OILX I1M PM VBi ?I ADTAJC? n The Franklin Times =3= A. F. J0HH80H, itiur ui imjer - THE COUNTY, THE STATE. THE UHIOH ?C*so*irno* ?u? rw t? volcxj l. - WW???, *. c* f kidat. feiitiitt, im. n on ?i POULTRY CLUB WORK TO BE INAUGURATED 15 FRA>'K LIB COUSTY Among tke Boys and Girls, the Grown Up* ml?Little Tuts?Cuamltteeg Appointed?Pinna and Objects Adop ted In Meeting Saturday. Quite a good number of Franklin County's leading citizens enjoyed a most Interesting discussion on boys and girls poultry club work by Mr. H. H. B. Mask, of the State Extensiea-J Department on Saturday afternoon in the Board'of education rooms at the request of Miss Pauline Smith, Homej L emonstratlon Agent, who is trying to Interest the people of Franklin Coun ty in raising more poultry. Mr. Mask stated (hat the goneral providing .ipln inn that poultry doesn't pay is a farce and proceeded to prove that one hun dred hens to'a farm would payhand some returns. To substantiate hlB position h? pointed to Catawba Coun ty that is today operating one of the most modern and successful Co-opera tfve Creameries in thS World. This he said was begun just a few years ago with the poultry club work, which developed into'the other branches. This institution operates regular routes through the country to receive chickens, eggs and milk and mother farm products which are prepared for i be markets and shipped in large "quan uties to the larger cities, returning a vi~e profit .to the farmer^ But one of -..V. Mask's strongest isasQUB for ad voeitiag the boys and girls poultry CJ'. is the great influence it develops an. "-"' children, who are to be our men nad women of the future. He profits of the farm, it would increase their interest, stimulate their efforts end bi l:ig about an (dependence and stability of character that is so neces sarv in tnt modern busfnesti uiav. or woman. His entire speech was logi cal, practical ant1 plainly a champion for the American hen and her products and loir.tecTa" way to better living "^na~nlci'g Ulll'-'puiHlmifM fur tlie ami age farmer. After the conclusion o* his remarks it was unanimously dedded-to put on a campaign for the organization of poultry clubs in this county and the following" objocts and plans of action ?wm adopted: -?'*?'?_? poultryron every farm. ,2. To mgke the poultry now on the la'rm more pro fitable by grading and marketing co operatively. 3. To know and improve farm practices: to devciop the spirit of cooperation: to encourage economy and thrift; to more clearly unite the home, school and community; to get ^better social and recreational advan tages, and to help boys and girls to "help themselves" in the building of the four fold boy into the fourfold man and woman. The noy and girl who carries out a club project gets a training which will be helpful in any walk of life. The object >s to give the club member a participation in the actualities of life, so that the exper ience will better fit him to meeit the conditions and problems tn any walk of life. Club work alms to build three ships,?ownership, partnership and citizen ship. Scope: Organized clubs in rommunhiflR* Club Requirements: 1. Teacher leader. 2. Local leader. 3. Regular club officers." 4. Five ?r more mem bers. 5. A definite program for the year. C. Monthly meetings. 7. Club picnics. 8. Community Club Day. 9. Parents meeting to discuss the Ob jects of club work. 10. 100 per cent members reporting. 11. Conduct a club demonstration on club day. Membership Requirements: 1. Be of club age, 10-18 (boys and girls un der and o^ir this age may be honor ary members). 2. To take part In marketing the surplus otrga from the farm flock. 3. Hatch M least three settings of some standard breed. 4. To become partially or completely owner of the pure bred poultry pro duced. 5. Keep an accurate record In club record book of the work. 8. Attend all meetings. T. Take part In club meetings. 8. Mase an exhibit at your school or club day. 9. Sub mit complete report to club leader by Oct. 1st. 10. Establish business re lation with some bank. 11. To con struct a model poultry house during the fall of 1922. Suggestions to leaders: 1. To as sist club officers In making yearly program. 2. To attend all club meet lags. 3. To give club demonstrations for lieneflt of members. 4. To visit members, especially those In need of encouragement. 5. To give them In struction* In keeping their records. There Should Re: 1. Conferences for local leaders. 