?s The Franklin Times WATT* LABEL 01 TMTB p. johjisos, Miur .w * THE COUNTY, TH* STATE, THE DHIOH SrSSCBIl-riO* tLM Nr Taat VOLCMH IX ' LOCISBCM, *. C. JI LT IMS ' - srniK 1) JUDGE DEYJN GBANTS petition RBCJBrnats OF DEFUNCT BANK * Order Man*. For Sale of Bank' 3. Property and Superb* Amuse me nt Company To R. G. Al len. Now Under Indictment AUJrsTHEMT IS CITO MATTER *r. Allfi To Take Over frtf?rtj At ? Price ?f *ie744sjB Gtrtag Xates l? Bj Uh Tm Bntkm 0< LtiUbuf ; Adjaatmeat MjUr Bj Kmhtn Of Tke But aad Kep rr*atatlT?wi ?( Mr. Alias. - Judge Dertn. presidios ?w Wake County Superior Cout, Tuesday morn ing granted the petition of the receiv ers ot the Central Bank and Trust Company and made an order tor the sale of the property of that bank and So per ha Amusement Company to R. G,_ Allen, former president of the Central Bank and under indictment on a charge of embezzlement Ot the funds of depositors of this defunct institu tion. The "settlement effected will. It is estimated, assure the depositors ot at leastyt! per cent of their runds, t^r liaps 73 per cent. y This is a ciril matter, separate and ; art from the criminal action, and S> i.eitor Korra took no part in the i. tment, which was ?e? bj Re i- rs J. C. Little. W. B. "Barnes. iu. -? G . Ball and Murray Allen, rep rest.. s the depositors and James H. iu. J. W. Bailey. W. H. Yar^ heroug I and J. Crawford Biggs rep i?senting Mr. Allen. Tnkes Om l*i?f?ilj R. G. Allen takes orer the property mem Comranv V a price ot $1?7.12?.23 giviEK notes indorsed by his brothers. W. H. and J. M. Allen, or Louisburg. and secured by a deed of trust to the property. Farther. Mr. Allen secures thirty-odd thousand dollars of notes, not his own. which were in the bank when he relinquished control and a majority of which, it is asserted, are collectible by string a mortgage of S25.0M on the building owned by him on South Blount Street. The I1I7.1J8-.23 is payable as fol lows: J5.000 in August 20. 1922; eght notes for $10,625 each payable beginning October 1. 1922 and eTery ninety days thereafter: eight notes for $4,C47 each, eTery ninety days begin ' ning October 1. 1922; all 17 notes to bear interest at C per cent. As stated all notes bear the indose raent of R. G. Allen. W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen, and a deed of trust to the property is connreyed to the re ceirers. (IMM Cash Ten thousand dollars cash is paid to the Yass estate on the Superb* build ing. The statement was read in court by J. W. Bailey, all parlies approv ing that ? "This compromise settle ment was made poqafble by the volun tary action of a* vass estate in re tnrmng the Saperba real estate, which was purchased by them without any no tice that the Central Bank had or claimed any interest therein." To w . W . Van; as Uaatee. then is assigned by the attorneys in the case primary and basic credit for the set tlement effected. J. Crawford Biggs, of counsel for Allen, read a statement as to .the par chase price paid for the property ta ken over. He stated that the Saper ba Theatre, which waa bought by the bank for was taken over at I1M.M0 and that the theatre equip ment, for which was paid SBMM. was taken over at |HJN. PUN la |?tN There waa. said Judge Biggs, about (30.000 in notea not of R. Q. Allen's making. In the baak when he retired from its presidency July 1. lijl. a larger part of which is admittedly col lectible. This Is secmfed by a mort gage oa the office building at the cor ner of Martin and Bkvunt streets and which is valued at MO.OOO Raleigh Times. BPJAWAT. Quite s little excitement waa caaa ed on the streets of LosWnrg early Tuesday morning wba a horse hitch ed to s one-boree wagon raa away, hitting an antosaoblle and breaking the wagon. The borne belonged to Dr. A. H. Fleming and waa driven by bis son. Arthur, who was taking out the weeks waah. The horse became frightened aeat the Halifax road aad waa held man fully by Arthar until he reached the Hotel when feeling unsafe