WT/ ?? .., " :m; ? 3 ? . ? ~ The Franklin A. *. wnwiwiiM ?* m?>m THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION * ~ sCMCMFTioir ?j#lNr J VOLCm L. L0C18BUB6, K. C, FRIDAY, JAJICXST 17, Itn mm m VOTE FOR O. P. HARRTB ? ' ? . J ' TOR DIRECTOR COTTON ASSOCIA ? TIOH pickets Hut Be 1B Raleigh by Tues day, Jtantf Ilit-liB Ik Ai Soon Ai Yob Get It. Eye 17 Cotton grower la?Franklin County who signed the Coo per? tire Marketing contract Is urged to mark his ticket afrd mall It back to Raleigh lost as soon as you reeerre It so that it will be In Raleigh by Tuesday, Jan nary 31st. You are also urged to see that your ticket Is marked bo that your vote will be cast tor C. P. Har ris ^ Mr.' Harris Is a real farmer and Is thoroughly capable ot holding this position, and his?many friends in TVankiln ar? ^nTlnim tfi ??? Mm elect ed. After castig your vote see that your neighbor casts his. It doesn't make any difference whether you have paid or not. You are entitled to vote. If you fail to get a ticket by Saturday come to Louisburg not later than Mon -day and get a ticket. You are enti tled to vote and we want every vote counted. *R. W. H. HILL. i ll-. W. H. Hill whoa death occurred on Thursday of Ias^W6?k was T>of5rnear Forc^tvllle, Peij. 22, 1841. This was the yesr in which William Henry Har rison was elected president of the United States. His father and moth , tj called himjm''"^ ft>nrr ?ft?r {ftp - preeMent-and other people went a step farther and called him by the presi dent's nlchimme. Tionec-iuioe. whiri> in time became shortened to "Tip" by which name he was known nil his life. There seems to be a little uncertain ty on the part of some or his contem porary friends as to his school days, 1>ui awwtHug tu Hie ?Ml ttV.bitffnrion available he was taught (tie first ele ment? at hnnin hy hip mnthor nn wno : tbp "iiatom with mostr small children of that day. Later he was sent to a private school In Richmond county taught ny a Mrs. Lilttte. In his later yfeaj*s he was fond ot entertaining his grand children with tales of pranks "and mischief tEaTTie~got Into at this school. ! When he got too old for "petticoat government" he was sent to Loulsburg ?fcbere he boarded in the home of Mi*. * M. S. DaviB and went to his school for several years; then he went to school in Hillsboro for one year and was there when the wcr broke out. Not waiting to be drafted, nor even Waiting tor his parents consent?for he had not reached his majority?he left Uie school with a lumber of his mates and enlisted in Cotnpany E, 47th Regiment, Pettigrew*s Brigade, and Heath's Division of the Army of North era Virginia. He went .through the whole four years pf tjie war, taking part in all the battles iiw ^rhlch his company was en gaged. wille he left many of his comrades dead on the battlefields and helped others off who were sorely -wounded? he himself seemed prtfcected .hy a special providence tor he did not receive the slightest wound during the .whole four years. In 1867 he married Miss Temple Hil Jiard Gee, ot this county.. Her people .shortly afterwards moved to Mississ ippi an? Mr. Hill and his wife went to itfle old (Jew home place to live. To gether they went through all the trou bles and trials and Joys wnich are com mon to all parents with a largfe family of children to rear. When the older children grew np -the family moved .to Loulaburg in or der to take advantage of better oppor tunities offered by living In town. In 1906 Mrs. Hill died leaving him -?a wHewer, but with many homes In which he was welcome. While he~ilk ed to pastl back and forth and visit all -his children he seemed to prefer to call Mr. P. A. H ?avis' home. He died-Jan. IS, 1922 and was laid 'to rest in his confederate uniform which'he loved so well. It seems pe culiarly fitting the birth and devh of this patriotic cltlsen and good soldier that he should have been born on the anniversary of Washington's birthday and died on the anniversary of I^ee i. In spite ot the steady down pour of rain there was a large gathering at the funeral service which was held at the home of Mr. P. A. Reavls, find a long line of cars to follow the bier to Its last, resting place In Oaklawn cem etery. These with the abundance of flowers sent by many friends born tes timony to the feeUng of the commun ity for this "father In Israel" who has passed on over the river. His grandsons acted aa pallbearers and his grand-daughters placed the flowers over his grave. The pallbear krs were