TIBST-CLASS IK QUALITY SECOND-CLASS IN PRICE "WHAT are you going to wear in Jewelry Our stock includes the appropriate articles and designs for 1022^ elry for every occasion and to fit everybody's puree, i i oh or r>oor. We suggest an early visit and inspection, for there is sure to be just the article you are looking for, and at an attractive price. I. W. Parrish JE w KLER LOUTSBURG, North Carolina TAX PAVERS - TAKE NOTICE A penalty of 1 per cent will be added on all unpaid State and f nM^y Tqyoc rm and 1 per cent additional for each month thereafter. Pay your taxes before February lst7 and save the penalty. H. A. KEARNEY/Sheriff Franklin County TOTALLY DESTROYED BY FIRE Is what may be said of your home any time fire comes without warning and cleans oat in a hurry leaving you nothing but ashes, unless you are protected by insurance. If your home is worth $5,000 and is burned up by fire without insurance you get nothing. If you carry $5,000 insurance with the Farmers Mu tual, for which you pay us only $37.50 and your home burns you get $5,000. Which appeals to your sound judgment ? The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Companys' Business is PROTECTING YOUB SOME fbseph 0 Jones, Pres. S. Atwood Hewell, Sec'y. (CONTINTTBD FROM PACK TOO* f ' Oct 8 to ami pd Gladys T Perry dep R of D salary _ S3.S3 Ofct 4 by amt deposited C B C Fee? and Coras 1W W pet 4 by ant deposited R of O Fee? etc^ 73.M Oct 4 by amt deposited Fees etc Sheriff S7.SS pet 11 by amt deposited Sheriff com tax 2.tN M $1.054 15 W.?04 H ; 81 to amt on deposit carried to November _____ lii* SI ?W?4.M D.H4M r 1 by amt on deposit brought rrom October IJISI.I1 ' 4 by amt deposited Sheriff Fees Corns Tax etc 3.411 *3 r 4 to amt deposited R of D Fees etc T8.M 4 by Mat deposited CSC V**-* nnd Cons. ' ' " * 3M.S7 7 to amt pd H A Kearney salary ^ 343.? 7 to amt pd W N Fuller dep Sheriff salary 154.M 7 tO amt pd J,J 'Barrow salary 31? ?4 ? $ ft amt pd J L Palmer dep CSC salary IK M 'fwguat pd 8 C Holdeo salary 314.?* 7 t* >mt pd Gladys V Perry dep R of D salary _ (3 33 K V * iKi J >- ?: I ? viv" -v*' 84 to amt oa i ti.K4.ls $10444. deposit carried to December _ OK. WSJ# K -r -y.-f .?t 11 n? -jtr - ?M44?l HOSE DEMONSTRATION DLPtKriiVT l> ?~at Sa?n?Uou F*r Februarj Fob Aid , I?mj Jfaklag Far Girls' and Kiwi's Clubs. Six ramous men were born in Feb-! ruary! Why not have a Birthday So- i cial. Decorate with hearts and ar-j rows. Carry oat the Valentine idea in I other ways. Sell candy and Valen- J tines which the girls or women haTe made HaTe hot refreshments to Bell also. Let an appointed committee meet the guests at the door and usher them in on the pass word of their birth months and in t rodu? them to the lead ers of the respect ire months who will take them in charge. Tp every per son (ire a card valentine on the back of which should be pasted an envelope containing fifteen coupons, ail bearing | the same numeral, with the explana-'j tlon that to every person with whom i he shakes hands be must give one of [ bis coupons and receive on* in return When ha has shaken hands with Of-1 teen people, as shown by the fifteen i coupons of others In his hands and ! none of his own. having given them allj away, he Is entitled to a bag of candy j ?a bag of white paper tied with red ribbon and sealed with a heart. After all seem to be having a good time, lively music will help. too. have twelve young men appear and station j themselves at dilfereat points In the rooms, each one holding ??oft the em-1 blem of a month: for Instance. April woald have an open smbrella. The crowd should gather about their res pective lenders according to the month la which were horn and ten minuten aliased tor conversation. Then call on each group to call to mind some Important event occurring In their Mtth. The February leader could have short sketches on Usraln. Low ell. Longfellow. Washington. Edison or Dickens sll of whoa weie born In this month. If this *t>jM make the program too long, one oT these could be selected. A* each group Is called history and biography r Won Id be drawn from, and bits of local a?4 personal history could he laoOftT Included After this the rompagfr Should set tle down end lov* poems from t?w?ll and Longfellow read and a dialogue from Dickens roUld he gtve? Loto wags from the best composers could ha played on the Edison. If TOU prefer other things snd do not mind the work of arranging tab leaux. the** selections from I.s>ngfe| low'a po*ars offer opportunities for charming scenes, with