I HATE A GOOD LOOKING TROTTING ?% " ' * - . HORSE. YOUNG. SOUND AND LADY - BROKE TO TRADE FOE HEAVY WORK - MULE OE HORSE. THE HOESE HOT ONLY LOOKS GOOD BUT CAN PULL A BUGGY AS FAST AS YOU WANT TO RIDE. \ E. S. FORD NOTICE TOWN TAX PATK8S! ??M M taler tku October 1_ 1*?X_ or tte pinpLHj stall be soU. Mb carried. Tta the 11 tk in of Mr. I?. 7* Above or 4er baTiag *?? ??'l- I ?? bsmtud ta carry * ? 1 ^b?H *>?r4ow* nil Wt MMt A- TT. ALSTON, Clerk. ri?EU> BS. * H11TT m u?$ m csriuri Tnti THE F8AXKLK TIKES W? Pw Tor ta YEARLY LOSSES t CAUSED BY RATS I? P. .HICKS VIAIHII OODBTY F*r? OPPORTUNITIES rIE I'ait: -I S'4Va ?CVm . vi:.w ilout K? aril W?ct?r *v?;.;>Iy of herd tu>>. ? > rrO luispti^bl; Yet. har?! coil wis mm?d Iter m Jy years ?a FviusyNu.ji b.-turr any oor ktt*- (oil ii muM .urc Anthracite in those ds.A -vus callcd b!jw " !t wis used ctui-fly lor peviag ? . i- Htsy ra tSSfcnf tulsrn stagecoach rallied over ? .s.rvick ol enshoi be tweer. strct-ctu-s of plank rc or the? "Ctal.w??y " A b^ksmiib iliscow them. In 1867 the cbrtdreo of a Dutch farmer, while, playing in the gravel ol iisc Orange HmT. Sooth Africa, picked up some pretty pebbles. Their father, ksviog an eye to beauty, put the pebbk-s on the silUn3-roo.11 mantel. _ j [? Months *\-nt bv. A traveling evangelist " slopped at the' farmhuuse fo- ? ?irinlt. t> noticed the pebbles, drew therp s-:ratcli'nr!> norms m ***&>? pane, and announced^ "They're " ~ n . vTbii ?U1til the famous Kimberiey diamond mines. There arc thousands of similar cases. -Opportunity docs not always rnme in the discovery of rfofci. diamonds or oilier wealth in Ihe ground. Bat this prin cvpla b universal ? that opportunities exist everywhere, that ; ? * the average peraoa there are as many opportunities right 1 her* at hoove as far ?f oe the other side of the hills. j ? Mart opportunities are not found, they are made I ' I Young man. fortune is at boxne. , 1 U| 9H BALL" h Um IiM ta to aAUd to 11m Ubi of Mitonil ?porta v 1? ? !? P^qr'i t Itni ? Wm? balL Um hdc* Vliu HgVini 1 # ?r ft* ike air The ????? ? dui In c4l)ftlMalc? at BngbtM Bt>cn ?t Y who tnv?t?l lb* ?Oor? w shown m the picture hard at it. tt*t wh^n th? slow *"*. ?? oxxqattoM Mil tor cash that km all their n? ??*. Th?ti why tta) J*" ^ ^ Ulf : I have succeeded in contracting for a fall sup ply of Raleigh Ice and am in position to supply yon at all times. This Ice is made from the very best wat;er in a sanatary manner, well frozen and is as ?pure as can be made. Phone your orders to No. 89 for prompt servkw. A t 7 S/ WIGGS NASH S\REET LOUISBURG, N. C. SILVER AND GLASSWARE FOR TfiEURIDE No gift is more appreciated by the bride than silver and glassware ? A Housekeeping Necessity ? An Appropriate Gift Whether in sets or single pieoes, we have an unusually attractive stock of silver goods, both Sterling and plate. Best Quality at Lowest Prices L. W. Parrish -r JEWELER LOUXSBTJXG, North Carolina TO MY!FR1ENPS AND Customelrs i Am getting in new SHOES now. Come in and look thun over before -ypu buy. Have got seme on hand I am going to sell at lefi^ban I give for them. Yon might find something in these to snit you. Also have a good line of men's work clothes at a bargain. Rcmtmber I cany a lull line of groceriea and feedstuff at all times. Come to see me when in town, am always glad to see you whether you buy or not. Yours for business, J.-W. PERRY NASH STREET , LOUISBUBG, H 0. WHY WAIT TILL TM LAS* BAY to 8im? tii oin nr m am Amnuiiun nu m ad *f* ?m ymadkirt. ^-S$&SS?a \ R. F. Fuller R. F. FULLER *. 0. _ TiCmaMHtOMOv