rx.i.ve: P. Jl. Roavis, Jr., Hill Yarborough, John Burt and Jim Allen Hill, Speed Williams and James Malone; Honorary: Messrs. T. N. Bgerton. P. O. Alston, Frank Ballard, J. J'. Allen, Adkln Jones aad Solicitor '?orris. ? , , J la addition to his patriotism ktndll LEONARD STAUNTON FOUND ROT ?CILTT I? Franklin Superior Court Now C lot Ik ( It* Seeond Week of the Ten? Solicitor Norris Making Cl?u Sweep The mlllB o f Justice continued to grlncV la the Franklin Superior Court! this W??k and Judge Darin has been holding tuli sessions eacn dar. He la weaving himself closely to our people aa a moat fair and Impartial Jurist, wh6ee desire la to deal ouT has alftioat succeeded In hla determi nation at the beginning or the term to clear the docket. ? 8ince our report last week cases as follow? have been disposed of: _ State rs D F McKlnne and 0 B. Ball a d w, affray, nol pros as to a d w, pleads giulty, judgment suspended up on payment of one-half cost each. State Ts O. B. Ball assault nol proB. State vs Fred Leonard assault nol pros. State ts 0. B. Ball assault with ln tent to kill, pleaded guilty to assault Tn~which serious damage was done One $200 and costs. State ys Fred Leonard and O. B. Ball affray, not guilty as. to Leonard, ftullty as to Ball, prayer for judgment continued upon payment at costs and to appear at Oetober court and show good behavior. State vb Jim Allen, Will Wheeler, Howard Barnett, Buddie Barnett, dls I'fy as to all the defendants except Buddie Barnette who wan found guil ty of both charges. State v^E. H. Moore forgery pleads nolo contendere as to forcible trespass judgment suspended after reparation and payment of costs. State vs J. A. Tlmberlake Indecent I exposure pleads guilty prayer for judg raent continued to October 1922 term of Court to show good behavior and tw pay coata. State vs Bud Spivey fa?se pretense not guilty. "j state vs zeb Collins- unTawiul pos i session of distilling outfit, called and {failed Judgment nl si sci fa capias and iinstanter. State vs George Barber disposing of (liliaKn property nol ppoooeS.? i State vs Oliver Cooper appeal nol ?crossed. 1? . State vs Wilbur Hawkins R S L guil jty 12 months on roads; i State vs' Herman Davis resisting of to hire out to pay costs. Stale vt Richard Holding removing crajisMJOt^KTrttty. - , - ? State vs B. N. Wheeler set for Thursday May term. State vs Wilson Webb removing ; ci op? pleads prullty prayer continued to October tcna upon payment of costs State vs >'d Richai deou c c w culled i and failed. State ;b Ctilioo IHckerson a C v: not guilty. -? ~ State vs Andrew Conn assault with intent to commit rape continued. ' Slate vs ;,A.-nnr.1 Staunton I and r not KO?'y. The grand <?iy completed its work cn last TEurtdsy. Their rfeporc will he published next week. ; O FROM TOUSGSVILLE. The first gamo of the Franklin Coun ty Basketball Association, played on the home grounds, came on Tuesday afternoon, between Youngsville and Bunn, in which the visiting team won, in a score of 23 to 5. The Bunn quint were tn; a playing m and put up a spirited game against the new and unexperienced Youngsville team. The largest score was made by Seymour of Bunn,'who threw 5 field goals and 2 foul goals, successfully. Following Is a summa ry of game: Bonn Youngsyillo Seymour UndtfTwood Right Forward Shamley Pearce Left Forward Pergurson R. Winston Center White A. Winston 9 Right Quard kiagwood C. Winston Left Guard Field goals: Bunn 10, fouls 3, total 23; Fields Goals Youngsville 2, fouls 1, total 5. AT ItTHdDIST CHURCH. Pastor G. F. Smith announces that regular services will be held In the ' Methodist church both morning and I evening 8unday. The morning ser vice will be at the usual hour and the | evening service will be at 7:80. Everybody is invited to attend each I service. ? -? - rtess was the keynote of his character. . He never was known to say narsh, bit ter things to anyone or about anyone. I If he knew anything to make a person ! feel good that was the thing he told ? them, and when a name was brought up In conversation It there was any thing good to be said about the person named that waa the thmg which he said. He will be greatly missed In his home and In th? community and above all In tlia gatherings of the Confederate veterans whose mnka Time more ro lentless than Yankee bullets I? slow ly and surely thinning oat. 1-7 JUDGE DEVIN OPENS CAMPAIGN i WOODBOW YT1L80H FOUNDATION FCSD With ? Beaatlful Trlhste U the Late PreiMtal and H In Ideals?QmHe a ?