The A. F. J0H380JJ, thejcouhtt, m VOLUMH LL ?.C.J / clin Times ? uwiOH smcimiM iu? iw iH Jtx* *1, LOUTSBUEO SURRENDERS TO INITBD STATES KOBCES l?f 1N( Ilocamcats Fobb4 1b Library at East Car o 11a* Ttaclun (ollwre All Seat T? Tlmr*. The FRANKLIN TISES Is Indebted to Supt . W . R . Mills, otibe Loulaburg Graded Scboo Is, who Is now assist ing with tie condnct ot the Summer School at the Scat Carolina TeacMtra College, tor the following documents relating to Loulsbarg at the cloae of the Ct*J4 War, which he found In the UtWrj aft that Jactitation. There may be (ome of our people who will remetoher this correspondence, but to the will be wntatlliBg new -nd interesting: Ixmisburg, N. C. W>i . ' April IB, 1865. To The Officer In Command of ~ The U. S. Forces at Raleigh. N. C. Sir: In accordance with a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of the town of Lonlsburg, N. C^, I hereby formally surrender this place to the authorities of the United States, and In behalf of our cltliens desire and request that you. will, be pleased to send us a guard undAr a proper of ficer, to be stationed here, so as to pre serve order and. afford us that protec tion which under existing circumstan ces we feel authorized to claim under lie Constitution and laws of the Unit ed States Should you be good nci ua;h to comply with our wishes in tL.- . espect, you may be well assured ot v ~v united cooperation. Messrs. J, fcj.ler and Dr. E. Malone are de puted as the bearera of this communi cation . Most obediently yours, W. H. PLEASANTS, Mayor of Loutsburg. Gen. Sherman's reply rollows: lidqi ts. Military Dir. of the MIbs. *\ In the Field. Raleigh, N. C. \ April 15, 1865. A R Pleasants, . , v Mayor g^^Mjatrarg. -? Dear Sir: f Your communication of this date is received. It is not my present inten tion to more any part of this army through Louisburg, and I do not think you will be molested in any manner; nor can I send a small detachment because it would be exposed to dan ger from Hampton's cavalry. But I think I can promise you that events are in progress that will soon give peace to all the good people of North Carolina. Mr. William A. Graham, of Hillsborough, has gone to Governor Vance to assure him that he has my full promise of assistance and protec tion if he will return atjd maintain good order in the State. I am also now in correspondence with General Johnston, which I hope will result in an universal peace. The gentlemen who bear this letter can explain many .things that will, 1 hope, tend to allay any fears occasioned by the falsehoods circulated by the rebel cavalry, ^^aijudth respect, your obedient r W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General. U. S. Army. y. W. A. MEETING The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the L served. The following were present: Mrs. J. O. Newell, Mrs. F. B. Leonard, Mrs. Hilton. Mrs. J. 8. Howell. Mrs. L>. L. Whitaker; Misses Iantha Pitt man, Emma Bartholomew. May Coop er, Virginia Perry and visitor*. Misses Elizabeth Clifton. Hleanor Turner, Mollle Strickland and Mrs. B. C. Al 'lera. ' , SAI'IRO HAYS CO-OPS. KEEP PKOFIT8 HOKE In California we have associations which started oat with a few faithful J men . Now ?2 per cent of the raisins. 90 pes cent of the prunes, 97 per cent of all th<\ various produce in oeotral California Is marketed through one central office In Fresno. Oar grow ers swear by Cooperative Marketing. I would like for those men who hlYe been handing out circulars (against cooperative marketing) to hand them out In any California town. It Is not the grower* ? It is the merchants and the bankers who would drive then out. because this movement has made everybody In the rural districts pros perous, It Mipl Ihs profits at home, where t*ey **re raised, with the farmers and the local merchant* and the local bUten.? Atfpn Saptro, >0 TROUBLE |H jorth cuouu la Reply ii? U Hardlm*** Trtapia li?iwMr O^HtM Wtet Br C*Mh rs To B? Daly Of accord ? 