^ ~ cv:arfcc The Franklin Timers WATCH LABEL OB riru-M la ? B?f?r? TIb ? THE OOUHTY. THE STATE. THE UHI01V , _ __ _ ^ suBJ^KirnoH %ut? r?r 1am ? 1 ? " ' w ?? ? . ? TOLim U LOmiDM !t-c, > UDAT, unruT Mt IW H??l tj SEABOARD AIS LUTK ?STATION BURNS iTDinci or nciiiMUi wtu That lucaaitlsrtea haw bwo at work again la Louiabwrg On Seaboard Air Lin* Stattmioa. tha H?th aide of Saturday night la the ballet of the c ixens here. The Are wtrthcoTwed about >:4S only a tew minutes alter aAd cone over town cm the alarm Immediately trna? tm. Tka reepoaae was TJatant and two ot our reputable illl??ii aa ?a ulUrataad. ver? poaltlre that thay mt oil on the floor where the Ira had not teach?* The treiaen ma a wonderful ?tec? ot work and aa a result much ot the charred trajne still ate arte and a por tion of the waiting i iiiMw aea left al most intact, hart*? holding the flam es under each perfect controll that they ware not allowed to spread to the many buildings cn all sides. How ever. from a practical standpoint the entire station is a total Iocs, together with a lot ot freight and equipment. The loas is estimated to be about as follows: Building $5.000. insured; freight and efulpment $10.00?. It is thought by some that the sta tion was robbed and then set fire to <-otot the theft. But many hold to the idea that it was only an??her ball ?..r.g added to the list ot the mcendiar !? It seems that recently a fortune teller foretold that la the mar future some parties who had been run away from Lotusburg would ?--?* ? ? K..;i.?;nt |fr| they would leave and return within a week and burn another. And again it i& stated that the watchman ; in that part of town saw two persons white man. he hailed them, they re fused to answer and he shot in that: ditectioa "-hen they iltiiu and. Tan. Also It is stated that a few Tughts "before the Texas OU Cto.L s*K>rt orer a hundred gallons of oft It is a pity that a country like this can contain such men. and Its t*> be hoped that the officers can get a clue that will bring the guilty parties to Justice. BEATS OF LITTLE STELLA MI On Sanday. lu< 15. tke death anjrel watered tke Mie ot Hn. Hunter Hilt and bor? ant the Utile six year-old daughter. StaT All her life i a great k( her loved ones had al ways known tkat tke bonds of leak which bound her to this earth were so feeble that at any monnu they might break and release tke tittle son) to ?1st its way back to tae Bather who Save N. Bat thai tacts oaty ? nd more dear to ed trea the koase Una day at foar y. ?. A crowd af ?MpttMl retail ?se tka anraaoty was stirred by tka Mrs. W. K. White. Has S. T. Win llllll. H. L. of _ r Old He bas |one I ftrofaKk btkaklBitaatHaar Ju. lit Um ncdar moatta* O* tke Baptist Vobu i lda sftonary Clrcl? vas puatma>d until MTtt-tklrtr. as tka anal hoar oon Uctad wttfc tka faaaral ot Itttl? StalU trs Mrs W H. Allen vas koat.sa oa Oils occastoa and tka i aaasaally |Mtr trasa -A. Tustrlac Jew ali ta o as tke *wt of prayer with tka tolkjw tn? places ot mMlst . 3*ond#y with Mrs. B. C. Allan; Ta l? lay ?ttk Mrs. R. A. Bobbttt; "Wogneaflhy wlU Kri F. w. Wbaleas; Thursday wtth Mrs. James Collier; Friday with Mrs. :ta( thirty and will last only thirty min ut?. Ali aro cordially artttd to at tend. _?US. J. W. Iltx HOSTESS. On FVIdjLT. ]u. 13th O* Qrmbcri at t)M Edwin Falter Clmb assembled; at th? rgaidence of Mrs. J. W. Mann. Her tiaikiae koHttalltf mw mad?, ererr one feel that the ill-omen of the date kad nnif been or?ruled for good Instead of bad lack. Ia tke abnence of the president, the president. Mrs. Ben Hoiden. call ed the ???ting to acdnr^ The satkiecl, of the profrtm for the afternoon waa "England's Two Greatest Queens." Mrs. Wm Barrow had a Terr able pa per on Elisabeth. and Mrs. Fred Hicks one on Victoria. M6s Annie Green "rend a i mi en t topit on Changing Wo men into Htma Beings. After the procna the ctnb went In nicatkms from FXtnUon Headqoar-. t trs were read. The clnb sabacribed ten dollars to the Federation Endow ment. Mr^i. if A. Hod^fs rfported for the jcrmmittee appointed to sestfi ' 1 mas box to "oar soldier " at Oteen. :Mrs. E. L. Beet wns appointed to I write to htm daring the week Jan. ~I$-' . a? - I" A ??? cake and cream snr ironnted br whirped cream and china cherries, was serve?: followed bT cogee and dainty little jonquil ta [rcrs tiled with salted abaonds. |?The ctnh adjnarnul to meet next time with Mrs. Wingate Underbill, WESLEYA> DVHiHTEES MEET. The Waaieyan Daaghters of the Methodist Charch heln their regnlar muting with Mrs. ?. E. White on last Friday night. Miss Beatrice 'Tnrner was elected secretary, since j ted to this oMce at the Jaaaary meet , ing expects to ha oat of sown this win ter. The sucletji roted to spend one eren ing a month to Bible stndy. aslng -The Great Characters or the New Testament**, hy Doremas A. Hayes. There heiag an farther bastneos the following Tery laterestlag was taken ap: Topic?Spying Oat The Land i Congo Beige. - Ryma "Sartor Thy Dytag Uon.