ANNOUNCEMENT This 1h to notify my friends and .policy bolder? that I have pur chased the entire off lea fixtures from the Farmers & Merchants Bank and now have my office In the same building previously occupied by them. I am better prepared than ever, to look out for your interest In r^nnfldtlon with ynn- Insurance matters. I thank, each and evry one of you that have contributed to the growth of my business, and assure you it shall be my aim to serve you better in tne future, and I artt highly approoiato a continuance. cf your your support. PEMFMBKR WE INSURE EVERYTHING INSURABLE, AND appreciate: your business. 1? have anything pnn ?nnlii Ilka to get insurance WtBB quoted on, just drop us a line, we will be pleased to serve you. C. E. & C. L. Mitchell (or "Uncle Bud's" Agencyj YOUNGSVILLE, - - North Carolina Important Announcement Beginning Sat. Jan. 7 for 30 Days I will sell Chewlne Tobacco^ Cigars and Cigarettes for the following Prices: 30c PI mi a Tobacco 25c? 10c PI age 8 1-1<5, a tor 26c; 10c Cigari 8 l-2c 3 for 26c; 8c Cigars 6 1-24 for 26c; One 10c Pkg. Clgai teo 9c, 3 Pkgs. for 26c; 16c Pkgs. 13c, z rags. for 25c; 20c Pkg. 18e, -? tor S5c. A nice line of Fruits always on hand. F, N. Spivey Old Ellis Building THEN: T~ You will always hav? a receipt. Your check book record will prevent a repayment of the same bill. Your credit will be better, your stand ing higher.-' 3* It is more convenient, it is safer, it is more dignified and business-like. / *'.T We solicit your checking account. \ * NOTICE OK RE-SALE. .*> orth Carolina, l'runklln County. Whereas on the 27th day of Decem ber, 1921 the undersigned trustee sold at public auction between tlic hours of ouc and two o'clock 1*. M.. the land hereinafter described, pursuant to a tegular advertisement at the cour thouse door In Loulsburg, . Franklin AUuiut*,- 1,1 whl. h mim |jffnK|ihirw the ~saiff""hind was bought at the price of $4 000 (Four Thousand dollars), and "V'hereas the bid haa been raised, as by la?- provided, and a new sale of the said land has been ordered. Now therefore under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain deed of trust made and ex ecuted by Howard H. Moore and Q. W. Moore to I. T. Valentine, Trustee, of the date, the sixth day of August, 11921 and which Is recorded In the of fice of the Register of Ueeda for Frank | tin County in hook Z4T ai pages 668 and 559, and In the office of the Regis ter ~ot .DeediTiorNash County In booT [ 261 at page 567. ana me UillU Huwu'il H. Moore and O. W. Moore having failed to pay the lnflefrtetniemr seeurod by the said deed of trust and the own ers of the sald^^otes secured by said deed ot trust having demanded of said trustee that he sell said property, will, on ?SATURDAY, JAN L'ART 28, 1922 b'etween the nours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M. at the court house door, in the city of Loulsburg. Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the cer tain *???*? ea ana described as fntlow-s; to-wit: First tract?Seventy acres of the tot lowing described land. One tract of land in Cypress Creek township, Frank lln County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning at a corner stake In the Pennle "Wilder heirs' line and runs a west course to Cypress Creek, thence down the meanders thereof to the said Pennie Wilder or old W. B. Williams line, and runs with same old line north with Its var iations to the beginning, containing one hundred acres, more or less, re serving one-fourth of an acre for a graveyard. This land was deeded to W. W. Lester by B. W. Upchurch and wife on December the sixteenth, 1902, and said W. W. Lester sold 30 acres of this one-hundred acre tract to D^ira' Lester on the 18th of April, 1912 described as follows. In Cypress Creek township, Franklin County, North Car olina, bounded as follows: Becinning at a stake at or near Sledge's corner In the old line of the land now ownea by Mr. Moore, thence a ?talced Una, about N 88d