TAKES $1,009.00 - FROM TEUNK AX HOME Qj B. W. PAJtRJSH XKAR CENTBBYILLV Traced To Rslclgk Br Officer Thona*, Marti and Leroy Surfass Ar rested at Gleriich Hotel. N'ck Nartl and Lerjy burfass, t?.'y -?ri mltted their guilt and were bound over to the nextterm of Franklin Su perior Court under $5,000 . 00 bond? each. Failing to give bond they vrere remanded to Jail. From the evidence and information given us by Officer Thomas it seems Mr. Parrish and his family were away from home Friday evening and when they returned they discovered that some on# had been In the home. Up on investigation they found that a trunk had been rifled, a lot of money amounting to 11,009.00, a gold watch and a gold bandied knife had been taken therefrom. Mr. Parrish imme diately made complaint to the officers who soon found that two strange men had been seen In the neighborhood. Tracing mem to Louis Durg they ftruntf They hired an automobile to take them Franklinton. ^teaching there too ? . '.i to take the train they continued % to Raleigh. ' Constable J. E. ss got In touch with the police ti< . t .nent in Raleigh, but it remain ed i him to go to Raleigh to find the criminals. Upon arriving there he learned they alighted from the car at Giersch Hotel. He investigated and found them retired for the night, where, assisted by the Raleigh offi cers they were arrested. Officer Thomas informs us he recovered $991. 20, the watch and the knife. This is only another evidence that a bank Is the safest place to keep ? money. CASTALIA ITEMS. r. Rev. John Bunn, the Baptist minis ter from Wake Forest, and his charm ing \*lfe -hare ;nad er bouquet of bride roses "and valley tlllles. The ceremony was performed by Rev . G . F . Smith, pastor of the Metlr odist church. The impressive ring service wes usea. During the read. 4ng ot the solemn vows Miss Sallle Williams played sottly an organ solo. ? The bride is the youngest daughter of Dr. D. T. Smlthwick, a young wo man of talent and attractive person ality. She graduated from Lonisburr at the past commencement, receiving diplomas in art and expression in ad dition to the regular English diploma. .Her china painting called forth maivy compliments at the art exhj$>it. ? y Mr. McFarland Is from Oak Ridge. He was educated at Trinity College, > and also received a degree from Emory College. He is now a member of the faculty of Oak Ridge Institute and pastor of Oak Ridge church: Mr. and Mrs. McFarland left im mediately after the ceremony for Asheville and Lake Junaluska. Friends, and relatives from & dis tance who attended the wedding in ad dition to those already mentioned .as I being In the bridal party were Mrs. McFarland, of Mebane, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, of Me bane; Mrs. James Jenkins, Mrs. Hodge Newell, and Miss Rosa Long Thomas, of Henderson; Mrs. Plum mer Jones and Miss Louise Williams, of Wake Forest; Misses Laura and Lucy Macon, Mr. Ollie Macon and Mrs. Geo. Manning, of Ingleslde; Miss Kittle Foster, of Raleigh; and Mr. Daniel Pou Smlthwick, of Phila delphia. / - o JUSTICE NEWS. As I haven't seen any news from our little village of late, will send you a few Itemrf. I guess the people have been too busy trying to conquer "Mr. Grass" and "lecturneerlng" to write. The days seem quite dull and long now to aome of our boys as so many of the girls are away from home. Misses Belle and Ola Hayes. Ruth Fowler, Monnle Btallings and V.lvlan Wheless are attending summer school In Raleigh. Her many friends are glad to know that Mrs. O. T. Mead who has been quite sick is much Improved. Messrs. Spencer Boone, Tommie Lee Stokes, and Elijah Wheless went to Raleigh Sunday on, "St>eclal business. V The ladies of the community will have a lawn party on the beautiful lawn at Mr. Q/ T Meade's next Fri day night, June 30th. Refreshments will be served Apr the benefit of the church. The public Is Invited to at tend. Mr. J. L. Bowden attended the old Soldiers re-union a( Richmond the past week. Cupid. PLACED UNDER 94.000 BOND. Mr. R. W. Hudson was given* a hearing Tuesday morning (or an as sault with deadly weapon on his wlfe,\ on last Saturday before Mayor Joyner, who. after Mr. Hudson waived exam ination required a bond of $8,000 for his appearance at October term of Franklin Superior Court. Mr. Hud son was also required to give a (6,000 bond to keep the peace. 