Be a Step Ahead of the Crowd The Attention of the Ladies of Franklin County Is Direeted to the Following Big Bargain Prices: All wool Blankets, large size, heavy and warm; value _ . $12.50. Bargain Price 58 98 New Tissue Gingham, embroidered and plain?chcks, , plaids, stripes and solids.?Fast- color.?Handsome and durable. Price, the yard*.... ? ? ? ^ New Kimona Crepe in very pretty designs; fast colors. Priw, Uie .yaid * ?? ? ???? ^ ?Best grade heavy Outiiig FlaBiicl in both tight and dark' solids and stripes. Price, the yard 15c 'Good weight, solid color Outing Flannel. Priw tin' ymd.^lBc 40-inch Unbleached Sheeting. Price, yard 16c Apron Ginghams, in pink, yellow, green, lavender, blue and back checks^ Price, the yard 10c 32-int h Dress Ginghams, in pink, blue and lavender checks. Price,?the yard 25c Big table of yord-wide fast color Percale in dark pat ? terry: 32-inch Dress Ginghams, in various colors and 4 designs. Price the yard 25c New Dress Ginghams of extra smooth texture; black, blue and pink checks, plaids- solid blute and laven der; fast colors. Price, the yard 25c 32-:nch extra durable Knickerbocker Romper Cloth, m wide variety of solids and stripefs. Price, the yard 19c 32-inoh new fast color Percale, in checks and figures, et& Good weight. Price, the yard 25c 32-inch Ginghams and Romper* Cloth, new checks. strives and plaids; fast color. Price the yard 25c Amoskeag 32-inch fine Dress Ginghams, Madras Shirt ing, best grade Romper Cloth, pretty Cotton Crepe in solids of rose, white, yellow and blue. Price- the yard .T25C" Striped Percale for Shirting, 36 inches wide. Colors fasi. Price the \aid .... . .v. .... :t. 25c Hundreds of men select their 'suits and overcoats here. But the man of prompt action sets the best selection. Don't put off till the last moment what you can put on this min ute. The wide range of - ? ? _ Suits and Over-coats that we are now showing makes selection easy and satisfaction sure- / . Every garment is the last word in correctness. Eloquence of emphasized by the character of pattern. It is such suits and overcoats as these that a man takes pride in possessing. Always Trade Where Your Dollar Makes Mrwt Knjpp Louisburfs Quality Department Store F. W. WHELESS, Proprietor -corner Market and Nash Streets L0U1SBURG, North Carolina 200 Gents To Every Dollar When You Bpcmri It, Here By virtue of the- power o! sale con ?lalned In Qt leil?m deed ?f?trust _ wartfl hv Mrs. Fsnoig Chiplatti to Wm. i H. Ruffin. Trustee, dated J an 1. 1S21 | and recorded in the Registry of Frank lin County in Book !!??. pas? IS", de fault haTing been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure haTing been made on said trustee by the holder of said debt, the undersigned will, on MONDAY. FEBRUAR 1 17. 1S22 at about the hour at noon at the Court house door in Louisburg. N. C. offer for sale at public auction. u> the high est bidder for cash the property in said deed ot trust conveyed and there des cribed as follows: Beginning at a stone on the road leading from W. T. Dean's to Cedar Rock church; thence along' the road N 1 l-2d E Ti chains; thecce N S 1-id W 6.72 chains, thence N is S-?d E 4.10 chains to a stone on the right side ot road In C. T. Stokes' ime: thence leaving the road N Sid b s.25 chains to a <]arge Pine. Stoke?' corner ; thence N 4d E 22. OS chains to a Black gum, J. A. Dean's corner; thence along an old canal and a line ot chopped tree* N 87d E 2.50 chains to a new canal; thence along said canal an4 along the creek as It meanders to - dead Hick ory In a quarry ot rock; thence along the meandertngs ot high water mark .,1.1 ^rin Pop. lax ami L'.ackgump pointers, W. T. -D^m'a cr*VRgr; thance S 38 l-2d W 25.TO chains to a stone and pointers, W. T. Dc.m's miner . thence 3 SO 1-Sd W IS,50 chains to the beginning, con taining 100 acres, more or less. This Jan. 27. 1922. l-2T-6t W. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power ' and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by Florence B. Cooke (widow) to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on the 29th day of March 1918. which is duly recorded in the office of tt*e register of deeds of Frank lin county in Book 224, page 89. de fault baring been made in the pay ment of the notes thereby secured and demand made upon me by the holder o< said note to foreclose in accordance with the terms and provisions therein contained. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the Courthouse door In Franklin County. North Cfctolina. on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1922 at 12 o'clock M. that tract or parcel of land in Franklin County. North Car olina, bounded aa follows: Bounded on the North by the lands formerly owned by Mr*. Ellen Pearce. now I. H. Kearney, on the East by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, on the WiMKm htmh now Mrs. Bettie D. 1.-5 ley'a. anil ou | the W?t by the E. P. BlacKley lands, 1 containing one hundred and twenty | five (i?5) acres, more or less and be- | ins that tract of land of which An-1 Ihony Cooke died seized. A two umihs interest being conveyed which I consists?of -the one-ninth interest I which descended to Florence B. Ccoke I as a child and heir at law of Anthony H. Cooke and one-ninth interest pur chased from Pv S. Allen and wife by | deed. This the 25th day of Jan. 1922. l-S7-5t BEN T. HOLD EN. Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the I estate of Alex Gales, deceased, late ot I Franklin County, notice Is Hereby giv- 1 en all persons holding calms against | his estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 27th day of January. 1923. or this notice will I be plead In bar of their recoTery. All persons Indebted to said estate will I please come forward and make Imme-) dlate se ttlement. This Jan 26. 1922. [ 1-17-$t L. H. PERRY JR.. Extr. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power ot sale con tained In that certain deed of trust I made by O. Y. Yarboro to Thos. W. [ Ruffln. Trustee, dated Kot. 11, 1917,1 and recorded in Book 114, page 7.1 Franklin Registry, default having been I made In the payment ot the debt se-1 cared by aald deed of trot and de-l id tor foreclosure having been I n aald trustee by tke. holders I aald the andamgned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1M1 the nooa rep?? of conn. It being! the trat day ot tM February Term of I Franklin Superior Ooart, at the Oourtl door la Lonlabm g. N. O., offer | for aala at public auction to the blgh der tor eaah tee lot and dwell-1 ta? la uid deed of traat eoareyed and | there described aa follow?: Pltuata In tke town of Loulsbnrg | and more particularly daiied aa fal lows: Beginning la the center of I Warren t on Avenue, corner In Yales' line; t heap N 4d W I pis 11 Iks to a I stake, the Yatee ooraer la R. H. I ?ar ia lina; theaoe N U l-?d W ? pla 101 Iks ta a poet. J. M. Allen's corner; tbeiaca B 1 1-ld K about 1M 1-1 fret I to the corner of Wlneenn's corner I (Avenue?); thence along the AvenueI iS* feet to the beginning, containing! one bait an acre, more or leaa, an4| being the lot of land bouse t ay D. T. toller f-um J. L. Jackson and wli?| by dee.1 dated Sept. U, IMS ar.J re corded In the Registry of F-enkilnl County In book 1M page Kit. reference I to which la hereby expressly made tor I full description ot the said lot. and | being the lot conveyed by J. P. Win ston to J. L. Jackson and the saibel conveyed by D. T. Fuller and wife to I O. Y. Yarboro. This lot contains ?| dwelling nad outhouses. This In. 11. 1S11. THOS. W. RDFFIN. 1-1?-St Trustee. Subscribe to Tbe Franklin Times To My Friends and Patrons I kAi* )Bt |?ttw hiMtl tack ma |h? ttthp ar mmj yfcaa tar j?? ph* hum. Ala* > l?l ?I skavtla ul larks. Ia M BMt j?a n>< to wark wMk. I u ralac to aall I km a Mr Da* at M u< Im4 itil< am kaa< all Dl M? raayiOlaa aa aaytkla? far tka Caak. u aun arllht Skan. Yours truly, ?. J. W. PERRY ETEKXT L0TJI8BUB0.N 0. We Wish to Thank ... Our ... Many Friends and Customers For their liberal patro nage during the past Fall and hope to be of more service to you in the future THE SERVICE SHOP ? Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed * At Seasonable Prices.

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