a mira Times WATCH LABEL PAPEK-Scb4 la Bcfvre Tin? Ei>tm a. r. mur wi top. ^ ? THE COUNTY, STATE, THE UNION - SUBSCRIPTION $Li9 Hr Tm L0UISBUB6, H?Hi FRIDAY, FEBRUARY t, lttt IfTTOU 49 JONAH AT.TOttT) ? ACQUITTED ff rowaii cwtt rimi g TUHOOX ICtetpW] Mhii a ll?l rree?Ceeit ifliwM< Fi Mm tlmi Jnr Brp?rt. Jonih AlTord waa acquitted .Friday ot Um chart* of murder, against him by the state tor killed a colored man at his several years ago, alter the ne gro had attacked him wltfTSFRKTISJ tor the term. The. on Thursday and on ?scout ot the heavy snov that fall tkat night the Jurors were delayed In ? ilf Ing Friday. At the opening ot (he evening session It was found taat aB the Jurors bat oae were present ad upon agreement the case was cou I,?d slmondi. . Thfl _C.l?b_adjourned to meet Feb 14 > with Mrs. E. S. Ford - BAPTIST CBURfH. >t We arT requested to anuouncettnrt there will be regular services at the i Baptist Church both morning an3 . nisht next Sunday. Everybody is in 1 vlted to attend these services. A tariff with strings ljjis its draw backs. ?ings^^rs FEBRUARY 6TH I i INSTEAD OK 16TH t i Date For J. C. Tucker's Biff Auc tion Sale. Attention ot our readers is call ed to the error in the date of J. C. Tuckers bte sale published In our last issue. The Sale will t?ke place on Monday, February 6th? First Monday?instead or the ISth as stated in the display line. We renrret this error which was typo graphical, and hasten to call the attention of all Interested to the correct d?te. ?O*. W. M. PEB80X "*" *f Praakll*. qmlt* extenalrely In connection with the coming to Hoa. E. W. Poo, member of CongreM from the T 'y ? SHOCKS FELT LB56TH i fty Ftnnr | San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 31.?t ogak? ?hocks were (elc ?*riy along the Panlfla wml f ^1... ??^ ''mafl'Mi line, accor to reports received here. wa? reported. In 8an Francisco the oscillation j faint and continued tor sen onds. A pronounced shock at Eugene, Oregon, at 6:30 O'C Dishes rattled, and persons who awakened reported feeling slight * bration. At the same time an e*l< T tromoY was reported at Eureka, Call-. The seismograph at Gonzaga Upiv*rt ley In Washington, roco^* ed shocks beginning at 6:19 o'ci and continuing until 7:05 o'clock. ' heaviest shocks were from 5:21 to I O'cluck. It was estimated the she eipanated 700 miles south east of kane. I. c. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter of the U. D. C. will moot at 3:30 on Tues day afternoon, Feb. 7, with Miss Lola Jackson. A full attendance is ur gently requested as business of Im portance Is to come before t ho Chap ter, It Is also hoped those who have hot handed In their yearly dues will do so at this meeting. MRS. C. K. COOKE, Pres. MISS LOU LI A JARMAN, Sec. Looks as if the "far-flung posses sions of the British" should have been flvng a little farther. BUKLF.Y WAREHOUSES SOW IN OPERATION Farmern Get Mot* In AItidc? Than ? I^gxlngton, Ky., Jan. ^tTr?four million pounds of tobacco were dalfrered to the warehouses of the Bui ley Tobacco O rowers1 Co-op erative Marketing Association when those outside Lexington were opfened today (or the firs: ume this season, it waa announced at head quarters tonight. As was the case when the houses here opened last week, it was said that growers re ceived more money in advance for their crops this year than they sold them for Hat season. No reports of dissatisfied growers were re _ cairtd. Tobacco buyers tonight contrast ed conditions as they existed today with those of the opening day for marketing the 1920 ctuj?. Low prices paid for the weed then caus ed so much dissatisfaction that in several cases the warehouses were closed for a time. MRS. W.O. STOXfc DEAD. The Information received in Louis burg Monday of the death of Mrs. W. O. Stone, of Cedar Rock, brought sor row to her many friends and- acquain tances here. She was a most excel lent lady, a true Christian and a neigll Ibor whose generosity and unselfish I ness will be greatly missed in her com jmunity. She was about fifty years old land leaves one brother, Mr. J. R. I Earl-and one son, besides ner faithful (husband and many .elauves and I friends. The funeral services were held from t.ha homa on Tuesday, con ducted oy Rev. .V. J3tamps. Although fhrv "?" i a v* rp ?v "'. BEX T. HOLBEX FOB SOLICITOR To Succeed Hon. H. E. WorrU?Am Able Lawyer" and PraetlUoaer. Sinoo loot woclta irniue carrying the I announcement that H. E. Norria 1 would not be a candidate for Solicitor to succeed himself, inquiries from all sections are being made as to whether . or not Ben Holden. will be a candidate. Mr. Holden when approached tlkli week by the Editor stated, "I have re ceived many expressions of confidence and assurance Gf?&upport, tor which I tam deeply grateful. It la my purpose I to be a candidate for Solicitor." li is current opinion in Franklin*. , shared by many leading citizens alt ,Wake, that Fraklin Cdtiili^Aro faff-' ness and justice is entitled to one of the Judicial officers of the. Seventh | District. There are only two coun ties in the District and out two Judic ial officers. Wake has T>oth Judge 'and Solicitor. By reason of her lar ' ger population Wake is ante to retain j both, but it is the expressed belief (that she will not be willing to resort to her might in order to defeat that which must appear to be rxgnt. Mr. Holden is well known in the District and has many warm friends in Wake as well as FranKlin. No one can question his ability as a lawyer, his fairness as a practitioner and his honesty or Integrity as a man. He is recognized as a hard fighter in the Court House, yet he has a heart that is commensurate in size to that of his body. Franklin has a splendid op portunity to win this honor, and in be ing able to offer Mr. Hoiden as her candidate for Solicitor gives Wake an opportunity to express its fairness and willingness to divide Juclcial hon ors. His many friends are confident that if Mr. Holden should be nominated he will do" credit to this important posi tion and to himself. HON. BUN T. HOLJDBN