1 BAILET SPEAKS FOB EVANS. Hon. Joalah William Bailey, of FUUelgh, apoke to quite a large crowd in the (5burthouae here on Saturday afternoon In the Interest of Mr. W. F. Brans, who la a candidate for So licitor for thla Judicial Olatrlet. , HIh epeecli waa well made and well faken I by those who heard him . VAJfCF XEtiRO TO SERTE 39 YEARM J?d(f? jtllTpr H. Ailee Saves Henry ] The Eteetric t'hafav Henderson, June 27. ? Henry Har ris, negro, sent to Raleigh last week under sentaac* to be electrocuted tor the murder of his wife in this county r 1 Crom the death chair. Speaking at the direct request ot Solicitor O. B. Midyette, who left tor bis home Sat* urday night after the completion ot the criminal term ot court, Jasper B. Hicks, at the opening of court yester day morning, moved on behalf of the State that the attorneys for the negro be permitted to Submit to charge* of second degree murder or myostatic ti ter, the defendant to take a sentence of life lmprisonrSenT. Judge OHrer H. Allen, presiding, agreed, statins that he would have the negro brought back here and would change the sen tence from electrocution to thirty years In the State's prison. Sheriff Hoyster Immediately sent for the negro to be brovght back Into court . * J Persons in the conrt room on last Thursday, when Judge Alien pro nounced the death sentence upon Har ris, remember the dramatic scene* he staged by the reading of a chapter from the Lamentations of Jeremiah.' The execution date was set for Au gust 15, but this was automatically stayed by the appeal taken by attor neys for Harris. Harris was taken to the State prison at Raleigh to await the disposition of his case. When he is sent there again it will be for the period of thirty years. The ne gro is now thirty years old. In making final disposition of the case of Jesse Carter, who subjmltted to his part In the burning of the Hen derson Furniture Company building in, January last year, Judge Allen has placed him - under $200 bond tor his appearance at every October term of Superior Court for two years to show good behavior. It waa upon Carter's testimony, according to Solicitor Mid yette's own statement In court last week, that the State procured the con viction ot Geo. Wycotf, P. W. Woot en and R. T~ Stokes for the alleged {"burning of the buifding and conspir lng to do so. They are now doing] terms of eight, four and three years, | respectively.. ' > .1 Pleas for the liberation of Carter were made in the court last week by counsel who assisted Mr. MidyaUa mi the prosecution of tttt caw mC tSy special April terth oT'eourt.'and ah-filr' position speech was made by T. M. Plttman. who was one of the counsel for the defense at that time. MR. I>. F. COOKE DEAD. Friday, June 23, Mr. D. F. Cooke died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hbward Wood of Cedar Rock. Mr. Cooke was sixty-seven years old . He had been in failing health for more than a year. Previously to that time he worked in the F. W. Wheless Clothing Store for more than twenty years and waa well known in and around CwlUwl 9 Bwrarded A* Good By Mner*. | r- I Wllkes-Barre, June 27. ? Upon re ceipt of a telegram from John 1 7. Lew - | k. president of the Doited Mine Work Hard in j; at Washington, the general ?Cain committee of the anthracite Workers today abandoned'all plans for ??mediately calling an absolute strike ttd the contemplated withdrawal of pumpmen from the mines. The