to gnlde the horse through the maay automo bile* be went cnlmly to the bear of the wagoa and jumped oat enrnptng with oa ly a few brntsea. His actions were strictly In accord with Instruc tions given him s week before by his father and his sdberenre no doubt saved kfs life, aa soon after he en caped from the wagon the collision with the automobile occurred. caua. Ing the body of the wagon to be thrown across the streef to the court square. Apparently la Maine the primary cry was "Hale! Half the gang's all be re I " ? Near York Tribune. SMITH WICK -JOHNSON. ? Wlniai-rtiia 'm?f ? A wedding o( much interest to thetr many friends Was aqluinjied Wednesday ?im Miss Dorothy Lee Johnson, youngest daugh U*r at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson was married to Mr. Robert Smith - "Wick of LouisburjE. The ceremony was performed at St. Luke's Episco pal church by Rer. Claudius Smith, of Roanoke. Va . . assisted toy Rer. W. E. Cox of Richmond, Va.. uncle and cou *sin of the bride. Prior to the ceremony a quartette, "O Perfect Lore" was sung by Miss Hulda Cox. Mrs. R. L. Cox. Mr. Wal ter J. Wyatt. Jr., and Rer. Harrey A'. Cox, accompanied at the organ by Miss Venlta Cox.- At the close of the quartette the organ merged forth into Lahengrine' wedding march, and the ushers, Mr. Horace Butt, of Morgan - i ton.- tiHi Mr. J. R. Johnson, Jr.. were first to enter, followed by Mrs. G. H. Cox. of RoberaonrUle, sister of the bride, as matron of honor. She was beautifully dressed in grey organdy and black picture hat, and wore a cor i sage o* roses . ? _ Miss Lillie Mae Dawson, of Kinston. as maid of honor, was next to enters wearing a bine organdy dress with hjtt to match 'and carrying an arm bo quet of pink klllarney rtfces She was followed by little Miss Ger aldine Cox. as ring bearer, and Mar garet McLean as flower girl . They were both daintily dressed in white or gandy dresses and were Tory' charm ing little attendants . The bride, who entered with her father, was handsomely dressed In a traveling suit of dark blue tricotine ? IPi accessories to match carrying a beautiful bouquet of orchids and val ley lilies. They were met at the altar by the groom and his beat man. Mr. Wilson Macon, of Louis burg. The impressive ring ceremony at the Epis copal church was used. Mendels sohn's wedding march was used for the recessional . ~ ' ? ? Mrs. Smith wick has been a member of the faculty in L<ouisburg for the ps.? .rnr it-hnry fifto h ^ ? won a hoet of friends. ~ ? ? Mr. Smith wick is the son of Dr. D. T. Smith wick and is a prominent young business man of L<ouisburg. Immediately after the rehearsal Tuesday evening, the members of the family and bridal party gathered at the bride's home to an informal re ception given by her mother, Urs t J, R. Johnson. On Monday evening Miss Johnson was given a surprise shower. She was the recipient of many beautiful Land useful gifts. The out-of-town guests were. Rev. Claudius Smith, Roanoke, Va. ; Rev. W. E. Cox, Richmond, Va . Rer. Harvey A. Cox, Wilmington; Mr. J. F Smith, San ford, Fla.; Mrs. R. E. Cox. Maxton; Mrs. Maggie Butt, Miss Vida Butt. Mr. Horace Butt. Morgan ton; Mr. Harding Butt, Mrs. M. W. Urxell, Misses Pauline. Valerie, Eliz abeth Urxell, Master Francis UaaeU, Chapel Hill; MrS . Kate Smith, Mr. Ashley Smith, Jones bo ro; Mrs. Km ma Culler, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cox and little daughter, Geraldine. Robersonville ; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McGlohon. Kinston; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Johnson. Fountain; Mr. Gor don Johnson, Kinston; Mr. Wilson Macon, Louisburg; Miss Lillie Mae T5awson, Kinston; Miss Elizabeth Ste wart, Whitakers; Mrs. J~. D. Mcf Ml and Margaret McLean/ Cameron; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cox land daughter, Raleigh; Mr. and Mitl Geo. Patrick and children. Gold?bortfS^r| and Mrs. W. W. Dawson. Miss Ra^U Dn?su*\' Qrlfton; Mian Bettie