BX.XKKK ID CBOW e?H8 CAKTA!?* W? Imi Hwlla; at Fr*illlil?i Starts r?(tH 8%i Of Drive., PriiDkllntobr> July 17. ? Business stopped here this afternoon while the whole town and all the country round turned out to hear Banker E. B. Crow of Raleigh, apeak on cooperative mar keting of cbtton and tobaocb. Tbjs was the opening mass meeting In the sign-up drive of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Cooperative- Associa tion, which will continue throughout the cotton belt ot the State (on the next two weeks. Five hundred men aad women gath ered In a cotton warehouse and gave earnest attention to the Raleigh bank er s exposition ot cooperation from a scriptural and financial viewpoint . TomoiroT^l the bualneaa booses into the country to finish the sign up in this section. The Frankllnton bus iuess men are standing one hundred per cent strong behind the movement and the majority ot the cotton and to bacco growers have already signed contracts. Banker Ed Crow, wbose reputation as a Bible teacher la State-wWe. ex-1 pounded scripture this afternoon with the Bame earnestness that he teaches a Sunday School on Sunday mornings, and talked finances with the same common sense that he does to Raleigh i.usiness men every day. He aroused ii s ;>.udlence to a high pttch of enthus ?-.i and wound up with an earnest . all to Join In a movement t :iliflk to take women and little c.,.. u dv of the cotton fields ot the Pu.l tg a ystament from his pocket .vr. Crow read from the twelfth obap ter of First (Jorinihians, stating that in studying Vtie great cooperative movement, hewought scripture light and had found abundant evidence that ii is in accord with the Bible. "And wlietheAVne member shall sutler, all the mypbers suffer with it or one member M honored all the members rejoice with it," said St. Paul. "No banker or merchant or manufacturer has a right to say that because J am not a farmer I have no interest in the farmer^ declared Mr. Crow. "Nor has the farmerette right to say that he' has no interest In the banker or merchant," he added. He dot A Vision It was la edMMrjwr ago that banker Crow first got the vision ot the b?iefiis ot cooperation. He told o. the thorough going investigation he made and how he had become con vinced ot the absolute soundness ot the cooperative principle. An outworn system ot selling and of financing sales of cotton should give way to one that is in accord with the spirit of the times, Mr.' Crow con tinued! Just as the horse and buggy has given way to the automobile and the airplane. He had great respect for the past, but realized that the peo*. l>le with no vision will perish. He had a vision ot a greater State and he wanted all the people to get behind the cooperative movement and put it across to the end that the means ot making the southland blossom as the rose may be realised. it is a sound financial proposition, he declared, and he could see no rea son why any farmer should not sign the contract. The goTCramen,t is . backing it with loans running into millions and if the government can support why peed others hesitate, he asked. . . ' Homer H. B. Mask, manager of the field service department of the C XX ton Association, followed Mr. Crow aad explained that cooperative marketing of cotton Is a reality in North Caro lina. It la a dream ? true, a hope realised and a tact that must be reck oned with, he declared. Ho pat It in squarely to all growera who had Joined to come la had aha re ai^alp In tta success. ' C. L.. McOhee. preside^T of the FraakUntoa Merchants' aA Business Men's club, presided pC the meting and reported that Wtm nkllnton was (.landtag solid to/ the miupwalNii bankers would 2nd I? the ootlon SrrtATOB PCBSOK Tl8mn? B1U W. M. Person who In the Interest of the- Kentucky Solvay Co.. la located In Aahland with hie charming family for a tew months Is enjoying a visit from his brother. Senator W. M. Person of Loulsburg. N. C.. who Is a distinguish ed lawyer and politician of the South ern State. Senator Person Is enronte to California. He will Join In Chica go. a party of 260 lawyers who will enjoy. In the western state, a meeting oLthe American Bar Association. ? Aahland. (Ky.) Independent. The following letter was received from Mt Person which will be of In terest to his many friends: "I found soon after arriving hire, which is In Boyd County, the corner county In Kentucky that no tobacco was raised in this county at all and the farmers knew nothing about Co operative Marketing Associations. That the head and center of it In Ken tucky Is at Lexington. 