>?<xl Subscription According to the announcements ot Miss Sallle Taylor. Chairman for Franklin Cnnittv. for th? WnaJrow Wilson Foundation Pumi, th? cam palgn waa opened on last Friday af ternoon in the Courthouse at tha noon recess, when Judge W. A. Devln. ot Orford, delivered one or the moat beau tlful eulogies to our beloved exrPres 4dent that has been heard In this sec- | tlon. Judge DeTin's remarka were filled with the enderest feelings aad deepest sympathy for one who h?d given a life for the Peacs_and HapiH nesa of the world and'truly struck a responsive chord among hiB hearers. Other addresses were made and a subscription opened wnlch resulted In the receipt of about one hundred and twenty-five dollars, since ihen the subscriptions have been sleadlly coming In. This Is truly one of the moat worthy and patriotic causes our people' have had opportunity to contribute lo" and we are sure each one will taM-l>leas vre In giving his mite. TO THE PEOPLE OF FRAXEjLTX COUNTY. We the undersigned dentists af Franklin county heartily endorse the work of the State Board of Health now being done Jor the children of the county. "Every child who can; should avail themselves of th? splendid op portunity now offered to have their teeth put in proper condition. * A. H. FLEMING. _C, H. BANKS ~ s. c Ford.?= D. T. SM1THWICK. BODY OF MISS TERRY FOOD Near Collins Mill?Skeleton and Cloth es About All Remaining. I The remain sof Miss Terry, .who Ras |beeir~missing from her home near, !Wood since just about Thanksgiving 'was found Monday in the woods near Collins Mill in Gold Mine township. The Coroner wjis notified and went to the scene to determine the necBssity | of an inquest. The facts so far as: we understand them seem to show "that the lady was somewhat mentally deficient and l^ft her hom4 one even ing about Thanksgiving. Not return ing that night a search was Instituted by her family and neighbors which fall ed to find any trace of her whereabout. At this time a sewere cold wave vis ited this section and R ts supposed that she succumbed to exiSoMire. Fol lowing this nothing else was' ever heard from her until Monday evening when the remains were found by some one who was our hunting, with the re sult that the Coroner visited the sceno. KILLED BT FALLING TREE. Mr. Dwlght Parrish son of Mr. Ed D. Parristi, of Cedar Rock township, met an untimely death on Tuesday af ternoon about two o'clock, while fell ing a true, according to Information received here Wednesday. The inti mation stated that he had cut down -an oak tree that lodged against anoth er tree causing-? to twist and change its course and killing on hts head kill ing him Instanti/. Mr. Parrish was nineteen years of age and was exceed ingly popular in his community. Be sides hie parents he leaves four broth ersv Messrs. Kirby, Harvey. FYaator and Jake Parrish. and one slater. Mia Rachel. The funeral services was held from his home on Wednesday af ternoon and the interment made to the family burying ground at the old Jim Wood home place. Deepest sympathy Is extended to tke bereaved family. DOLL PABTT. Monday afternoon at three o'clock little lAtrlyne Wlggs entertained on of her friends at a Doll party. rTey were met at the door by Master W. J. Shearin. For about an bour the chil dren played games, thou there waa k vote for the prettiest doll. The vote? were put into a basket and Master Harold Williams drew little Haiel Al len's name. She received the prise for having the prettiest doll. Than I refreshments were served by Mlaaen jBeulah Lancaster and margearet In gcoe. Those present Were Misses Beu lah Lancaster. Hatel Allen. Mamie fxmcaster. Haxel Collins. Lanra Wlgjj Annie Blanche Weaver. Luclle t'?~son. Francis Turner, Dorothy Page WIqi, Louise Williams. Lurlyne Wlggs. Uacy Herman, Margaret Inscoe. Masters W. J. Shearin and Harold Williams. Each child in their way expressed their enjoyment and wished l.urlyne' would have another Doll party ?na, I A new book la called Out of No where Into Nothing." Sounds lika? trip on a branch line railroad. " Pussyfoot" Johnson Says " Knglaad will be dry soon." What most of as would like to know, however. Is America is going to be dry. SOLICITOR HERBERT E. KOBRIS HOT A CANDIDATE FOB RE ELECTION, KAY BE CAN DIDATE FOB C036BESS. i ? * In &n Interrlew with the Editor So licitor Norrls ?Id: "I think It. dna the Attorney? of fba District, who may aspire to hold the office of Solic itor. and who ha? n so cordially sup ported me. that I should say: that It is not my purpose, as heretofore stat (llfislp fnr r? election. Haring been honored hy the confi dence and support of practically,?all the people at the District for twelre years, expiring January 1. 