?? AM V / i. ?C;v The Franklin Times . ^ : WATCH LABEL OH Tl riPXR-S?M ta B?l?re Time Exftna. A* F? JOHH8O5, Mtar ni i ? . . M = ? ? COUHTY. m STATE. THX UNION SUBSCRIPTION ?1.M rw Iw TOLITCI IX h. c, m?iT, irin z, ?? t APPOINTS TAX LKT TAKERS KUm H. L CTOIIWMB TAX | siTKifues - Ldlskvf Ttwuklf Ba?4 Ti nidi Krslgu. C?uWNMn Sepvrta. ers met In nfilu- session on Monday with all members present. After <nad ins approvtng the minutea of the previous meeting business was trans acted ss follows: On motion H?w^s^ ordered that the County Auditor IMk Into the matter of the G. W. Pace land and list same for taxes. _& On motion .of Hudson and seconded by Timber lake, R. E. Underwood was appointed tax supervisor for Franklin County t?r 1923 at a salary of *500.00. On motion of Hudson and seconded by Timberlake. it was ordered that the County offer a reward of $25.00 for the arrest of Davis Debnam. to an swer to a charge of murder of Cheek SpiTcy, under the conditloa that the SUite will Eire a like amount. On motion of Fuller. seconded by Hudson, It was ordered that J. H. Odom be paid a pension . On motion pf Hudson and seconded by Fuller, it was ordered that Jim s:r ckland be allowed to bo to County Hone. . - !!_? was ordered that the report of tL. * edar Rock Township Road T ma te-. _? us turned oTer to the County Aa <litc. . i. i>e audited. A in... iOn prevailed appointing Hud son and Fuller a committee to have a sanitary drinking fountain placed is the court bouse. The report of Dr. J. E. Maloae County Health Officer was received and filed. He reports the County Heme and Jail in good condition. He also reported that a large number had been vaccinated for small pox. and that I fi4_. Board of Hfealtii passed an order that no children should be al lowed to enter school in the County unless Uiey had been vaccinated. On motion of Hudson seconded by Fuller, it was ordered that Bourbon Medlin be hired out to his father. John Medlin, for the remainder of his months term on the roads- ?f Frank lin County for the sum of $80.10, pro vided Honor Judge Bond, who tri ed the case, will approve said order as required by law. The reasons assign ed for said moii?& prisoner is physically weak anu^s "reported worth less to the road force of the county. Report of J. J. H olden. Superinten dent of the County Home, was receiv ed and .filed. He reports 9 white and 8 colored inmates . He also turned in $818.55 from the sale of cotton. The following tax list takers were appointed - Dunns ? J. O. Williams. Harris ? John B. Wilder. Youngs villa ? J. R. Pearce. Franklinton ? H. C. Kearney. Hayesville ? A . A. Medlin. Sandy Creek? G. B. West. Gold Mine ? C. R. Parrish. Ced-ir Rock ? T. W. Stokes. Cypress Creek? Altoo Wilder . Louisburg ? J. 8. William*. The salary tor listing taxes tor 1922 was made the same as pajd tor 1921. W. T. Rogers and John Alley were relieved of poll tax on account of In firmity r^mnrwid rf T ? Thnberiaae and W. C. Wilder recom mend that Ellas Beasley be granted permission to band a garage on Com ty property near Jail, pauvlded he would agree to move nm any tint the commissioners should make re <iueet tor lot. On motion Dr. W. R. Baas wna al lowed tbn tor the Taylor sho* for May h payment tor i Italia ??? *i on same ? a roll call vote isauMad. Fel ler. Joyner. Hndsou. Timberlake Aye. Wilder. BO. On motion of Fuller Timberlake. A. J. pointed a Township Road E. D. Fairish wh ed. The election of was taken ap. Application* W. Griffin and O. B. H. were before the Board. A taken resulting BtalUngs 3. Griffin * smuts Mr. R. C. the Board 'and stated that aa payer of Franklin to congratulate the dorse their After allowing a nm??r of counts the Bpard %d Joe reed In i again Tuesday afternoon at S e"e The Board met < noon according to took up basis >? as The report of Trustees of read.' received and placed oaf Me. The report tor Sa ship Road Treat ees turned over to the Aa dit W. M. with the Court, and aa < Ing the taxes to Me aa the $1M stead of 71 cents aa h? slidla ? I hi court ! a lax to AH** MAMS mug MKT H UUT STXLE of FW4 tm imi; i '-'Atleti perfci ball. Ontj um.i-^ Ule [mi-itiri Hnrtoa coatroi. te CilM to hit a W?mai u4 at who r?cM lrs? ?m? sfble for m ae?er m not tkmta t? mi rta iktr ??