_ Day New Reliable Merchandise Priced \ All witol Blankets, large size, heavy and warm; value $12.5?X Bargain Price $8.98 ? New Tissue Gingham, embroidered and plain?chcks, unH gnllrla,?Fast -eolorr -Handsome ~ and durable. Price, the yawl > 50c Npw Kimnna Hrppp in very pretty designs; fast colors. Price, the yard .... ........ 29c Best grade heavy Outing Flannel in both light and dark. solids~and stripes. Price, the yard 15c Good weight, solid color Outing Flannel. Price the yard.. 15c Bath Pugs. Price each % .$6.00 40-inch Unbleached Sheeting. Price, yard ..." . 15c y Apron Giaghams, in pink, yellow, green, lavender, blue and back checks. Price, the yard 10c 32-inch Dress Ginghams, in pink, blue and lavender .r 25e Big table of yorcbwide fast- color Percale in dark pat- * terrs: 32-inch Dress Ginghams, in various colors and designs. Price the yard .... ? .'25c New Dress Ginghams of extra smooth texture; black, blue and pink checks, plaids, solid blues and laven der; fast colors. Price, the yard 25c 32-inch extra durable Knickerbocker itomper (Jloth, in wide variety of solids and stripes. Price, the yard...... 19c 32-inch new fast color Percale, in checks and figures, etc. Good weight. Price, theyard-r ...25c 32-inch Ginghams and Romper Cloth, new checks, stripes and plaids; fast color. Price the yard 25c Amoskeag 32-inch fine Dress Ginghams, Madras Shirt ing, best grade Romper Cloth, pretty Cotton Crepe in golids-of rose, white, yellow and blue. Price, the yard.. 25c Striped Percale for Shirting, 36 inches wide. Colors fast. Price the yard .'. 25c Always Trad? Where Your Dollar Makes the Most Noise - Louisburg's Quality OepartmentJtore 7" F. W. WHELESS, Proprietor^ Corner Market and Nash Streets LOUISBURG, North Carolina 200 Cents To -ErerriJollar When You Spend It Here So far, the Swiss government hps made no protest on the naval ratio. ? NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Alex Gales, deceaseds late ot Eranldin County; notice Is hereby glv an all persons holding c?alms against his estate to present them to the un dersigned qn or before the 27th day of January, 1923r or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make imme diate se ttlement. This Jan 26, 1922. l-27-6t L. B. PERRY JR.. Extr. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE DESIRABLE DWELLING AND STORE AT LAUREL,, ?. C. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain dee (I of trast made by Mr?. Mattle E. Williams, Hod March 26, 1917, and recorded in Frank lin Registry in Book 210, page 221, de fault having been made in the payment gle Williams and W. K. a. Williams, to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee; dated of the debt thereby secured, and de mand for foreclosure having been made by the holde' of said debt upon ?aid trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER Z6. 1921, at about the hour of noon, at the Court house door In Loulaburg, N. C., offer for sale at publie auetion, to the high est bidder, for cash, the property in said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: .... Situate in Sandy Creek Township, at Laurel and mor? particularly de1 fined as follows: Beginning at a Post oak on the West side ot Laurel and Centerville road; thence along said road 110 yards to a stake; thence in a 'Southwest direction 250 ySrds to a Whiteoak. Church corner; thence along Church line to the beginning, contain ing 2 1-2 acres, more or less, upon which there is situate a dwelling house and outhouses, and a store building. This November 25, 1921. / 11-25-at WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of the makers and holders, to Monday, January 9th, 1922, at 12 o'clock. 12-30-2t W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent ot all parties to Monday, Jan uary 23rd, 1922 at about noon. This Jan. 9th, 1922. l-13-'t W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Jan uary 30th, 1922 at about noon. This Jan. 23rd, 1922. ? 1-27-lt W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times To My Friends and Patrons I kara ]i(t gottMi la a lot of hardware, ntk aa plow fltlln*? or ur pie?? for joar plow hira?M. Alto a lot of ikonli and fork?, la f*et Most aajthlafr 70a ne?d to work with. I am ffolag to Mil ttll 11ae eloio. 1 have a hi* liar of teed aid Iffd staff? on hand all tlH ttae, and will Bioet coaip?tltloa on aajthla? for Um> Caah. ",JV- \ I Mi ctm aalllBK Sho?f. trAnr. tMil? ? ??vit ? 1 1 Youtb truly, PifflSWWIi.' "*f r. '/ J. W. PERRY """""" . SEVEN l'ATHS SEWS. Miss Rhoda Sykes spent last we?fk "With her brother, Mr. Moses Sykes. ?Mica Maggie At ford 'entertained a number of friends in honor of her cou sin. Miss Annie Wilder, or Baltimore last Thursday night. Mias (iliulys ani Virginia Wilder spent last Saturday nlgot with Miss Beatrice Sykes. Thfiy reported a very )leasant trib>. Miss Grace Moore gave a dance at her home last Tuesday nlgnt. Quite a large crowd attended ana all report ed a good time. Miss Lillian Sykes entertained a crowd last Saturday night In honor ol Miss Rhoda Sykes. Miss Bettle Moore, who bas been in the hospital for a while, has returned home and is mending fast. On the night of Dec. 30th, 1921, we went to the school building and rung out the old year and rung m the new year. As we have a number of new neigh bors tn our community, we went around and serenaded them last Thurs day night. - The girls from our community who hare been attending school at Justice appreciated the three days vacation given on account of Scarlet fever. We are trying to raise enough mon ey to buy a Volley ball outfit for the school. Misses Mabel Edwards and Edith Duke spent last Wednesday night with Virginia Wilder. The pictures were fine last Wednes day night. There was also a large crowd out and excellent music wad given by onr band. After the plctup ea we played games under the leader ship of Miss Alexander. We always appreciate a big crowd as we fell be hind la onr attendance during the summer and we are trying to pull up oar average. Be sure to attend our next regular meeting as we always have good pictures and good music. Mesar s. Vaughan and Jones, from Nashville, were visitors here Sunday. Church services were held Satur day and Sunday. We have a fine Pas tor and had excellent service? both days. . ? Quite a number Of young people vis* ' lted Miss Olennle Wilder on Sunday night. Misses Neal and Powell seem to keep our school In steady progress. We are hoping to have a larger at tendance this year than ever before. _ V. D. W. A Rat Breeds ?to 10 Tines a Tear, At erasing Ten Tonng to a I.ltter. Remember this, act as soon as you see the first rat. Oet a pkg. of HAT BNAP. It's a sure rat and mire de stroyer. It's convenient, comes 1q cake form, no-mixing. Mummifies rat after killing?leaves no smell. Cats or dogs won't tonch It. Three sizes 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Allen Bros. Co. and Aycoclc Drug Co. Subscribe to The. Franklin Times We Wish to Thank ... Our ... Many Friends and Customers For their liberal patro nage during the past Fall and hope to be of I * more service to you in / -* " T ?" the future THE SERVICE SHOP . , W. ? ? ? rr . O f' "1 ? " * 'Oi U "it ~.uj Tour Clothes Cleaned and Pressed At Reasonable Prices. \

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