'? V T ? . .V * * W ONSTRATION RALLY Beginning March v/y ,?? And Ending April 1922 WITH RALLY PAY ^ AT LOUISSOTUJl Jane S. McKimmoxu Hon. Josephus Daniels, Dr. X. 0. T.lndeman, Among the Speak era? Jtecip^s, Premiums and "^Committees for the Cam 9&K*- "* t! B?Kinnlag, Mob day March 6th. the most Intensive campaign ever held In North Carolina for Better Dreads, will be tut on In Rranklln Count J . The ?campaign will end April 8th with a Fi nal contest and Rally Day In the Court in Louisburg . The purpose of the campaign Is to ?eh.phaslw the necessity of better "b^cafl for better health. When we reaitzo that one-third by weight of all ? teuu uityy lH tua a>w?ie D?nw oou a'ists ot cereals, and that the greater t of these cereals is served In. the tiTreadltf see that _ortaijt .that ttu1 be of' good quality. It Is with idea of improving the qaallty of bread used in Franklin County .t the Campaign is* Being held,: iv >revlous to the 4atft set lor the final oontflst and Rally, the' Home E) anion atratton^genliwHl viait esc^tlah and school in FranKUn County 'to assist ?U>y girl or woman. who needs 05 dp ? .; tires, help In bread making. y .j. v... ' ?*"??- Flelschman Yeast Company M ? 1 Bejod yeaat daily until the close .f ?l^>ll>IIHil II I WFniUhllu goataty ?women who Willi distribute the yeast and halp- the Home Demonstration Agent demonstrate yeast. breads. Lo cal contests will be held in each com munity In the Cponty ou March 3t. April 4th; or 5th. The girls and wo men who wl'a out at loc?l contests will represent tl^eir cominu&ttiea in the final contest fcy making breads to exhibit at the Rally . Women and girls who 11 v* too tar from a school or a club to enter a local contest can enter the final contest by making ar rangement with the Home Demonstra tion Agent. > The final contest will be held in the courthouse April 8th. At this time (our Home Demonstration Agents from adjoining counties fUl judge the breads, wkils th? mon?J|g program Is being carried out. Breads may be entered frt>?? 8:80 tmill, 10.30 A. M. The program will be opened promptly at eleven A. M. t?y speeches by Mrs. Jane 8. McKlmmon, Stats. Home Deffi onstration Agent, Hon. Josephus Dan ogy, ?t*?f"~i _ speakers. v'At thi# I given by ths Count jr.! ,tlon, to th? girls. lng two and tour Home Demcl^trl^ presented. - Ih the es will be swarded makers. Picnic Inftto all r . 10 ?< ok can h?ve 49 antriea In tke Ann! Ml Th? following women will flowers u premiums: Mrs. H. C. Taylor, 1 fern. Mrs. John Howell, 1 tern. Wl, t ^N. WUUupison 1 palm. Mrs. *. ^P. Wheleaa, 1 fem. .? Mrs. J. H. Boone, 1 fern. Mrs. W. E. Collier, 1 fern. Mrs. C. B. Edena, 1 fern. Mrs. Pattie H. Plttmsn, 1 begonia. Mrs. George Cooper, 1 begonia. M&s Hay Cooper, I sultana. Mrs. Ida Hale. 1 begonia. Mrs. Horace Hilton, 1 fern. Mrs. W. W. Webb, 1 begonia. Mrs. 0. T. Yar bo rough, 1 fern, l| sultana, 1 geranium. Mrs. S. T. Wilder, 1 fern. . Mrs. T. W. Watson, 1 begonia, 11 fern. ;? Mrs. P. A. Reavis, 1 fernt l gerka*4 lum . Mrs. Sid Hale. 1 Oxalis. Mrs. O. J. Hale, 1 fern. . Miss Mg"'ft Mrs. James Collier, 6 begonias,' Ju ferns. Mrs. R. C. Beck, 1 fernvi geranium, > ? Mm. O.uM. Bsum, 1 fmV-. ?>. V Mrs. W. B. Morton, 2 rerns, ,U Mrs. M. S. Clifton. 