committee adjourned indefinite ly, leaving the anthracite situation as It Was before it convened Monday looming, when it received the prac tically unanimous permission by ref Mtdum vote at the 150.000 Idle mi ?M to make the prevailing suspen sion an absolute strike. Officials Elected "Labor officials and members of the committee expressed great elation orar the tone of Mr. Lewis' message, although they declined to make It vakiic. "It appears that developments in both the bituminous ana anthracite IjMtaBtrles may be looked tor imme diately as a result of the conference VW> the President and government OBkrials." said Thomas Kennedy, pres |M*t of the general scale committee tfvjplstrlct No. 7 at Hazleton. ~ Speaks for Itself Washington, jnne !77^3lalk to you," is the! cifellenge o? Ma*lm Utvinoff. head ot JJK.Russian Soviet delegation at the BMgim conference here to the repre iW tiv?? at the Kurope&n powers; aaa tltalr retort Is: "Show us proper security and we shall then talk about money . " .'Consequently The Hague conference T? starting In much the same circle as that around which the Genoa confer* cnce revolved . M. Lltvinoff and his colleagues were scheduled today to meet the sub-com mission for consideration of the Rus sian debts. There seems to be an endless chain of proposals and counter-proposals with unlimited possibilities for talk and delays. The British and other important delegations say they cannot make any recommendations to their bankers add business men to let Rus sia have money and credits until Rus sia shows a disposition to make good its old obligations and proceed along lines which will insure the stability! of investments. So it is now up to M. Lltvinoff, they say, to divulge his plans for the Russian reconstruction which the Soviet government desires t> have Europe finance. Making Demand* The Soviet demand that Prance and lieiglum disclose the exact feeting on which they would participate in the Hague gpaference which was trans mitted yesterday to M. Patyn, presi dent ot the central commission devel oped a sensation today and called forth strong antl-Bolshevlst eipres a Ions in French and Belgian circles. The Soviet delegation was especially Httacked tor giving to the press a copy of its communlcatloa simultaneously with sending it to the president of the conference and before the delegates had had an opportunity of receiving It officially. The Russian document 1b virtually an Insistence that Prance and Belgium show their credentials and announae definitely whether they will participate In the oonterence'8 deliberations on the same basis an the other powers. President Patyn will reply to the c mmunlcatlon after consulting with the French and Belgians. who are awaiting* Instructions from Paris and I'ruaaeia. The Russians make the point that Kranid attain In St. Paul's, Loulshur* at 8 P. M. \ Services at 8t. Paul's, t^oulsburg. Morning Prayer with sermon and ad ministration of the Holy Communion, ?t 11 A. M. Evening Prayer with ^ruiMi at 8 P. M. A cordial Invitation to attend aB services is given to all. REARTT-EGEBT05. A marriage of much interest through t.ut the state wag celebrated here Wed nesday afternoon at sii o'clock. wh? "Miss Florence Egerton, daughter of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton became tfae bride of Mr.. Leo Heartt, of Raleigh. The wedding took place at the Meth odist church with Rev. E. H. Darts, of Clinton, an uncle of the bride of iTcteanyr Inside the chancel waa banked with a background of ferns and. the altar was entwined with feathery green. Prec ceding the ceremony Miss Ruth Hall, accompanied by Mtae Sallle Will, iams at the organ, sang "Until." At the sound of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin the ushers, Messrs. Carl Robinson and W . A-. Bowen, of Ral eigh, and Messrs. W. D. and 6. B. Egerton entered along opposite aisles. Following these