1th the Government's position in at-. temptHt to adjust - labor disputes. anyhow. The GoterDor UkM no plauire in disagreement, bat be treats at some length points of difference and out. Hoes what he csynlw to be the duty of the Government is all industrial premises. ? The telegram of the Governor to the President follows: "His Etcell#nCy Warren G Hardlnp. President of the United States, Washington, D - C . : "Your wire of yesterday received last night. There is very little min ing In this State, and so tar as I know there are no strike trooMes in this in dustry. It would be a vain thing for me to invite coal miners to return to work In this State, bat I would not do so anyway. I am truly sorry that a judgment long, (prmed ud repeatedly e.'.pressed heretofore in my State pre vents my agreeing with your position as set forth in your telegram. I deem the whole policy of Nstlnasl and State Governments trying to adjust lebor disputes unwise. It always forfeits the confidence of the side to such a controversy finally decided against by the Government and treates suspicion of the Impartiality ijf Its exercise of police power. I be Ave the full duty of the Government and the part of wisdom is to uphold the law with fear less impartiality and permit parties in industrial disputes to fight the eco nomic battle to a finish. Your posi tion is practically to use the power of the Government against the strikers and in the enforcement of police reg ulations and tbe upholding of the law the strikers will naturally have little confidence in the impartiality or fair ness of soldiers or other agencies of force directed by a Government which has taken a decided stand against them, however good the reasons for such a stand may be. I will elatXK rate my views In a tetter mailed to^ day, which I earnestly hope you will do me the honor to read. There will be no trouble in North Carolina in up. holding the law in this or any other controversy. I am qnite sure I will not need Federal forces to aid me in the position I have taken of non -in* terference with either side in such controversies except to uphold the law and keep the peace and protect every would-be worker, union or non-union, from menace, insult, and violence . In this position I have the united support of practically the entire citizenship of the State. I deeply sympathise with the preat burden of resi? the living room wl-cre Fre. J. M AHen ecedwcted them to the recetv a* In the receiving Una ? D. T. Smithwlck. R. W. S P. B. McKipne aad A. W. As tka guests 1 Ing roAm Into tk were greeted by wick and Ruth Ulan J. A. Hodgee and I. Here tfcary ware serm cream and mints tf Ashley aad Bta Qrtn Perhaps the am Is a shell allocked from shelling oat. Otlliwv (mt * imtiim. hn fimt fci tat him mrmnrj vUl live l*.Uts ! ' in character and worth A tke MrtW terms.? w to We gladly give space for tke pabli cation of the following letter to the Sans of Confederate Veterans of Frank Un County and commend most heartilt the idea suggested that they Met uj perfect an organisation and tkrongh their efforts ""'itifi tke Memory of their valor and bravery. Read the call, catch the Inspiration and Ms have a real live organisation with a fall membership. Lonistarg. X. C ? J"?T ?. mi. To The Sons of the Coafedencv of FraakBa Oi? I j . Dear Boys: We had a good time at tke Rraioa at Richmond and I wish more of yoa could have been wttk a. We sf tke Sooth loved the Confederacy and tkere ore a great many things rnnnc ill | with It that we wish to he ramsmhervd >im aUve the Thei brav t? *er Warren Ctasty (? la behalf of all I want to lliiat grandsons of both' Ton we are proad at ywa ?. ?ens record yon ?i II In the W?u War. Yon were virWshli chips of he aid Riaeka. God Mee Aa I aaderatand it a keen passed hy tke D. C. V. Hon thai all aona of Veterans <8. C. V.) who are treated aa Vets of a Confederate the itk day at I l.l I. IkM mm* nr."