2. Club news for local paper. 3. A Club Budget. 4. Club Loan Fund. 5. Contests (County, Community, and Individual.) 6. Premiums: educational trips to Contests held at State r>alr and Short Course. 7. A County Committer to carry out this vork. In order to carry out the work It was unanimously agreed that Miss Pauline Smith, should Tie the County Leader In this work, and an Executive Committse composed as follows was SCHOOL HOUSE BURNS HAS RECORD 0?' OTEtf OSE HU5- j DREDJTEAR9 Loss and Dsmagp Estimated at About' Origin Thought To Be Iarendlary. { That the Are bug? hare ?rtrtari an- j other buiiatng' Th T>oulsburg to their list when the old Academy building was burned on Saturday night. Is the opinion of many of our citizens who arrived at tho ncone ot the fire In time ?to ascertain that the Are was started from the front porch and after it was learned that two people haa been seen prowling around Hhe building lees than half an hour before. The alarm was turned In about 9:45 and the Are- department made prompt answer and through the qulek^nnd ef flclent work ot the firemen the hlajg was subdued before reaching the back of the building. In fact before the en tire UTTKe front part had ourned com pletely away. The estimated damafp to the bulld lng was $3,000.00 with Insurance $2, 5UU. ou. Of the furniture and fixtures $1,500.00, with insurance of $1,300.00. This was one of the oldest buildings In toulsburg, being over one hundred years old and had been used as an academy for a long number of years. Many of Franklin's most prominent citizens received their education Id 11^ and among some of the most noted pro feasors Who have taught in tt are the late Matthew S. Davis, and Mr. John J. Allen, the World's champion spell er. This Incident Is proof that the in cendiaries are respecters or do bulld ings and should more forcibly Impress ou our minds the absolute necessity of making proper arrangements for the protection of the children In case of fire during the school hours, and "Ore catching and punishing the thugs. As a temporary measure Supt. Mills is using the Sunday School rooms oT the Methodist church for the third and upper second grades in order to make brick building. ' CAFTl'HES STILLS. k Sheriff H. A. Kearney reports the capture of a complete still outfit just above Loym taut ? ana deatfoyia? about three hundred gallons of beer f He also report? the destruction of ?aoout three hundred gallons of beer on the old Dent .place last Friday night. Subscribe to The. Franklin Times |selected to assist her: J. A. Mitch iner. M. S. Clifton, O. J. Hale. A. F. I Johnson, Mesdames W. E."Mullen, C. iT. Dean, T. H. Dickens, Roger Moore, [Misses Annie Dickerson, Clara Long, Addle Bordeaux, Mr. E. J. Cheatham. The Executive Committee will be ex pected to keep the interest aroused in the club work and to adopt plans to put over the campaign. Another committee was appointed to draft a letter of approval of plans adopted Saturday afternoon. Mr: M. S. Clifton, Mrs. C. T. Dean and Miss Pauline Smith compose this committee. A committee on Budgeting, to se cure funds, arrange encampments, community shows, etc., waSappoint ed as follows: 'Mr. O. J. Hale, M. S. Clifton, J. A. Mitchlner, Mesdames M. C. Pleasants, W. A. Mullen, Mr. E. J. Cheatham. The following community centers have been selected for the probable organization of Clubs. The teacher leaders and community leaders for each community were selected as fol lows, the first named being the teach er leader and the last named the com munity leader for the Boys and Girls Poultry Club work: White Level?Miss Agnes Hunt, Mrs T. H. Dickens. Justice?Miss Clara Long, Miss Mary Stalllngs. Bunn?Mr. Herbert Randolph, Mrs. W. E. Mullen. Cedar Rock?Mrs. T. H. Sledge, Mrs. C. T. Dean. Seven Paths?Miss Lucille Powell. Mrs. Roger Moore. Franklinton?Miss Nannie Pigg. Mrs. J. A. Mitchlner. Louisburg?Teacher leader to be named. Mr. O. J. Hale. New Hope?Miss Annie DickersoJl Moulton-Hayee?Miss Estelle Mc Ghee, Mrs. D. T. Fuller. Wood?Miss Eugenia Boone, Miss j Pearl Oupton. Pilot?Miss Addle Bordeaux, Miss Ora Alford. The entire meeting was enthusias tic and offers and plans were made and suggested whereby every one who wishes can begin a poultry yard and be a member of the club. Although age limits are set older and younger people may Join. Full details of the work to be begun will probably be given out by the com raltee in the near future. And in