PROFESSIONAL tOLUWN DE. O. B, BON.NEB o t Dm Hoaaer A Doaaw Eye, lu, Nose and Throat Balelgh, North Carolina Will be In Loulsburg on Thursday of each week. Office over Scoggln'a JJrug Store. DB. li. F. 1ARBOROCOH Physician and Surgeon , Lonlsbargi N. C. Office In Blckett and Yarborough Bulldtay Offlce Phone 256 Residence Pliuue S8-] UH. W. B. BOBTGK Eye Specialist oaice In Hotel Building Ijoalsborc. North Carolina a. AT WOOD ME WELL. Loulahnig. N. C. Phone 24? I Office In First Nation^ Bank Building | ~ " Obupi al 1'iacUc??a I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a C'ashAmsls when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING * S. P. BURT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offlooa Hours 11 a, m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to [ B p. m. DB. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian LoulBburg, N. C. Special alien t ion to Hugs and Dags. Office altfB Hospital -at?ft. Fi fulls!'? BtttOtes-^GaUa BniwptvrT day or nighL Phones, ba 66 Night 336 : DB. H. M. BEAM WOOD, N. C. } Offices ai wood Drug Co. - t OR. D. jf. SMITH WICK. Loulsburg, N. C. > Jca In the First National Bank building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. PKBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina ?mice in all courts. Offlce on Mala | ? Otl'Mt- ? ?? ? DB.^J. B.^DATIS Loulsburg, North Carolina I Office Church St. Next to Loulsburg, Bottling Works Hours: 8 to 10; 1 to 3; 6 to 8 P. M. j T-Unhone: QglCe 64-1 Ring Kes. ??-]! Klllft.? B. B. White B. II. IsltM | WHITE * MALONB LAWT8BB Loulsburg, North Carolina aeneral practice, settlement ot ea-1 Utes funds investod. Ons member ol | ! ? > firm always iS? the eBea. DR. H. 0. PERRY DB. B. H. JOHNSON| Physicians t Surgeons Loulsburg, rth Carolina rijfloou_ IS niiii-|t-T7i ~ ""Telephones: . Day 287 Night 10 DB. J. B. SALONI. Loulsburc, North Carolina ace In Aycock Drug Store, Market | Street, Offlce i Practice Liurgery and consultation. J. 0. Nj Lotil? Office In Flrrii q Will be at Lou; Day Pho?e7249 coi Nk Offices WELL, M. D. [burg, N. ? atlonal Bank Building^ sburg regularly Night Phone 249-2 I BEAM y-at Law rg, N. C. Tar River Drug Co. In all courts. Wm. HjRuffln, Loulebtrg, General practice! Frankllft lupreme Jces In Fi Bi tnal, In ties, 9 oi HENDEpSON GI] Wi Hekderson CITY Thos. W. Ruffln I WAf. >I0S. W. RDFFIN Attonjeyn-ai-Law North Carolina both civil and crlm and adjoining coun ncj Federal Courts. 3Bt National Bank tiding. RfcMEMBEIt YC'jn DEAD. Let v 3 submit < eatgns and prices on I a nice ip-to-da t o Monument or Tomb stone t< be erecte at the grave ot your | oved oje. Photop burned on China. ANITE & MARBLE I ?RKS. North Carolina) BARBER SHOP hder Frinklin Hotel I.nulsbura, I North Carolina Only barber ihip In Loulsburg run by* white Ben. The best ot service at most reasonably prices guaranteed. Cleaning /and pressing department In connection. Clothes Sent for and de livered promptly. 5TEGALL BROS. Barbers Loulsburg. IT. 0. We have purchased the shop former ly occupied by Oscar Stegall and will run same \t the same stand, Satis faction anAcleanllnees shall b? our motto. Planar ot hot running water and clean to Tear Money Back It Bat-Snap Doesn't Come Up to These Claims. RAT-8NAP is abac lately guaranteed to kill rats and piice\ Cremates them Rodents killed with 1U.T-SNAP leave no small. Rata pass >up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Ttfelr first meal Is {heir last. RAT-SNAIt comes In cakes. No mixing. CatV or dogs won't touch It. Three slieV 86c, 66c, $1.26. Sold and guv*nteedV>y Allen Brot. Oo. and Aycock Drng THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. V JOHNSON. KdlUr w4 luiw ?TAR DBOPS? nd4y Is firet Monday. I ?Court adjourned Saturday after noon tor the term. ?Christmas 1? almost h-re. Do j your shopping early. ?Cotton sold lu L r?r the iccunie ? acrupte that ti'iirfcif 'C of id :nci . Hon V Fntrhev. us fl uw you im men. ?Ih* RaIlro?d RMraiktr your frle^di with t gift that they will appreciate tor jearn. I hare aa exeepttoaaftjr targe llae of Jtwelry aad Cat dlan? tkat mint be ?eld. Mj prWi have