-, FIBS T-CLASS IN QUALITY SECOND CLASS IN PRICE WHAT are you going to wear in Jewelry t Our stock includes the appropriate articles and designs for 1922, with everything right up to the minute in style. Jew elry for every occasion and to fit everybody's purse, lich or poor. We suggest an early visit and inspection, for thei'o iu Liuro to bf?jgst~feg-ai tkle j uu are- looking for, and at an attractive price. 1. W. Parrish JEWELER LOUISBURG, North Carolina TAX PAYERS TAKE NOTICE A penalty of 1 per cent will be added on all unpaid State and County Taxes on February 1st, and 1 per cent?Additional for each month thereafter. Pay your taxes before February 1st, and save the penalty. n. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff Franklin County* TOTALLY DESTROYED BY FIRE Is what may be said of your . honie any time fire comes without warning and cleans out in a hurry leaving you nothing but ashes, unless you are protected by insurance. If your home is worth $5,000 and is burned up by fire without insurance you get nothing. If you carry $5,000 insurance with the Farmers Mu tual, for which you pay us only $37.50 and your home burns you get $5,000. Which appeals to your sound judgment ? ; The farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Companys* Business Is raatj. ??... PROTECTING YOUR HOME Joseph 0 Jones, Pres. 8. Atwood Newell, Sec'y. OF REAL E8TATE. "> Uild?r and by Tlrtne of the power of sale contained In that certain mort gage tete executed to the undersign - ?d mortmee by Daniel 'Wiggins, dated |>ec, 28th, 1920 and recorded In Book flO at page B52, Registry of Franklin ptataty, N. O., default harlng been nad? In the payment of the Indebted F thereby secured the undersigned 'M' ? _ MONDAY, MARCH ?th, 1922' Of aboqt the hour of noon, at the door in Loolitmrt, N, C. offer tte tele at public auction to the high eat bidder, for caah a certain piece j>r tract of lted lying and being fn Franklin ton Township, Franklin Conn Jjr. State of North Carolina and des d defined as foliowa to-wlt: ot, land containing one acre fie thud? ot the Bundling the Bid Wall Estate, Mrs. R. Ulley, King Seed Co., containing monjar lees, beetng a part of day of February, 1MJ.? - H.'CANNADY, Mortgagee. Malone, Attya. ( 2-l-St NOTICE or SAME. Under and by virtue of tltfe p?w?r deed of a^slgmlient executed by H. M. Sledge to J. E. Malone, Jr., Trustee, dated Jan. 5th, 1922, the undersigned will on Saturday the lltn da v of Feb ruary , 1922, at or about the hour of noon, upon the premises in the Tillage of Maplev?lle, jp. 0. offer for sale at public aue tion to the highest Didder for cash the entire stock of goodfe wares and merchandise, furni ture and fixtures situate in the storehouse- formerly occupied by the saidT^.^flWatfe. This 1st day of Feb., 1922. J. E. MALONE, Jr. 2-3-2t Trustee. THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11-60 Per Year In ArtTanco DEAVT SIX TRKATtKS AT WA3H130TO* C0NF1EEJCI (Continued from Pa#? Oil?) ilon of extra-territorial ngn ta. Author 1 tat Ion for a consultation be tween foreign dip loma t*-?*wl Chinese officials at Peking with a viow to with drawal of foreign troops from China. Relinquishment lo China of unau thorised foreign radio stations on Chi nese soil, with the stipulation that all plants are to be use* for official mes sages only except In emergency. Agreements to exchange full infor matlon among the nations regarding ?11 International commitments that aflect China. Creation of a board of references, to consider cases arising under the open door and railway provisions of the gen eral Par Eastern treaty^ Convening of a special commission of the five powers to meet in the near future and consider rules to govern the use of new agencies of warfare. By a second rwoluiluu cm?Hie?same subject it Is decjared that the commis sion shall not review o> report on" ?uhmmrln? and poison gas rules laid downTn IBe^treatj on that subject. Recommendation that "better pro tection" be given the Chinese Eastern Railway. Another resolution attach ed but subscribed to by powers other than China declared that in future wire less disputes the open door policy must be applied. ? Request on the part of the other pow crs that China reduce her military for ces. ?SuDDl*-merU:rv agreement to the nn val limitation treaty. rtpnaHng th* nations "in honor bound" not to dis pose of ships which are listed for scrap ping, before the treaty Is ratified. Supplementary agreement to the four-power Pacific treaty, excluding the islands of the Japanese homeland from the treaty provisions, Some Important Declaration Ol lhe ??riJxqju-atinntt" mad? hv delegations and formally spread oit the records of the conference chi* in terest ached to th'.se relating to Li beria and the "twenty on? lemands.'* t vKMi* .ng Siberia, Jupau dis?vow?; !"*? ..iorih' on ?i ? ! herfeel: u* ??nr.