*' ise a Co Of 8. C. . T.-n. aay at nn*tMk. t e F. ?. ALSTON SttTI CAMUHi WTWI 8?OW. irs wifiHint ks*% KOCUT19S k. *?ieigh. July U. !?????(? meat ?C U? approval of Ike affUctUoa of North CkfoUu Cotton Grower*' IMkuuoi for a ku of ten miLMoa Mhn to Iiuk eke atilt market - *?*? by tte "IT ii rhaei i Corpora ^nnomctBiMt ?n made tol kDwiac a visit to VMkiigtM by a Mcr^wa from tk( North Carolina ??III ii lion. which ?aa hradrd by W. H Austin. of Smithfteld. |iwMi at of tka'Asjodatlx; who waa KMf n. M kj Dr. B. W Kilgore. dlicckm of tk? North Carolina Agrictkaral Ex ttWk* Service. aii >!!?? Coofms ?? l>ee D. TTrit in?. a director in M* Association, of Wadeabcro . A. Wilton Mrl^aa. of I uaikerfxtn a farmer member of tbe War Ftaanca MfunUui. who recently i Ltii md af tar rendering distinguished amice. Mt?mM the Tkr Heels to Wash tagton and aided la pnaeattif the cWas of tbe North Carotfhn farmers . Ike War Finance Corporation will ?lit advances on the coltoa of the njf* members of the association up to Ifty per cent of its value through locai banka. which will provide tor Cm remainder of the advance an (he totto-j It is not expected that it will require all of the ten million dol lars. ts local banks will be in a posi tion to take -care of a large part of the loins needed to finance the orderly kUlc of this years crop. The North Carolina Munriatinn is pnllii i. on a sign-up campaign for the Krst two weeks in Anguat. which ia expected to result in bringing the to tal cumber of bales of cotton repre sented in the Association np to CM, t#* haj?-s. The As |lll6rtir.F plans f j] ton of its mem! - r* plauon is rapidly -in filing the oot i an orderly way this fall. 1 WOIi >y iPPLU. The lollowing Appeal by a woman I for Co^pentiT* iUrketin^ was taken' from the Tri-Sjfcte Tobacco Grower I and jicturea a condition prevalent In all Tobacco growing^. sections . Our: won- -n should read it and join hards witfc this lady in trying to better these CMdTions: | yt: Editor:? A woman's appeal has' alwi. s a fjenertws consideration from ',the jeo of Xftnh Carolina. So 1 am \ not v-nly appealing to the men, bet to woman in the state. I I will first explain my position-. - I aa a wife -of a tobacco-grower. We hare been growing tobacco for years and making crops . I think afcore aver age crops. We own our little farm;) do not hare to pay rent. We hare <^T-?d economically; have used no h^red ** tx>r in our crop : did all the work c ^setres; worked in the crop rain or ? shlMto^^rfy and late, and now haxe no : our children to a high-' e- education - " 1 Now statins my position and condi tion : We lire some distance from the tobacco markets. Manipulation of prioea for years was worked so that if ' *?? did not sell oar crop before Thanks nr each year we would have tc like less for our crops. So every fat xser in Eastern Carolina would rush his tobacco on the market, and in this ?'crowded condition the farmers were forced to stay one. two or three days f.? sell one load of tobacco Farmers xx* having the money to so to a hotel or nice board in* place were forced tc eat in cheap places and camp in th6 d tbe| of Ualikart Fire Pipart of frieada at a I f candidal* elect for SoMrt- 1 tor. J. O toll sad Fred W. (tablet. of the *Te depart