heea eat la two end the harola* I elfer will axtonhh j on. Before y?a oeleet joar Riffs a 11 and tee wh?t I hare L. W. PARRISH JEWELER I OUISBUR?, North Carollaa Bull-Dog Drummond The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull by CYRIL McNEILE -SA?PEX" nxusT*ATioNs rr IRWIN MYERS C?vnnt ONE Drummond had yielded to Impulse the blind, all-powerful Impulse of any man who 1b * maa to gW 1? the wom an he lores If ?he wants him. Aa h? had dashed aeroes the lawn tO Th? Elms, with the American's warning orr echoing In hI? ?.m, h.? h-,; f-^,n Incapable of serious thonrht Subcocv sdously he had known that, from ev ery point of view, It was the act of a madman, that he was deliberately put ting bis head Into what, la all prob ability, was u carefully ure pared nooee; that, from every point of view, he could- hoi p PhyHS better by re when a girl sji rick v and the mun wl>o lore? her tinnrs._ir, arguments begin to look tired. And what little caution might har? remained to Hugh com pletely-vanished as ha saw the glrL watching blm with agonized terror In her face, from an upstair window, an ha daatmd ap in tin bouse/?It ?ni only for a brief second that he saw her; then ah* di nappes r?d suddenly, as If snatched away by Hum Invisible person. "I'm coming, darling." Us had given one wild about, and hurled himself tlwosgh the deor which lad Into the h?a from the gardec. A daiallng light ef intense brilliance had shene In hU face, momentarily blinding him ; oif a unahlng blow on Lhe_ baek ef his head. One groping, wild step forward, and Hi^h Umoimoad, dl?ly cxmadoas at m?ci all Hand him, had pitched fffward on faee kito alter etill.rl "IPs toe aaay." Laklngioa's ?uaer Ing retce broke the alienee, as he looked vindictively at the ueoascitus man. "So ytm have thought before, Henry," chuckled Petera?. "And h? always bobs up somehow. If yoa take my advice you'll anich him off-l?ers^ and now, and run uo further rifcks. "Kill him while he's unconscious?" Laklngton laughed evilly. "No, Oarl, uil uunsa irnt jfecumstances what ever. He has quite irteajaUi acore to pay, and by God! lie's Holng Lo YHT It this time." He stepped forward and kicked Drummond twice In the ribs with a cold, animal fury. "Well, don't kick him when he's down, guv'nor. You'll 'ave plenty o' time after."" A hoarse voice from the circle of men made Laklngton look up. "You cut it out, Jem Smith," he snarled, "or I might And plenty of time after for others beside this young swine." The ex-puglllst muttered un easily under Ids breath, but said no more, and It was Peterson who broke the silence. "What are you going to do with him?" "Lash him up like the other two,"* returned Lakington, "and leave him to cool until I get back 'tomorrow. But I'll btlng him round beftifco I go, and ,1rast talk to him for a l!t>h?. i wouldn't llko him not to kpow what was going to happen tp him. Antic ipate is always delightful." He turned to two of the men standing near. "Curry him Into my room," he ordered, "and another of you got the rope." And so It was that Algy Longworth and Toby Sinclair, with black rage and fury In their hearts, watched the limp form of their leader belug car ried Intb the central room. Swathed In rope, they sat motionless and Im potent, In their respective chairs, while they watched the same process betng performed on Druminond. He was no amateur at the game, was "tie rope-winder, and by the time he had finished. Hugh resembled nothing so much as a lifeless brown mummy. Only bts head wo* free, and that lolled forward helplessly. lakington watched the performance for a time; then, wearying of It, he strolled over to Algy's chair. "Well, you puppy." he remarked, "?re you going to try shouting again?" He picked up the rhlnoceros-hlde rld Ing-whlp lying on the floor, and bent H between his hands. "That wale on your face greatly Ifcnproves your beauty, and next time you'll get two, and a gag as well." "How's the Jaw, you horrible bit of dreg?" remarked Algy insultingly, and Toby laughed. "Don't shake his nerve, Algy." he Implored. "For the first time In his fllthy life he feels safe In the same room as Hugh." The taunt seemed to madden I*k Ington, who sprang across the room and lashed Sinclair liver the face. But even after the sixth cut no soOnrt came from the helpless man, though the blood was streaming down Inside his CPl'ar His eyfSj, calm and sneering, SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTOMOBILE TIRES, TUBES ADTD ALL ACCESSORIES From Nov. 11 th to Dcc. 1 st . * All Tires and Tubes Standard Makes Good Year Brunswick Oakleaf Goodrich FABRIC TIRES 30 x 3 $10.50 32x31-2 17.50 32x 4 22.00 CORD TIRES 32x4 $36.00 ^nnri-2 usaaixiM ? 