* aw " her coop* . om Slava as v-* as stable conditions warrant, while the United States reasserted its hope that the withdrawalwould not be long delayed The famous group Ave uf the "tweny oqe demands" was abandoned by Ja nsn, along with, other concessions re lating to economic and political con ditions in Manchuria ana Mongolia, malnlng portions or the "demands," ami me "Timed Stales reiterated It* intention not to recognize any of them which might abridge American rights. The British declaration of readiness to withdFuw from the loaood territory^ Qf Wei-Hai-Wei waa not plahprajfifl will be taken up in diplomatic exchan ges between London and Peking. As a supplement to the Eastern treaty, China, declared her intention not to a?loTiate any additional portions of her territory. As a supplement to the Wig irgaiy she agreed to retain thq present maritime customs system. In two supplements to the radio resolu tion. China declared she recognized no act to install foreign radio plants without her express consent and the powers other than China declared that In future wireless disputes the open ,door policy must be applied. IS MKMORIAM. On January 30, 1922 God saw fit to take from this earth a true and noble j woman Mrs. Mattfe Earle Stone. In j this death Cedar Rock has lost one ot | Its most worthy and Influential worn-] en. She was possessed of a disposi tion and character that only a few, hare. To know her was to love her, and nowhere was this so beautifully shown as In her home with her family. Her friends were numbered by her ac quaintances always a loving word and a smile for evefy^one whom she met. Her Christian life was be&nttful and full and she was faithful to her Chris tian duties ]hst as long as her health would permit. She was a long and patient sufferer and knew that the end could not be far yet she was ready and willing to leave this earth and go to be with her Savior. She was a good neighbor and her unselfish generosity will be greatly missed in her community. A great friend to the colored people who were always going to her for help. A woman whose place 'In her home and also neighborhood cannot be Ail ed, has gone to her heavenly home to rest evermore. Although the weather was bad there was a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives to pay their last tribute of love to her as she was gent ly laid to rest, in the family burryl ng ground near her home underneath a huge mound of flowers. She leaves to mourn thetr loss be sides her husband .one son, Mr. J. Mlnter Stone and, one daughter, Mrs. Howard Jones. Weep not dear loved ones, but he prepared to meet her on the other side where she will greet you with open arms. IK WKMORIAW On January 1, 1922, Ood in his lnfl nlte wlsdoi i saw Ot to take from our church me ibershlp, W. M. U., and Phllathea t lass at Psrry's Chapel Bap tist church the sweet and gentle spirit of Mrs. A< lie Mltchiner Wilder, wife of Bennle '. Wilder. 8he was a de voted wlfe'and mother, a good neigh bor, and kind friend to all. While wo deeply mourn our loss, we feel that her sufferings are over, and that ?ho I as gone to be with Ood. Therefore, since our earthly ties are Hovered, be It resolved: First: That in the death of Addle, Perry's Chapel has lost one at Its most faithful members. Second; That we express our grat itude for the service which she ren dered this churcl), and our apprecla lion for her usefin life Third That .<?<; extend to the fam ily our Leant" ! sympathy In tfltlr be rca "rnii'nt. ' I'our.V That a copy uf lT5u fes olutions be spread on the minutes of the W. M. U., and a copy be sent to the Biblical Recorder, and to the Frank lin Times for publication. ANNIE J. PERRY, EMMA PERRY. MRS. R. Q? PERNELL. Committee WANTED?A man to make crop this year. Will pay good salary to right party or will give crop. Apply at once to T. H. WELDON, R. 1' Hen derson. N. C. 2-10Jt NOTICE. This is to certify that I have sold my .entire stock in store trading as Pine Ridge Supply Co., Wakefield, N. C. and am no longer Interested tir Bald firm. This 1st day of Feb. 1922. 12-10-4t J. C. MtTL/LEN. I . UPHOLSTERING AND REPAINTING I am prepared to upholster and re pair your old furniture and repaint your automobile. 2-10-tf H. L. CARTER. WANTED?Man with car UjsfflDT?low priced GRAHAM TIRRJT ftBO.O? per week and commissions. GRA HAM TIRE CO., 2467 Boulevard, Benton Harbor, Mich. 2-10- J t NOTICE OF SALE Being authorized by the Franklin County Board of Education, I will re ceive bids for thn colored school house site, known as the Mitchell achbol In Hayeavllle township, until Wednesday, March 1st, at 11 o'clock. 1 reserve the right to reject any or all bids. K. L. BE8T, 2-10-2t Supt. of Schools. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue pf the power of sale contained In that certain mort gage executed by B. G. Person to An I nI? M. Joyner, and recorded In the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Frank IliwCounty, In Bdek 210, at page 5B0, default having been made In the pay ment of debt thereby secured, I will on ( MONDAY, MARCH 13th, 1922 at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Loulsburff, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder ror cash a one-half undivided Interest In and to certain lots of land lying and being In franklin County, North Carolina, In PVanklinton Township, aad described and defined as follows, te-wlt: ? Lots Nos. 7, 8 and 12, Block D, In ?orv?f of Llneoln Pifrk, made by M. S. Davis. I, Thla the ?th Hay of Feb., 1022. ANNIE M. JOYNER, Mortgagee. <1. it, BEAM, Attorney. 