W (passing to Mr. Sledge's) 49 poles and 8 1KB to a stake In Sledge's line, thence a straight ?takwl MUB luuulug ?hem 8 ti Ht1100 pis and 14 Iks to the center of the road known as the Raleigh aua Tarboro road, thence along that road S 75d E 9 pis and 8 Iks, N 75d E 24 pis, N 79 l-2d E 19 pis and 20 Iks to the center of the road, marked by a stake In the Woodard line on the north side of the -(road, thence along Wooaard and Moore's line by-the old marks?about N 6d E 92 pis to the beginning, con taining EMrfy aercsTYIOT^tn-less. The land hereby conveyed is the identical land sold to J. K. -trlckland by W. N. Lester and wife as evidenced by deed ^of record in the office * of the -(Franklin county registry in book 217 at page 545, and the same tract sold to G. W. Moore by J. R. Strickland and wife as shown by deed of record in the office of ttie Register of Deeds of Franklin County^ In book 241 at page 2-3. Each deed referred to is made a part of this deed for the pur poso of Correctly describing the tract of land herein described and can' be found in the office of the Register of Deed9 for Franklin County. Second tract?Beginning at a ced:u stake Mrs. A. K. Tant's line, thence with Mrs. Tant's line east lo-a stake in same line, thence northSTOSt along Joe Stalling's line to a cedar stake J. I. Breedlove'r, line, thence a south west course along Julia Driver's line to the beginning, containing 21 1 acres more or less, known ns M. L. Stalllngs' share iiv the divis?on of Pen nio Wilder's share In the cslvlslon of the BlUio Williams land. Anothe: tract adjoining the land of Wilson Gay and others, bounded on me north by the lands of Joseph Breedlove and J. B. Jeffreys and the Wilson Gay lands on the"enst, oil the south oy the lands of P. D."Woodard nnd M. L. Stallllnp-i and known as the Hoe Stallings tend, containing 22 1-2 acres. The tw>> tracts of land are the identical tracts conveyed to W. Moore oy deed reg istered In th.e office of tile Register,of De^ddjfor Nash County in book 1S5 at page 376, and is the same land convey ed by O. W. Moore to Howard II. Moore by deed of recortt ?? the office of the RelBter of Deeds for Naeh Coun ty In book 255 at page B78. Third tract-^-A certain tract or par cel of land In Cypress Creev townjhlp. J"ranklln County, North Carolina ad joining the lands of Q. W. Moore, Breedlove heirs and others more fully described as follows, to-wit:' On the north by the land of Breedlove heirs. on Uie east by the lands of O. W. Moore, on the south by the lands of Woodnrd and Copeland or the A1 Tant tract, on'the west by the lands of Buck I.ester, containing 21 aeon more or less and being the Identical land con veyed to O. W. Moore oy deed regis tered In the office of the Prank 1|h> County Register of Deeds In book 1*0 at page 559 and by Q. W. Moore con veyed to Howard H. Moore as eviden ced by deed of record In the ofTlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County In book 241 at page 1. Fourth tract?Lying ana being In Franklin County In the state of North Carolina and being tracts No. ON K and TWO and THREE on part of prop erty formerly owned by P. L. Wood-| ard and known as the Woodard Farm as surveyed and plotted by J; R. Decker and J. B. Harding, C. E.'s, which plat or map In recorded In I'l.'t book No. On?, at page fifty-five of the Public Registry of FranKlIn county and reference la hereby marie to the said plat or map f6r a mor? perfect description of the anld lands. This Identicni land was conveyed to How ard H. Moore by deed recorded In hook 241 at page 4 of the office of the Keg4 1st. r i>( Deeds for Krunklin County. This January 10. 1922. I. T. VALENTINE. i-13-31 Trustee. 