I Ik* Itkk traatjr U la partlaUr paciBed. ait iwdkhf. The ?U n?T?r NU an bflud1! trouble? Mm Cmi* to ? t* 14 SBSSBSBShI "" TO TOWN TAXPATSRS On and alter Kabruary nrat, Ob* par cant panaltj vlll ba addo^t to taxaa par n>on t h until paM, Plwn pay and itn I h la additional coat. Jan ZSrd. ISM. 1-17-lt A. W. ALSTON. Clark. John Baflercorn will not (tre up tha alp.?Graanrttle Plaamont. HIM TBOl'BLEM OK ELEVE* ? KA K8 BSD KkrsmalUai aaj STSlkarh Trouble 0' rrruar, Biuirlt (Jala* 40 Fo*l4" Takim; Taular "By giving Tan lac a fair trial I (Of rtd of eleven years suffering and bAVe gained forty pounds In weight," said Baxxell, 917 Bell St., Montgomery, for thirty years a valued em ployee of tbe Montgomery Cotton Mills. "I had Indigestion, rheumatism.' dis ordered liver and constipation and suf fered until I hardly expected to ever be 'Veil again. My appetite finally left me entirely, and my wife found my dinner bucket Just as full when I came home as when she Axed It In the morn ing. Por weeks at a time I was an able to strike a Hck of work and my back hurt tne-ao batH lust had to walk all bent over. Rheumatism got in my arms and ankles, and my arms bad I couldn't ereu tie my shoe string. t hi my third bottle of Tan lac I no ticed an Improvement and today I am as well in every way as I ever was in my life. It's been fourteen months since Tanlac set me rtght. and I have been eating and everytnlng agrees with me so fine I have been feeling fine ever since." "Tanlac Is sold by leading drUfc glsts everywhere." Adv. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed Elsie m. wmtaker and duly recorded in- the office ot the Register ot Deeds of Franklin County n Book 224, page 485. default having been made in Ue payment of the note secured thereby, and demand having been made upon me by the holder of said note, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1922 at about the hour of noon, sell at pab lic auction at the Courthouse door hi Loulsburg, North Carolina. to the high est bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the said W. C. Whlt aker and wife Elsie H. Whitaker in a certain tract cr parcel of land situate In Hayesville Township. Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands o: Gobe Blacknall and J. R. Brodle.on the East ty the lands of Hlllard Cooke and L. L. Whitaker on the South by the lands of Mrs. A. M. Molze on the containing one hundred and ninety-?!* acres, more or less, and being the l.indo conveyed to tlw ta;d W. C. TVhlt aker by T. H. Whitaker and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, to which deed reference is hereby mad tor a more detailed description of the^ said fra' f of land. Also all their right, title and interest in and to the property o-rrned by T. H Whitaker at the time of his death as devised to the said W. C. Whitaker bv will At said T. H. Whitaker recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County in BcoV of Wills W. page 91, or as ac quired by said W. C. Whitaker as heir at lr? ?iid distributee ot said T. H. Whit laker. the same consisting in part ot the.residence of the sa:d T. H. Whit aker, the Ballard store building, the Black bouse lot, all in the town -ot Frankllnton, said Connry?and State, and the inerest of the said W. C. Whitaker In the proceeds of the sale directed to be made or said property Ity the will of said T. H. Whitaker. This the 23rd day or Jan., 1922. This is a resale on account of the raising of the highest bid made at the last sale as allowed by law. W. H. YARBOitOUGH. l-27-2t Trustee. TUCKER'S CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N.C. I have Just opened a Brat class Cafe In tke old 'Neal building and am prepared to famish meals at all hoara, and the beat the market affords. Ice Cream S cents a cone. Soft Drinks, etc. Prices reasonable, service the best. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor To Stop * Co?in Quick ( taka HAYES' HEALING /HONEY. ? madtdne which utoor tha cou(h by tie Inflaned >Ddjn<tated iis<uaa. A box of GltoVEy O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Che^ Ooldt. Haad OolcU nod th every bo?!'' of i>hfa throat Cr<?Pk Qronp la HA YKS" k roar drafgkrt for HAVES' HEALING HONEY. Million Packets Of Flower Seeds Free We believe In flowers around the homes of the South. Flower? brighten up the home Hurrouniiinxa and give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. We have filled more than a million " "packets of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown flowers to be given to our customers this spring. Wouldn't you like to have five packets of beautiful flowers , tree T YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings 1928 catalog is a 100-page handsomely Illustrated seed book full from cover to cover of truthful descriptions and illustrations of vegetables, flowers and farm crops. It Is full of helpful gar den, flower and farm information that la needed In every Southern home, and. too, the catalog tells you how to get these flower seeds absolutely free. Write for our 1922 catalog now. It la the finest, most valuable and beau tiful seed book ever published, and yoji will be mighty glad you've got It. There Is no obligation to buy any thing. Just ask for the catalog, and It will come by return mall. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. TAKE NOITCE By virtue of power In a deed of trust executed by W. E. Kearney, July 12th 1920, of Record in Franklin County In book 232 at page 48 I will sell at the courthouse door In Henderson, N. C., on Monday. Feb. 20th, 1922, at twelve] o'clock, to the highest bidder for cash. the three tracts of land therein des- i crlbed, being located In Vance and Franklin counties adjoining the lands of William Dlckerson, W. H. Smith. Fanny 8tainback, June Smith and J. W. Hedgepeth containing Jointly 89. S5 acres, see deeds recorded book 229 page 302. Franklin County. This 16th day of January. 1922. l-20-5t J. C. KITTRELJj, Trustee. No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worm* but u un healthy color, which imlwatrs poor bkxn. and an a rate, t her? is more or^feM (KomaOrdisturbance GROVE S TA.STEI.fS.y-hm HINJCCilreo renularlr far two or three weefcA will etkpA the blood. im pauxa the digestion, ami act (iencral StrenSth ?ntafl Tonic to the wtioie Nature will t hen throw off or dispel me vrani*, and theChlld wlii oe to perfect health. Plejjant to lake. GOc per bottle. FORECLOSURE SALE OF FISHER IES STOCK. By virtue and In pursuance ol the power of sale conferred hy that cer tain note made by Benj. B. Sykes to Dub Jeffrey8. dated Aug. 19. ItMSO. up cn which the capital stocjc of the Fish erfes Products Co., of Wilmington, N. C. was placed as collateral, de fault having been made In the pay ment ot said debt and tne power to sell having become absolute at either rrivate or public sale by the terms of said note, the undersigned will, on SATURDAY. JANUARY 28. 1922 it being the last day of the January Term of Franklin Superior Court, at the noon recess of Court, at the court house door, in Louisbur?, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the following: 6 shares of the Preferred Stock of the Fisheries Product Co. of the par value of $100 each. 12 shares of the Common Stock of the Fisheries Product Co., of the par value ot $10.00 each. This Jan. 13. 1922. BOB JEFFREYS. Payee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. l-13-2t The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Feb ruary 6th, y922 at about noon. This Jan. 28th, 1922. BOB JEFFREYS. Payee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. RulTln, Attorneys. _ 2-3-11 Louisburg Repair Shop J. LEH3I.IX, Proprietor Next Door to J. W. Perry, ruder FonTs Warehouse LOl'ISBl'BG, JT. C. Where you can hare your Shoes repaired Better and Cheaper, and Quicker. Work done while yon wait. Beat Leather used. Erery Job GUARANTEED. Ladies Soles, Sewed 85e Men's Soles Sewed II.M SEE US AND SAVE MONET. LOUISBURQ REPAIR SHOP Julias Tollman Proprietor R. F. Fuller m ?? Htj ~ 'm Mte, ?( Um ricfct Ml Mb a tr?4* tajidlit R. F. FULLER w. o. TRAPPERS I will pay you higher prices for your furs than anybody in FRAITKLIN COUNTY. - See me before you sell. - Remember too, a fall line of fancy groceries. Yours for buisness, M. C. Murphy South Main St. ' * Phone 295-L Power HOT ALL MEN USE PICKS and SHOVELS when they want to level a mountain. SOME OF THEM USE THEIR BRAOTS. Take a leaf out of Nature'? book of experience, and apply the intensive force of a powerful stream of water directed right at the hill that stands in the way of Public Improvement. * THERE IS A GREAT POINT IN THIS, whei considering the AGENCY in which to place your INSURANCE. T. W. WATSON'S INSURANCE AGBNCY en ables yon to apply POWER where it will most rarely accomplish the desired result. AS THE BIG STREAM OF WATER CUTS THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN, So the KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and SER VICE ?f THIS AGENCY, enables the ASSURED to CUT THROUGH FINANCIAL DIFFICUL TIES in case of fire. When Yoa Think of INSURANCE THINK OF WATSON( Pianos, Phonographs, ,1 ?p Player Pianos, We have a number of these instruments on hand that we are offering at Big Bargain-Prices for Cash. They are all new instruments and of the best makes. Don't buy until you see them. We are still saving our customers big money on their purchases. Let us assist you to econo mize. c. c. (WIDE-AWAKE MERCHANT) LOnSBCBG, ' " . SOUTH CABOLPfi ^UIHBFR HARDWAW BUIPIN9MATERIAJ. com;-' i-aim rs ? It Pays To Get It At RAY'S Quality?Price?Service We Have a Complete Line of Valentines Prices From 1-2 to 35 Cents. Do not disappoint your boy or girl friend on ST. VALENTINES DAY February 14, 1922 S. P. BODDIE, RECEIVER. Aycock Drug Co.

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