* i?t4 to |<t mun to wl raid ul third on* taw. Ttae r?i( knrier was flrw brll Liut nnor. iitijr.irt a Iran of er rors ?*re .->? ?-t w Tedtt. LITTLE Ml\ STCTUL >UB^ j Tir STujaUj rf IV ? ? i ? of Loatsb<ar? gon M to Jtr. ul In. U. X. Stonil b ti* mU of ik?r little S maids ?M ?t Joha Dctt ? }?. whici otmn< st tktir bw tc Bi ker He grits on. Teeed*y aCgit after a Terr sion ?Ua?s . mus ie had nt a jijac? tx the hocae that can ???? be ilM. f~Y kits Bts err ~TjJ ,>? l<l I l?ctj I tahtol The toail was hri? tram, the li wa? ? Wtdnesi^ aOenm at in o'clock am 1 to rwfcttii h* K*t. T. B. Scrtoo. usswii hy Rer. G" F Sail ind clM Laxeraneo* *u made ia Oak lawn cemetery. Q?pu a urre crowd were m ataatoco i;?* t?k senins. Tl? pall keiarer? were: Mats. E. H JIalone. K_ K A3e^G. U Baami P. R. White. A cSctr swrttly sux srtwn oeiec tioss. bcci at ti? ij : *n_v u< a: tie fraw. ?u fuirii an. ?Tko t?sc*U COec; Cht net at tie coUegt TsiwsSaT. Marti Si. with V:_<s Rnct is tas?ss Tie topic of scan i? ife abnaon ?2S a hajj. The fnt paper was k? Mrs. H H. Jokisoa and kui for is Dtk. "Patdai, Ss." In aA&tca to tie skunk Mrs. Jobs son gave tie Kerr of Pansfi opera -Viifmw Baxwrt* " Yoor Mocker ? om*i Take Tea " Harwell pn "a stack of Xafcteai 1S?3 and toU tie star cd kas timnm opera. "Ciwiina Extboxa * ? The latffwsoo !M the CtPdcria aft umns tns in rurms. Battery B. Il?a?? Arbatarr has jaat iwoitU and aahaM two IS W I fretd ^ pm MX- PERSON SPZAXS OK TAXES fi nil', brother tax I*jm Sir rat ndtd isso Ma fyyct ty.taihrf u> ofa tte t> w of tV tax parm to tW BU5 Ilia a?d *roap that kM bm tarred (fat Itbrs. jk; sa Ms a?Ml he did mat tail to gm the FRAXKUN TIMES, aloag nU all the real trf the tax pay ers a Unit- tree atwiiisag. He L? ?c^ - - *c the renlvazaaa m ia ha ? lol cuxr. He aViw< the rtnal tax itium thai ix ISC* a levy of .23 ceau prodared M*M N aad ta , l*n a kry of <4 nits was aadp lakxt voaM prodooe iThat the a? 1 was re fair aad ?* !jan aad thai the Upsktin i ,k. akhxfk x ixed a 'of ? ceau tor t?ie State. He 1 respects to the read taxes is the eoaa ttr K^callr to Saady Creek tcwasi'f nfcraan to the work ca Highway rt*i he ?a>i -jan? at x*?i)?Bc u( oded at art*her*-~ He told his hear en that the famiK Oc?rt held <a last V ?<iaa^r that &c i ? a *il ctuM csikct tus u creut a siikias faad. He sa ?r he had sared^te tax .pajmd FraaUa Oaaatr (iljW.Md ;he ted ted to a*teiteai!fcrii2^~ tht ana 11 bpT" oety to aarwtr it bv >l? JS TP fo? to jut k?k salaries aad zzserv>as aTiMrs.* He staled that oae sax owt cd every ten is ^ap ported by the tax payers aad that the Lcmisterc tow-tship r*Ak paid IL Tt?.? tor a ruas* HQ tor rwitt aoaiks. la nrieniag to the reriia t"Mi he stated tiat the. rtlws of prop erty was increased fM per rect asd that the tax rate was redact^ Ofily x aad thai after tie la raises the tax EV.saa<s^ that o t prop erty ta North Ciraiaa thai was sot pc the tax boob that tkcaM be pot ca. aad thai oar taxes ah? id M be ttea halt of what they are. He aad the ra-3 at" that they had aot W? rtfmtato^ ud 13 A STLEXMB OfWIiniTT > ? *i ???? ml lul^n Ul ? Tb Ifctow T. bfr Mate a mi Sank Sil?l? The fo] krwtag Ictlw from Hlfbwxy 1 caaMoiir Pruk P?ft U> Hon. F. B. McEIim tdatdc to paving the tkraaAUMMvf baa been t-an<:e<! the TIK^ and prtaeota aa 'iMUknil op port unity for the town lo have t? streets pared: frfliT J"i?b Mr loalta. 1 ?" b?