1923. T think I should yield in faror of thoee who have equally meritorious claims to the office I hold. It the Bar of Franklin County can agree on dldate. I think, that person will have ? good chance to secure the nomina tion. as the people generally recog nize the light of Franklin to name one of the Judicial Officer?. Please conTey to the people my gre&t appreciation and obligation for their confidence and support. ilsmpon rllag to ?jo_ Inaujry _ as to whether he would be a eandidafe fof Congress, Solicitor Norris said: "Frankly, I may ask the Democrat? at the Fourth Congressional District to select me as their candidate tor Con SoUiltur Norris has made quite an enviable reputation during his official stay In Franklin County as one ot the j ablest lawyers In the State, and h? Tag- many frien ds_la_Franklln County i who will be glad of the opportunity to support him for Congress to suc ceed the present encumbent, Hon. E. i Pou. SOLICITOR H. E. NORRIS* CEXTEBVILLE ITEMS. As Centerrille 1a having so many visitors I will let you hear from us again. ~ ?Maaara. Sid and Willie T^arUaster And Billy Braswell, of CastaUa^Vere pleasant callers to several nomes here on last Sunday afternoon. Miss Maggie Duke and Mr. Johnnie Neal motored to Seven Paths to se*? his sister Miss Lertha Neal on lasi Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Rochelle Allison and Lee Harris, of Inez, were vtsltors here Sunday. Mr. Howard Griffin was a visitor at Mr. Bill Gupton's of Sandy Creek Sunday. Messrs. Eunion and Jack Brewer and Beach ie Dorsey motored through our little town Sunday arternoon in a hurry. It seemed as If they were trying to join the bird gang. We are very glad that Rev. G. W. May and' family has moved into oar community. We feel like he will be a blessing to the church and commun ity. Our Sunday school Is progressing nicely. If you don't believe we are doing something at Centerville just come out and see and don't forget to come to Centerrille every first Sun day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock to hear Rer. G. W. May preach. Just Me. If. C. HISTORICAL PACT ATT PIC TURE.* The School Extension to hare North Carolina Historical Picture. Frank lin Cttapty people will hare an oppor tunity for the next two weeks to see -the North Carolina Historical Pageant ;Picture. This picture was made un der the direction of the State DlrlsUm ot School K i ten? ion last fall. SCHEDULE Monday Jan. 30?Popes. Tuesday Jan. 31?New Hope. Wednesday Feb. 1?Franklinton. Thursday Feb. 2?Mt. Grove. Friday Feb. 3- Wood. Saturday Feb. 4- MapteYlile. Not so many newspaper* refer to Chicago as the "Windy City" since both the disarmament conference and Congress are in session in Waahing ton at the same time. Edison Is trying to make gold out of other metala. Lots of people make gold out of brass. Dr. I?rens restored the npeeeh of an actress, so has been asked to re turn to Austria. SOTBEA* EXERCISES. ?On account of the rain Thursday evening the children of the Sunbeam t and had to postpone their missionary exercises until Sunday taorning, Jan. 22. Anna Gray Watson took the part of the old ifoman who lived in the shoe, and her quaint old woman's dress and specs added much to the realism of the part. Margaret Wilder, in appropriate cos tume. represented one of the old wom an's children from China. Kate Allen, one from Japan; Arthur Ragland rep resented a little negro boy; Eugenia Perry i "HI gto Tli i mil were girls of South *i mi i ii ii Hull i Leigh Flem ing in the costume ofnajdco sang a solo and Elisabeth Newell h^ithe part of one of the starving childrefNef Eu rope. Every one enjoyed these exercises BV the children and hope they will have public exercises again soon. ? ? WORLD RED CROSS JOfKf WAR OS WAR While the Red Cross tit its inception was Mf agency designed to function only during war, the mercy thus ax tended has not tailed of a strong re action in the minds and theories of those who have been most active in Its work. One is probably safe in saying that no one hates -war more than those who have been most intimately engag ed in it. It is Interesting, therefore, that the International Committee ' of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies should have