21.00 30 *04-2 32 x 31-2 29.00 32 x 4 36.00 TUBES 30 x 3 $1.69 32 x 3 1-2 1.98 32 x 4 2.49 All other sizes Reduced in same proportion. Special Prices on Spark Plugs and Tire and Tube ~~~ Patchings A PI CARBON PKOOff Essex Plugs 69c Each In Ten 60c Each . AT?, TITAN 7-8 h'i'tr. P1uks ?? . . each "Tn l.ots of Ten wie cacli Special Prices on?monkey grip patches Motor Meters c Tire Covers 1-3 Price CHAMPION X Spark Plugs Fur Funis for .. s./..... 51c SIMMONS Hig^'Grade Plugs {?'or . ... _.... V...... 29s each AUTOMOBILE ROBES $6.00 Robes ... .Jp~. ... *2.!N ?IIUhi ^I?ohos? ? li.ll) SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL USED CARS DURING THIS SALE Oil v Severi Pa:''f-ntr''r Brft One A-veu Davis. 15.00 Roben 8.89 20.00 KoT>es~ 9.98 One Five Passenger Oak la mL < hyb 7 Passenger Cadillac 8. All in good mechanical condiU^n^ New Vulcanizing Plant Installed "_/_L ? trr-charge of MR. LEITP0WELL, afa Expert " ' Save your old T nes and Tubes and have them repaired. All work promptly done and Guaranteed by Mr. Powell. - / Get More Mile a Out ot-Yoar-Tires aad Tubes. oar Tires s S MO HIN E S- H O D G E S M OTQR COT" _ Buick, Hudson and Essex Automobiles . _ ?.? L0UISBURG, : ? : North Carolina of sJw ravlngjiian In front of blm without ~a"qWvttr.'smii-^clasfc. Peterson himself Intervened. "Stop It, Laktngton." His voice was ?tern as he caught the other's op "Stop It, Laklngton." HI* Vele? Wu 8tern We Caught the Other*? Up raised Arm. raised arm. '"Hifit's enough for tine time." For a moment It aeem bania Woman Was Continually pint? Her Strength. Mrs. H. P. Barrett, of ifepublic. suburb o! Birmingham, Ala/gives the tacts ot her remarkable Experience with Tanlac as follows: "During the pa^t foi^teuu years I have spent more than/>ne thousand dollars trying to get rjfi ot a complaint that was gradually jppping my stren gth. but until I goy hold ot Taniac nothing helped mar For the past four years I have li?ed almost entirely on milk and bre?<3, and finally even that went against me. "Before I had finished the first bot t!? ur Talilni; I gol BO 1 couia eat any thing. an,d I^certainly bless the day I *rsLgQt tEis"medlclne lor I believe It tets"aanea y wira to-my Hfg. * -The pro pie in my neighborhood were so sur prised at the change in me that four teen of them by actual count are now taking Tanlac." "Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere." AdT. EXTENDS APPRECIATION. As a citizen of Louisburg I wish express my appreciation to the Coun ty Commissioners for not contrUnynng ?500 to the County Fair. MRS. R. R. JfARBrtS. WANTED. AT ONCC?102 yDTCKS. 12-2-it / l. p. Micks. Coiumota L>ry Batteries work better nnd lut longer ?for belli and butwri ?for thermostats ?for gas engine? ?for dry battery lighting In donet, cellar, garret, barn, ett. ?for Ignition nt the Ford while (farting. Putanend to cold weather "balka" Tht world'* moti famomt dry fmttrry. u?*d *rk*T* gromp of indtridmml ctllt it a ttdrd. Fahn+*t?#? mi no r*tra cA?rrge How many / uses you have for Columbia^ FOR bells, buaers, thermostats, alarms, etc., use Columbia "Bell Ringer." Little package of big power. You need but one. For gas engina ignition; for tractor ignition; for igrtftion ontheFordwhil? starting; alwaw Columbia"Hot Shot" Ignition Battery No. 1461. Starts quick, regardless of cold weather. Solid package of 4 cellpower (6 volts). Fits under/the front seat of the Ford. Sold by Electrician*, auto supply ihop* ? nd Kartah, hardware and general a?oce*> and Imumcni dealer*. Look lot iha r?? ColunMa on the label. Cohimbi Diy Ba1