Uxxell. Seven Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von Eb erstcrfn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Von Eber steln. Miss Mabel Von Eberstein. Green Tllle; Mrs. Julia Pusheau. Wilming ton.? Green ri lie Reflector. AT THE BAPTIST fHlK'H. Under the leadership of the new pastor. Rev. J. A. Mclver. the ma chinery of the Lotlsbsrc Baptist Church ts beglnciox to nam. Last week the boys of the Royal Ambassador chapter had a camping party oat at Mr. J. P. Timber lake's. Each day Mr. Mclrer went oat to the camp and every night J. P. Timber lake. Jr. stayed with them to ken* them in order. Darlag the day many of the parents at the boys visited thewi with welcome stores of provisions. This la what oar boys seed, whole biles he went calmly to the rear of oversight,. The Thursday night prayer ? Ties was well attended. The pastor pre, sented a program for the chnrch tak en from Qod's word. The congrega tion seemed to catch the spirit of the measage to such degree that an invi tation to others to say a word met with ready responses. The attendance at Sunday School Kan day morning reached the highest total attained In years. At the Sunday morning iei fi? ? the pastor delivered an appealing mes sage from the text "And no man cared for my soul." Theae was one con version. This week Mr. Molver Is assisting R*v. J. A. Mltchlner In a meeting at Carey's Chapel near Henderson. The Thursday night prayer service Is In rtiarge of the Young Woman's Audi, iary and their topic la "so a I *?nntng.") Senator I tore h ought to know by this time that the reason why we do not recognise the Bolsheviks la be cause we do recognise them. ? New York Tribune. FRANKLIN C Y. JULY 1ST, Register or Deeds Solicitor Dunns Hams ? Vonng?Tille Franklinton _ Hayesville Sandy Creek _ Gold Mine Cedar Rock Cypress Creek - Louisburg MR. JONES RESIGNS J WELFARR JOB Mr. E. C. Perry ludMuIr EbcM T? Fill Vacaaey ky Jetat Itrttag Of larti ?( ElnUn u4 Caaft ?h?lN(n. At a joint meeting of the Boards of Education and Coonty Commissioners held on Monday the resignation of Mr. Joseph C. Jones. Superintendent of Public Welfare, was recetred and" accepted, and Mr. E. C. Perry, for merly Night Police for Louisburg was unanimously elected to fill the unex pired term of Mr. Jones. | Mr. Jones has fcDoe-to Warren Cook aiigrr he will assist the North CaT I olina Cotton Growers Association im -the organisation of that County OVER FOB XTEOEK. Otis Williamson, colored. was bQund ""r in jratifc^ln Superior Court on Tuesday in a bond ol {2.SOO.OO for the murder of Parker Lord, also col ored. Williamson wu arrested by Con j stable T bo mas on Monday morning after the killing took place on Son day at the home of his brother and | was brought to town and placed in | jail. HIEIB6 AT CEDAk BOO. I The revivaj meeting at Cedar Rock I will begin Sunday. July 9th. services [on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and S o'clock p. m. The sendees wUl con tinue throughout the week, baling two services each day; 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and S o'clock encb even ing. Re*. J. Louis Price, the former pastor of the church, will assist the pastor in the meeting. Bro. Price comes to us from Louisville. Ky.. where he has spent the past year m the Southern BaptisfTheological Scfi inary. His many friends will delight in heaHng his inspiring messages. ErfryoM is cordially mnted to at tend thed^^errices on next Sunday and throug^gt the wwk. irrbruTio^s. To the Editor FRANKLIN TIMES: Will yon please allow me space in yonr rallied paper, to express my sin cere appreciation tor the loyalty and support by rote or otherwise given me to be yonr next Repi enentsllie in the Hons* next Jannary. To encb of yon I owe largely my victory In both primaries, (and moat humbly bowk. Indeed I feel grateful to those who. from n sense of dnty voted for my op ponent. Many of my bast nnd oMHi Mends did. I admire thsm tor so doing. Their friendship and good will will never be toneotten. Nothing bet n brotherly kindn?