Joined in such a proclamation as turn: "The Red Cross owes it to all Its many workers to proclaim as an ideal and a practical Intention, a strugg.e rcinst the horrors of war. an attempt jhy -rorld-wlde help and unselflshWna definitely to abolish war. "The mere continuation of Red Cross activity In time of peace will no longer suffice. It is the wish of the Red Cross to work in the Interest of peace. Therefore, the Red Cross calls up on all whole-hearted citizens, irre.ipec tlve of nationality, religious belief, profession, or social rank, to Join, as far as lies In their power, In a syste matic campaign against, that spirit of war. which Is % constant menace to Iho world's pea1? " Another funny thing Is that the store that holds the most "Clean Sweep" sales is not always the clean est on? la town. among the visitors SO** TOUxElOW AW L j0fj do hot: _ N ?_ j?. ? . Penoui Ittm iknt ftllit A?4 TtaJr FrfeMs Wke Travel ?mi _3upt. O. C. Hill visited Tuesday. " ' ? ?"Uttor t? icaieigh Tuesday. ?-r t ? ? Messrs. E. H. Malone af?4 p a R??Ti? visited Raleigh Monday. * Edens spent Monday in Raleigh!^' Miss Birdie Richard?, of Lyachburg; Va.. is visiting Mrs. E. C. Allen. Miss Lucy Egerton. of Aihavllle, 1? visiting her niece, Mrs. S. T. Wilder, Mrs. M. C. Pleasants visited rela tives In Wilson during the past week. Toni Ogbum mit B.?P? Jay 11133 were yls^ora to Raleigh Tue^ Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro went oyer to Henderson on a brief trip one day last week. Mrs. W. D. Egerton Is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. a. White, of Waah ington. D. C. Messrs. W. H. Yarborough, G. M. Beam and P. a. Reavls visited Ral eigh Saturday. Mr. H. A. Page, of Aberdeen, is a v.sitor to Louisburg, guest of Mr. M. C. Pleasants. Messrs. C. P. HarAs, I. H. Kear ney. J. A. Mitchiner and A. F. John son visited Raleigh Saturday, our former townsman, Mr. *j,-W Hoi lingsworth, in the burg for the week . Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Brinkley, who have been visiting their mother. Mrs. E. C. Allen, returned to Elm City last Thursday. + Mr. J. J. Barrow and Mrs. Julia Swindell returned Wednesday from HiailiowM'e.r where Mr Barrow ha? bwi receiving treatment? *v M^G- R- Mrfinuly, of? and Mrs. N. B. Allabrook. of Mebane, are visitors at the home or their par ents Chief anil Mr. n p ?'gh DL_S. P. liUrt and Alios Mallto it. len accompanied Mrs. W. H Al len to Richmond Tuesday, morning where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mills went to Rocky Mount last Friday to take their son- John. tq. the hospital where he was operate^ on for appendicitis* The operation was successful and ha is doing very well. P. A. Reayis Jr., and Hill Yarbor* ough. of Chapel Hill. Miss Bettie HUt Reavis, of Peace Institute, and Mis? Mary Wiatt Yarborough, of St. Mary's came home from school to attend the funeral services of their grandfather. Mr. Simpson and his sTster, Mrs. S. A. Newell motored over to South Boston. Va. Monday. The occasion of this visit was the receipt Sunday night of a wire announcing the birth of a little son in the home of Mr. Simp son. ' ? JIBS. CXDERHII.L HOSTESS. On Januar^?19, the Edwin Fuller4 Club was entertained by Mrs. Wlngate T'nderhlll. In the aosence of the pres ident the club was called to order by the rlce-presldenty Mr. B. T- Hotdeij. Mrs.HOlden Announced Ui&t as chairman of the commktes on pro grams for next: year she would call for a vote at the next meeting Oh the sub ject for study for the year 1922-23. The general subject Per the next few meetings Is "Famous Northern Women." The one for'the afternoon was Harriet Beecher Stows^y?A sketch of her life was written by Mrs. E. H. Malone and read by Mrs. Hod ges. Miss Ida Mae Yow rend several selections from "Uncle "Tom's Cabin." I quite lively discussion ensued as to the merits and demerits of (his book. Miss S. T. Williams played ? Po lonaise from Chopin, and Mrs. 3. A. NpwelJ closed the program with a cur rent topic on Japan. After the program the hostess as sisted by little Dorothy Hicks servo?! a sweet course followed by coffe* anil mints. HONOR ROM/. The following Is an honor roll for Sandy Creek school: lit Grade-?Delta Allen, Eatelle Cash Bill West. V 2nd Grade- Ncna Btiraette. 3rd Grade?Mack Harper. 4th Grade?Bland BurnesM. 5th Grade?Alice Allen. Xary Loo Gup t on. tith Grade- Marrln West, Graham Netma. 7th Orade?Alta Wett, Klrfcy flop ton. ?

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