T * 1 1 ^ HAVE A GOOD LOOKING TROTTING 7~ HORSE, YOUNG, SOUND AND LADY BROKE TO TRADE FOR HEAVY WORK MULE OR HORSE. THE HORSE NOT * ? ? ONLY LOOKS GOOD BUT CAN PULL A BUGGY AS FAST AS YOU WANT TO " ? iifl i.j E. S. FORD THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11-50 Per T?ar In Unin NOTICE Having qualified a* Executor of the estate of H:\ywood Weat, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice 1* hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or befove the 28th day of Joly, 1923 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to cald eotate will please come forward and make Imme diate settlement- This July 27, 1922. 7-28-6t JOE WE8T. Extr. FBANKLIN INS. * BEALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE 7-21tf A TONIC drove's Tasteless chill Toaic restore* Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to Cbeete ??d haw it improves the appetite, you *dll then appreciate its troe tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify It and IRON to Enrich it. /Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 80c. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1-60 Per Tear In Advance. YEARLY LOSSES CAUSED BY RATS e'. * The estimated damage caused by rats In this country Is three bil lion, seven hundred and fifty million dollars per year. There are fivo-fntg to every human being ? In other words, there are five hundreifmllllon rats and each rat destroys two cents worth of property per day. The ext 'mated loss from rats In the United States alone for one year is more than one-half of the total rre loss In this country and Canada for thirty -eight years. R^ts are not only great destroyers of property; they are carriers of disease and they cause much sickness and many deaths. To rid your place of rats quickly and effectively us Rat Nip. Feed it to them a night or two and your house, barn, stable or whatever It may be will be clea.- of them. They like It and can't resist ft. Rat Nip comes In tubes, it Is cleanly and easy to handle. It can bo w|uees?d out, not coming In contact with your hands. Join the treat campaign tor the extermination of these pests by purchasing a tab* of RAT NIP, which Is ?rw sold by I?. P. HICKS WtAHKLDf COUNTY 7 AIR OCTOBER 3rd-8th CLEAN. Itviwu 1 bmhm J> Your MHfag mittrUkdii I*"* fw hfermittofl oq unr wc pW A* hi. .dv.ce fellow Tk? Ada Portland < Ya?fc Boi H0*b demonstration p DEPARTMENT 1 1 o 0 ? Mesdames J. A. Mitch in er, S. B. Nash, C. C. Pippin and T. H. Dick ens are representing the Franklin County Clubs at the Farm Women'! Convention this week. Craven Count; is sending 70 girls and women to Vtbe Farm Women's Convention in Raleigh this week. This is possible through the coopera tion of the County Superintendent of Craven County who is sending the delegation on bis school trucks. Will Franklin a next door neighbor of Wake do as well? The lollowing report comes from the Bunn Woman's Club: "The Woman's Club met at Mrs. C. C. Pippin's Saturilay; July 22nd for their regular meeting. The president called the meeting to order and.. the secretary read the minutes of foe pre vious meeting and called the roll. The following business was then transacted- We decided to give a play. Mesdames C. C. Pippin, Har riet Williams and B. Mac Mullen were appointed to get up this play and Mrs, J. H. Chomaa to act as publicity committee. The members were each asked to furnish ice cream for the night, about ten gallons being prom ised. The following officers were elected by ballot for the comlag year. Pres ident, Mrs. C. C. Plpplfi, Vice-prssU dent, Mrs. B. C. Johnson, Secretary, Mrs. B. Mac Mullen, Assistant Secre tary, Mrs. W. A. Mullen. We will meet at the homes of the members until school opens. Our next meeting will be held at Mrs. Lee Jontr. August 22. I Delightful refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. Mrs. B. C. Johnson, Pre*. Mrs. W. E. Mullen, Roe. -Treat," The meeting of the County i ? uncil and Advisory Committee which was jan open mee*lnr ior the county Was 'largely attended. Two hundred wo nien anil girls were present. The days r.ogram follows: 14. *0-12:30 ? Jelly. g"S!