OHLJ ILM PKB I BAB a ADTAACB Franklin Times WATCH LABEL OK PATSB- H?4 fa i B?lore TfaM Expbw A. f. JOHNSON, Mttor u4 THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION ILM T0LCB3 IX LOUISBCBG, H. C- FBIPiV, <STT S?, I?tt W. TOM BOST DE LIVERS ADDRESS AT CLOSING LODISDUBitt ?RAHKD SCHOOL Exercises Largel) Attended and Great ly Enjoyed ? Exercises Begun Tkars <iay Evening and LiiUd Through Friday. The Louisburg Graded School Com mencement opened with exercises by the primary grades Thursday after noon, May 18th. Threatening weath er prevented the exercises from being held on the campus as was originally Intended and necessitated some chan ges in the program. The high second and third grades came on the rostrum first and sang a song, "Merrily we hall the queen." Little Miss Patricia Holden then step ped to the front and explained that the May-pole dance ana crowning the queen of May would have to be omit ted as unsuitable for Indoor presenta tion. The children after singing "Off We Go To and Fro," marched oft the stage and took their seats In the audience. Two little folk dances were given to the accompaniment of the grapho phone, the first by eight little girls and the second by five girls and five boys. Little Miss Hazel Allen then very gracefully gave an aesthetic fairy daneer-' After the dance the other children returned to the stage and gave two songs; "Whlppoor Will" In which the iii'vs whistled the chorus In imitation o. " bird, and "Mr. Frog went a Cc. ing." ' 'j .? classes of Misses Tucker, John son Turner then presented a charm. -.5 little operetta, "Clnderllla In Flowerland." The part of Cindcrllla was taken by Josephine Peny who represented the daisy. The proud sisters were Kdith Perry and Lydia Person, representing the hollyhock and tiger lily. Hazel Collins acted as fairy god mother and Douglas Perry as the Prince. Winston Whitaker was Rob in Red, the Prince's herald; and. Ed ward Leigh Best, Bonnie Bee, the lit tle naee. Other flowers were poppy, Christine May; buttercup, Virginia Pleasants ; pansy, Gillie Sue Peoples; daffodil. Earl Place; violet, Luclle Hudson; sweet brier, Helen Holmes; migno nette, Christine Lisles; Illy bell, Lucy Holmes; sweet pea, Louise Williams; and narcissus, Ola V. Rudd. The oth ?-r children represented butterflies, sunbeam, and rain-drops. The operetta opened with a trio "Fairyland" sung by little Misses Lu cile Hudson, Josephine Perry and Helen Allen. The flower costumes with different colored sunbonnets for * the blossoms and green dresses tor the foliage were very attractive, and the butterfly costumes with waving wings as graceful as could be. The prince with hisvelvet suit and ostrich feather; the robin with his brown plumage and red breast; and the bee with his gauze wings and black and yellow costume were par ticularly good. The little people did their parts well especially considering that they had practiced out of doors and Lad. to move into the house at the last minute. The auditorium was crowded and the exercises enjoyed by all who at tended . On Thursday evening at eight p. m. the pupils of Miss Sallle Thomas WllliamB gave an Ensemble Piano Re cital consisting of piano duets, trloB and quartettes Interspersed with a few vocal numbers. "The Flying Doves" from Heine by Misses Helen Leigh Fleming and Kate Allen was much complimented by members of the audience. Misses Edna Bryant annd Margaret W11<f6i"s rendition of the "Salute to the Col ors" from Anthony also deserves es pecial mention; as well as Comrades .Waltz by Misses Eugenia Perry and Lvoile Person, which wiih played from memory . Other duets by pupils on the pro gram were "Playful Kittens" by Miss es Elsie Herman and Maggie Vaughan; Adam's '"Air de Ballet" by Missee Elisabeth and Lucy TImberlnke; and Fontaine's "Marche Elegante" by Miss <>r Kathleen Murphy and Louise Al len. PujSlls playing one part In a duet In which the other part was played by the teacher were MUs Felicia Allen In a waits from MlssS; Miss Jessie El more