125 miles from here. The strike has not affected the yaiwewgwba a'ss here and In Trenton, across the Ohio river, are closed down. The Ken tucky Solvay Company, where my brother is employed, consumes 2000 tons per day and has only a tew days supply on hand. I leave this after noon tor Chicago, for the Special train tomorrow for Frisco and the sights of the great West. Will write you en route." BATTEBT B TO KNCAHP Members of Battery B aire-tot?ntr&ln for Camp Bragg. Fayetteville, N. C. Monday morning, August 7 . The boys are to assemble Sunday afternoon on the Court House Square at 6 o'clock. The ladles of Loulsburg will serre supper for them at six. Rev. O. P. Smith of the Methodist church. Rev. J, A. Mclver, of the Baptist church, and Dr. Hartley the Episcopal rector are invited to take supper with the company and will ex tend to the members oordial invita tions to attend the evening services at their respective churches. The committee in charge of these ar rangements consists of Mesd&mes J. W. Mann, H. C. Taylor, J. M. Allen, P. B. Griffin. S. A. NoweH, G. A. Ricks and R. C. Beck. f The soldier boys will sleep In tents on the Court Square Sunday night and will take the train for Fayetteville Monday morning. Hot coffee and sandwiches will be provided for their breakfast. MBS. W. I>. EtiERTON ENTERTAINS Mrs. W. D. Egerton entertained Friday afternoon, July 28, in honor of Miss Banghart of Augusta, Oa., guest of Miss Dorcaa McKinne. "> The decorations were of pink crepe myrtle. Bridge and Rook were play ed. After the games a salad course with punch was served. Those present were Misses Josephine Banghart, Dorcas McKinne, Mary Tur ner, Mildred Scott, Mary Eium Burt, Alice an* Jessie T. Harris, Sallie Taylor, Lonle and Susie Meadows. Maude Ashley, Katherine Pleasants, Eleanor Yarbo rough, Mesd&mes Clar ence Myrick and Robt. Smith wick. ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM The ordinance of Baptism was ad ministered by Rev. J. A. Mclver Sun day night to four young converts Misses Esther and Essie Ayscue and Messrs. Sam Wilder and A. H. Flem ing, Jr. There are three others who have been received Into the church as candidates who will be baptised at a later date. N It la the doctrine of the pastor, which he is putting into practice, that only the growing church is a live church, and that every service should be a revival service, potentially at least. JMf. V. d.Tollinn hoes to dc?. HAM Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Collins with Fred and IAlllan, paid a farewell vis it to Loolv&rg friend* last Thursday before leaving for Durham. Mr. Col lins has accepted a call from the Tem ple Baptist church of that city, a church with a membership of more than a thousand members. His for mer confiscation and other friends here recret that he to gotof too tar away for the frequent visits which he paid to Loalsburg while la Wake Por 8ANDT CREEK ITKIfS Guess everybody thinks that we are dead but Jost to prove that we are still alive, we will send just a short items. Wish everybody could have been at the ball game Saturday. 