>ew H Utnct from nmr rnlnDIM of Jiarct first:" ~Oa aocka of Kr. HD1 and second ed by Jtr. Cox. it was ordered that the !o.lowtng changes be made to pro - Jem ta Fraakttn County No. ~41S, formerly known aa a soil road extend in* from Praakliatoa to Unnbsri. be changed to read from Franklimon to the branch of the Raleigh Road, ap pnaiBUety one mile vest of L/>uis tvt. a mi that f lil? ' <M-A tram the Rihrttt Road forks to the end of the I :a Uxnsbant be added for iy ku4 ssrfkdag. a distance of ap proximately I.) of a mile; and that project 415. now reading from Lou is - bar* to the Nash Cootr Line, a dis tance of 14.4 mi lea. be amended to rtmd treat the torks of the roads lead ire to Oaaalia and Spring Hope to t!e Nash Coaatr Line, a distance of 1S.S ?ilea, and that project 42A-B be added, extending from the end of the p>t?5?t in Loaisbarg eastwardly to the forks of the Spring Hope-Castalia Road for IS* hard sxrfadnf. a distance o' i?;ronaaiely .65 of a mile." Ia the erect the Town of Lonisburg Inds it desirable at this time to pave the fall width of the roads mentioned ibove u 4?#-A and 41*- B. the State K(kny organisation will be giad to do the esffMeriRg on-. this project, jretifiaj the town of Louiabarg Mi ners itto ? contract to pay for this ad citieeal? width at the same crui prices at which the contract for the 18" is let and provided that satisfactory evi dence is famished the Slate Highway ' fvsu3?ssioa in advance that this moo ey w U be forthcoming when needed. HELD FfK lliDEL Claade Taborn vxs brought to Louis Monday ud pacM in jail by ~1 .fct! Sheriff K. H. Ems. to ui SW to a ciartf ef scurx: ~r | !ajomity>t rwtvr^i La Ix>uisburg was to :kr that a crowd of ne pt>6 were gathered ibore Franklinton near the okL W. H. P. Jenkins place cm San<?ay altffato aboct dark play isg. *Tesxli- r. etc.. and possibly had been dnnk^g. That in the game a bat ton was palied froea Taborn's coat, from which incident a row started. In the racns Tabc-m so the information states, drew a Amy automatic and coeered oae and another until he had ar.^oad the crowd. Tabom s finally quieted. Some time later started to leave when another negro ?i him down with a rock, and the whole crowd fell in on and Save hua a gv?d beating, xakrng his gun and shooting it all around him. Thhora. when ler go. went to his home aearby got his shot > gen and a supply mi shells and west in search of the gaag. VhM near a house close. by the firs* scene he saw two from the 1 ai? of the road and shot. the load tak ing effect is the &de of the lace of f*ofc Taylor. He hred again killing Edward Ranks. Tabom went on furs ther and Kwad two others and fired; tato three iatktn? two sgiy wounds' in the u4e and baft xft l*e Russell Mama, and wounding a negro named' The iafQrmatiw Mcnday afternoon w?s of the Bgfim that anther T?j T. Strother. of j ia two big still ; be' of J. H. fta Hajmille township Tues , 15# gal the other Is add! 54* gallons of i csftvH a yec* of malt fta a tarn near the hove, and he ? officer who whs at the san eaptared eight galloas of whin- j was of and tb mf? rni ?rm^s. ?y spaihr at the entire rora Mrs W . of Harris township. in the . their Kiltie eight month* old whirl occarresi at and ftomi nerere bams ?ed <m Satarday afteraooa when ft ua Iks little rorhiag chair ia ? ?re. ? ? imaia* were interred la the ha i j iaa. gi i mi sear the home ia the preaence of rela ?r thus, HEY. 5. COLLI* HUGHES HAS RE 8165 ED. After serving tha congregation of St . Paul a Church, Loulsburg. for about thies ywai most acceptably. Rev. N. Collin Hughes, the rector, haa resigned In the best Interests of the parish, as he considered it, 'and due also to tailing health and pressing work In hia newly established school for boys In Raleigh. St. Nicholas School. Mr. Hughes owned his residence in Raleigh and did not wish to more to Lonlsbnrg and become rsaldent rec tor. but consented to serve the parish temporarily until a resident rector could be obtained; but he won such a warm place In the afTectlon of