In Mark's "Farfelletta"; Miss Anna Fuller Parham In Felton'g "Wed dlpg Procession"; and Miss Marie Mltchiner In a march from Schmoll. Misses Elsie Hudson, Elizabeth Webb and Louise Cooper gave a double num ber from Spauldlng "Three Young Men" and "Disappointed Simon." "The Skaters" from Cramm was played by three b. gin era, Misses Avu Harris, Margaret Holden and Lula Mae Tlmberlake. Ascher's Ma zurka was rendered by three advan ced pupils, Misses Emma Lawrence Jojmer, Louise Joyner and Lucy Clif ton Boddle. Two other selections for six hands were Van Oael's "Comme Autrfois" bjfc . Misses Lillian Howell, Aylla Bane Holmes and Juanlta B on; and "Air de Ckassn" from Czerny by Misses Eliza Newell, {Catherine Perry and T. Perry. | There were two pieces for eight tiands, Engleman's "Military Marche" by Mlsse* Lillian Howell, Anna Fuller MEMOKIAL DAI The Parade will form on South Main - St . from the De pot Hill to Perry St. and to Kemnore Ave. at 10:30 A. M. Parade to move at 11 o'clock. Order of Parade 1. Automobile: Capt. R. E. Underwood. Chief Mar shal; Capt. H. W. Perry, ?Commander of Troops ; Mr. P. J. Brown. Commander American Legion. 27 Band. 3. In Automobiles, Con federate Veterans under Com mand of Genl. P. Q. Alston. 4 . . American Legloneers and all ex-service men un der comffiand of Capt. S. E. Winston. 6. Hdq. Det . and Com bat Train 117th, F. A. under command of 1st. Lieut. F. 3. Timber lake. 6. Battery B 117th. F. A. under command of 1st. Lieut T. C. Alston. 7. Automobiles containing speakers and members Me morial Association. 8. Woman's Auxiliary and all civic and other organiza tions and all who wish to join in the parade. The pprade will march to the College campus and the speaking will be from the first landing on the steps. All members of Franklin County Memorial Association, especially the Chairmen of all committees, members of the Woman's Auxiliary, U. D. C. and Confederate Veterans will follow the speaker and take places on the steps be hind the speaker. ' Program America ? Led by Musio Committee. Invocation ? Rev. G. F. Smith. Address of Welcome ? May or L. L. Joyner. Music ? Band . Service Record Franklin Heroes ? Capt. Geo. L. Cooke Music, Overthere ? Band. Introductory ? MaJ. S. P. Boddie. Memorial Address ? Col. Albert L. Cox, 113th Field Artillery. Star Spangled Banner ? Band. Comrade Rest ? Music Com mittee. Dinner. ... Every person In Franklin County who can f"o so is in vited and requested to pre pare a basket and send in to help provide dinner for the Soldiers and ex-Service men. It is hoped that a sufficient quantity will be contributed that after the soldiers and ex-service men have been rerved there will be plenty for all others present. Parham, Bettle Mae Bonnet, and Miss Williams; and "The Dragon (Chinese)" from Gay by Misses Emma Lawrence Joyner, Eleanor Perry, Virginia Perry and Miss Williams. The latter waB an arrangement for the piano made by Miss Williams trom the orchestra score. The vocal scores were a Tuscan folk song by Misses Eleanor Perry and Sallle Williams; a solo by Miss Perry "Can You Tell Me Why?" from Scar molln; a Welsh folk son by Misses Perry and Williams and Mr. Charles Elmore; a solo "King of the Winds" fro? Sanford by Charles Elmore; and a final chorus by the class. The medal for the greatest im provement made during the year was presented by Mr. Carpenter to Miss Lucy Clifton Boddle. The pin awarded to the beginner do ing the best work during the first year I was won by Miss Marie Mitchiner and I presented to her by Mr. Mills. Miss Mitchiner lives at Mitchiner, attends school at Frankllnton, and could only come over for music lessons once a week, but in spite of this handicap made the greatest advancement and did the beBt work of any pupil In the beginning class. Friday afternoon at four the Senior Class held their class day exercises. There were thirteen metnbers of the graduating class. MIsb Annie Willis Boddle, the pres ident of the class welcomed the audi ence. Miss Virginia Perry