Pord8onw . TYactcr is taking much of the erf farm life I it is solving the labor ' reducing the coat of preparing t one half of what it mi with . to aaWnj one third to one half bt flw* /krumu*? Hate; and making term life tttot* am^cdre. The Pordtpa will ran your threshing machine ?and at H>? nott opportune time for you. It w4H (MBte the mnWng martiii>ra, saw your Oood. fill your (Do* pump the water, and take care of ettry Had of belt work? Apd don*t forget ? It will plow aiz to eight acr?a in a ten hoar day, handling two plows 93a* the iPOrdaoo ia the ideal year-round trac toA It wffl pay for its fall and winter keep in TbwVa a big story to tell you about the Ford* eoo? -and m true one ? came in and get the facts, r, ff yon prefer, telephone or drop us a card ad we will bring them to yvn. LOUISBURG MOTOR CO. LOUISBCBG, X. C. LOANS & INSURANCE We have money to lend on easy terms. Real Estatt, First Mortgage, Improved [arm land preferred. Prefer loans for large amounts . We can make loans on Lonlsburg City Real Estate. We write INSURANCE, Life, Accident and Health, Flree, Tornado. " Rain, Live Stock, Dogs of every kind. See HOBBS. The Insurance Man.Ofliee 2nd Floor. First National Bank, Phone 259. Or M. S. Clifton, at Farmers & Merchants Bank. Franklin Insurance & Realty Company LOLISBI KG, North Carolina New Arrival Watermelon Seed Cantelonpe deed Pumpkin Seed Sqcash Seed Oold Millet Seed Peannta Cucumber Seed Snap Seed Batter Bean Seed Seed Corn Sudan Grass Seed Boy Beans Pearl Millet and Field Peak p |_. P. HICKS II yon ?lawil the Chetauqna last year don't do to this. Come to k Jane 3rd to 8th, bring yonr family and neighbors for yon will enjoy every hoar yw are tinder the tent. HOUSEWORK IS A BURDEN WomaH lot lea weary one *t beat But with backache and otke* dis tressing kidney Ills life Indeed he^ comei a burden. Doaa's lrt*lir PQXj have made life brighter for man? Loulsburg women. Ask your netgfc bor! Mr*. N. L Moseley, Loiilahurg naya : "My back hurt badly and when 1 got down. It was an aVful ef fort to ? straighten ? W*TS: Sharp P4U*. Ofteh slaooea tnrough my neys and^-j^any tlmes-when I gut up from a stooped position, I could im flashes before my eyea. My kidneys acted too freely and I felt miserable. It was an effort to do my housework and. at times my head swam with dullness. Doans Kidney PUIa woo recommended to me and I bought some a the Aycock.Drug Co. Doea'a rid me of the misery and I have cad no trouble since " Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan'a Kidney Pills ? the same that Mrs. Mooelev had. Foster-FUborn Co , Mfrs . Buffalo. N. T. NOTICE North Carolina ? Franklin County: D. F. McKinne and Mai calm McKlnne Trad In J" as McKlnne Brothers Co . Vs. M. M. Davis The defendant above named will take notice that a summons In the above-entitled action was issued against Uie said defendant on the 27th day of May, 1922, by A. W. Al ston, justice of the peace, of Franklin county, North Carolina, for the sum of $185.87, with interest on the same from May 27th, 1922. until paid, bal ance due on two notes executed by the defendant to the plaintiffs on July 15th. 1920 and Nove. 1st, 1820, respectively, which summons is re turnable before said JuBtice of the peace at his office, in Loulsburg, N. C., on the 27th day of June, 1922, when and where the defendant is re quired to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This May 27th, 1922. A. W. ALSTON, 6-2-4t Justice of the Peace. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Jotu> L. Foster to the undersigned trustee, on the 26th - dAX-.Qf May 1919, recorded in Book 234 page ''380, Registry of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C. default hav ing been made in the payment of the bonds secured thereby, and demand for foreclosure having been made up on me by tha holder of said bonds, I will on \ ' MONDAY. JUNE 26th, 1922 at about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the light, ! title and interest of the said John L. Foster in and to that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. H. Allen, W. T. Cooper and Oliver Carroll, on the East by the lands of J. J. Cooper, on the South by the lands of B. L. Carroll and on the West by the lands of W. A . Jones, containing 99 acres, more or less, and being the lands formerly owned by S. Q. Foster, upon which the said' S. G. Foster resided at the time of his death, the Interest hereby conveyed being a one-seventh undi vided Interest in the whole of said 99 acre tract, subject to the life estate of Mrs. Lucy Foster, widow of said S. IG. Foster, deceased. This 26th day of May. 1922 . 6-2-4t E. H. MALONE. Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix ot the estate of Wt W. Bowden, da ceased late ot Franklip County, notice Is hereby given all pejscons holding claims against sold estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of May, 1923 or this no tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This .May 18th, 1922. 6-19-6t MARY L. BOWDEN, Admrx. CLEANING PRESSING and DYEING I -m better prepared to t? hie ul at IUSOHULZ PRICES. Notktog priced tee klgk. .We kan gifts U nit mrj - body'* Parse. Erery article abeetately GCAKlimD te ke aa represented or yoar mhj hack. Wken job kare aaytktag to tke 11m ?( Jewelry tkat mil npafc bring It to ??. Ho Job too c?|lkaM Ererytktog at iwimMi price*. L. W. Parrish JEWELER LOUISBURG, North Carotin* I Have a Few DIAMOND? Casings and Tubes I am selling at Cost ? first come first served. I also have a lot of extra good Cotton hoes cheap. Am still selling shoes. I get in some new ones every few days. s i Have a good supply of feed and provisions on hand all the time. Come to see me. It might pay yon. * Toms truly, J. W. PERRY NA8H STREET LOCTSfeURG. N C. R. F. Fuller /Why wait tiii, rut UR bat TO 81KD THE COPT Of FOB All ADTBBTTSimrr WttBB TUB A* VAN CAN OlTf TOD A HUM IfT TEB JOB IT TOIJ SBBB IT IB 600BBBI DONT POBOBT IT.