mE UNIVERSAL CAR ?PRICES [F. O. B. Detroit] Chassis $2.85 Rnn&bottt $3.19 Touring Car $3.48 Truck Chassis $4.30 Coupe $5.80 Sedan $6.45 These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. _ Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. Louisburg, N. C. Summer Feeding Pays Egga pay any time, but when other flocks fall off yours pay best Feed plenty of protein now. Hens need It for eggs and for the coming moult. If they don't get enough, they will rob their body-tissues to get it. Then it will take twice the feed to get them back. Keep Purina on the Job k's rich in egg-making, body v building protein. Get a shorter moult and more winter egg*. Egp or Monay B?ck Jiaf etep to the tele phone and ask u> about thk guarantee, NOW. I P. HIOKS ON THE CORNER NOTICE M M Exaentor ot Um T. Bias eontr, notic? la here boldlng claim? to praaaat thara to oa or bator? tta? tSrd v 1M>. or thla notic? te te at their rtcortrj. t" NOTICB Htite| ^ulM?d u Executor of the nUU of lira. BetU? Harper, 1*MU ?d, ItU of Franklin ooonty, boUm la hereby (Iran all peceoaa holding claim? ifalMt Bald ?1?t? tO present them to the nndaralgned on or befor? th? Urd day of December, ins, or this notice will to plead In bar of their re cover/. AllDfraona Indebted to Mid W?U WM >l??i oocne forward and maka immediate settlement. This ,?>1. J. B. OLASOOW. Extr. "SHE IS "FILL OF PEP" THEY SAY She Is tlood-Looklag aad Uaj mad Is Always Bead; for a Uood Time Why is a girlpopula,r? Look around and 8? "wEt a good time the good looking ones bare all the time. Men seek them out and ask them to parties, dances and entertainments. And no tice that It Is not the doll-face type real men like most, but the red-blood ed girl with "pep" and happy good nature. Any girl who Is tired and ''T1'1! and has a poor complexion and dull eyes can improve ner condition and be far happier II she Will simply take Gude's Pepto-Mangan until she has put her blood Into good condition. Red blood means "full or life" and "full of life'' usually m?anB happiness. I Try Gude's Pepto-Mangan and see how much better you feel. Doctors have used it nearly thirty years for 'weak, run-down people. It helps them get well. Sold in both liquid land?tablet ter?. AUtbi UuemenT. FRANKLIN COUNTY SCHOOL COLUMN Items ot Interest to Teachers, Association* and People Interest ed In PnbUe Schools of Frank lin Coaaty. 1 I I t Edward L. Best, Superintendent 1. Last Friday afternoon I was present at a moat Interesting meeting of the Literary, Debating Society of the Bunn High School. The program consisted of mnsic7 recitations, news Items and school editorials. The pro gram did credit to the high school stu dents and teachers. The work of the society is as much a part of the regu lar school work as the geometry, en glish and etc. There is no phase of the school work more important n???? this. The object Is to make It possi ble for the boys and girls to express themselves clearly, intelligently and with ease before an audience. The ?oclety meets one? each week. Im mediately after school the Betterment Association waa called to order by Mrs C. C. Pippin the president. It waa in Inspiration to be present at this meeting. I hare never seen any group if women more interested In the school ind community than this one and they are really doing things th.t count [or a great deal. I wish that the wo men In every community in the coun ty would organize with aa serious a motive and purpose aa the women of Bunn tor the advancement and accom plishment of all things good in the civ ic and religious life of its people. The rrustees and most of the teachers were klso present which gave evidence that ill the school and community forces ?rare cooperating for the Best Interest >f a common cause. atlas Pauline Smith, The County Hbme Demonstra tion Agent, af course was present and >ffered some splendid suggestions for the February programs. 2. One very important feature of the school extension work is using the pictures as an agency for motivating .he actual class room work especially n geography history and language. Most of the teachers in tne centers that have the pictures are taking ad vantage of these programs by basing heir work in geography, history and anguage, whenever possible, on the pictures that have been seen on the screen. One teacher writes very in terestingly of how she used the pic ture on the Panama Canal in her geog raphy and history work. Miss Nan nie Pigg of the Franklinton Graded School has the following to Bay in the S'orth Carolina Educatioi^jn the De cember issue: "Among modern agencies for motivating language work lie School Extension occupies a large place. In the first place, the movie 5>ves the children sometmng to talk jnd write about. In the second place If they know there is some one espec ially interested in reading their let ters and compositions, and who will place the best one before the eyes of the world In the county paper, it has an electrical effect upon tne language of a school room." 3. It is the duty oflt the connty board of education to district the coun ty so that all children may have ad vantage of an elementary and high school. How many children in Frank lin county are denied high school Privileges? With the exception of the people who are able to pay board at some school out of the township, what high school privileges have the boys and girls in Sandy Creek, Gold Mine and Harris townships? 