gave the glass history. Mr, Gordon Uttell ?aras the class Qrumblor and Mr. Ruf fin Stamps the class Jester. Miss Eleanor Perry foretold the fu ture of the class members and Mr. .Reuben Strange gave the class sta tistics In a paper called. "Who's Who In the Senior Class! Miss Myrtle Drake was Olftorlan. Miss Emma Lawrence Joyfier played a piano solo and Miss Virginia Perry read an essay. The class poem was composed by M|ss Gladys Gill and the class song by Miss Josephine Bryant. Miss Elite Taylor read the "Last Will and Testament" of the graduating | (Continued on Page Pour) CHARLIE TAYBORN GETS 30 YEARS Jl DGE DEVI* CLKA58 DOCKET Quit* a Lgr^f N?mb?r of 8 null ClM Disposed Of ? Report of Grand imrj And Solicitor. The May term of Franklin Superior Court came to a close on last Friday afternoon after hairing practically cleaned up the docket. Judge W. A. Deviii presided and delivered a strong and forceful charre to the grand Jury The State was ably represented by So licitor H. E. Norris. The following were selected as a grand Jury: Malcolm McKlnne, tore man, B. M. C. Mullen, J. T. Th*r rlngton. J. B. Smith, O. W. Styles, S. J. Howard. G. W. Avcoeke, W. J. Boon*1, W C stuliin^r H. M. May, M. C. Mullen, P. A. DukePW. C. Col lins, W. D. Foster, J. T. Holden, J. C. Dodson, B. C. Strickland, R. C. Beck. C. C. Johnson, officer. The docket was taken up and dis posed of aa follaws: State vs A. C. Gray, 1 and r, nol pros with leave. State vs Charlie Teasley, assault, nol pros with leave. State vs M. D. Reames, ccw, alias capias and continued. State vs Frank Wall, I and r, alias capias and continued. State vs Henry Dunston, fraud, nol , pros witth leave. State vs Ed Richardson, ccw, nol pros with leave. State vs Bourbon Medlln, appeal, nol pros. State vs Ed Williamson, adw, trial, guilty, 6 months in Jail to be hired out to pay casts. State vs Hubert Jeffreys, ccw, pleads guiltyl*$50 fine and costs. State vs Robert Jeffreys, ccw, nol pros with leave. State vs Buddie Burnelte, ccw. con tinued to October Ccurt. State vs James Davis, adw, trial, not guilty. . State vs Rochelle Addison and Jo die Gupton, aff.ay alias capias and continued. *? State vs W. J. Parker, false pre tense, alias capias and continued. State vs James Erwln Hawkins, dis turbing public worship, pleads guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment ot Costs . State vs A. D. Conn, defendant en ters plea of assault on female, Judg ment suspended upon payment of costs and defendant to enter into a bond for good behavior and appear at October Term 1922. State vs M. S. Lancaster, adw. waives bill and pleads guilty to sim ple assault, Judgment suspended upon payment ot costs. State vs M. S. Lancaster, ccw, nol Dros . State vs Andrew Conu and A. W. Perry, Jr., BCifa discharged. State vs W. H. and H. B. Ferrell disposing of mortgaged property, con tinued. State vs E. L. Egerton, appeal, call ed and failed, nl sctfa capias and con tinued. State vs R. L.. Hamilton, violating automobile law, called and failed, ni ? scifa capias and continued. i State vs James Alston, adw and ccw, trial not guilty. State vs Joe Kingcbury, false pre tense, judgment six months on roads. This judgment to be stricken out If the . defendant gives bond to appear at, Oc tober Court and show that he has paid costs and Mr. Allen $80 . State vb Hugh Freeman, 1 and r, con tinued. State vs Alonza Hagwood and Sa vannah Perry, f and a. continued. State vs John Splvey, larceny, pleads guilty, 18 months on roads. State vb J. E. Wright, ccw. pleads guilty, flned $50 and costs. Stato vb James Davvls. ccw, guilty 8 months In jail lc.ive tohlro out to pay One and costB. State v? H. R^ Smith, adw, pleads guilty 6 months on roads. State vs Peter Myrlck, 1 and r, mis trial. State vb Clauda Tayborn, murder, pleads guilty to murder In second de gree. 30 y?ara In State priBon. State va Claude Tayborn, ccw, pleads guilty judgment suspended. 