* Bible Irt (|?IH m treat on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock wS?T Judge W. A. Darin will deliver an ad dress on Ut* objects and lull nw 0L the Wood row Wilson Foundation MlWUfc which has proven to be by tar the most popular of Us kind ever ?OOa la ills 1MW Olatee.?)?ankltn County to know that Messrs. Beet r. B. McKinne, M. M. Person, I. H. Kearney, J. T. Inscoe delegat es elected from Franklin County to at tsnd the District PonvanMnn In Ral-j elgh Wednesday succeeded tn secur ing one of the places on tie ticket for a Director from this District tor the ?niftfl Mr "n f'l uary Slst, and named Mr. C. P. Har ris, while the other vacancy was till ed by Harnett County by naming Mr. B. O. Townsend. Both of these gen tlemen are among the oest in the | State, and either will make the-Asso ciation an efficient and capable offl Icer. Mr. C. P. Harris being a Prank ;lin county man. is sufficient for the signers In this county going out and casting a solid Tote for nrm that the firs* Director in the Association fronr this district may go from among us. The election to decide oetween Mr. Harris and Mr. Townsend will be held |on January Slst?that Is all the bal '"1 imn ii !? Thi hsvM "** mlttee in Raleigh not later than Tues jday the 31st, The local committee in i Franklin will announce a plan in a | tew days that will insure a larger vote [and a much more convenient ar :Tartccment to tt.c members of Prank? jlin county. In the meantime deter mine in your own mind that you are "?niug tu imp uu tliat day, aad vote for ? C. P. Harris. Everybody, who has i signed the contracts, whether he has j paid or not. is entit led to vote. . *?? " ? am imi ? j His many friends in Franklin Coun .ty will learn ?n> miiri^ sorrow .if ~3eath of XTr. W. H. Hill, more famil -Urty known -as "Tip", whlcn occurred mt I)m> ?i.-.??, nt hig ?tai.p.htar, Mr? P JA. Reavis yesterday morning at 7 ,o ?~Kkx in his eighty second year. Mr. 1H111 arose apparently in hia usual health, but after dressing suffered an -uUuek <4 heart trouble and the end soon caine in peace to another of Franklin's honored Veterans of the I Civil War. He was a man of a jovial disposition that made friends of all acquaintances and he always enjoyed >looking upon the brighter side of life. He leaves to mourn his departure ?>ur ?ns. K. P. Hill, J. P. Hill, T. G. Hill. J. D J Hill, of Raleigh, and three daughters, Mrs. P. A. Reavis, Mrs. W. H. Yar bo rough. Mrs. J. S. "Williams, all of Louisbui?. The funeral services will be held from the home of Mr. P. A. Reavis J this morning at 10: SO o'clock and will i be conducted by Rev. O. F. Smith, "pastor of the Methodist church, after which the remains will be taken to Oak lawn cemetery where they will be CUhtly laid to rest in the family plot. I The bereaved family has the deep eat sympathy of the entire community tu their sadness. AT BAPTIST CHl'ROH. For information of public there will be ittnlir services at the Baptist Church every Thursday evening, and e>ery Sunday- morning and evening. Aud It la hoped.that all the members will be present at all these services. Public always welcomed. THANKS. We wish to thank the people of UtMutf tor the kindness shown us *artac the sickness and death or our chtM. Mrs. Hunter Hale and family. PATE WAT FOB MKT FAR.VEK KK SERVE BOARD 'seaadur MNn Offers Amendment tu Federal Reserve Art. Waahlngton. Jan. If.?Creation ot aa adttloaal director of the Federal Ra?i i? Board so aa to pave the way br the appointment ot a "dirt farmer" by the PreeMeut ts proponed In a sub stitute amendment to the federal re uarv? ?rt offered today by Senator Ketfan. Republican. Minnesota, au thor of the original "farmer amond | Uatm of the Senate agricultural Mott tared today that the way had bseai cleared |hr the terfalatlon which ssuM result lu the naming of a far mer to membership on the Federal km it j Board. | 9iaHiw Keuyoa. Republican, Iowa, rue ot the bloc leaders after a confer ence wKh President Harding, Indicat ed thai the objections bad been with drawn. Mr. Maury Cralle, of Richmond. Va. ?aa a visitor to lioulsburg this week. Mrs C. W Bdwars was called to hy the Illness of bar mother, H. H Hilton