the mean time suffice It to say that the rianpaign when properly put over, which is an assured fact that it will be, It will mean untold herteflts to the farmer from a source that will not re quire much more effort or axpense. In the plan Is contained a method marketing that will entirely eliminate the greatest objection to the move ment. SALAJUES 111 COOTT Shoitlng Anut Paid Oat k?4 Tk? ?mu > Fi*b WUe* Ik b D*rtT*4 latrr fkim. ' The following table la mad* i, the report? published by the Co?ty. wnn in? *rrt,ju\nw, th.l all are figured under the new bul. ud will show to the rotera what the dif ferent offices are coating me tor seniles. These figure* do Insofar as we hare been able to I tain. Include any expena either of the offices except for power. From it you will notica the Sheriff's office abowa a coat $7,253.76, and bat for the credit Cor the commissions for the collection of taxes, which It ia entitled to hare, $7, 655.85, the credit column which con tains figures of $1,822.68, would-be come a debit column of $5,733.17. The Register 67 Deeds office shows ail 8XC8W salary BBTO TBOTW all IV colptB of $606.30. and th? total of $1,001.30 above receipts. The Clerk of the Courts office an excess cost in the salary of $9.37 above receipts, and when Jurenlle salary Is added which is from another source it excess cost to the county of $309.17. The Auditor's office, whlcn has ?( en over-some of the work done by the Register of Deeds and which expense has no receipts ? offset shows a cost of $2.451.59, which together with the other salaries wk) im rut cipLii to rr ii*'- -* *- wn ZM sen t s a total expense to tHe County $4.551.59. It might be called to : that in the Auditor's statement of the Salary fund two weeks ago It ?ai shown that the County was saTtnf above the fee system ?4.5S57?C. stol as t his table shows $3.510.77 the fif I rernce being.Oie officers rrceired two | months salaHea under the old law ftfid icufation figures a full year under the J new salary law. ' It will be seen that the amount paK these offices that is offset trv the waM* ary fund is $12.650.00. and the- anynart paid the same three offices not offset by the salary fund is $2.995.76, which makes a total of irhilr total receipts for the salary fund 1? only $16,160.77, making a differ in favor of salaries of $512.01. How ever if you will add to the above sal aries that are offset by the salary fiwl the total salaries that have no fund in offset them. $8-835.35- von will ha?? & C C* t of SH.4SS.35. This shows that ' tihaniHng the entire retdmij Troja f?? and rommiaiotta tihe Coua- ] ty has to call on the general fond for . SS. This amount would have ! srles bill not been passed, by at least Jo.200 tjO. which would hare represen ted an excess cost to the county of less than $200 00. Before leaving this reature it will be well to state, in Tiew at the fack. that the voters of Franlftin County are to vote on the question of whether or not they shall keep their officers on sal ame up it turn them to the fee basis this fall, that in tkw of the tact that the salary bill "only ejects three offi ces. Sheriff. Register of Deeds and Clerk of the Court, and tnat t?e~ cgtpa of these uffina situ* it lesst S3.510.77 in favor of salaries, even tfcou^h the Sheriff*s office bears the 'burden of the other two it Is evident that If the offices are put bach on fees it will cost the tax payers to be paid or a total of SS.S29.15. less Qe allow ance to the Sheriff for %se collection of taxes tl^M.M. An you* giving the least thought to the question will 'not hesitate to support the salary ques tion when it is submitted at the gen eral election. It is suggested to those do am tike the fxrt am the -sat aries were increased, that they take special pains to see that men are elected to the General Assembly who will repeal the new salary law and pot 4z- hack to where tt-was when the peo ple voted, the change, which coaiain i ed the amount of salaries they wished [to pay. ! At the conclusion of the table will" | be found some figures on the School fund of the County, which show a to 4-Wi receipt for of $1^4.44^.01 i*hich was handled at an expense of [IT.134.10. tearing the?near?sum? $117.2$7.?3 to go to the schools. The | information that we have received tT'TO the educatiocal department of fuumi sliuss tL.it ?r.feia the l.L ui le.i imi* t*ie ujlljIw-. i"f teaeh ers and the amount of their salaries have about doubled, and at the same time the administration expense has .increased only nominal. | The table follows 1 t : Salary , ! I D?puiy 1-StW.tW Allowance for collecting taxes : l.