THAT YOU MAY HAVE A A Happy and Prosperous New Year IS THE SINCERE WISH OF LOUISBURG'S QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE F. W. WHELEtf, Proprietor /> And we wish to express our gratitude to our many customers for the liberal patronage they have given us the past year, which has assured us ci the fact that you have profited by our efforts to serve you. x^ind we wish to assure you that we will redouble our efforts to give yoa the very best of goods in 1922 for a little less than anyone else. When in need of any thin { in the ladies' or gentleman's department ~we^ will be glad to show you how much we can save you. ? ??-? THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ?TAR DROPS? ?Don't forget to wTlte It 1922. ? ?How many ol your New Year's res olutions have you broken. ?Cotton sold in Loulsbjrg yester day for 17 1-2 cents a pound. ?The schools ii?iown resumed their work for the Spring term this week. ?Franklin Superior Court will con vene on Monday, January 16th, with Hon. W. A. Devin, Judge presiding. ?The tobacco market at LouiBburg opened Wednesday for the sale of to bacco, after being closed lor the holi days. ?Mr. J. D. Hines informs us that he will soon put up a nme brick build ing on the lot where his garage re cently burnsd. ?The many young ladies and gen tlemen who came home from School to S|.end the holidays with thfiif peo ple have returned. ?Eras Brame, colored, was display ing a watermelon on the streets Mon day. He said it was of his own rais ing and had just been pulled. AMONO THE VISITORS Mr. W. W. "Webb went to Black stone, Va. this week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Purvis return ed this week from a visit to Greenville, Tenn. Mrs. F. Parrlsh, of Durham, visit ed her sister, Mrs. Ida Hale, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colli*, of Ral eigh, spent a portion of the holidays In Louisburg. Mr. and Mrs. K, A. Pittman, of Ay den, were visitors to Louisburg during the holidays. Mrs. Sanford Snead and Mr?. R. A. Lucas, of Dunn, were visitors of Mrs. E. H. Hale during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Person and children returned the past week from * visit to her people at MiUlkln, La. Mr. Joseph Hale, of Abbeville, 8. 0? -and Mr. B. M. HfcJe, of Ulllon, 8. C., ?pent the holidays with their people here. - Col. W. T. Wilder, of St. Paul, Minn., and Mr. T. B. Wilder, of Aber deen, are visiting their brother, Mr. S. T. Wilder, Mr. and Mr*. E. F. Thomas, and Miss Elisabeth Webb spent the boll days with relatives-In ^llackstone -and Richmond, Va. NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned will, on or after, Saturday, January 21st, 1922, offer for sale, either publicly or privately, all of the furniture and fixtures of the Wood Banking & Trust Company, con sisting of Burroughs posting machine. Royal Typewriter, olfice desk, water cooler, metal files, blank books, pro tectograph, one Bank safe, double time lock, and other miscellaneous articles. All sales will be subject to the approval of I he Superior Court. This 4th day of January, 1922. l-6-3t M. S. CLIFTON, Receiver. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina?Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Cop?-?Cr.eeting: WnereaB, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited In my office,' that the C. B. Cheatham Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal olfice is situated In the town of Louisburg, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina ,J, B. Thomas being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served) has compiled with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, ontltled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 80th day of December, 1921, file In my office a duly executed and attested consent In wilting to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by ait the stock holders thereof, which sulfl consent and the record of the proceedings are now on file In my said office as pro vided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 80th day of De cember, A. D. 1921. 3. BRYAN GRIMES. l-6-4t Secretary of State. o SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed of Irvtt ?imuM on t h<> aoth day of November, 1920, by Pattle L. William son, Jesse C, Williamson et ale, to W. N. Fuller, Trustee, duly registered In the office ot the Register or Deeds tor Franklin County In book 134, page 1SS, default having been made In the pay ment of the note thereby secured and demand made upon me by the holder thereof, to foreclose In accordance Kith the terms and provisions of said deed ot trust, I will sell at public Mo tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Franklin Conn ty, N. O. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY ?th. 1911 at II o'clock M, that tract or parcel o I li_iul in Franklin County. Fr&nkliatoa | township, North Carolina, described i aR follows, viz: Adjoining the lands of Henry Perry, | Bryant Green, Elbert Keal et als, and bounded as follows: On the North by Tar River, on the east by the lands of Henry Perry, on the Soutn bv the lands of Bryant Green, on tne west by the lands of Elbert Neal. containing One Hundred Seventy (170) acres, more or less, and being the tract of land of which Oscar Williamson died seized and possessed and upon which he resided at the time of his death. This the 4th dav of Jan., 1922. l-6-5t W. N. FULLER, Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times POR SALE?One fine Guernsey milch cow, will be fresh soon. Apply to J. A. Mumford, R 2. Louisburg, N. C. 1-6-lt LOST?Between Dickens Store and Louisburg, childs sn:t case contain ing clothes. Finder yiease return to L. W. Parrish. Louisburg, X. C. and receive liberal reward. 1-6-lt LOST?OA Raleigh road. Dec. 2S. be tween Courthouse and Orst railroad crossing, coat fell from running board of car, will party who picked it up kindly return to Mr. M. S. Clifton, Farmers and Merchants Bank. , 1-6-lt. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers National Bank At Ixraisburg, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on December 31, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts Including rediscounts $137,875.40 Notes and bills rediscounted wit"h Federal Reserve Bank ! ?3.053. SS ?4.821.52 Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 50.000 00 All othtr United States Government securities 40,500.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Furniture and fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash In vault and amount due from national banks Amount due from banks, bankers, and trust compa nies in the United States Checks cn other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Total of Items 9. 10. 11, 12 and 13 ? 24,511.57 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items iy Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. and due from B. S. Treas Total . $233.285.94 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Surplus fund : Undivided profits 7 10.330 57 Less current expenses. Interest and t^ses paid 9.883.94 Circulating notes outstanding ^ Amount due to Federal Reserve Bftnk (deferrad credits Amount due to State banka, bankers and trust companies In the United State? and foreign countries Cishler's checks on own bank outstanding ! Total of Items 21. M. 23. 24 and 25 11.093 33 Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Other time deposits , Total ot time deposits subject to Reserve 39,729.?? U. 8. Government securities borrowed - Bills payablsTwtth Federal Reserve Bank : Total $332,285 94 State of North Carolina. County of Franklin, as: I, H. Bf. Stovall. Cashier ot the sbove-nsmsd bank, do solemnly swear that the abota statement la true to the best of my knowledge an