left Wednesday he will have h r FBOCLAIMS WEEK JEWISH BELIEF hiirlif Period From Ftb. C To 19 Jews Of Htate Will Seek To Boise SUV Governor Cameron Morrison yester day Issued a proclamation setting apart the week beginning Monday Feb TXTary 6 and ending Sunday February 112 as Jewish Relief Week In North Carolina. During this Ume, the Jew# I of the State, through. the permanent j relief organization perfected at a'meet ling of prominent Jews of the State I here last week, will put on a campaign ror I15U.VU0 R> r6lldifc the?suffering and aid In the rehabilitation of tha Jews of Eastern Europe. ? Lionel Well, of Goldsboro, is head f the.organization perfected In this State and already the movement for the relief of the suffering peoples of Europe Is under way. It is not mere Tyrellef tnar Is tnit rehabu ltatlon. Here is the Governor's proclamation Issued at the request of the Jewish State. organization: _ Whereas, there is a great suffering among the Jewish people of Europe, thousands of whom are reported as be ing entirely destitute and In a dying condition, due to the lack of food and [cither necessities; and "Whereas, our own land has been blejfeed with a prosperity that not on ly guarantees our own safety but which enables us, and should impel us to share our bounties with our less for tunate fellow human beings in other lands, now, "Therefore, I, Cameron Morrison. I Governor of North Carolina, do here-i by set apart by this proclamation the week beginning Monday, February 6th and ending S?in tholomew, M. L. Fowler, D. N. Smith . E. Harris. O. W. Ayeecue, E. W Furgurson. R. a. Pruitt, w. H Prl vett. J. B. Horton. R. J, Upchurch. James Upchurch. After the charger with the aid of .F' Norrla- 0Qr *b!e and ef ficient Solicitor, and the attorneys of the bar the docker was taken up and cases disposed of as follows State vs M. D. Refcms. c c w alia, capias and continued. State vs Ernest Hayman, alias Rod White o c w nol pros with leave State vs Frank Wall 1 and r contln ueg under former order. State vs MT5 Reams and f. B. Gard ner alias sci fa and continued. guilty ? VS Tr?y Arnold 1 and r not State v| Louis Southall a d w pleads guilty ludgment^uapentteri upon w ment of rn?ra ment of coats. State vs Louis Southall appeal. Judg ment suspended nnon navmonr ""vtn v State vs Buck Perry c c w, pleads guilty, judgrment suspended. State vs Buck Perry, manslaughter enters plea nolo contendere, two y?ar>4 on roads. ?nail. M hwmi Lavtoiri!T?E?inap tyto forcible trespass. Judgment sus TTnoed upon payment costs. I 8t*te-vs Hqgh Freeman t and r, ?1111 |ty 12 months on roads. Defendant j appealed. ,'H Ar'Uui' cappa a. a w. pleads" guilty 12 months on roans, i "?W"d 1 appa a d w. pleads i State vs C. E. Capell assault guil ty, prayer for Judgment continued up. cn payment of costs. State vs Buck Gill a d w? pleads guil t> judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Buck Perry, disturbing pub lie wowrship pleads guilty judgment tuspended. State vs Ike Brodle disposing of mortgaged property pleads guilty Judgment suspended upon payment of State vs Robert Long c cw, pleads guilty. State vs Robert Long robbery, a d w guilty of assault and battery. State vs H. E. Dehart, gambling guilty. State vs J. D. Winfree. c c w pleads guilty fined $50 and costs. State vs Claud Davis a d w, pleads guilty judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs and doctors bill. State vs Ishmael Lancaster c c w pleads glillty fined ?50 and costs. State vs Isbmael Lancaster u p w for sale not guilty. State vs Ned Davis a * w. c c w. guilty a d w, not gullfy 6 e~w. . State vs Frank Perry abandon crops motion to squash allow?*. Court Is still In session as we go to press with all probability that It will continue through next week. O : ' TO ALL?SOLDIERS, SAILORS A!H> HA BINES LAST C ALL FOR STATE MEDALS. For the past six months the local Red Cross Chapter tlas had a number of medals for distribution to the men from our county who served In the army, navy or marine corps during the world war. Through the TIMES and by circulars we have urged you ask for these medals that are award ed by the-state as an expression of appreciation for your services. All you are asked to do Is present your discharge to the Chairman of th* l-ouisburg Chapter, A. R. C. All oat ! the blank which Is furnished by thmediato attention^ as lit medal? cr.t claimed wltl soon have to be re turned to Fuiielgh, sad then 4m only be secure*! frutu the Adjutant Gener al 8 office We cannot Is a soldier or sailor la * bo would nut nh?e tl of Ma stmts' lasd wlU V