readings: The r~hndr*a's Hour. Kvangertn*. The Hanging of the Crane. Th* Lovers: Th* First Meal: The Golden Wedding: Prtsrflla ard Job? AMsn Hiawatha'? Wooing: Th* Village Blacksmith. ?ho?s poem should h* read sad the Anvil Chona played. or every Valentine party. To start the evenings fun this suggestion tor for ftjta is jolly. Hang-en the walla of your room as many hearts cut out of red or gold paper as you have guests minus one. Have your guests Join hands and circle to some D right mus ic. In a moment stop the music and have each rush to cover a heart with his hand. Of course one will be left nut. and he or she must give a forfeit. Then take away one neart and have the others continue the rmg arond. Keep this up until all the hearts are taken down and all have gtven forfeits. Now comes the redeeming of the pled gcSTand this should be done by having each one sing a love song or tell a funny loke. If money making wan the feature here, the walls could be covered In different size hearts, each gearing a fortune. An arrow should be provided and a charge of five or ten cents for each shot. Of course some one should have or this who can persuade people to try their luck at shooting. Another money making feature could be carried out something like this: When the peop-e have arrived, they are suddenly startled by the ap pearance In their midst of half doten policemen with large hearts for bad ges. on each heart should appear the words. I-ore's Policeman. The peo ple are then arrested, one by one, for various offenses, and led before Judges who are stationed behind desks st the fonr sides of the room. The offend ers. being found guilty, are lined and given receipts in the shape of small paper hearts, on each of which ap pears a figuro Indlrattnar the amount paid to the Judge. The offenses and flnaa may be like Ihe following: Per smiling at a girl or a fellow Ic r*>r not smiling at a girl or a fellow Ic Por winking J. 5c Por laughing loudly 1c Fbr no? laughing- ic F*>r being too qutat 1 Xc Ptaf sparfctn* : Ic Pot looking as if you wished to be ah old maid or a bachelor #c When the offenders bold receipts mounting to a certain sum. say Of- j ?an or twenty cents, they may then go to a persobage who Is called The Clerk if Cupidity where they each re ? etre la exchange for their receipts. s i ratty souvenir heart mariteo Immune. <hVh frees them from further arrest. 'The Immune heart also gives them the i rtvllegs of h visit to ProftssoY of Prr, -osaloeophy. who has for distribution ?o sets of heart fortune? sealed In IIfilially In envelopes. PTnk hearts >re deed for the hoys and white henna ig#4rthe stria. ' _ I flipping Ptoriaaca Is a good vrat to mommy, an4 ftaay too. Make g bar at bags of chsbs rkXh or oth ! place in sarti a apoonfuf ' ,f pum? giocati aad attach to each the ->p? oprtate rime aa given here or stretch it, by means of baby ribbon, the baga suggesting fortunes for the girls, j of scissors, and let her clip her for tune. When all the girls have clipped their fates, hang the fortunes for the 1 boys or these may be hung at the same time in different sections of the room. ' Verses for the girls may be something I like these: A spinster you will mrrxiy be, so just console yourself with tea (Tea). You'll wed a man of sterling worth? the salt, as we would, say, of earth (Salt). Your wedding bells will echo soon; then heigho! for the honeymoon (Rice) To wed a wise man is your fate, which gift of sage doth Indicate (Sage) A peppery mate you'll surely find; a man who likes to speak his mind (Pep per). You'll wed a farmer, it is plain, and live amid the field of grain (Cereal). Verses for the men: Your happiness will be complete, for you wiH wed a maiden sweet (Sugar). You'll win a wife both good and wise :and In the world you'll" surely rise | (Baking Powder). Great Joy will surely be your dower, | you'll find a wife fair as a flower (Flour). Your bride will know the cooking HOME DEMONSTRATON GAL, TWOe art; her toothsome meals will win your, heart (Meal). Quite capable your bride will be, for Ginger means efficiency fOlnger) . Your sweetheart is changeable but nice; variety's of life the spice (Spic es).^ A number or other suggestions can be obtained from the Recreation flle In the office. These are for the use or the girls and women of the county. If you would like something different for the February prises, the Museum of Revolutionary Kellcs, Independence Hall, Philadelphia for a little silk flag. It was Washington who con ferred with Betsy RoAs on the making of the flag, so the little flag would make an appropriate gift. Or If you prefer a wooden hatchet with a dear association write to The Keeper, Wt. Vernon, Virginia and you ran obtain for thirty-five cents a little hatchet made fro(n cherry wood grown on the grounds. 