1 SAU: OF LAND Under und by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deet} of trust executed by Alex Fuller and wife to lien T. Holden, Trustee, on till- uTti ill! l h. ,T nhir-fr |H duly recorded in the office of the Keg iau;' of Deeds of Franklin County, in Bouk 241 page 97-98, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby and .demand made upon me by tho n??id?r of said notes to foreclose in accordance with the terms and provisions therein. I *eH ttt guWic tttHMioii ;<> Uie high e8i bidder for cash at tiie Courthouse door in Franklin County, on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1922 at 12 tr'rlfwk ,M that. 1 rart or parcel of laad situate in Hayesvriie Town ?hip.Fj a 11K11 li g ounty, ?<?itii Carolina aii'l luiundeil as follows, to-wit un the.Nortn by' lll(! lauds uf H. Li. Rowland and Pompey Hunt, on'the East by the lands uf A. K. Rogom (formerly J. H. Brodie), on the South by the lands of West May (formerly Parham Bros.) and L. N. Fuller, on the West by the lands of T. D. Moore, containing seventy-five (75) acreq, more or less, and being the Hewer place of said Alek Fuller and wife, and being a part of the tract bought from Henry N. Finch and wire by deed dat ed March 1, 1914 and duly~ registered In Franklin County Registry Book ;i28. page 277. This the 18th flay uf Jan. 19SS. l-20-5t BEN T HOLDEN, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed or trust executed 1jy J. Henry Cooke and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on the 20th day of October 1919, which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County ,ln Book 224 page 288, default having been made In the payment of the note accured thereby and demand made up on me by the holders to foreclose in accordance with the terms and pro visions therein, I will sell at public "auction to the highest bidder -for cash at the Courthouse door In Franklin County, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1922 at 12 o'clock M. that tract or parcel of land situate in Frankllnton Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina and described as follows: ?p^nnrfoH north by the lands Of Mrs. Ellen Pearce, on the eaat by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, on the south by the George Winston es tate, and on the west by the S. C. Blackley lands containing 125 acres, more orTeST'Wia Uilug tli? !>?*? iwi. ed by Anthony Cooke at the time of his death and which descended to his children as heirs at law of which J. Henry Cooke is one and entitled to a childs part or share therein, the in terest and estate descending to him being a one ninth (1-9) undivided in terest. TEimre lSth riay of Jan. 1922. l-20-6t BEN T HOLDEN, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by H. B. Cooke and wife to Ben T Holden, Trustee on the 24th day of January 1920, which is du ly recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of FranKtin County in Book 234 page 46, default naving been made in the payment of the note se cured thereby and demand made up on me by the holders to foreclose in accordance with the terms and pro vision? therein, I will sell at public notion to the highest bidder for cash j it the Courthouse door in Franklin County, on MONDAY, FEBRl'ARY 20. 1022 pt 12 o'olock M. that tract or parcel ,of land situate in Frunklinton Town 1 .ship* Franklin Comity, North Carolina i.tnd described as follow*: 1 Bounded on the North by the lands iOf I. H. Kearney 'formerly Mrs. Ki tten Bearce) on the Kast by the Sea* board Air Line Railway, on the South .by the estate oi George Winston dee'd, Iarfdon the West by I. If. Kearney ! formorly S. C. Blackley) c ontaining ! 125 acres more or less itml being the lands owned by Anthony Cooke dee'd |at the time of his death. The said H". IB. Cooke heing^a son and heir at law | of the said Anthony Cooke dee'd JVid a* such is the owner of and entit^d to a one-ninth (1-9) undivided imcr e?t In and to said lands. This the 18th day of Jan. 1022. l-20-5t BEN T HOLDEN, Trustee. . NOTICE OF SALE Urtder and by virtue of a deed of truat executed to* the undersigned by K. M. Sledge on the 5th day of Jan uary 1922. for the benefit of creditors, the ^ndersigned Trustee will, on or after' the 80th d*y of January. 