cam* within one rounds Of winning the second prise. Both are to be congratulated for their ex cellent work In retaining Franklin's reputation as the banner county In all spelling contest?. Both Loulsburg Graded School and the Royal school are delighted, which Is shared In by all the people In the Oomyty, with the success of Its two, well chosen representatives. ANNUAL XEETI.NU. The annual meeting of the Jambes I Post American Legion will be held.' Wednesday, December 7th, at 7:30 p. m. 1 h the-Club rooms. Election of officers fe? 1?22 will be field. Each membes^WIng every sz-servlce man that they can. Oysters and coffee will be served. t Mr. 8. W. Purvis Mat to Salisbury Wednesday. Bl?I>,S WAREHOUSE Mr. i S. Howell Makes Pryrewlic ?M9tt Mt iiwwiiini. Mr. J. 8. Howell, one of Louls burg's most progressive and. enter jrjelag business men returned from. JHUetgb 1*3L S?tuxii*y wlmre Ilb com pl?terd l-> M Uj FfM>k'l,i ivil.'liy Fair and \ra truly sorry ;h:it you not pum?, it any way." The Franklin County Fair Assocla tlod welcomes-criticism. It wag built on criticism not encouragement and Is today the best County Fair In the State. This Is not my opinion., It Is the oponion of nearly all the ex perts sent here by the State. A coun ty lair la- ver? much like a. rhnrrh it takes a lot ot line singing, good organ playing and free acts, to get a lot of people there, but once there they hear the sermon and get a little out of It after all. There are two kinds of criticism; honest and unfounded. The Fair is always glad to hear honest criticism and in every case makes an honest ef fort to make things better, but un founded crttielsm does not hurt the Fair but on the other hand often shows vhat kind of a person the "better than, thou" critic is. A gentleman came to me and .?aid he thought the dance in the forty-nine camp should be stop ped. I asked him had he seen it, he told me. no. He was a liar because I had seen him In there twice myself. I told him the dance was just the same that he saw when he went to a dance in any home or public hall, except the girls with the carnival were sober and the men from home were half drunk trying to make dates with every one of them. Two days after this con Yeraatlon One Of tha irtrla ram, to me and showed me a note from the same man, asking he? for a date. Another man who does not believe m Fairs takes himself and several of his fam ily to the Fair Monday afternoon when everything is all ready tp open Tues A'ly, ?e?a It a 1L tree then stays away j the remainder tfttST'ircck-and talks A lady who fiad been trying to get a $6.85 blanket for ten cents and fail ed came to me and warned the little stand closed. I went to see what was I ill? truuliiu. iiiayea ture? ir&m, wmit | ed at the man running the sand and I made htin give her a blanket so she mia Fays are not .ao had after all, I do it understood that I am mahfeffronv for an nacleaa &re as necessary evil as alsnonest crib-" ics. In defense of the Fair I have this to sav that those whn have rrltl ask the next person you hear cr i the Fair what he has ever done to | help It? Probably the writer of your letter is (a man who owns an automobile and has money enough to go to Raleigh or (other cities where the dances for young men and ladies are run under the direction of the Woman's Club, the City PollS* or stopped entirely. Perhaps he goes to the Academy of Music or the Auditorium and sees a Kusslan Shimmy Dancer. It he is at tfta^^dance he stays reasonably sober and if at the Theatre, he keeps his I mouth shut. Were he to get as drunk at the city dance and make the same , Indecent proposals to the young dan- i [ cers there that he does In the forty nine dance he would adorn the lower, i | knotted end of a well stretched hemp j rope.. Were he to say the same things I to the Russian Dancer that he does to ) th?, dancer In the glj-1 show at the Fair he would be thrown out of tne Theatre, j I am sorry but frank to admit that all the trouble with the Midway Is right I here at home. I?et these critics, if tl.ey are henest. and want reform be gin at home. I can give th m the j names of many men any, after virch the Interrment was made In thJ beautiful little cemetery nearby. The pallbearers were Messrs. Wll ron Macon, John Reavls. O. M Man tling, H. C. Dicker son. O. S. Macon and A. W. Wilson The floral tribute was profuse and especially pretty and the large num ber In attendance spoke tU? poputsrt tv ot the deecased. ir. d. c. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter 17. D C. Will meet with Miss Ballle Best at Ixiulshurg College on Tuesday after noon. December (th. 1>?1, at S o'clock. All member* are urged to be present. Mrs. 0. K. Cooke, Pre?. Mis* L. B. Jarman, Sec. <. <-j BEOIfT OBGANIZATldlr TO-OPKHATtnT WmKKTImi ciatiojts CKTTnr? n? sua re Township Representatives to Loalghnry f ' ? The state office haSMnstructed eacn county to elect Its township and coun ty officers This la necessary so that no time win be lost man the Ume ar I rives for the election or the Board of Directors, which will take place j latter part of January and ' ?? ? - ?? ?auuary sua roDTWv Township representatives vrl! 1 meet r? i MT' Ja to'tcwaer County Chairman, Saturday, Dec. 2, whan definite dates for the election of town ship and county officers will be da elded upon. j T*1? membership Jn each township win meet at some designated place and elect the officers for the town ship and elect delegates to the coon |t> election. The township officer*. (Will be as follows: President. Vice president, Secretary-Treasurer and a Membership Committee of ?re. i township will be allowed one delegate to the county electlqn for each 100,040 pounds of tobacco signed and one for each 10? bales of cotton signed. ' ' The county officers will be aa (M "lrrw^ riusioeiu, ffim-gjymuHu. ?? retary-Treaaurer and an executive committee of three. ' Your attention la called to ???^ t? pr-ta 'e ot ...alng ov.:ry f rower of cotton and tobacco to sign the ' con tracts forthe following important reason?: L^..The. '^eer the amount-ttarA? awiatton lian to B?ii7Uie gmaii?f^fe^ actual cost of selling win he to each grower. ,2- TtreTntjrs. of Tire lirop the Aaao clatlon has to handle the B?eater will be its influence in .the market. 3. The jnore youc township haa signed the greater will be wnr mm. L Yn?" Vm" ?lgnlng~l? ~moat"un~ IXknit delay tUe matter tonaar. "Pro crastination is the thief"of timet," tto ? lets aho* oth mers are for a (air Dualuaea method ot marketing farm crops. vT ' ' i Mm. E. a. Kbiup luturriad?tranw |i?e PB*J week from an extended visit ^..?alurnure. Mrs. S. W. PurvlT'ie^WeSneSuaj to be at the bedside of her grand irother at Greenville, Tenn. Mr. Herbert Alston, alisses I.aura and Mana Alston and Miss Mbrla Tarker of Warrenton. were gyesta of Dr\ and Mrs. It. F. Varborongh Mon Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Blckett. ot Ral Pi'fihH m"' W- Ballarrt' Kate Ballard Misses Mary KHraboth Cheat ham and Nellie Joyner, or Pranklln ton, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. J" . Yarborough this week. ?? JUSS HARRIS ENTERTAINS BOOK CLCB. . The home of Miss Jessie Taylor Har ris was the scene of a delightful oc casion on November 17th tut the meet CIub?f the Tl'U^9111 have candle*, eyaters. salads and ioe cream Ther hope that the VlitiU, will give them the liberal patronage heretofore accorded them. The ladle* ot the ltiilhn Ml ebnrch will hold their ?-T*** tk tka Janbee Club Rooms, opening at T:M m tke evening of December ?tag through Friday. _ served from 11 to 1 oa Mh. "A ??? opportunity to A cordial In