his peo ple that they from time to time begged him to continue the arrangement un der whlch^Jxe^ylaited the pariah for pastoral visits and services on Sundays only, and so the services Intended by fcim to be temporary only have con tinued for about three years. Mr. Hughes had the affection and high es teem of every one of his parishioners and the Wardens and Vestry very re luctantly accepted the resignation to take efTect April 1st, 1922, yielding to the jiecfeftsify ' of relieving the strain lfhich was becoming too great for the rector to bear. Sickness prevented Mr. Hughes from holding his regular ly appointed last service in March and so he came down and met his people In a last service on Sunday the 2nd of April, and quite a l^irge number went to the Holy Communion with him. The entire citizenship of Loulsburg joins the members of St. Paul's par ish in their regrets at losing Rev. Mr Hughes as their rector. BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs. W. D. Egerton gave an Infor mal bridge party Monday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Paul Holi day of Athens. G-a . Two tables of bridge were rlayed . Those playing xrere Misses M'ldred Scott. Mary Enra Burt. Alice Harris. Prances Barrow, and Mary Turner, Mesdames Paul Hol iday. Tom Ru31n and Julia Swindell. ; After the games Misses Ruth Hall and Florence Egerton assisted the hostess ]in serving a salad course. EDWIN FULLER CLUB. ' ? | On Thursday afternoon. March 30th -?r%. E. L. Best entertained the Ed win Puller Club. ^ The meeting was called to order by the president. Mrs. G. A. Ricks. The preiient topic of study in the club is "Famous Women." Sarah Bernhardt and Rosa> Bonheur were the women studied on this afternoon. Mrs. S. A. Newell had a paper on Sarah . Bernhardt and Miss Mary Best on Rosa Bonheur. Mrs. J. E. Malone played s solo. f Mrs. Beam selected for the current topic.,** A Nameless Hero." This was an account of an unknown wireless operator on a sinking ship who brave ! ly stuck to his post to the last and sent out jesting messages to the ships around, even when death stood at his elbow. After the exercises a salad course, with rolls. cofTee <^nd stufrod elates, was served. CAMPIS6. Last week Mau bice Clifton. Jr., Ruf- j fin Stamps' Gordon Uszell. Rob Alston ! and Allen Kemp went camping on the ' traair of the Tar River back of Mr. Allen's ? oh yes! and last but not [least, was MJay-bird," valet-de-coon and general factotum. I The boys enjoyed tremendously the fishing, rowing, sleeping in tents, and father camp sports. On several after noons other boys and girts joined U?m avi took many good pictures of elver scenes. Thursday Right with Misses Ewing and Mattie Allen as chaperones. Myrtle Drfte. Josephine Bryant and Dick Ogburn. and several others who could not go, were invited to join the camp ers in a fish fry. They had fresh Tar River Ash, wtenics. boe-cakee and crackers and a splendid time. m H. A. WILLIAMS. Mrs. H. A. Williams came to us a dear loving and faithful teacher. She was always ready to lend a helping hand to all. She will be sadly mJ su ed in oar school. We cannot under stand why she was taken from us. but some day we will understand. Al though she stayed with us only a short ttme we learned to lore her, and it grteVe* our heart to think that she and her loved one's on earth did part. ? The Angels gathered around her who a-.nted her to go and join that happy J] "Oig where there's happiness for e\ c r more. (>h! loved one thou has gone but never will be forgotten, Soon in that home with thee we will dwell, Hut un}>l we come loved one fare tfell. ? By* her pupils of Ingleaftde. (HA SUE OF DATE FOB PLAT. The Moultoa-Hayes School will ?re sent the play MA Kentucky Belle" at Cedar Rork, on the night of April 14th. Proceeds go for baneflt of both schools. ? ? ? ? . 