aeat | vote of t banks to Mr. to mm goes a* bill. VK. J. V ?ASUS DEAD Ead law At HI. H?f I. F.arly Friday Iwilij-FniHy All rre? rat liUimai *a4e at Cenetery. Mr. John Sevau Harris, one of the State's boat tobacco warehouse men aad one of Pr an kits Ooanty's most honorable snd substantial citlsens died at his home at Bona la the midst of his family on Friday morning about 3 o'clock. Mr. Harris leave* s wife e bo before her marriage was Miss Re becca Wheleaa. and three daughters. Mr*. H.. B. Burleson, of Newiand, Mrs. W. M. Freeman aad Mrs. W. C. StalUnga, of Franklin County, and six son. Messrs. R. V. Harris. G. C. Harris. Edward Harris aae Board of Education for several years . He passed the greater part of his life on his farm near Rock Springs, but in his later years he moved to Bunn where in recognition of his public spir it and his keen business ability he | was placed on the Board of Town Com. ' missioners by the voters of that place. I xne deceased was a faithful and consistent member of Rock Springs j tfapiic: church and was a devoted hus j band and father and a kind and con j siderotic nei*4|k)r. Not uniike other men. he possessed his faults or pe- 1 culiarities. but the man that he was and the sense ol right and justice 1m possesses. caused him to recognize and rise above them. So from the life tha*~has gone from them'ttttCMI^ Idren and neighbors may take an in spiration and go,, forth to lire as he lived. so that when the summons 1 comes you mav sav as he did "All is I Well.** The funeral services were h*ld from. : iihe be vie on Saturday afternoon and were conducted- by '-'Rev. Mack Stamps, who took occasion to speak in the . Lighest of terms ,of the deceased. I pointing ouT'tttfc teaAK,_^rtues_, LhaL^ others could well .emulate.-- The in terment was made at the Bunn Cem etery in the presence of a large num- j ber. many from a distance, who hati j gathered to pay a last tribute. The j pallbearers were tfessr<7""P. B. Grif- ; fin. F W. Wheless, Luther Baker. J. j H. Weathers. M. C. Wilder. B. M. C Mullen. The floral tribute mas profuse and i beautiful expressing a love and es- ! teem far beyond the power of words. | Special music was provided at both ? services. i In the death of Mr. Harris Franklin j County loses one of its best citizens and ail join in extending the deepest j sympathy to the members of tW fam i ify in this hour of their sad bereave- j tnent . 1 I> MEMORY OF US. C. D. HA? WOOD. The death an*les visited the home . of Mr. Charlie Hagwood on July 1# i 1922. and took from ta too, his dearly be- , toTed wife. She had bm sick for. two months, she nt a member of f lat Rock Baitbt ckorrb. She was ! always wlUaf to do all she could to j help with (h* work of the church. Ska was t W rtj eijcht years of ?*?. so >owa? to l?af this world but Ood does all thiags well tor them that lore him. She leares behind a has turf. tw? children. four brothers. Mr. T. W. Coot*. Mr. I. D. Cooke. Mr. C- M Oaafea. Mr. I. D. Cooke and three atstera. Mr*. K. . D. Williams. I Mra. Thonaaa Hnlmaa. Mra J. H. Haywood . So wee? not dear hue | tarn* tat try by the Power of God to ?M bee again where there la no part- I We should not iffp tor har for wa kaav Is la Hmthi tvtitim to ?M kw k>T? nm there. Sb? learee ? tot of nlaUTM aad Miafc to oaourn (Mr loss. Rn Cterll* Ho*ir i aatlfal nn|< wn* snng One spec -a I tnn( was Kane by Mr. and Ifn. Will Newton and Mra. Oak Williams j "TV- sonic was iHom Holds all to, ?a." Then the pall bearers carried 1 bar to tbe new made |r*n. followed I W a larjrc crowd o t Sunday school I people Tbe Sunday school (irli car rtod the many flowers that had bean sat by ber frleada. She was ten dsrtr laid to reat beneath a mound of beautiful flowers. SIKTirfS AT METHODIST CII'MI semi Pastor O. F Salth. who la on a m caUoa trip at Beaufort, writes Ik* TtXES reqaestiac as to mmmw rs? alar aarrirea at the Methodist Chareh aaxt Saaday. both lanrdtog Md 1%M. to which all ?re InTtte*. AMONG THE VIST10B8 so** ror now m son toc do HOT KXOW. ParMaaJ It?, Ak??t F?Iks TWlr rrMi Wh. Trar?