9andy Creek Played White Level and won 17 to 6. Miss Eula Gupton spent last week at Wake Frest with her cousin. Miss Delay Harper. Mr. Willis Gupton, Mr. Jim Hamlet and Misses Lets Williams, Temple Bnrnette motored over to Wske Forest Sunday. Everybody oomo to Sandy Creek' Sunday. Dimples. DRIJGHTHX BARBECUE Mrs. C. A. Ragland gave a mfift \ delightful Barbecue Picnic at Lovers Leap Monday afternoon at ? o'clock to I tier Mends and visiting relatives. TO COTTON GROW ERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, Every Cotton Grower in Franklin County, who can possibly make bis arrangements to do ao, is requested to meet at the Court HflBSfl in Louisburg, at 12 o'clock Monday, August 7th, ? first Monday. Mr. H. JLJ. Mask, Manager of the Field Department, of the N. CI Cotton Grow era Association will bo present, and has a very important message for *9U MUSICAL AT CBDAB BOCK Prof. T. H. Sledge of Cedar Rock, Sirea notice that a musical program, will be siren in their school auditor ium, by local talent, on Saturday JOgfet Aug. 5. Admission free. Refresh ments will be Bold, the proceeds of which will be given to the base ball team. ^1 j SERVICES AT ST, PAUL'S CHUBCjt Rer. John Hartley, D. D., will preach at St. Paul's Church next Sun day in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the erening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to at-i tend. ;-'*2 Morning prayer and sermon and ad? ministration of the Holy Communion in the morning and Erening prayer and sermon in the erening services. ' /= o * ?. W. A. MREWft s The Young Woman's Auxiliary oi the Louiaburg Baptist Church met jwitli Mrs. J. A. Mclver, Tuesday rilght, July- twenty-lfth'. The roll was called end the oanutes of the pre vious meeting read ?intl approved, af ter which the following program was rendered : Hymn? O. Zion Haste. Prayer by Mrs. J. A. Mclrer. Scripture Lesson, Matt. 6 ? by Mrs. J. O. Newell. Reading, "Hinderanees to Prayer ? by Mrs. J. O. Newell. Hymn ? Help Somebody Today. Address. "Making a Home in the New Land" ? by Mrs. Wingate Under bill . Solo, :'Pass It On" ? by Mrs. Mclrer. Closing Prayer ? by Mrs. Newell. After the adjournment of the meet ing a delicious Ice course was served. The following were present: Mrs. J. O. Newell. Mrs. J. A. Mclrer. MIbsss Virginia Perry, Lucy Baker, Km m a Bartholomew, Beulah Cooper. Iantha Pittman, Nannie Hall Hale, Nellie Cyrus, Bessie Hale, Nena Cy rus, Mrs. H. A. Kearney, Mrs. P. B. Leonard. Misses Pauline Smith, Es ther Andrews, Victoria Adcock, and visitors Miss Hayes and Mrs. Win gate Underhill. FUNERAL K. P. HILL, JR. The funeral services over the re mains of K. P. Hill, Jr., who died in a hospital in St. Louis. Mo., were held at the grare in Oeklawn Ceme tery on Moaday afternoon. Rev .. Q . P. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church conducting the servlcea, after whlch.the Interment w as made and the grare covered with beautiful flow, era, gifts from loving friends and relatives. The pall bearers were Messrs. F. H. Allen, Malcolm Mc Kinne. ft. 8. Clifton, B. B. Perry, Q. C. Karris. O. Y. Yarboro. The deceased was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hill, formerly of this County, bat now of Rfcleigh, snd was 24 years old. The many friends of the family extend the deep est sympathy. WATER REPORT j The following la a report on the condition of the City Water fqr Loul? burg: Received ? 7-21-22. . Reported? 1 -24-22 . Sediment ? 0. Color ? Plattnum-oobalt standard ? v.sl. Turbidity ? Silica standard ? 0. Odor, cold? 0. Odor, hot ? 0. Alkalinity (In terms of Calcium car bonate!? 41.5. Cokft bacilli In 1 c.c.? 0. Colon bacilli In 1* c.o. ? 0. Total number of bacteria at 88d C. per c.c. ? 600. Total number ofacld-produclng bac teria ? 