8. The following comes from Miss Violet Alexander: "During the pres ent two weeks the Schoot Extension work presents the play "The Story the Keg told Me." The scenery of this production la unsurpassed and It con tains one of the most remarkable ef fects of double exposures ever seen. Besides the story Itself Is good and brings us a beautiful lesson. The schedule Is as follows: Friday. Jan uary 10th Wood; Saturday, January 21st Maplevllle; Tuesday, January 24th Cedar Rock; Wsdnssday, January 26th Seven Paths; Thursday, January 2?th Sandy Creek; Friday, January 27th Bunn; Saturday. January 28th Roberts." PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DB. O. B. BONIS KB ot Drs. Bonner * Bonner Eye, Ear, Mote and Throat Baleigli, North Caroliaa Will be Id Louisburg on Thursday ot each week. Office over Scoggln's Drug Store. IIK. B. h\ YABBOBOUGH Physician and Surgeon Luulsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar bo rough Building. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 28 UlLdf. H. MOBTCF Bye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Ltooisbura. North Carolina H IT"""" lttoraej-At-Law. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone 249 Office In First National Bank Building Geaeral Practice , ?lih to advlBo my-patients and the public generally that after (he 1st ot September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Uf completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING" 8. P. BUST. M. D. T^nilahnrr N. C. Offices oyer Scoggln's Drug Star? Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 Jo IjUIL? ?"?? HATE TOU KVKB HOTTCF.D THAT THE HEBTHANT WHO ftEHDft Iff THE COPT FOB HIH AD BABLT ALWATH HAH THE HIATEST ADt There ta a Mil In the Hosh that mar Umit the pnrchaae of lmrnrlee. Inci dentally there are bill* being preeent trO Hi tota of other hwii that ?lay kava the aama effect. H^alla Bol let In Secretary Mellon haa made It poe alble to boy a $SS thrift bond for $>0. bat ha doaa not adrlee where tha $20 may be procarad.?Plttabursh Oaaetta DB. W. B. BIBS. Veterinarian Louisburg. N. C. Special attention to Hogs and Dogs. Office and Hospital at R. P. Pullet's Stable. Calls answered- day or night Phronea, Da- 66 Night 835 DB. H. B. BEAU WOOD, K. C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. BB. D. C. BXRHW1C1* C. the First National Bank w. s. rnsoH. Lomlahnrg, North Carolina l?Hln In ?11 ooarts. OSoa an DB. J. B. DATIS 1 |.| rOJlKtu Loulsbarg, North Carolina Office Church St Next to Louisburg Bottling Works Hoars: 8 to 10; 1 to 8; 6 to 8-P. M. Telephone: Office 64-1 Ring B. B. White B. H. WHIT* * SALOM! Loalsbarg. North Carolina ?eneral practice, settlement of st ates fonda lnvestod. On* member ol ?e Am always In the el DB. H. G. PERBY DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physicians & Surgeons Louisburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: . Day 287 Night 10 DR. t. E. SALONI. Loulsburc, North Carolina See in Aycock Drug Store. Market Street. Office Practice Uorgery and consultation. J. O. NEWELL, B. D. Loulaburg, N. -. Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 G. M. BE A id Attorney-at Law Louisburg, N. C. Offices oyer old Tar River Drug Co. ^ Practice In ail courts. <Vm. H. Kuffln, Thos. W. Ruffln WM. H. * THOS. W. RTJFFIN Attorn?ys-at-Law Loafobarg, ; .} North Carolina ieneral practice, both civil and crlm nal, In FrankHn and adjoining coun les, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. s REMEMBER YCUR DEAD. Let us submit designs and prices on a nice up-to-date Monument or Tomb stone to be erected at the grpre of your oved one. Photos burned op China. HENDERSON GRANITE ft MARBLE WORKS. Henderson Kurth Carolina. THE CITT BARBER SHOP Under Franklin Hotel I.oolsborg, North Carolina Only barber shop in Louisburg run by white men. The best of service at most reasonable prices guaranteed. Cleaning and pressing department In connection. Clothes sent for and de livered promptly. BTK6ALL BBOH. UiMni. K. C. We haTa parchaaad tb? (hop forxuet Iy occupied by Oacar 8t??all ud ?fll ran mhw at the Mm* stand. Satis faction and cleaaltaeee ?hali b? oar ?kotto. Plenty of hot ranotns wat*r towala. AUTO FOR HIRE Frmpt, reliable Serrlee. ?ara Paa ? XKehell Car. Can at Ajrtack lira* Stara ar Pfeama (t. G. R. UPCHURCH, your children to deposit their money 7Pe will welcome their accounts The Educational policy of our Bank inclndesn tho teaching of the Banking habit to children; This is not to make them "close" and "stingy" but to help them ACCUMULATE MONEY for the future, to learn tho value of money and to get acquainted with the banking business. We shall be glad to welcome the accounts of your Children. $1.00 will start an account. Come in. WE WILL WELCOME YOU. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ?: LOUISBURG, N. C. Member of the Federal Reserve System F. B. McKinne, President F. J. Beattley, Cashier Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits 185,000.00 ? R. F. Fuller 60 Horses and Males. .AIM H?y and Oats. Boggle and Harness (or sale, of tke right kind and at the right prices Will sell (or cash or part cash or on approiod security. K your horse or mule does net suit yon ^om* In and see If you could not make a trade gut what yon want. Cose and see whether Ton buy orf not. R. F. FULLER Lonlshnrg, 9. 0. FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Yarboro U) Thog. W. Ruflin, Trustee, dated Nov. 12, 1917, and recorded In Book 224, page 7, Franklin Registry, default having been made In jthe payment of the debt se cured by said deed of trust and de mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holders of said debt, the undersigned will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1922 at the noon recess of court, It being th? .first day of the February Term of Franklin Superior Court, at the Court house door In Loulsburg, N. C., ofTer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash tne lot and dwell ing In tald deed of trust conveyed and tliore described as follows: Situate In the town of Loulsburg and more particularly defined as fol lows: Beginning In the center of ?Warrenton Avenue, corner In Yates' line; thence N 4d W 8 pis 23 Iks to a ?take, the Yates corner In R. H. Dav is line; thence N 85 1-2G W 9 pis 10 Iks to a post, J. M. Allen's corner; thence S 1 l-2d E about 156 1-2 feet to the corner of Winston's corner (Avenue?); thence along the Avenue 159 feet to the beginning, containing one-half aa acre, more or less, and being the lot of land bougnt ay D. T. Fuller f-otn J. L. Jackson and wile by deed dattd Sept. 22, 190S and re corded In the Registry of F-anklln FORECLOSURE SALE OF FISHER IES STOCK. By virtue and In pursuance of the power of sale conferred by that cer tain note made by Ben], B. Sykes to Bob JeffreyB, dated Aug, 19, 1920, up on which the capital atocx of the Fish eries Product? Co. ,_ot Wilmington, N. C. was placed as collateral, do--; fault having been made in the pay ment of said debt and me power to Bell having become absolute at either private or public sale by the terma o t said note, the undersigned will, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 It being the last day of the January Term of Franklin Superior Court, at the noon recess of Court, at the court house door, in Loulsburg, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the following: 6 shares of "the Preferred Stock of the Fisheries Product Co. of the par value of $100 each. 12 shares of the Common Stock of the Fisheries Product Co., of the par value of $10.00 each. This Jan. IS, 1922. BOB JEFFREYS, Paye?. Wm, H. & Thoa. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. ' 1-lS-St County In book 156 page Kit, referenc? to which U hereby expreeaiy made for a full description of the ?aid lot, and being the lot conveyed by J. p. Win ston to J. L. Jackson and the lame conveyed by D. T. Full?? and wife to O. Y. Yarboro. This lot contain* a dwelling and outhouaea. Thla Jan. IS, 19??. THOB. W. RXjmS. 1-lt-St 1 Trustee. FOR SALE?A lot of Anoona chickens V. C. WILLIAMS, Louisburg, N. C. U* COAL, ICS AND WOOD, FKOMPT DE LIVERY AT ALL T1MW. W. T. PERSON, PHONB 4. v MHI A Bat Breed* ?to 10 Time* ft Yeftr, Av eraging Te? Young to ft LKtor. Remember this, act ft* noon aft you aee the flrit rat. Get a pkg. at RAT SNAP. It'e a mire rat and mice de ?troyer. It'? convenient, comes In cake form, no mixing. MammlAea rat after lulling?leftree no imeli. Cat* or doge won't touch It. Three alieft 88c, (Bo, ?1.26. Sold ftnd guaranteed by Allen Broa. Co. and Ajroock Drug Co. NOTIC? OF 8AL> The undereigned will, on or Saturday, January Hat, IMS, offer for ?ale, either publicly or privately, ?11 of the tarnltur* and MVIMi the ?Utlng of Borroughi potting nuwWne, Jloyel TypewrlUr, office desk, water k metal diet, blank book?, pro " " douh"

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