8AI.E OF VALUABLE REAI, E8TATE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed to me by J. H. Whltaker and wife Mnrf E. Whltaker fend duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Frinklln County In Book 224, page 4t4. default having been made In the pennant of the note secured thereby, Wd demand having h??n made.' ipon m* by the holder of said note. I will on MOM6AY, MARCH 6.1?22 * . at about the hoar of noon, Mil at pub lic auction at the Courthouse door In llcuiabarg. North Carolina, to the high SWMw tot cash all the right, title ^ and interest of the said J. H. Whitaker and wile Mary E. Whitaker in a cer tain tract or parcel of laud situated in Hayesvllle Township, Franklin County State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the Lands of Thomas Harris and L. L. Whitaker and Lizzie Whitfield, on the East by the lands of J. O. Beasley and Lizzie Whitfield, on the South vy the lands of Mrs. Mary Wilson and Mrs. T. W* Young, and oii the West by the lands of Bessie Lee Whitaker, and contain' ing 294.6 acres, more or leas, and be ing the lands conveyed to the said J. H. Whitaker by T. H. Whitaker and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, to which deed reference la hereby made for a more detailed des cription of said tract of land. Also all the right, title and interest In and to the property owned by T. H. Whitaker at the time of his death as devised to the said J. H. Whitaker by will of said T. H. Whitaker recorded In the office of the Clerk or the Super ior Court of Franklin County in Boofc of Wills W page 91, or as acquired by said J. H. Whitaker as heir at law and distributee of said T. H. Whitaker, tb*> same consisting In part of the resi dence of the said T. H. Whitaker, the Ballard store building and the Black. Jiouse lot, all In the town of Franklln ton, said County and State, and also the Interest of said J. H. Wnltaker In the proceeds of the sale directed to be made of said property by the will of said T. H. Whitaker. This the 1st day of Feb. 1922. W. H. YARBOROUGH, 2-3-St Trustee. t'1 ' ? ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator* of the estate of J. Brake Perry deceas ed, late of Franklin County, North Car ollna this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Wakefield, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1, on or before the 3rd day of Feb ruary 1923. or this notice will be plead In bear of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will p I nas? make Immediate payment to the uft* rlerslgned administrators. This the 2nd day of February 1922J R. Ij. PERRY, C. W. PBRRY. I* Admrs. of J. Brake Perry, dec'd. 2-3-6t The neighbors are now odnslderfl f calling a disarmament conference wl k little Jobqnle and his-air rifle as tM chief topic of 41*cua?fc^b. Mlnta Dartre?. Arbnckl rft wife. Is going to life htm anoth r trial. And wo la the Jndge. f ? Ten Tnu people made til by eatli f chee^.JKatf. U?r f?*dt dUFwm. -\0rr+. . : . -O*#'. m AUCTION SAIF * . horses, Mules, Harness, Buggies, Wagons, Automo * biles, Plows, Cows Bicycles and Billy Goats in , N. C. Monday, Tebruary 6th, 1922 AT 10 O'CLOCK - ? " ? ON JAIL YARD - ON JAIL YARD This will be the biggeest opportunity ever offered to the people of Franklin County to get big bargains in the articles mentioned below, as I am going to close j pool room on Main Street. All of these articles will be on display and most of them are in extra good shape. Be sure and be on hand and take advantage of this big ?ale. Everything will be sold and the HIGH DOLLAR gets it. Read the list below: * 7 " = T5 or 20 horses and moles; 10 or 12 cows, milk cows, heifers and yearlings; a lot of single and double wagon harness: 5 sets of single buggy harness; 2 sets of double buggy harness; a big lot of plow harness; a lot of plows; 1 five passenger Ford car, self starter, practically new in good runing order; 1 seven passenger car in prood running order; a lot of open and top buggies; a lot of one and two horse wagons, dump carts and road carts, biuyulws ami billy gnats.? PEMEMBER THE DATE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 6th, 1922. REMEMBER THE PLACE, JAIL YARD, LOUISBURG, N. C. J. C. TUCitE^R

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