0. J. W. K. Director. A CHHT OF SAlAJt* F1 for a livelihood. Is that he Is lldent of the North Carolina Cotton wera Co-operative Association, oh has recently been organised in Btato. ? That part of his life, or to still, that part of his work, re f|* to be seen. It will, of conrse, ft a success, for he attaluad ? a nation early In his career as a man i gets results. He has never en-] It upon anything wU&l aa much In Mt as he has this newly organized lanrlouT'tc^gef Into . '-^= rw men have done what W. H. tin has for the town In which they He has built up the. local cotton et until It hasjmayno ens ot the the cotton belt. There la ig else about Willis Austin any m?n lack and th*t Is that more pep and enthusiasm than three men In the city. Hie has pride and is a tireless worker e building of the town and coun ts what caused the bring >rth of tills article. not an easy matter to gain ac the office of W. H. Austin un is to discuss farming or prob that nature. Jt you Want to corn or toTxicao, then he to and waiting to talk to any or blaok. That never difference with this man. A nsmor that the cotton association is paying you the " salary of $60,090 year is also another rumor that is just )15,000, but what the people of this county knovr it," we told him in open interrlew. at his desk as though he had eard a word, Mr. Austin mov and reached for an adver which he had on tits desk. 1, "I have been here this studying over this paper," back to us . ? 'It was one ot the newspapers and has caused me to eratlon and I am to atsvwer JUst asked me. ' First, j do not draw one penny from the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Association. I have already spent ever $1,000 of my own money on trips (or the association and what Is more I have just made arrangements with my banker to finance the clerical forces on my own credit. That is ho* much I think of the organization. "I know that there" has been a great deal of Just such propoganda put out about me in regard to high salary, but I know well who Is spreading these reports and so do you. I want the people to decide which ot us to I believe in a matter ot this kind. I cm working for the mnsses ot the far | mers and these people who are put tins out this pro^ogaiida are working I for themselves." a. A. HE ETIJIG The Girls Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. John Howell, Monday at 3:00 P. M., July 31, 1922. The roll was called fcnd the minutes of the last meeting read and approved, after which the following program wag rendered. Hymn ? "O Zlon Haste." Prayer ? by Mrs. John Howell. Watchword? Dan . 12:3. Bible Study? Zech. 9:9-17. by Ethel Bartholomew. Roll call and minutes ? by Sec. Wil lie Mae Place. , - ! Subject ? Making a Home in the New Land. The Long, Long Trail of the Immi grant ? by Nannie Perry. What can one Person Do? ? Marion Gardner. Paper on Immigration ? Louise Gard ner. - Paper on Immigration ? Doxa Up church. Special Music- -by Louise Cooper. Personal Service Report ? by Jose phine Aahley. Hymn ? America. Dismissed with Sentence Prayers. The following prr? "lit: Josephine Ashley, Jatmtta fiunu, Ethel Bartholo mew, Louise Cooper, Mtlliie Mae Place, Elsie Bttdson, Nannie* Perry, Maria Perry, Doia Upchurcb, Bessie Young, | Beulaik Lancaster. Louise Gardner, Marion Gardner, Evelyn Hatton, Eu- i genla Perry. '? o A CORRECTION Attention Is called to the error ap pearing In F. A. Roth Co. advertise ment last week, wherein it was stated ? that 8tt!ta that formerly sold for 19 50 to 126.60 had been reduced to $9.95. The figures should have read $19.50 to (2C.S0. This progressive establish ment, as will be seen from its adver tisement In another column, Is offer ing some big bargains that you will do well to see before making your purotttffcea. People who sit In the fro..t row at church are seldom the ones who need the sermon most. among the visitors 80*E YOr KNOW AMD HOME YOU | I>0 MOT K>OW. Personal Item* About Folk* lad Their Friend* Whe Travel H?rf And There. Mr. B. T. Hoi den was a visitor to I Raleigh Tueadarry* Mr. Edward Griffin was a visitor to Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. R. C. Beck and son, Rob, rl*v lted Raleigh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yarborough nsfrwr TtsTBTgh Tuesday. Messrs. W. D. and Dayls Egertou went la Raleigh Monday. Miss Elisabeth Furgurson la vlalt lnr friend^ in High Point. Miss Cora D. Bagley, o( Jackaon, la visiting Mrs. O. M. Beam. Miss Aileen Webb, of Greensboro, Is visiting hef sister, Mrs. J. M. Allen. Mrs. A. W. Alston and Mr. T. C. Alston were visitors to Raleigh Tues day. Mrs'.