8tate vc Will Allen, ccw, not guilty. State vs Jake Neal and others, adw.. all guilty except Bessie Moore. The criminal docket being complet ed a number of divorce and civil cas? es were disposed ot. ??rand Jary Report The grand jury completed Its work on Wednesday and made the follow ing report: North CarollnA ? Franklin County. To His Honor, Judge W. A. Deviti.l presiding: We, the Grand Jury for the May 1922 Term of Franklin County Sueprlor Court, respectfully beg leave to sub mit the following report: We have passed on all bills which have been referred to us, and have examined Into all matters which have been brought to our attention, or oth erwise come Into our knowledge We have visited the County Homo and found most ot the buildings In very j good repair, but we were shocked to find the kitchen and the room, from; which the- food la distributed to the j Inmates unscreened and In very bad repair. We recommend that the kit chen be thoroughly repaired and per fectly screened Immediately. We al to recommend that the room* occupi ed by th? Inmates be thoroughly ?pruned. We found patients who were unable to care for ?lv?? In rwn!.J wlttch ewarmed wJtE flies. and llvil lunamon ibould not be allowed to exist. The patients with whom we conrersed appeared well satisfied with the food and treatment received, and were as contented as could rea sonably expected. We have visited the County Jail and were impressed with the cleanliness of the same. The second floor of the iall Is fairly well ventilated, but one room of thi- iirst floor In which the Jailer Inform.- us It is sometimes n?c essnry to house six or seven man. has only one small window. If pos sible this room should be better ven tilated. We conversed with the coo ?lcta. and they report excellent food ud kind treatment. Upon investigation, we found that the Grand Jury for the January Term recommended the purchase of a bath tub for the Jail. We were informed by the Jailer that the necessary plumb In* connections have been made, and that a tub will soon be Installed. We hearttty endorse their recommenda tion. and trust that the tub will be in stalled without further delay. We have visited the Connty offices and found them very clean, neat and orderly. We were especially Impress ed with a modem system of Indexing wMch r now being used In the office at the Register of DeeJs. ^whereby any one may quickly secure any Informal tlon desired. Respectfully submitted. MALCOLM McKlNNE, Foreman Grand Jury. Solicitor H. E. Norrls made the following report to the Court: North Carolina ? Franklin County, Superior Court ? May Term, 1922. To the Hon. W. A. Devln, Judge Pre siding. The undersigned Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District respectfully reports to the Court that he has ex amined at this term of said Court lpto the condition of the office of J. J. Bar row, the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, that he finds said of fice well administered in nil respects, that said Clerk keeps in his office all the books required by law, properly indexed for speedy and convenient ref j erence. He further reports to the Court that, so far as he can ascertain, the accounts of the said Clerk, are regular and cor rect. Respectfully submitted. H. E. NOrvRIS, Solicitor, -<4t Seventh Judicial District. Examined, approved, and ordered re corded. W. A. DEVIN, Judge Presiding. j Alarmists seemingly regard the ris ing generation as a falling one. ? Nor folk Virginian-Pilot. EX-HEKY1CE MEK AJTD WOMEN 15 ?rm. . _ ? - An earnest request for a^l ex-ser rlce mm and women of K rfr. kiln Conn ty to Join in the exercise* to be held In Looisburg on next Tueeday by the Franklin County Memorial Associa tion has been Issued by Mr. P. J. Brown, Post Commander, Louisburg, ""I It ftf frUlAWa; NOTICE Each and rrrfy ex-service man and woman of fnuUAlo County la earnestly rcqn? ted to , Join with us In our Memorial Exercises In Loulaburg. May 30th, 1922 . All ex-service men and women are re quested to assemble at Jambes > Club Rooms at 10 a. m. to get their cards to dinner. Patade begins protmptly aj 11 a. m.