6 ferns. ;J Mrs. C. A. Ragland, "S- begonias, l| I geranium, l fern . Mrs. J. L. Palmer, 2 ferns. Mrs. P..B. Griffin, 1 fern, 1 begonia. | Mrs. O. C. Hill, 1 fern, 1 oxalis. Mrs. W. T. Person, 2 ferns. Miss Mamie Brown, 1 begonia, 2 1 ferns, 1 oralis, 2 chrysanthemums. Mrs. Q. A. Newell, 3 ferns. Mrs. E. W. Furgurson, 1 chrysan- ] tbemum . Mrfr. R.C.Alleu, 1 tern, 1 oxalis. Mrs. Sam Vann, 6 specimen plants. stores, papers and commercial Ooa? j-cerna are a$ follows: 1. To each gjirl and woman entier local contest, 1 cook book. Royal, Ry-. son and Rumford Biding Powder Com panies. 2. To each girl and. woman enter ing the final contest, 1 manual, South ern Cotton Oil Co. S. To the school entering the lar gest per cent of Its enrollment of girls in the local contest. Woman's Home Companion, E. L.. Best. . 4 . To the school . entering the lar gest per cent of the eligible girls" In the final contest, 1st $2.50 First Na tional Bank, Louis burg; 2nd Progres sive Farmer, Clarence Poe. 5. To the school entering the lar gest number of community women 1* the local oontMtt. Indies Home Jour nal. W. R. Mills. 6. To the school entering the lar gest number, of ft# eligible commun women In the final contest, 1st $2 Citlren's Bank, Franklin Ion ; Sod them Ruralist, C. A. Qobb. -7i-? To the cluU h&vlsg t par cent of its membership In th? local contest, Dellne*. torlent Perry . r t ..!? ..TofDi* clqW having i~ per cent of Its eligible mem ed in the final contest, keeping, B, 8. Ford, 9. To the school brfegfcur tte rulatOT, ROMt' rjT? *hd T?fl Cent "tore; fnd 1 potted plants; 3rd 1 aet (lusns. Wlnrs' ?t*e; 4th 2 1-1 iba. b*klng powder Wjarnn) ; 5th 1 bucket ?wnrdlfctj 6th *tm'7tt potted plant for Mush. ? IS. To the giri exhibiting the beat ?*?' bT*Jd:^ ' I ??*?? toilet water, r. P. Boddlo; tad 1 pair all It hose, ' ?? yr. If. FILLER chibf' Lu_ - FIRE DEPARTMENT A. W. Alstoa A.aUorIie4 U Settle Vp ekvrek JMpmt-Tt BeorgulM Eire llep&rtneat. T%* Board of Town Commissioner* m?t at all o( the Mayor on Tuesday night wltb a" present except VW4. Ths mwtln^ wis called to order by the Mayor and The following business transacted: ?' The resignation of Mr. O. C. Hill aa Chief of the Fire Department was received and accepted. Mr. W. N. Fuller was elected Chief of the Fire Department at. a aalary of $50 a year, with power to organise the Fire Company with ten men at a sal ary of $26 a year each, and report the names to the BBard and the Iasura?oe Department without delay. V~AL?W. Alston Wa-V anthorlzed to sefcr tie )u dfevent of Roy Dpchurch vs. the Town, With T. W. ftufftn. , A number of claims were allowed And the Board adjourned. DBUG STORK PABTIALtY BCKNKD AT FRAXKLINTON j? t j?i . FranKIlnton. March 6.? 3Bre broke *ut In the.Cooke-Speed Drug ^o. store this mornlng^bou^ 18 : 30 o'clock . The Ire started In tlie preecrlptilon depart Ijaett and soon spread orer tAe store hut the timely appearance of (She Are department of the town soon (extin guished the flames .' There wap con sictcrabla-damage done to stoclfVnd to furnishing of the storfe whlcfi-^were new and up-to-date. Some tnaur&jjce was carried but It Is not learned at. this time how much the loss above In surance will be. SRADUATlXe RECITAL lUrgf College presents im.gtad Kboda Winstead, ."Miss J ante Bolton, Con Ito, Wednesday evening, 8.30 o'clock College Auditorium. Public cordially Invited. u._ ? ~* ? o SHEBROD-KEARNEY. The wedding qt MIbh Mary Sherrod, of Franklin county, and Mr. ?tarb?rt H. Kearney occurred on the ^ttefrioon of February 24, In room 11, Kenil worth hospital, the ceremony being perform ed by Rex.