< Miss"~W4paie Cutreil. of Darham. la visiting Mrs. H. H. Hilton. Miu Willie Cansler. of Durham, la visiting Mrs. H. H. Hilton. Mr. W. M. Person returned tha past w?k from WrightsviHe. *_ Mr, E- H. Maloofi returned Wed nesday from Columbia. 9r C. Mr. Lather Ptttman. of BaXUmor^ If visiting his mother this weak. Miss Sallie Ferguson. of Slier City, is visiting Miss Mary Wilaon, of near Lou (shur*. Mrs. E. F. Thomas left to rislt friends in High Point Lexington. ?? ?? Mr. J. M. Alien and son, Webb Lot. were visitors to Baltimore and Wash ington last week. Mrs. Waverly Webl) and son. Frank, of Blackstone. Va.. are visiting at Mr. W. W. Webb's. Supt. E C. Perry is amending a conference of Welfare Workers at | Chapel Hill this week. * Messrs. J. E. and E. F. Thomas and Master Charlie Ford w'^re visitor* to Washington City the past week. Miss Lacy Young came home from ti*e Summer School ai Raleigh and spent the week-end with her parents. Mr W. E. White left Wednesday for High Point. Greensboro, Wlnstom Saiem and other western cities ost business* N Misses Adelaide. Elizabeth apd 3a dfes Johnson left Tuesday for a visit to re la tires at Rocky Mount, Ay den and Greene County. The friends ol Mr^. W. B. Cooks will be glad to know that she is doing nicely after an operation at St. Mary's Hospital. Rocky Mount* Sir. and Mrs. W.,.X. 'Fuller and children left Tuesday, via automobile for a visit 10 ais~brother, Mr. -Perry Fuller at Baltimore. Md. Misses Florence and Kathleen Sil jcer? ..who have been visiting their aunt Miss Mary Spencer, returned tc their home at Greensboro Sunday. Mrs. P. L. Goolsby and Miss Clara Goo Is by. who have been visiting their sister. Mrs. L. C-. Leach, have re turned to their home in High Point. Miss Neppie Wilson and Mr. Gordon Cxzell returned the past week from Lake view, where they attended a camp ing party given by Miss Elizabeth Jackson, of Apex They were ac companied by Mrs. E. L. Best, who chaperoned the party. OLD BAT LINE STEALERS AT NOR FOLK HILL HOLD I OR COS .NECrtW* rsoi SEABOARD air li> e railway TRAIT* Norfolk. Va.. July 1?. ? Air Line Railway announce* that ef fective Monday. July 10th. tlmr w ? tablished tog service from Lbahr Porti month Passenger Station to (to "QM Bay Ljn^r steamer. foot of Htih Norfolk, daily except Sundaj^W 91 ly handle passengers aad f riving Portsmouth on 3e* No. IS due at ?:?? P. X. The Bay Line rteamer for * is dn? to leave NorfOik at (:N P. bat when the Seaboard train they will hold until S:45 P. M. The above stem tt| 1 Quick aad manlM I will bo doubt anaa a large ? ? in travel via this route, which baa so many years been so pope Agent Joyner of the local bee advises that he has re injc tickets to Baltimore North v*a this route SPECIAL DEMOWUUTY+X | Mrs J. K. Plummer. Ho stration A??t. Vance I ptirt? a Demonstration in ^ . fermented jniffi, pastes and Jaltjr tn Itho office of the Board of ErflOttiM, Friday. Jaly ?. twfflaataic a 1*:M promptly. Mrs. PIimw k t most ?ystMutle koaaewtf*. mil trataad In 1-om? wnawlM ud om of tk* bnt J^lly maker* ta tk* BUt< Tktotat onutrill? wilt tadra tk* . ?noMInc of tk* Omnty Council I M all " to Utra4. Wk*n a Ban heart akout a kaakud k* cu t b?lp bat tkat a mod -4 is a snail Imltattoa at tk? ml Ik hi*. _ A an* cm* ? loo* way. k?t It al nays comn is so^^r i Th? in tariff was timiart at oeald Imp It doi *