1 The next generation belongs to tha farmer If he hoi da the balance of pow er as long as he held tha bag.? New Britain Herald. AMONG THE VISITORS SOM* TOC ElOW AUB Mil T?V IM> "fOT XWOW. Pwnonal I tens A boat Folks Aai Their Friends Who Travel Man Aid There. Mrs. R. Z, Egerton is visiting rel- .. attves in Oxford. ?_ Mr. Q. M. Beam visited Richmond. Va.. on business this week. Messrs. W. H. Allen and W. Yar borough went to Raleigh Tueeday. ?? Miss Katherlne Cummins, of Angoa ta, Ga , is the guest of Mrs. W. D. Egerton . Mr. William Webb and sister Miss Eli7?h?th went to Blackatone, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. BTount Bryan, of Ok* ford, spent the week-end at Mrs. O. T. Bryant's, Mrs . Paul- L., Holiday, of Athena, Ga.. spent the week-end with Mrm. W . D . Egerton . Mr. U. E. Webb, of Blackatone, Va. spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. W. W. Webb. . Mrs.. G. W. Cobb and little son, Al len, of Farmvllle, are visiting her sla ter, MTs. G. M. Beam. Mr. T. W. Stovall, of Stovall. was in Loalsburg Wednesday to attend funeral of bis little nephew, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. R, A. Bobbitt and Mrs. E. F. Thomas were visitors to Raleigh yesterday.' Mr. Edwin Alston, of Washington. N. C., is spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Al ston. Miss Geraldine Smith, of Greens boro College, spent her spring holi day with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Smith. Mrs. Gary Howard, who has been spending the winter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. <TIfcks, has re turned to Danville, Va. Rev. A- D. Wilcox, of Durham, with his son, Armour, and guest. Mr. Moha. of Kentucky, spent Thursday ot last week with Rev. and Mrs. Maasey. Dr. and Mrs. Hodge Newell and. Miss Julia Thomas, ot Henderson, came over last Friday to attend Miss Frances Smithwick's graduating re cital. Mrs. Fred A. Riff returned this week from a risit to her mother, who is ill in a sanitorium in Charlotte . Her many friends here wttt be glad to know that her mother is improving. Miss Lucy Smithwick, of Hender son. Miss Helen Smithwick. of Parks ?ille. and Mr. D. P. Smithwick. of Philadelphia, came home last week to be present at the graduating recital ot their sister. Miss Frances Smithwick. Messrs. ..Ned Fbrd. Jr.. Napier Will iamson. E. F. Thomas. Charles El more, Stapleton^ Allen. Speed Williams and Harris Turner went to Raleigh Monday to witness the ball game be tween N. C. State and Delaware Uni versity. BRIGHT JEWELS. The Bright Jewel Band under the leadership of Mrs. Ernest Furgerson had & Easter egg hunt and mite box opening Wedeeeday aftenf^n. Quite a neat little sum was contrib uted by the children through their mite boxes. Lilttle Miss Martha Tilghman -Smith had the largest Contribution. LJUIe Miss Annie Taylor found the greatest number of Easter eggs. AT METHODIST CHTJRCH. Pastor O. F. Smith aonoiuicw that Rev. L. S. Maasey, President of Lonlto burg College, will preach Sunday morning at the Methodist Church. Tk* pastor will preach at the evening boar. The public la cordially invited to at tend. ?KI>DING KING POIND AFTER K TEARS. While catching chickens In the ban twenty-five years ago, Mrs. J. O. Green. Sr.. of Frankllnton, loot k?r wedding ring. There was a diligent search made, bat it had long alace been given up aa lost for good. It was fcfUnd a tew days ago In a com field half a mil* from the hoase. It is In a perfect state of preservation . even the engraving 1s perfect. No doubt the ring was hauled oat tato Ike fields with the barn yard Maaafa. Ttre Held has been In coaataat oalkl vation ever since. o 1 p AT BAPTIST CHl'ICI. Announcement has bean made *>r regular services at the Baptist church Bandar, morning and evening. Bvery body Is Invttad to attaod. Sabaeribe ta TBS nUMBIJN TIMBS II.M Per law ta Advaaaa

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