-a has characterised my canvass toward every candidate for any alien to be voted tor In onr approaching election In November. With this inssiaai ; let na look forward with hope and ronldence. which cfcnractiii lass every | true Democrat, la this good land of1 nor* With a solid vote tor Dinx rscy In November election. I am Yours to serve and remain most truly. GBOROJC H. COOPER. SR. H H. lEiDOim ELECTrP MttHT polio:. At * meeting of the Board of Tow* } Commix* toner* bold on Timiliy morn In* Mr. B. H. Meadow* *u elactrd N'Utht Palkwnan. to >11 the nraiM'V caused by the resignation of Mr K > C. Perry, who ha* been elected Sap rrintendent of Public Welfare. Chiraxn I* to undertake to clean ip labor. If Chlcaao cloans np labor ?cectnaiW a* labor has cleaned ap I "hi i ra*o. the undertaking will be a ????- ! reea. ? Greenrllle Piedmont. President Hardin* *ay* that fs? (tree* ahoald pan* the *hlp *abat4y Mil , before It ad)oarna. Whlrh la another tray of saying that it tbonld not ad- f joum. ? Aahayllla Tlmea W*J. IE?I5 TUAL BA^K CASES TODAY1 m illri iiiWIift Are Cm tot 5* >?< Frns 1(4 Eatered. H Higfatower ud H. H. Maa toraer officers of tbe defunct Cen Buk uul Trust Co.. of Raleigh, be placed an trial in Wake County " Court tkta morning, it was * when ftt CMM WTTB rall terday afternoon, after the tie s' attorneys and a targe num . at spectator* had waited through out the day. '"""or Herbert E. Norris spent the ?oming In f leafing Us docker of inA) cases and when the bank cases Fetr reached In the afternoon stated be jMshed to tmSSrwtK K. simtffS^ is representing the Corporation I in the prosecution, and itore entering trial. | r emhesalement. ahstrac ippltration of hank funds _ Mac -stated yesterday he _ anil at this term only the l>Vat case, 'Which charges misapplies 'ao? and ahatra<*ien of K3.?0?. J30.000 and ~ It was stated yesterday by counsel , for the defendants that the JIO.OOO and Iwm represented the pur jchasa of tbe SaperKt Theatre from -R. G. Allen, tbe property being repur Jcb-ised by Allen as a part of his set i tie meat. Tbe other item of *23.000 represents a part of the consideration of MMN paid Alien for his stock af !ter Highto?*rer succeeded as president of tbe bank on Jane 30. 1921. I AO details of the Allen settlement ,*?? completed yesterday by attor neys tor the defendant and the bank rtidiav hat a formal nol pros was | not eatered by Solicitor Xorris. the Vfeadant regaining in court through out the session ? News-Obserrer . BOOS PAKTV. Oa Taesday afternoon. July J. Miss ' Lacy Bart entertained at Rook in hon or of her guests. Misses Rebbecca tVo?ar aad Bessie Oanghtridge . of ? xky Mount Tbe prise for the highest score was ?oa by Mlssn Temple Williams and i'ick Taraer. A booby priie for the Vsat score was presented to Miss Heaaia Daaghtridge. Aa lee coarse was serred by the t-oMaaa. Miss Lacj Ban. assisted by Viaa Tea pie Williams Tboae preaeat to eajoy Miss Bart's - ayRalfey were Ml?s?a Rebecca Coop er. Baaste Daaghtridg*. Virginia Beck Oeara Oreea. IJltian Howell. KUtr noHfe. Aaaa Gray Watson. Hasel Al lea. FVttria Allen. Bagenia Perry, laib Hill. Mary Maloae Best. Hattie ~ T. Perry. Edna Bryant. Hel FVsalng. Temple Williams. [>*ek T*aa?i aad Rlisabeth Newell. T, w. l tr rTHK. TW TotBK Woman's Auxiliary of tfca I ??htTf BtyKiK ("harrh nst Mas Mat tie Allen. To?*<1?t night. f*mm tfti ? mitv TV roll was UM kW tW Mtoa.v-s of the last m?t i lai aw) ipproTM. after *Utk tkf folkywinjt program was rca i??i: Hyma Help Somefcbody Todar Pratyer try Mm J. O. Newell AdMmts on "Patting Flrat TbinR* 'Inf ? k; Mr Mclrrr Soto -I* Jnwt Satisfied With Me~ ? in Mrlm. ri? jBI pitm hr IIVu Matt i?* AI Aftar Ik* ?? Kim a drlkkm lr? ?? ??? wiikI Tte Mlavlx *irr prmmt: Mr*. J. O. K*n(L Mr* H A. K?r??T. ?rt, f. B Imird Missis N?nnU> tall Ha|?. PaaliBf Smith. MaUi? Al lutki I'jt t mm tv Lory At^n. Vir r?h P?rrf. KUnMh M rtoo. Kay KHbn AMrtn. Victoria Ad ack. Wmtkaa. Bf?Uk Cooper, Effl?t l^ln. Lary M<r. Mr* Mclrrr and rMkm Mr* C. A. Rajcland Mr*. ?T. H. Alkoa. Mr. R. A. Bobbttt. ?n B H Suilm. Mint Myrtle V??t ami Mr Mrlrer WANT HEARING IN VANCE ELECTION i I EKE or LA KIT T L> TOTISU LS (HAB&ED ? ? Csapialst Filed Wit* B?art ?