- BenJeAtB'T. Sorgtee of the Ntfrtji Aphevtlls Baptftrt cbfcrch. Idas Shi rrim and M.r Kearney are both na tives Vof the state, their birthplace be iajt/wlthln a ttw miles of the other In WmnklUx count#;- Mr. Kearney ha* Bved In Texas and Oklahoma the great er part of hflf lite, returned to North - it wa* if t dlsahliil his service and [worth. The mar the culmination ol began before the troops unites two popular friends wfll wish j. ? A&hevllle Tim that the "concert at nkllnton on at 7:30 greatly and ?re worthy la expected th^t a large crAwd wOV W: jrteent ti lend encouragement Mid aid to the little tots. - 6a -? to ?Y*nge M| of the ijr*ti>e Ce Tbe (amo 4 prerlouB t4*?l?rge S&TE .r.; rjr.-r&cca-" Announceiasnt ku b**n nUi that LAUHburg High Sltaonl BMkWf- VBdll t?M? ffl pl?f HMTv?od?r)io* Hlrh athool ttUB IB LouW>>urt7TtR pi<n BEDUCE TAXES ? ON* - THIRD I ]Jk ^RAJiSLnrrow township fob ~ ' SO ADS amm 4b T ? " Allows Special School Election Is Bonn District ? Beport* Received ? Muth Bootlne ? Met TwMtj Ani Thursday. Tb? Commissioners met in regular session on Monday wKfe-tttt members preset Alter Reading and approv JM i#nutes of previous meetings the following business was transacted: On motion of Hudson and seconded 'by Ttjobfirlake the rate of taxation (or the t?ad Issue In Frankllnton town ship * as reduced from 30 centa to 20 cents on the $100 worth ot property aad the rate ot tax tor maintenance was reduced from 16 cents to 10 ceqt?, and the Sheriff directed to make such corrections. ? The; report ot the Dunns Township Road Trustees was received and filed. F. V- Justice was before the Board ts regard to a bridge at John Medllns, but the matter waa turned over to Commissioner Timljerlake for inves tigation . Report of Miss Pauline Smith was ^?ad, Approved and filed. The committee composed of Hudson Id Wilder, reports that the town' has ?(reed to start their work and put the County property In sanitary condition It was ordered that the County Au ditor be directed to Issue a draw back to r G. E. Debnamito the amount of *20 .16 tor error in listing tax (or 1920 j Report ot J. J. Holden. Superlnten aefal or t ounty Home was received and filed. He reports nine white and eight colored Inmates. He also re ports the death since last report of Mrs. C. H. Row, white, and Jane Mor gan and Simon Jeffreys, colored. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Covnty Health Officer was received and filed He reports County Hcfltie and JatfweU Wared for and no complaint^..- "He al-l I is Reports thftt^e_li?sturs Tow,n Iphip rouj ffircp ?T- t ill good t-$an tary surroundings. jyj>on order_the County Auditor was requested to investigate the 40 per cent oil on standing timber of Mont frflf i |l rwmhni Tii and Qreenleafr Johnson Lumber Co. In. Dunna.. Hat rig -:and Cedar Rock townships. A petition for a special tax school election be granted for Bunn High School was received and rranted . Aftp allowing a number ot accounts the Jfcrd adjourned to meet again on Tueajftfc March 7 th. Seph J. Davis. lOuIsburg anBi ' hare been re to the followl; pf Veterans. All Id are at the Nbaj&XMgt&iAi 'or Women, at Oreeiisboro; ?fay and B. C60*fc & J. , Metta Scholarship. ralutf' _ ? V Rlgglns Scholarship, valu$l TU gflp OF THE RKVOLCnOS Keep on ay men keep on W? will atop ho mora DoSK stop until wa arfre The QrttiM from our ihore. We'll g^Aer o/well die (R RlftBS * met Tuesday In accord nment, but were un< th? bwrtness before ly. Therefore thev it to Thunday, March Information la-ag ' ? last Co the stat Ji ?75. , H l|75.W Orrjan Randolph Smith Scholarship Tali^Ww. A^^nd 1^. Scholarship at Raleigh. Thpaa Wishing