- Gre&n. of Wilson, Is Waiting her siater, Mrs. Lisles In South Louia burg. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Coppedge, ot Nashville, are visiting relatives In town . Messrs. F. A. Roth. J. B? Timber lake and A. B. Perry visited Norfolk, Sunday. ? Mrs. M. S. Blancbard, of Kansas City, Mo., is the guest of Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro . Mr. and Mrs E. F. Thomas return ed Monday from a visit to friends in High Point. j Sunt. E. C. Perry spent Friday ln ; Raleigh on business with the Welfare ' Department. Mrs. C. M. Hobbs and Augusta and June are visiting In Mt. Olive and Wilmington. Mrs. Loyd Lyles with her daughter, Josephine, is vlsltinng her father, Mr. E. S. Green. ? . ? Josephine Brywt returned I Thursday of last week from a visit to Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McKlnne and Miss Susie Meadows were visitors to Raleigh Monday. Mrs. Julia Scott and daughter. Miss Mildred, left Tuesday for a visit to Wrightsville Beach. Miss Daisy Simpson, of Wilson, ia visiting at the home of Mr. W. C. Holmes; near town. | , Supt. W, R. Mills, who has been teaching in the Greenville summer ^school returned today. Messrs. T. W. Ruffin, C. F. Collier, B. C. Shearin and George Holder went to Raleigh Monday. Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Coppedge and children were guests of Mrs. J. O. Newell during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wagstalf. of Roxboro, were guests ot their sister, Mrs. G. C. Harris this week. Miss Beatrice Turner is back home from Richmond, where she has been working fpr the past few months. Misses Daisy Cooper, of Oxford, and Louise Thlgpen, of Tarboro, are vis iting Miss Mary Wlatt Yarborough. Mrs. Matthew Davis went to Oxford Wednesday to spend several we?*s with her daughter, Mrs. Trey Allen. Misses Nellie Martin and Annie Da vis Crndup, of Wake Forest, spent one day last week with Mrs. R. P. Tay lor. Miss Elisabeth Reavls is attending house party given by one ot her school trieads la Charlotte this week end. Mr. and Mrs. R'. A. Bobbltt re turned this week from a visit to her brother. Mr. T. 8. Wilder, of Aber deen! Little Louise Fleming, of Warren County, Is visiting her unclee Messrs. S. T. and L. J. Pernell, here this week. * Vis. Robert W. Adcock, of Vlrgi lina. Va., has returned home attar a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Leonard. Mrs. W. D. Egerton has gone to j Mohtreat to^ spend some time with relatives who have taken a summer | cottage there. Mrs. T. W. Ruffin and little daugh ter, Mary Leona. have returned from | a visit to relatives In the western! part of the state. Miss Columbia Crudup, who has been j spending some time with her sister, | Mrs. R. P. Taylor, left Wednesday] tor New York City. Mrs. S. T. Freeman and daughter, I I-oulse, of Windsor, and Miss Virginia | sies a ririTiojf /r.,. FAYORlW tO-OrS We. th?*aadaralgne ^ .i Mrs. F. A. Roth and little ter, Dorothy, are 1 visiting friends 1 relatives at Baltimore, Atlantic -Citjr and New York. WMle away Roth Will purchase the tall out Wtstsr lines of ladies wear for F. A. RMfc Co. Misses Emmy Lou Washington, at Laurens, S. C. . Lillian Cunniwtnaai, of Sanford, Sadie Hoicomb, of ville, 8. C., and Harriet Mayor, a* Newberry. S. C. . are guests ot MM# Mattie Allen in a house patty tltl* week." ' >? ' ; . ? Mrs. R. W. Adcock and Mrs. Hugh N P. Brawner, of Washington, D. flu Mr). W. H. Puryear and daughter, ot Alexandria. Va. . and Mr. Jamas W. , Adcock, of Oxford, visited Mrs. C. K.Ji Rag I and apd Mrs. F. B. LeonnrdjkW week . ^ When you wear a new hat and ??i tier if it is going to rain the answer Is usually "Yes. ? o If you are well bred, you will bay your new straw hat Instead of let ting It In a restaurant. Fashion says women will fringes on the bottom of their drens*. Men are already wearing them Ob their tronser cuffs. The biggest theater In Paris bsraed the other day; bat the have any show. _