>5?>.^> Capturing stills Receipts other than Com. on Taxes 1.520.39 S 7.253-7% 1 .52? 5? Excess cost a bore Receipts 5.753.17 Com. on taxes reported 1921 7.553.Si Bal. in cxcess of salaries S UH.iS Total ??1. In pxcess receipts J.37 Salary Juvenile Judge REGIS! ER OF DEEDS Salary . V? 2.M0.>? Salary of Deputy ^ 1 i?J iW Receipts during year \ 2?3.70 3.*)* w> ZJft3 70 Amt in excess of receipts Acct. for listing unlisted taxes 13*.? Amt. Clerk Equalization Board ' 15.W Computing tax receipts etc. ? St.W Total Sal. in excess receipts t LW1.M CLERK OF COURT Salary S 2.W *? Salary Deputy ljW * Receipts reported 1921 ' " 4,*9*. (3 4.1M.M 1.IM \f Total excess * 3*9.37 AIDTTOR Salary * ljM M Amt. receiTed as Supervisor of Tui aad help ?3 M Amt. Pd. O. W. B. and M. H.. w-k on taxa 2SS 95 Total cost S 2.451 5? SALARIES WITH NO RECEIPTS Auditor and help S 3.451.59 Supt. Public Welfare. Covnty part M M Home Demonstration Agent. Conntr put 9** ?* Attorney 3** M Total $ 4?l.il SOURCES nt(* WHICH TAKES The I .Mowing table will show from what fund the tcaney is take* to pax the salaries: Salary Pad Gew. Purpose SHERIFF 8-Jtry { 3.15* ?? Salary I>eputy 1>*? *4 Allowance for collecting uu-s 1_?S* 0* Capturing Stills etc. _ Jil 7? RBOMTER OF DEEDS Sal ry ; iat *4 Salary Deputy 1.*** ?* Fur listing nnlirted taxes . 13* *? For Clerk to Board of Equrlntloa IS w For computing taxes letmst- 25* M CLERK OF COURT Salary 2.?** ** Salary Depnty 1.5**.** Salary Jnrenile Judge* JM M RECKli'TS She ll* other Source? 1.52* 5? Sheriff Com. on taxea 7 1S& ?5 Register of Deeds _ 1.993.7* (CONTIM KD ON PAOK POUR> CALL METIMi Or AUBICA3 LK I05 AniLiilT. There was a call meeting of the Au iliary of the American L^f .oo la the t?dance *u annwalty Urf? o4 **t eral Important mailers of bsi:rm w^rf brought before the nwf-K. The first qi?estk>n broa^ht np tor discussion was as to which of the saay club projects calling tor fund? the pro ?fits fri m The socials thomid he appro priated. After an interesting disoas *lpn of the re lat tre merits of tie va ' rious needs a motion was ma?V to as* j the som under discussion for tie needs ; of the club rather than put tt in the * general fund or add it to tie =eocnai fundSince a seemed hat fair to use the fund made by the social s for tie reeds of the social committee this no tiou prevailed, and the trrm^rer ? m directed to pay the an:o*mt on hand to Mrs. Adams, chairman or this com mittee to use in repieaisitmg tie f.p j uf siliei -?The mili meeting was the purrh&se- of a ~~ar>o fcr the use of the cluh and isr'Mry. especially for socials. It bemr the opinion of the majority that ct wotald not be right to use any of the ?ead s-jneN -'t r??> Ot-fer t.> ln?i ca~ what \?i inn* r tub.* which aa e ?i t>*m* ml-a.iHB?r3 w jc* Wu?1 N-. can do for th?m which, wiii r* most needed and m>st appceenfctec. It ?as decided to *n*e to soaie p-?-rf**ns '!??? Ash grille, personal frLec.Cs of sco* of the auxiliary members and aak tbesn _^g. nut t ?, rtr^T- - - ' ~ -?* -W ^??rs aad. ru^ort-te -.fc* iii -?rj 4 n J? jgTiOiKT car mL The S an dar nighc ?rrio? ar the ! Methodist r hare h vas or aa -x~ ?-??-*] and impressive character. T^e tieaae underlying the different puri os ihe program was that differ^set persons may hare different points of arxi jet each mar be right ao.4 --ewssan to make up the whoie. j Mr. E. H. Maloa* read titas poraon of the scripture which draws a a*z? 'parison between the interde^e&ednce i of the members and t hie S>Jj ax-d of ? the Individual n?mlwre aa>i tie c?uihi Miss Rentz gave a renrfrrg "Lrt >pe . lire in a house by the sitfe of tie raad.** _ She gate also the story of tie inspi ration of the poem Miss l>rirrii: piTf a reading which' was wt:Om as a reply to the first pfreci- It was called "Lrt me walk with tie szm ia the rmuL^ ^nut fir??a .. r ^ which presented still a third t*w erf life. Hers was "Let me *rre a my place." Each of these tire? 5?c?ems tat? p. different idea of tie kapfceutt form of service, yet eweft portrayed tie desire to serre. Rpt. G. F. Smith care tie c>o*amg reading in an imaginary icq wrmicn between Brother Putaal. Brocier De lay j Sister Prayerful. Sister ana Sister Hotne. his or her own Men of *rnc* fcr tie Master and found it hart to realise that the other was also *mf ia a different