( Elct tiw HMliK wai Be HrU Satarday: rkla l(i(Mjai< T<lr la Tlf Prtairj. Henderson, July ?. ? Immediately following the rrnnit by county board of elections yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock of the returns la last Saturday's ? second Demo cratic primary, a hearing before the board was aaked by Attorney A. J. Harris on behalf of Mrs. Geo. T. Buchan. defeated candidate for reg ister of deeda. on the inuds of al leged irregularities la the election. The conplaiat su lied tonight and the hearing will be held Saturday. The official tabulation showed P. E. Rowland, lncnmb.nl, to have won the nomination by a majority of two votes. Poor votes cast for Rowland In JCiddlebarg township were declared to have been Improperly marked and were thrown oat by the board of eleo as it stood in the unofficial compila tion. Mr. Harris announced today lire points on which charges of irregular ity * no Id be made. These were. First. That Republicans were al lowed to vote. Second. That voters not regularly qualified and registered in Vance county were permitted to rote. Third. That the ballot <xrxes were opened in at least one ~pT?Unct and -the rote cast up to that time counted prior to the official lime for the clos ing of the polls. Fourth. That liquor was used at or ia counection with the voting. Fifth. That ballots mutilated by im proper m*rk.'ng- and defacing were counted in the returns. The complainants were given until S o i lock TBis~evBBtng- to file with the board their allegations, and the supporters of Mr. Rowland were giv en until S o'clock Friday evening of this week to file an answer to the charges. The board of elections will hear the whole matter at a special sitting next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock In the courthouse. ~ Mr. J. M. Sjkes, of ne Paths, brought In a red bl COTTON BLOOMS V day. He Informs us that the first bloom he saw in his fields was on Friday. Mr. P. W. Gupton. of near Centre- . Tille. brought in two white blooms Monday . John Stallings living near town, re ported a cotton bloom on Saturday. July 1st. f W. J. Strickland, colored, near Ma plerille. reported a cotton bloom on Friday. Rolie Person, colored, reports a cotton bloom on Monday. Mr. J. S. Proltt. of naar Franklin ton. reports cotton blooms on Friday. Mr. Joe Mumford. of near Loais burg. reported cotton blooms on the 4th. -j. ? ' Spruill Igterton. of near town re ported a bloom on Tuesday. J. S. Wiggins, of near toiffi, k'Ted bloom on Wednesday, j S. G. Joixaaott. of mar Schloss. re ports a white bloom Thursday. NFt.KO FAUKK.V COW.ECSS MEET AT A. ft T. COLLEGE. CREE5S BOKO. H. C- Tt ESWAT A5D WFD5ESDAT. A-CCl^ST Ktk AH9 Mk, IMi The following wtth request for pub Ucatloa has beep recetrM The North Carolina Kegro Farmers' C< ngreaa. ucc of the |>;{ Negro Farm OrtuiiaUou in the Sooth, will meet at A. ft T. College. Greeasbrtro. M. C. Angvat tM Wh and *h. l?tf Pred*al Mlty has re>)?cX?J m? to aaawDte that board and lodging will ' be frea to Ikiani and other* attend irg tfc'a a.*etla?. A very int-reatiag ani prof table inpia b betMg worked oat and aoim at tba ab.