tor apply for any of theaa pefcolarsblps will addrou Mrs. Peter-Oftrrrtl, ?M Wert Fifth IKn tor application blanks. We'll' Keep IPU m*B Ore fast Flscht bratVwigi nrten Well fight, to the tWy last I k#W wfl| surely' wliv. If wo fight so goo*! . Those Brian no looted Stood <W^ they atipf. We We'll Keep bi We"f? fi| tf W., Fifth Grade. tha fifth frado that >r Roll (or the month iDubbs" will be In# school house lt<Sr benlnuln* at I Come ana Md ail bull w. riMojnreA**^' V 111* entire town was shocked and miMwwI Saturday night "by the aevf of the sodden death of Mr*. A. W. Person. Mm. firna wu before Mr mar riage Miss Margurltfi Miltkan, of M1H ken. Louisiana. 3h# r IM to-t_oui* burg as a student at T? Irtg'g Coi tal* is INI. it w%? UMtl that Mr. Person met aiktf laved tua*a?d won her a? hi* bride. Two cblldran, Lydla and James Were ??ot to bless this happy union. Mrs. ^frrsoaW*? a member of the Methodist' church ami active In Its work. Hsr giuula-y School elaee ? o ( boys lust An their teems were devoted tu kn nil fuel keen ly the loss of their teacher^' " * She bad had attacks 01 violenT head ache for some time. Hoping to ob tain relief from this trouble sh? went to Raleigh Wednesday tor a slight nasal operation. She seemed perfect ly well, going where ew -^ks wished until Saturday when she fyd another headache. She did not consider It at all serious and talked In a.' perfectly -natural way to members of the family lust before they went ? late ? supper. When they returned from the dining room they found her dead. The posi tion In which she had been lying Was unchanged and the peaceful expres sion on her face showed that she 1 passed away without a struggle a candle when It is blown out. Telegrams were Immediately out to her relatiyes and Mr. Person Mrs. Priestly Mangum, of Wake H. . est, n.ee Miss Harriet Person; Mrs Will Nicholson, nee Miss Bird Person, and Miss Abiah Person, of Kin ston; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Per son,. of Greenville, N. C. ; Mr. E. ?C. Person, of Macon, Ga. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ml liken, of Millken, La., Mia. P anion's father and mutliw ;' Mth. Andrews, _ of V?ilmlngton, nee Miss Irene Miliken; and Mrs. Long, of Memphis. Tena., nee Miss Marie Mili !;er. : al^ came as soon as possible af ter receiving the message, but owing : to the great distance and indirect ' routes of travel it was Tuesday morn I ing before the last onga reached Lo.iis |T^f fuuerWSrSfc hpld from the home Tuesday afternoon at'igJJ1' o'clock. To the soft music Of ' the ac3PI8Panlm?nt ! played by Mrs. 0. TT. Y arbdFl>"Mif* | Williams, Mrs. Messrs. Bla/P Tucker and WilB?uih>-Iackson sang V?Asleep in Jesus. ' Be*. G. F. Smith Iread the solemn wordM of the burial 1 service and Rev. L. 3., JdSesey offered" if. prayer for God's blessing on the be | rt-avod husband and motherless l'ttl<? ones . Reverently ?nd tenderly the pall-bearers, L. L. Joyner, F. B. Mc Klnne. 0. Y. Yarboro, M. S. Clifton. Dr. H. |I. Johnson and tr. ti. Allan took up the casket and bore tt from the ho us* for Its last journey to It* final earfKx resting place1. At the" grave Mr. Smith read the j concluding passages' of the solemn burial service and at the words "ashes to asfa?r> *nd dust to dust" the petals of a shattered rose were showered on th? coBln. Tlta, mound of earth which ioofarett the coffin was completely hld dei but tha. great masses of flowers MM.br Wiving friends and relative*. tWlflrit-tti Carpenter, -W??