Put it to any V While the Forcfaon Tractor has power in plenty to drag plows and harrows through the heaviest soil, it ja light enough, small enough and so easily controlled that it can handily be put to many tasks about the farm, that will save you time, money and work. ?% In fact the Fordson will do every power job, both draw-bar and belt, more quick ly and at less cost than it can be dooe with any other form of power. So every month the whole year "round the always dependable Fordson will prove itself a paying investment, because of its capa bilities, its economy and efficiency. We will gladly explain and demonstrate to you the many Fordson money-mak ing, time-saving features. Call, write ? or phone. Louisburg Motor no. Phone Wo. 314 Louisburg, N. Oj *625 t. ?. IlSM Iron Lard Kettles Stone Lard Jars Tin Lard Cans Butcher Knives Sausage Mills Sausage Stuffers Red Pepper Black Pepperj Ground Sage Salt L. P. H IO K ON THE CORNER fire Works WHERE? Walter N. Alston's! ' Store SIDE RIVER FOR SALE?One Ford Roadster In Rood shape. W. D. JACK80N, 10-28-tf To Cure a CoU I a One T?k? LAXATIVE BKOMO Crirrl sff'WaMrSK Santa Claua will settle the buyers' strike.?Boston Shoe and Leather Re porter. The peace left as taxes, but taxes leave us no peace.?Greenville Pied mont. ?i If Germany really wants to get rid of Bergdoll, all she has to do Is to de clare war.?New York Evening Mall. LHJHTHOl-SK !*A5. Tb? play. Lighthouse Nan. will be given at Pine Ridge Friday night. De cember 1?, 1921. Everybody come! Admission 15 (Mid 35 cents. Proceeds for benefit of school. The only concern that seeips to be making money In Russia la the gov ernment printing office.?Seattle Tim es. Germany is the land ot promise.? Ashevllle Times. (jifi gibbons Each year brings In new sashes, girdles, halr-bowB and a long Ust of other belongings to replace those that have had their bright day and passed with the year. Two ribbon girdles, as pictured her?, make charming gifts. One of them Is made of narrow satin ribbon bordered with a tinsel ribbon and decorated with ribbon flowers. The other 1? a wide sash of two-toned satin ribbon with loops at each side and a knot at the back. Qay Skipping cRppes A skipping rope Is a Joy to the sturdy little out-door girl, especially when It has Nannette and Rlntlntln for handles. They are painted a deep pink with faces, hair, n^fctles and buttons of black paint. By substitut ing clothespins for these handles and tacking the rope to them It Is easy to make this treasure of childhood at cA CMerrj Claim Doll This merry gentleman Is one ol many dolin that may be made of dis corded ribbed underwear or stock ing*. His head Is made of n piece of white or pink ribbed stocking and hll face painted with black and red paint For Mi? rest of him two color? arq used and he Is stuffed with cotton and has a whit* ru^"i about big nect Handy Qifts for SMen I ? Kvery man, yoan* or oluJHUlllg, H. 0. ? Phnn? f?9 Office In First National Bank Bultdtag General Practice I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING -g- P ?hut, m. P| Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Bcoggln'i Drug Store. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. m. v. PB. W. R. BASS. YeUrlmaM**? = LoulBbu,rg, N. O Special attention to Hoga and Dcga. Office and Hospital at H. K. Vailsr1* Stable. Calls answered day or night Phones, Da- 66 Night S36 DK. II. ?. BEAK WOOD, N. C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. DB. D. X. SMITH WICK. Dentist. Lealafcarg, N. C. Office In the First Nauonal Bank Building on Main and Nash Bts. W. M. PEBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LOttlsburg, NuMh proline PlMttoe In aH eonrta. Office on Mala Street. DB. 1. B. DAVIS Phjslclan Lenlsbnrg, North Carolina Office Church St. Next to Lonlsburg Bottling Works Hours: 8 to 10; 1 to 3; # Ul ! T. M. Telephone:" Office 64-1 Ring Res. 64-2 Rings. B. ? White E. H. Maleae WHITE A MALO KB LAWYERS Lonlsbnrg. North Carolina ?eneral ptaeUee. settlement ot ee -ates fundi lnveatod. One member ot tae arm always In the office. jm, H? u.iuaut? DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physicians & Surgeons Lonlsbnrg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: . Day 287 Night 10 DR. J. E. MALONE. Loulsburg, North Carolina ?See In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice ijurgery and consultation. J. 0. NEWEL),, M. I). Loulsburg, X ? Office In First National Bank Building Will be at Loulsburg regularly Day Phono 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 fl. M. BEArf Attorney-at Law Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over old Tar River Drug Co. Practice In an courts. Wm. H. Ruffln, Thos. W. Ruffln WM. M. * THOS. W. RUFFIN A ttorn ey s-at-Law Loolpbtfrg, i North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ?1?s, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices in First National Bank Bulldlnc. REMEMBER YOUR DEAD. Let us submit designs and prices on a nice up-to-date Monument or Tomb stone to be erected at the grave of your oved one. Photos burned on China. HENDERSON GRANITE ft MARBLE WORK8. Henderson North Carolina. THE CITY BARBER SHOP Under Franklin Hotel I.onlsbarg, * North Carolina Only barber shop in Loulsburg run by white men. The best ot service at most reasonable prices guaranteed. Cleaning and pressing department In connection. Clothes sent for and de livered promptly. 8TEOALL BROS. Barkers I Lealsbarg. IT. C. We have purchased the shop former ly occupied by Oscar Btegall and will run same St the same stand. Satis faction and cleanliness shall be our motto. Plenty of hot running watnr and clean towels. Toar Unn^y Brir.k If Rat-Snap Doesn't Come Up to These Claims. RAT-SNAP Is absolutely guaranteed to kill rata and mice. Cremates them Rodents killed with RAT-8NAP leave no smell. Rats pass up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Their flrst meal Is their last. RrAT-SNAP comes In cakes. No mixing. Cats or dogs won't touch It. ? Three sites, 35c, 66c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Allen Bros. Co. and Aycock Drug Co. i OUR BANK means ? L Safety Protection and Service. Mcmhcj- FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM W BANKS. Rpliiml our Bank is the Federal Reserve System. Back of tlie Federal Reserve System is over a thousand member banks, hundreds of millions of dollars in gold, and the Treasury Department of the United States? the strongest financial force in tlw-woild. This gives the greatest possible protection to OUT -depositors and also helps industries, merchants, farm < rs and business generally. - Com? m. -2 Wfi WILL WELCOME YOUr THCTfRSTNATIONAt BANK LOUISBURG, N. C. Member of the Federal Reserve System v p MrTHnn?, Pr?giHi?nt F. T. Beaaley. Cashier * ? ' 9 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $85,000.00 lit. Cases and Traveling Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we saved in tb? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. R. F. Fuller STT normi* and Molet. .Alt* H?r and Oat*. BilfU and Rarntn for tal?, of tk? right kind and at th* right price? Will Mil lor cmi or part ea?h or on approved ?. 0. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power contained In a certain deed of t runt executed to me by Mr*, rattle Perry and recorded In tbe office if the Reg ister of Deed* of Franklin County In Book 234, paca ISO, I will on MONDAY 12th of DECEMBER, 1921 at the honr of noon, sell at public auction at the Courthouse door In Doulsburg, N. C. to the highest bid der for caah, a certain tract or parcel of land situated In Franklin County, taulsbttrg Township, State of North Carolina, and described aa follow! The part of th? home tract of land of the said Mrs. Pattls Perry, deceased, which Ilea on the South of ths MIH Path, containing twelve acres, more or leaa, and being the part described of the land which waa devised to the aald Mre. Pattle Perry by her moth er, Rmiline Joyner, deceased, and ad joining the land* of Henry May oil the South, A. 8. Moore on the East, and Dick Ggerton and others on the West. This the 8th day of Novsmbsr, 1M1. W. D. COLLIER, Trusts?. W. H. Yarborough, Atty. 11-11-5' Babsorlbs to THE FRANKLIN TIMES ?1.50 Psr T tor la Advanos