<-st act la th- country wfll appear am U?ia program While the pmtna will ba thoroaghly acientillc ' k will be thoroaghly practical, so that I the haabM farmer will be able to I comprehend all that is aaid and done. I No farmer who Is hoping to make any [ can afford, to miss this meet- j We shall tell yon more about ( hi* program from time to time throagh ! the newspapers. Krvrybody who is interested tn sue- j oeasful farming. should not fail to at- i t?ni ? his Prof. C. R, Hud son of Rai?ixb State AffDt. is chair man of the program committee. Prof T. S- Inhorden. of Joseph K. Brick School, is Prwidfet of the Con jreM We trust each person who reads this article will (ire the widest possible publicity to It. at all Negro Catherines You will do any one a great favor if jou can Induce them to attend this meeting, if they are In terested in progressive agriculture. The price of wheat t* d vwn. hut they are not saying it with flour. ? As he Till* Times. AMORT? THE VISITORS sffinsr ciow i*? son t*o DO SOT K50W. ? " PrWeaal Items ibnl K?lk? km* Their Friends Wk. Travel H?n Aid There. Miss Louise Egerton is visiting im ? Rockingham. Sir. W. C. Dtxon visited htm at Bensou tlxia wsefc^ Mr. F. A. Roth left Saturday for a trip to the Northern Markets. Mr. R, S. White and bride is ins at th^home of Mr. W H. Baa Miss Grace Green, of Weidon. la iting her cousin. Miss Virginia Miss Grace Hall, of spent the week-end with here. -?? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Candler. Hanlmwn olii ?jiujis to Louial Sunday. r Miss Sue Alston h?? recanted to Richmond after spending her vacation at home. ? - firs. W. R. Bass and little son. W. A. Jr.. left Monday for a rtsit to Smithlleld. Mrs. R. C. Bartholomew and child ren. of Castalia. are nsitiag at the home of Mr. J. H. Boone. - *s Misses Carrie May Dunn and Mar garet Foscue, of Kinston. hare been visiting Mrs. Claude Tucker. Mrs. A. M. Hall has retarned-fraBJ^" Green of Philadelphia. Mrs. Ha II was accompanied by Mrs. Green Who w ill spend some time visiting relatives and friends in Louisburg . Mr. D. E. Mclver. of Oca la. Flor ida. visited Mr. W. H. Allen last week. Mr. Mclver married Miss Tena Macintosh whose family lived in Louisborg years ago and was close ly related to the Terrell's. Person's, and other old families in IxHiistrorg. Mr. Mclver is also .a t.numn of Boer. J . A . Mclver. pastor of the Baptist Church . TO HIE FILL. Commissioner C. C. Hudson re turned from Franklin ton Wednesday afternoon where he went to meet with the PranUtnton Road Trustees in re - gard to making a fill at Sandliaga I crossing bridge, which has been held | up (or oTer a year. He was well < pleased with the attitude of the Board and its action which was unan imous to hare the fill made at once . fauim; b the sitieitiie. How grand it is to lire and work on a farm in the summertime. Where e?ery row of the green corn and cotton fields are filled with the/ brightest sunshine. And as we work hard we can almost see Our great future lires which soon will be. I think this where every boy and girl should be. A world of pleasure for them to see. A place where we can breathe the I frefih pore air. Where the fragrance of the flowers are | delightful ererywhere. All birds love to dwell about 1 They feed on the peels that farmer harm. Where the mocking birds ail every apple tree. They are singing to all the to you and me. Where the bine birds sings ft in hollow tree. They are singing all tk* wArM I because they are glad and Ma. Apd the old bot. white f?W?g ? through the tire long Waiting for ripe peas to ? I With the war? ?> Inu ? with blooms. | That's another good sign of .' good noons. Where the swimming pools are so i and clear. We ll plunge right in heels owei wit hoe t the least bit of faar. Summer comee just ooce a year. So bora lets enjoy its beaaty while It's here. We should appreciate our more each day. And we should never nerer again L its laws nor ft>rsake its war ? Cora posed by G . IV Murphy. A London dispatch says >ww U >? sillht In Irrlud. We *onM Uktra were more Irishmen left than that. ? Rochester Neraid About the lanfcf it *?T to riihshHi tat* Kampr mid he to ??mi m m** ton rim travel and W aa i are take Ms rogr?. ? New Britain Herald. PVderal hank examiner* say that tmshteaa is on the npcrade. TMa prohahlr arr??nt* for jumi of the steep prices.? Manila BalMta. The prophet who sali JKaeys raM empty the street cars caa sympathiae with the oae who said pi uhlMUsa rculd empty the jalH. ? Fbrt Waywa Ntwt.

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