*and_ leads to the College where speak 4ng* will be held*' After speaking free dinner will be served In Grad ed School Grove to all ex-service men and women. holding cards . lng will be held. P. J. BROWN. Poet Commander . OMISSION. The programme committee of the Franklin Memorial Association regret exceedingly the omission of the name of Dr. F. O. Swindell, who made the supreme sacrifice in the service of his country during the World War in the assignments of tho several com mittees, and hasten to make the cor rection by adding the duty of deco rating this grave at Oaklawn Ceme tery to Committee No. 6. Mr. E. H. Malone, chairman. As it Is possible that other omis sions may occfcrr the committee re quests us to state it would greatly appreciate such Information from any one knowing of any soldier that has been burled in Franklin County whoee name has been overlooked. You may send such information to Mr. W. H. RufTin, Maj. S. P. Boddie. or The Franklin Times. o AT THE BAPTIST IHIBCH. I will preach my last sermons as supply next Sunday' morning and ev ening. Our new pastor, Rev. J. A. Mclver, will arrive on Friday, June 2, and begin his pastorate oil the follow ing Sunday, June 4. I want to meet, if possible, every member of the church Sunday morning. There is something ?I special I want to say, and this will be my only time to say it. Will you each and every one. therefore, break any engagement you may be about to make and meet me at the morning service? 1 1 will greatly appreciate it if you will. The public also will be gladly wel 1 corned as always. W. B. MORTON. FOB IWIIT ATYCijiKlcr copbt house, Lonmas, S. C. ? Bm A * O'CLOCK fMPlT P. . : Jtite t no. <**?*? U< twtMM Bern of ka il" u< adjolalu* Cvutfn ?? 1 op?rmUre Hart <*!?*. This fint kud ? ?nttn? vMA sfconW hternt every dtlxea mt NorU Carrtba. Explatalag Ww the fiata^j Barley Tonko crop na sbmm?> '?11 7 haaAed tfcrop** The ft re era?rs Harked., ""t,? ttopM BY A KEHTTCPAJ WHO ?!? SEEN AJTB KNOWS. COJTE AND BRING TOP* FBIENDS. ? KU JU.I X HANDLES M6IO It was generally understood an tka streets FYiday that e. Committee of Ku KJnx had taken Jerry Grw. col ored oat to a point near Lovers Imp and given him a severe whipping that morning. We understand that the Ku Klux let It be known that they had positive proof that Jerry Green had been wilfully exposing his person in the presence of Uttle white girls, and that Green confessed to the crime. *e? ARLAND-SXITHWIC* Dr. and Mrs. Smith wick announce the engagement of their daughter. Frances Mary to Rev. Wilbur Gallo way McFarland, of Oak Ridge. The wedding is to take place in Juae. TTEEK-ESD EXCTBSIOSS. J The Seaboard announces week-end excursions to Portsmouth-Norfolk, ef fective every Friday and Saturday and good to return until Tuesday. Round trip rates $6.83. For further Infor mation see or write L. L. Joyner. Agent, Louisburg. N. C. HO>. W. F. EVASS TO SPEAK Hon. W. F. Evans, candidate for Solicitor for this district will address the people of Franklin County at the Court House on uext Friday night, at S : 15 o'clock, according to announce ment sent out from Raleigh. The public is invited to attend. It was fine of Prohibition to empty the jails; but the count-y seems a lit tle in need of something to fill 'em up r.gain. ? Birmingham News. HON. BEX T. H0LDK5 Franklin County's Candidate for Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District. He In a young man fully i main till to All this Important position and Is a lawyer of high ability. Franklin County la witltled to this office both from a 'indpoint of Justice and upon the solemn agreement made when the District waa (bribed, sine* Wake ban tin Jv4f shlp*. We believe there Is enough voters in the district who believe In Justice ^nd the fulfilling of a solemn ofcttga tlo* who will vote for Mr. Holden to assure his nomination In the first primary, and we hope that oar 6ptk!oa win ba justified on June Srd. .v' .

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