1922. either publicly or prrvately. offer for Bale the entire stock of goods, wares and merchandise, furniture and flx turea belonging to the said H. M. Sledge, situate in the store house for merly occupied by H. M. Sledge In the Tillage of MaplevUle, N. C. Said aale or sales will be subject to the approval of the Clerk of Superior Cburt of Franklin County. N. C. Thlo ltth day of January, 1922. J. K. MALONE. JR.. 1-20-tt Trustee. FOR RENT?One two horse crop good land and good team. Also one one horse crop. (5ood dwelling houses. Apply to S. H. Nasn, Montgomery FaYm. Frankllnton, N. C. R 3. l-20-2t POR RENT?A two to four horse farm?old Newell place. 3. A. Newell, Loulaburg. N. C. l-20-3t Habitual Constipation Ctired In 14 to >1 1 lsv> ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN-^s a sperinlly prepareJ SyrupTonicVlAxaflvo for Habitual Constipation. It cellews promptly but should be taken re/ulasfy for 14 to 21 days to Induce regular aft i or It Stimulates and Kefttilates. Very/ Peasant to Tako * <Wc per bottle. / / WHV.THEY BUV From US We ?ell the Mame brands of foodstuffs year after year, and to the same people, with new ones added. That means that these particular brands give best satisfactoln, or people" would not continue to buy them as they da. But when a NEW article appears on the market that la worth hav ing?in the same class?we are quick to get it, too. Trad^ with us and be satisfied. Respectfully, L A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. LOANS & INSURANCE ? We have money to lend on easy terms, Real F<"a?, Improved farm land preferred. Prefer loans tui lmge amounts. "We can make loans on Loulsburg City Real EBtate. We write INSURANCE, Life, Accident and Health, Flree, Tornado. Rain. Live Stock. Dogs of erery kind. See HOBBS, The Insurance Man,Office 2nd Floor, First National Bank, Phone 259. Or M. S. Clifton, at Farmers & Merchants Bank. ?-? Franklin ln:urance & Realty ^Company tOCTSBBBO) - North Carolina II HEAVY BURDEN A bad bade is a heavy burden. A burden at night when bedtime comes. Just as bothersome tn the morning.' Ever try Doan's Kidney Pals lor ltT Know they are lor kidney back ache?and for other kidney ills? ?If you don't, spina Louisburg i>al> pie do. Read a 'case of it: Mrs. F. L. Herman, Church St., Louisburg, says: "My kidneys bothered me a whole lot the way they acted and I couldn't get my proper rest. I heard a great deal of Doan's Kidney Hills so I bought a box at the Aycock Drug Co. 1 am glad to say they proved just as rep resented. Doan's entirely cured me." Price GOc. at all dealers. Don't ?imply ask for a kidney remedy?get loan's IC'ilney Pills?th<* same that Mrs. TTerman had. FosterMilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. iNOTICK OK SALE OK REAL PROP ERTY. Under and by virtue of the powers ccnt;uned in a certain Deed of Tyi<t from J. T. Alford and wife. Mavfs AI ford, to the undersigns? Trustee, of date May 31st. li+20, and recorded' in Hook 231! at page 223 in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Franklin: County, N. C., . and default having' lien made in the" payment of said, note or notes, the undersigned Trus- j tee will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, in Louis-! bnrg, Nr. C., on MONDAY. JANUARY 30. 1922 sit 12 o'clock noon, the following des cribed property: Situate In Dunns Township, Frank lin County, N. C. Beginning at a light wood stake, George Taylor's cor ner; thence N 87d W 46 pis to the cen ter of the road In George Taylor's line, corner of lot No. 3; thence along the road N lOd W 16 pis N ?T pis and 15 Iks, N 8 l-2d W 79 pis to a stake, cor ner ot lot No. 6 tn Sid Alford's line; thence along this line 9 84 3-4d E 71 pis and 20 Iks to a pine stump, Sid Alford's corner; thence about S 4 3-4d 137 pis and 22 Iks to tne beginning, containing fifty (50) acres, more or lesa. This December 23rd, 1921, 12-30-6t W. D. BARTLETT. Trustee. FOR SALE?1 Ford Truck. 