>e juice and Ir'.ock demonstrations. Mrs. l lummeri vance Co. Agent. Dinner. Reports from the following eluba: MC'Ulton-Hiyes, Justice, Se\ en Paths. White LtfVcl, Loulsburg, Cedar RoeK, PrarKlinton, Pilot, Wilder. Talks as follows: J My Experience with Poultry ? Mr. Pergerson. What I have accomplished with my poultry work ? Thomas wottie. Rug making ? Mrs. D. N. Murphjr. Soap and Chair Bottoming ? lira. D. N. Murphy. How I Improved My Home ? MM Lucy Oreen. 1 The Social Side of the Demonstra tion Work ? Mrs. R. C. Wooldrldge. What the Club Work has Meant to Me? Mrs. Lucas Perdu*. Solo? Mr?. Mclvsr. What the Cold Pack Cashing MM Meant Ui My Home-Mrs. Mollie Ben Talks: ' ""an. How we can develop the social and welfare side of the Hume Demunirm. * ??"asasc OUillU. Some Phases that the Clubs Should Emphasize ? E . i,. Bebt. Solo ? Mrs. Mclver. DOES NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING PAT! Does newspaper advertising pay? This has come to be a superfluous question among men of business. There was a time when to have de clared boldly and out loud In a public place that It paid to advertise In the newspapers would probsbly have stir red up a chorus ot dissenters, but to day advertising Is better understood. All advertising Is good ? some ad vertising Is better ? but the rerj best advertising on the (ace of this earth Is, that which slips Into the home along side of the news. In the newspaper! - To be sure? the best bit of soil that ever lay out of doors requires some thing more than merely dropping the seed Into the ground ? give your news paper advertising its due of rational co-operation snd it will do Its fun share, every time. a, The newspaper is the beet advertls llog medium because the newspaper Is I closer to the people than any other .advertising medium. Every week ? new record of the do llngs of mankind Is gathered from the lends of the eatth, the happenings in the next fctreet, and the next house, are also there. To hundreds of homes the FRANK LIN TIMES win carry world news, editorials, comics. Mature doings and STORE NEWS. Every page Is read, and next to THE NEWS in the read ing will come THE STORE NEWS? why? Because the FRANKLIN TIMES goes Into thrifty hamee, always on the watch for ways to save! DONT FORGET TO SEND ADVERTISING COPT IN EARLY Ice! Ice! T v ? ? I have succeeded in contracting for a full sup ply of Raleigh Ice and am inrposition to supply you at all times. This Ice is made from the very beat water in a sanatary manner . well frozen and is as fpure as. can be made. ' Phone your orders . to No. 89 for prompt service. A. S. WIGGS NASHSTREET ' - LOUISBURG, N. C. 314 Years Ago the life of Captain JohnT^Snrtth was saved by the Indian g^rl Po cahontas, his gratitude was\ex pressed thru the gift of a Wampw engagement neckless. Our stock of necklaces is varied enough to sat isfy all requirements. , i. W. Parrish JEWELER LOUISBUKG, North Carolina TO MY FRIENDS AND Customers Am getting in new SHOjtS now. Come in and look them over before you buy. Have got some on band I am going to sell at less than I give for tbem. You migbt find something in these to suit you. Alsobave a good line of men's work clotbes at a bargain. - Remember I cany a full line of groceries and feedstuff at all times. Come to see me wben in town, am always glad to see you whether you buy or not. Yours for business, J. W. PERRY i NASH STREET . LOUISBUlia N 0. R.' P. Fuller m ?mu Mt Mb i m> W?Mni wui OtMni M* whatMr mlVWfMi R. F. FULLER I. 0. * WOT WATT TIIX (II LAST BAT TO St KB THE COPT Or FOB AH ADTUngnm Wl? Tin AD *ak cah orrr tou a *c*jb nr. T*B JOB IP TOU CXPB IT IX ftOOMBt DONT POBOBT IT. ]/' T* Car* ? CeM la Om Dmy _Sr??5S2SS._