THE UNIVERSAL CAR [F. O. B. Detroit] Chassis .$285 Runabout $319 Touring Car $348. Truck Chassis $450 Coupe $580 Sedan $645 These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. ? Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. Louisburg Motor Co. Phone 314 Louisburg, If. C. Moulting Hens Need Purina Chows Moult dragging? Your hens don't get enough protein. Feed it to them or they'll rob their body-tissues to get it and laying will come to a sudden stop. Feed Purina Chows. Give your hens the material they need for both feathers and eggs, and you will be repaid many times More-Eggs Guarantee The Purina Mill? gmarmnlmmm that 700 will fmt mtutm M|t ?r wrmr maamj tot, wbMiraa M PUium Chom mm ilfcir* n< Pboo* tm L_. P. HICKS . .. OR THE CORNER BALE Or LAND. and by virtue of tli? power la a certain deed of trust to J. O. Mil la. Trustee, from J. T. WUaoa aad wife, which aaid deed of UWt la recorded la tka office of the of Deeds M VtankUa County IS, default having ; of the notes of trust, I will aaettflb to the at the Ooort > town of L1 Ihoy niiint ho given thfl with which to win. back to self support and self-respect. American Jewish Relief Committee ' hopes to do wlth-the $14,000,000 for ! which it Is Issuing: its appeal. It has 'already established. In Poland and i Roumanla, credit banks which loan money Xp~ Co-ooerative producers' and consumers' organizations so as to pro ride the capital which will enable the merchant and the .manufacturer to re sunie business; the artisan to buy tools and,the day laborer to earn his I daily bread by the sweat of his brow," I said Mr. Straus. I JEWISH PRIDE TO THE PORE I "My people are a proud people." continued the philanthropist. "They dou't want to remain on the breadline; they don't want to depend on the soup kiu hen. So long as there were no opportunities for self-support, so long, as the political conditions and the af termath of the war made that impos sible they were compelled, perforce, to accept alms. But now they want to KO to work; now they want to re sume life as selfrespectlng, self-sus taining men and women. And more than that: they want to educate their children. Yes, that Is one ot their | chief concerns, and even when things were at their worst In Poland, in Gal Icia, everywhere, they made sacrifices tor the sake of their children. And, more than that, they want, as speedily as possible, to assume part of the bur den of solving the terrible problems of the Jews of Europe which have re such a people should be helped to get back on their feet. "Ana i am sure that they 'Will be helped," concluded Mr. Straus. "The appeal by the American Jewish Relief Conrmltte for $14,000,000 will not fall on deaf ears. The Jews of this conn try have been blessed beyond all the rest of Israel. They have known peace, they have known prosperity, and they must now share their bless ings with their helpless brethren, with the orphan children, with the refugees. They cannot talk of unsettled depres sion, because, even If conditions in tills country were tenfold worse than they art at the present time, the poor est man In this country Is Infinitely better off than those across the sea. This appeal cannot, dare not, fail, because that wonld doom hundreds ot thousands of people to death. And that must not happen. Help must come, and come quick 1/ Among the noted men associated with Mr. Straus In the American Jew ish Relief Committee are: Pelix M. Warburg, Louis Marshall, Col. .Her bert H. Lehman, Judge Otto A. Rosal sky, of New York; Jnllus Rosen waid of Chicago. Louis E. Kirstein, of Bos ton, and Moses A. Gunst, of San Fran cisco. The country has been divided Into 12 regions for the purposes o'. the campaign, which Is being directed from New York by David A. BroWn, promi nent Detroit business man, who has abandoned all his private affairs to de vote himself exclusively to the task of raising the $14,000.000 by March^lst To Cure a Cold in Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUI] stops the Coolh and Hradarh. Old. E. W. GROVE'S elgnatr MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE DESIRABLE DWELLING AND STORE AT LAURftU N. C. By virtue of the poster or sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Mrs. Mat t le E. Willten..!, Hod March 26, 1917, and recoraed In Frank lin Registry In Book 210, page 221, de fault having been made in the payment gle Williams and W. K. a. Williams, to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated of the debt thereby secured, and de mand for foreclosure having been made by the holde- of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1921, at about the hour of noon, at the Court house door in Loulsburs,, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, the property In said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Situate In Sandy Creek Township, at Laurel and more particularly de fined as follows: Beginning at a Post oak on the West side of Laurel and iCentervllle road; thence along said j road 110 yards to a stake; thence In a Southwest direction 2BO yards to WhKeoak. Church corner; thence alone Church line to the beginning, contain ing i 1-2 acres, more or leas, upon which there is situate a dwelling house and outhouses, and a store building. This November 25, 1921. ll-26-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued bj consent of the makers and holders, to Monday, January 9th, 1922, at 12 o'clock. l2t30-2t W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. ? The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Jan nary 23rd, 1922 at about noon. This Jan. 9th, 1922. W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Jan uary 20th, 1922 at about noon. This Jaii. 23rd. 1922. 1-17-lt W. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. \ The above Sale was continued by MBMBt of git parties to Monday, Feb ruary 6th. y922 at about noon. This Jaa. MM, 1921. M-lt W. H. RUFFIN, Tl-MtM. i "Time is slipping away Begin to bank your Money NOW Yesterday is GONE But TODAY is here and years are in front of -yon. Determine to ijuit extravagance and HAVE MONEY. - ??= Come in and start a Bank Account and add to your balance REGULARLY?it will grow fast and the fu ture will be bright and comfortable. WE WILL WELCOME YOU. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . LMTISRIIRG. W. C Member of the Federal Reserve System F. B. McKinne, President F. J. Beaaley, Cashier Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits 985,000.00 Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. C. "A GOOD PLACE TO BANK" Member of the Federal Reserve System, and under the Supervision of the United States Government. ? Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 '4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS'' J. M ALLEN, H. M. STOVALL, President Cashier BIG AUCTION SALE. - " of Bridge Tools, Etc. JAIL YARD, LOUISBURG, H. C. ?OKDAY, FMftlJABY ?k, 1H. In tki? ?*)? win kt mmmj article* of nlw to ??14 tor the kick dollar tor eaak. Hato to ?tart at It o'riaek. ot?t tke follow tot Itoti ? wheel borrows 1 witar pump complete; S nt bed maUrtmi; 1 water bucket; B abort handle ihonlt; t _ ?boTolc 1 ?horol with hand!? broke; 1 brara complete; 1 1-4 Mtt; 1 Spirit IotoI. 1 Bqaara; 1 kand aaw; 1 toot a4|t axa; t 1 croaa cut aaw; t rock hammer? wttk kaidtoa; i crow ha brldc? TTenchee; 1 pair boota; 1 aaafltot kaa; 1 aat Mock aad ton with rope; 1 ?at? block and toll tachtoa wttkoat rqpe, 1 rnaai?>? mixer In rood abapa. Also will rant tba old Taylor ?bop which haa been p?t to ri1 re pair. Any on? wlahlnc to look orar tbla propaitf will aaa C. O. Huil ?on. By order of the Board of Coonty I s. 0. HOLD**, Ctortt