way. Tbe eiertise served tf? r*rr t?e mo notony of tbe nsnal for La of and conveyed the le be taught quite as effeamrfy as a w roon won Id have done. Tie rin^n cation enjoyed it an similar is in atom MOB ?TIK Tf rffTT. Wm. Branch was bon?? vnn Court by "Squire A. nr. AMc? I 9^J. J E. Tbonni and Ckoef of fV \ lire D. C High. Dirk Sktnrt^c was j bonnd over to conrt under m Vwd by I>r W B. Morton for brwnkfetc a to a box car of tbe ^nbwrj raOrajr j Chief of Pt>Hr? D C. H ack *?d On ' stable J. R. Tkmn reyoi-r Tie am?l c4 Miuuie Wright, a Han ?aa>r Te* nertion ?Kij tke nM ury of tie Aacbar Stores Co.. of Htn4?r n^n aa4 rred abn?t *25? t? worti of were stolen fr?n tkat were turned o*er ti phr wbo took tktaa bnrk ta lliai wberr a trial will be giien day It is expected tiat will follow. Subscribe to Tie Ftanktba * READ YOUR LABEL. ? * This week we have cor- ? * rected the date on all la- ? * brfs. Read your label a ad * see if it corresponds with * : * your rekord. If not notify * r* us at enee. If It la not * p. r..arkr-il in send no * j * a check for an amount snf- * * fk-ienf to pay yon ahead at * * oflce as we will have to dis- * * continue all papers to sub- * * bribers who are in arrears * affer This^eefc. " * Send in your remittance ? * at once so you won't miss * * an issue. ? ?TTKynOy rOWFBPEH a rt vrrK*A^s I Wf want every Confederate soldier in Franklin County who is able to do s*> to meet at the Court House at 11 [o'clock on Saturday the 4th of March. Aat W* ma v PPt t ho nam* of ATgrynna ? who expects to go to the Reunion to be had tn Richmond, Va.. 20th. 21st, and 22nd of June. And every mem ber of R. M McKInney Camp No. , 1S27 is requested to be there, as all officers for the camp will be elected that day. There will be other bnsi dont forget that we want to select one of Franklin s lovely Daughters to go with us as Sponsor and she will Jbg enTiT 1 ed xg select three raaiT?t> 1> wi*stoS-salf.jf Brought back to this city firom Win rtnn-Salem. where he was arrested for the Wake County authorities. J. D. Thomas, a negro who lives near l^ouis'blirg. was ulitwl millet ^1,600 tcard Monday night by Justice J. E. W MPW A dfl Uf tff> to procure abortion. A colored girl living near Zebulon ts the prose m ting witness and the warrant waa sworn out by her father. Thomas furnished the bond and hia hearing is set for February 20. He was brought to Raleigh Monday after noon by Deputy Sheriff E. G. Rich ardson. He was at work in Winston Salem when arrested there by Sheriff [Flint.?Raleigh Times. LIMITED TO THREE DOLLARS. There have been reported to the Dis trict office of the United States Veter ans' Bureau a number of instances in /which attorneys are ctuirgrng claim ants who applied for compensation or vocational training: fees in excess of the amount allowed by law, which, imoant is 13.40 for each rta ?m filed. The Bureau has adopted the policy oT prosecuting every attorney or other person illegally charging fees in ex cess of $3 00 for handling claims against the Bureau. It Is not neces isiry that a claimant take his case to a lawyer, inasmuch as this Bureau will assist him in the preparation of his claim and inform him of the papers necessary and will not recognize any attorney in the presentation of any claim against the Bureau. Unfortunate and illiterate disabled J ex-service men are being made the vtc Itim* of unscrupulous attorneys, who are defrauding them of a considerable portion of the amount of money al llnilji for compensation or training, j All sach cases reported are being tm iv^Migated through me Prosecution Seetk* of this Bureau and U>o?e per son* found guilty will be dealt with severely. Please give this item publicity so t Hat It may be a warning to those per son? who are violating the taw and de frajKling disabled men by charging Il legal fee* to which they are not enti t)ed. Respectfully. M Bryson. District Manager. U. S Veterans* Bureau. C ITCH FIRE Bl fcH. A report wa* received here yester day from Henderson stating that sev era! parties had been caught there for barning baildinga. and that oae of confessed to burning Hines-Hod re* Motor Co.. garage here norm* vmU ago They were all placed an hsavj bond, so the reports say. and to the State Prison for sa/e keep is tbe event the bonds ware not Mr. C. M. Wilson and Mrs. T: IMt of .Wilson's Mills, were guests of Mrs. Lelfta Williamson this week. Doe to a shortage of aadarwaar. Iota of people s knees are ?14.