2-10-tt 4 \ >3ALE OP VALUABLE RESITESTATE' Vnder and by virtue of the power contained In a deed of trust executed to me by J. H. Wbitaker and wife Mary E. Wbitaker and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In Book 224, page 484, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and demand having boon made upon me by the holder of said note, I will on MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1922 at about the hour of noon, sell at pub lic auction at the Courthouse door in Loulsburg, North Carolina, to the high est bidder for caBh all tile.right, title and Interest of the said'J. H. Whitaker and wife Mary E. Whitaker In a car tain tract or parcel of laud situated In Hayesvllle Towflshfp, Franklitf County State of North Carolina, and described as follows: . Bounded on the Nortb by the lands of Thomas Harris and L. L. Whitaker and lizzie Whitfield, mr tha'.Eut by the lands of J. O. Beasley and Lizzie Whitfield, on the South t>y the lands of Mrs. Mary Wilson and Mrs. T. W. Young, and on the West by the lands of Bessie Lee Whitaker, and contain ing 294.6 acres, more or less, and be ing the lands conveyed to the" said J. H. Whitaker by T. H. WTiltakfer and wlf> by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, to which deed reference 1b hereby made for a more detailed des cription of aald tract of land. Also ali the right, title and Interest In and to the property owned by T. H. Whitaker at the' time of his death as devised to the said J. H. Whitaker by will of said T. H. Whitaker recorded in tke office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County in Book of Wills W page 91, or as acquired by said J. H. Whitaker as heir at law and distributee of said T. H. Whitaker, the same consisting In part of the resi dence of the said T. H. Whitaker, the Ballard store building and the Black house lot, all In the town of Franklln ton, said County and State, and also the Interest of said J. H. Wnttaker In the proceeds of the Bale directed to be made of said property by the will of said T. H. Whitaker. This the 1st day of Feb. 1922. . W. h. yarbor!ouoh, J-3-6t Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND? By virtue 6t the power of sale con tained la that ?certain deed of trust rhade by James R. Lee and wife to M. C. Oupton, Trustee, dated April 20th, 1917 and recorded in Book 210 page 210, Franklin Registry, default having been made In thfe payment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for fore closure having been made on said trus tee by the holder of-the debt so secur ed, the undersigned will, on MARCH 10th, 1922 at about the Hour of Man, a#th House door la Loulsburg, N.*C. tor sale at public auction, to tl Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. WM you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings colon to th^ cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will thea appreciate its *ue ionic value. Grove's Tasteliss^hiU Tonic is simply Iron and Quinip?r suspended in syrup. So pleasant evenj/nildren like it The bloods needs QUININE to Purify.it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigpr atlng Effect 60c. est bidder for cash the property in Bald of trust conveyed ana there des cribed as follows: Situate In Gold Mine Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, ad Joining the lands of L. L. 'WllliataiB op the North and bounded as follows: Beginning at a large Poplar on TuckJ er's Branch, B. T. Ballard's line 29 chs BO Iks to a stake "with Whlteoak pointers; thence S 88d W 45 chs 40 Iks to a forked Ash on tne North bank of Sandy Creek at the mouth of Tuck er's Branch; thence up said Branch Its various courses 46 chs 25 Iks ty the beginning, containing ISO 1-2 acre* more or less. This Feb. 10, 1922. 2-10-4t M. C. GUPTON, Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND. 1 Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that lien and mortgage executed by H. R. Par rlsh to Brantley-Wood & Griffin on the 15th day of January 1910, duly regis tered In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In Book 208 page 268, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured the undersigned mortga gees will on MONDAY, MARCH 6tn, 1922 . at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door of Franklin County m the town of Loulsburg, North Carolina sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following ^described real estate: y _. t A one-twelfth undivided Interest In and to three tracts of land situated fn Cedar Rock Township, Franklin Coun'r ty N. C. known as the Mrs. Polly P^r rlsh lands containing six hundred (600) acres more or less adjoining ttfo lands of J. W. Sledge, tr. B. H. 8t*J llngs, E. 8. Green, Ben Sturdlvant. Mrs. Bettle Collins, Mrs. J. O. May and others. One tract known as the*ob?rt 8 tai lings place and One tffctit known as the Old Stokes Place, and one tra^t known as>the Gratle Inscoe Place. ' This the 2nd day .of P?t>rta*iw 1922. BRANTLEY-WOOD 4 QMmN ' l-3-5t ? COMPANY, Mortgagee, * Another thing we've noticed 1* t h it lts the things we bor? lo? sale that al ways di-op In price and th* things we have to buy that rals^ BIG SAVINGS OFFERED YOU To Make Room For SPRING GOODS /" Daring February we will maintain redueed prices way?and so are our new consignments of Spring Goods.?Therefore, we must make room for them. Special lowered prices are featuring the following lines at our Store all this month? DRESS GOODS. KNIT GOODS. MEN'S. WOMEN'S ? AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, CAPES, MACNINAWS, HATS AND ? CAPS, MILLINERY. BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPOR TUNITY. IT?S A CERTAIN MONEY? SAVER FOR YOU. F. A. ROTH COMPATNY^ THE CHEAPEST LODISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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