> JHat-' UM^AMaa, Lojan and Ewlnj. (lj^.u5?n*ewt:vi ?fr?rti?enKN?t content hud been prepared. To ehoae partn p'rm for the oontest Urge num bers wrf e written on cards which ware then cat In two' and the upper batree 'distrlbated am ?* tfe the ????# Other* played Car>e<*e# prored to be Rook player and Mlae m ? ft "were then Mrred, wars tsr&was were two o*. three tweet-peas, the olasa flower of the Seniors. ' Breey 90* had a Jolly tine lai the Jtintor* ?ae tooMOf forward to n?it RADIO FHfljTK imtUUD * ** * . Frankllnton, M*reh*y~A. H. ' hat* Just completed Uw feataHmei ? radio phcne In hla incidence on.! street. The outfit fci complete h ?ry way and the connection wltK ?r stations Is re#ortM to b? excel . Saturday night connection wm I with Pittsburg, Cincinnati aad c rltlfs and among the thlagu enj was a concert by Frits Krelslwr, great rlollnlst. ' , ,v.. Mr. Vann reports bin Intently, hearing the gr?t arMsta tntfc* ! certa which the* *111 fire ifi- i| where oonncctloa can ha mad?. Personal Items Tkelr Friends Tkwi. A Wl? Mrs. Ida Hale la visiting I !?t Abb?i Ilia and Dillon, S. C. MIbs Lulls Jarman a Kichmond Hospital for Mr. H. IT: fflltWt'Ha la trarslln* (or the Durham Hosiery Mill, spent tils week-end at home. . Dr. and Mrs . H. A. Newell, of Has. derson, spent the week-end with -theftr brothers In Loulsburg. Mr. J. W. Smith wick, of Warra*. comity. spent flnnday with Us broth- ' er, Dr. D. T. Smith wick. Messrs. T. W. Ruffln. C. C. Hud- ' son, S. A. Mawell and Dr. H. H. Johnson. iWUl Raleigh Monday. iWwfck. of Hinder - :-end with hier par .. D. T. Smith wick. r- Mr. Greenville, attend the Person . T. A&ipqrson, ot e In town tJUs week to funeral of A. W. Miss Frances Smlthwick wlH spend this week-end with Miss Geraldine Smith at Greensbboro Female Colfeke. I Miss Bessie Blacknall, a missionary I from Alaska now at home oil a fur I longh, spent Sunday with her cousins. jMrs. E. S. Foster and family.. | Mrs. G. R. McOrady, of Raleigh, land Mrs. N. B. Ails brook, of Mebane. are spending a tew days with their i parents. Chief and Mrs. D. C. High. j Mr. and airs. Arch Green, of Phil adelphia, Yisited h|p ? A.. M. Hall Week. Mrs. S?eea j J^IKin for a week or twot.|M?efc ?--' Barnes, Mrs. . M. A. |Jwnk las. Miss Eva -Qgleiiby ftnd Miaa ! Stella Ward, of Raietg-b, Mr. J. Br ; Ashley afld C.. R. Aahteyrfct Fairmont. 'Mrs. A. W. Jones, of Wake Forest. wer? guests of Mrs. W. H. Pleasants ?Jr., attending Miss M&ude Ashley's, graduating recital. I .'?( , - H THE SOUTH ' 1 W |IS< rector* of the OrowaM' Am from warehouseman Boards of Tt?iW and Marketing Cental* espreesiwg tha wish to -do bunineea wt ~ " tion, ? no difficulty to securing all properties marketing of the hundrMt of i of poondB now under contract in i Association. The appointment of the Committee to prepare for the lease or pure haft* of such warehouses as are needed for marketing the 19JJ crop at all Asae elation Members, was made alter UMt report of those Directors who rotaMj ed from. Kentucky as eye witnpatsa Of the succeesful operation Of the Ken tucky Barley Growers Marketing As sociation which controls aad opihUs orer 100 warehouses In Kerftwbkyv West Virginia. Ohio and Indiana. First hand study of Uhm' methods of finance and ma ed by the organisation ot I tucky growers who hj able sales of millions their crop of 1921 I tors ot the Virgin! tion la- preparing to ; of 1922. While praising the Kentucky Bnrlagr >' gibla-Cuottb*

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