1 Horse, 1 Mule, 2 good Mllcn Cow?, 1 Beet Cow. Wm. D. Jackson or M. 8. Clifton, Admr'g. 10-28-tf A TONIC Clrove*a Taatoleaa chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purify Injt and Enriching the Blwd. When jpi feel its Strengthening, invigorating ejjrfct. see how it brings* cotocyLtO the dVeeka and bow it improves tjf? appejite, you will then apprcx into itytnir tulfl?" valu?. Grove's TnsU'lea^^hili Tonic la simply Iron and Quinine suspended In nyrupt So pleasant evcT/rhildren like it. The blood need* QIJfHTNE to PurKy it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Mnlnrjal germs and Grip germs by ita Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. tfOtHy- r The Qiiaiae I tut Does riot Aflf dm. m Bwpt of its tonic i TTVE BKOMO QUINU by anyooe without inthobcad. E.W.' ""K^r"an"^onm.? smugg i-uugui m b urglaries and holdups. Some of them were supposed to be Christ man presents. Atta Boy! You've wasted the year, you say; Half the tilings you planned undone Well, never mind, forget it. and see What you can do with this one. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAN 13. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made on Dec. 1. 1914 by Charles C., Ayscue and wife, Ida Ayscxze, to Wm. H. Ruffin. Trustee and recorded in Boole 199 at page 462. Registry of Franklin County, default having: been !made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and demand for I foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of sajd indebted j ness. the undersigned, will on MONDAY. FED. 27. iy22 i at or about the hour of Tioon at the I Courthouse door in Louisburg. N. C. i offer for sale at publi*. auction to the [highest bidder^for cash, ii'.e following |described land: a certain tract of land i lying anri^being in Frauklinton Town ship, ^rimklln County. North Carolina J and more parti, ularly escribed as ;follows: Bounded on the West by the IInnds of T. J. Kv;?ns. on the North by 'the lands of J. K. Wright, on the East by the lands ot the estate of Norman Long. Dcc'd. and on the South by the I lands of Murray and Grissorn. con taining i:.0 acres, more cr less being the land conveyed by Lucy C. Bell and Susan W. Dall to Charles C. Ayscue by* deed recorded in the Registry of Franklin Co. in Book 158 page 592. reference to which is hereby made for fuller description. But there is tx cepted from this sal?-&L-^-10 acres, sold to Mrs. Lottie Morton by deed, i duly recorded in the Registry of Frank lin Co. in Book 1I?9 at page 490. r^er lence to which is hereby made for full (description of the land excepted. This Jan. 20. 1922. l-27-5t Wm. H. RUFFLV. Trustee. SALE OP LAND. Under and by Tirtue of the power and authority contained in that deed o( trust executed on the ZOth day of November. 1920. by Pattie L. William son, Jesse C. Williamson et als. to W. N. Puller, Trustee, duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Prank lin County In book 234, page 1)8. default having been mati? In tha pay ment of the note thefeby secu' ed and demand made upon me by tha holder thereof, to foreclose In accordance with the terms and provisions of said deed of trust, I will sel' at publio auc tion to the highest bidder toi cash, at the Courthouse doifr of Franklin Conn ty. N. C. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY ?U>. 1922 al 12 o'clock M. that trne t or parcel of lund in Franklin County. Franklloton township. North Carolina, described a* follows. vis: Adjoining the lands of ftsnry Perry* Bryant Oro?n, Elbert No a] et ala, and bounded as follows* On the North tgt Tur River, on the east by the land* of Henry Perry, on the Son IB bV til* lands of Bryant Qreen, on the went by the lands of Klhert Seal, containing One Hundred Seventy (170) MM more or less, and being the tract at tnnd of which Oscar Willlamaoo died and possessed and upon whwb he resided at the time of hta death.. This the 4th day of Jan., 1933. l-?-5t ' W. N. FULLER. TniaUa<w

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