came the damea of Ibonor, Mrs. W. D. Egerton in apri cot georgette and Mrs. C. D. Egerton, of Elisabeth City, in robin's egg blue with hats to match and carrying co lonial bouquets of varigated sweet peas. ? ? Next came the attendants Messrs. Victor Bryant, of Durham, and Clem Strudwick, of Hillsboi*. The maid of honor was Miss Prances Egerton, who wore sllvertone geor Kette with- hat to inrtch and carried a bowjuet of pink roses. . As the groomtentered from the study with his best nian, Mr. Felli Harvey, ofKinston, the biide came- in on the arm of her brother. Mr. C. D. Eger ton, of Elizabeth City, who gaye her avtby. The bride's dress was orchid chiffon with accessories to match. She car ried a bouquet of orchids and roses with a shower of lilies of the valley. During the ceremony Mr. Bruce Berkley, ..accompanied by Miss Will iams softly played a violin obligato, "To a Wild Rose." As a recessional Mendelssohn's "Wedding March' waa played. Mr. anil Mrs. Heartt motored to Raleigh where a dinner party was given in their honor at the Yarborough Hotel. They will spend their honey moon in the mountains of western North Carolina. The bride is the second daughter of Mrs. Lula Egerton and the late Mr. R. Z. Egerton; also a granddaughter of Mr. M. S. Davis so well known among educators of a former genera-, tinn . She has- been the recipient of many social courtesies during the sea son. The bridegroom has a wide clrcla of fteinds and relatives In Ra.leigh, Dur ham, Klnston and neighboring cities. He is in the employment of the Na tional Biscuit Co. of the first named, i Out of town guests attending th6 wedding were: Misses Augusta, Mar tha and Jane Virginia Andrews, of Raleigh; Mrs. Jas. A. White, of Wash ington, D. C. ; Mr., and Mrs. C. F. Harvey and Miss Mary Lewis Harvey, of Kinston; Mrs. Victor S. Bryant. Miss Julia Dewey Bryant,, and Heartt Bryant, of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Bauman. of Raleigh; Mrs. J. C. | Myrick, of Panama; Mrs. Ivev Allen, of Oxford; Miss Louise Allen Mid Ger ald Allen, of Warrenton; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Egerton. of Eliza bdth City; Mrs. Edward Egerton. of locking ham; Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Abraham, Misses Rebecca Cameron And Etta I Heartt Graham, of Durham^ Mrs . Mc Donald. Miss Martha StaRimetz. Mrs. John Crow, of Ralgfga; Mr. F. N. Egerton. J 1 1 . si llCEens. Ga. ; and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Chesson, of Elizabeth 'City. GARDEN PARTY. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. W. E. White gave' a charming garden party in honor of her guest. Miss Elba Hen nlnger, of Stateerille. The smooth velvety lawn of Mrs. White's I'hurrh Street residence made an Ideal spot for such "an entertainment. Mrs. K. K. Allen aAd Mrs. D. F. McKlnoe received guests at the gate and after welcoming them directed them to a table beautifully arranged beneath a large elm where Misses V o w and Jackson served punch. Mrs. Frank McKinr.e and Mrs. Mor timer Pleasants assisted Mrs. White In greeting the guests. Misses Dorcas McKinne, Hkada Ash ley. Elizabeth Rentl. Mary Page Wil der. Katherine Bobbitt. Elisabeth Mor ton, Lucy Andrews, Blisabeth FUrgur son and Katherine Pleasants served cake and cream. A large number of guests were present to meet Miss Hen nlnger. -WONKY KHOWKfe." A unique entertainment given tn honor of the bride. kftss Florence Eg crton was a money shower given by Ruth Hall in her honor. Ev*?ry girl invited was requested to aend a quarter for the guest of honor. These wern put into a little cedar cheat, an j eiact reproduction In minature of the | lamer chest and after several Karnes of rook and bridge had been plaj-ed it wan presented to Mlaa Egwrton . Miss Elba Hennlnger made the presentation with appropriate remarks Ice-cream cake and salted peanuts were served. o I FIRST COTTON BLOOW. Mr. F. H. Allen, of I^uisbort. la the first to present a cotton bloom for vl 922 to the FRANKLIN TIMES. This ftloom WAS taken from his plot sear the Mill pond on Thursday. THE FRANKLIN. TIMB8 )1M Par Tear tm A franca AMONG THE TORtkBS BO HOT K*OW. PotmuI I teas A beat Tkeir Frfeatfs Wk* Timl Miss Alice Harris is rlsttiajr In Raleigh. Mrs. E. L. Odotn is visiting rela tives In Nashville. Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Smith left this week for Beaufort. Mr. George Fbrti. Jr.. is visiting friends in Morehead City. Mrs. John Taylor, of Littleton, la ?tailing Mrs. Felix Allen. Mrs. Allen Heath, of Mbaroe, la |-rlslttaiK Mrs. E. H. Malone. Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Harris left last night tor a trip to WlllougtAy T Miss LUlle Crudup. of Wato Is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. P. lor. Misses Bettie and Louise Hill, of Bal eigh. are visiting relatives in Looia burg. Mr. J. S. Millikln, of MilUkin. La.. Is visiting ha son-tn-ta-w. Mr. 4. w . Person. Misses Edna Beasley and Fiorina Bqpne will leave today for a trip to Richmond. Miss Jessie Taylor Harris is visit ing* her sister, Mrs. M. 8. fink, of (Greensboro. Mrs. J. D. Simpson, of William ston, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. S. A. Newell. Senator F. B. McKinne returned Tuesday from a business trip to RaK eigh and Norfolk. Miss Mary Page Wilder is spending tew days with her cousin. Miss Katherine Bobbitt. Miss Geraldine Smith left this week for Rockingham, where she will at 1 tend a House party. , Miss Genevieve Macor. has returned j from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Frank. Pagan, of Rocky Mount. Misses Anna PuHer Parham. Louls^ Allen and Pearl Pearce are attending a house party in Newborn. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ashley, ot Fairmont, were week-end guests ot Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Purvis. Misses Florence and Kathleen Sil ver, of Greensboro, are visiting their jaunt. Miss Mary Spencer at Qakhurst. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Riff left Thurs day for Richmond, where Mr. Riff will receive treatment at a local hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Deb nam and daughter, Montez, of Jacksonville. Fia^ spent last week with their sister. Mrs. |T. M. Vaiden. " Mrs. Wingate Underbill spent the week-end in Macon, in attendance on a meeting ot the Warren County Mis sionary Union. Messrs. E. H. Mai one and W. M. Person left Tuesday for Wrighiavflle to attend a meeting of the Nortk. Car olina Bar Association. Misses Julia B. and Alice Ttasna of Henderson have returned af ter a few days visit in the K Dr. and Mrs. Smithwick. Mrs. G. W. Anderson and 1MU% daughter. Bern ell, after speeding Mat time with her parents. Mr. Sad Hfca. J . H . Parrish at Cedar Rock, have re turned to Richmond. Mr. C. K. Cooke returned the pet week from attending the fy4Ma> Convention at Newberne. He mm uk that the local breach of tba Py thian s will soon be revived. " *? I (apt. L. L. Joyne^ and Viss Kiima Lawrence. and 1 Willis Bod die left today tor River. Vermont, where Misses and Boddie will spend wen* time Camp Ffcrwell. Mr. Bonnie D Bunn and wife today for llbfct. N. Y.. to enter Oar roll Summer School. Mr. Ban tak | in k a six weeks cqprse In School 8n ? perrision while Mrs. Baan Will tek? j a coarse in primary methoda aa.t public school mnslc Mr. Bwaa wan principal of Dana Hitch School 4|> past year. They will make tha trip by automobile. Miss Columbia Cradap. wto W just returned (ram a Inr aoatha trip abroad la rlaitlnc ratatlraa In U* bunc Mlas Cradup trat mada *a Maditorraneaa cralaa which facia daa potato of Interact to tha Hofy I? d. Exypt. Athens. Coastaattoe?K Maty. Prut* and Spata. 8ha thaa Wit Rarnpe TtsitlnK Bar Ma. aaatoc tta Oharammercaoer Paaaioa Play, at tra valine thinagh Swttaartead. ?a ?tend and RcoUaa4.