dr. JOYWKB. SPEAKS TO BIO Q&O^TD If Your Ford Car Gets Oat Of Fix What Do Too Do? i^mnirtu, nvcsm POOREST 19 C. S.I with you tor the at the pa ?- lie grower only gets 8 cents out ?c lie msmtit dollar under the old gyszi*a. "Ttiat the same conditions in the California fruit fields -?TTii iijfy organized under the same j ~ are organizing under, which changed their share of the receipts ta* i ceais to 48 cents of the con BiKri dollar. "All we are asking if 12 equitable division of the pro at am r labors" declared the -and every Just man ought to b? Tilling to help as get that." He a- itid his bearer* if they were riding irvs the road in their Ford car and aH off a saddea it woald stop an and fix it. "We hare found list irtwsWe with oar marketing sys tcss ^ like the seasible man with the that stop*, we are going io Hi It so we can cmtiaoe to go. He then Co-operative Marketing from itx beginning la Denmark, where the rwra! puyalstloa Is richer than any where else III if. through Canadn, Ca^teih. down to North Carolina, s&cwing that there were no failures ax? mi.'ffciw k had been tried it -To"? hi nod the trouble and you are a fool if yaa doat b ft." said the s**ak?r. cratiaaia* "Please God we to ?aftm? it against i b? unto the man i a member to use .we are to get him. He ?o*d off how tU control of com ii flrtj the prieeo and proved t !? | 1*1 1 ? by 1 1 fcrfmt m to the Stand ard OO Co.. the Steel trust, and the off Cs up ml Ire Marketing greatly en>oyed j - n ' beautifully iatro ?K*i by Mr. E. H. Maloae la a short. ? full of that Is so freely enjoy ?d by the appreela - All are I TO NAJKE NEW SCHOOL FOB GFNBBOIM DOXOB Life-eise Portrait ?t Mr. Vui WU1 Al ??? Haag 1b BalMlng. Frankllntqn, Sept. 2. ? At a recent mass meeting the citizen! of Frank linton adopted formal resolutions of fhsnka to S. C. Vann tor the gift of a $100,000 school building. The resolu tions were offered by Her. Or. Dan iel Albright Long, minister of the Christian church In Frankllnton, and were unanimously adopted aa follows: "Resolved 1. That the proposed school building be named for the don or and stand as a memorial to a tar seeing. consecrated man. who was not winmg to Hue in a world without win ning victories for humanity; "2. That the citizens of this commu nity place a llfe-sTZed painting of the donor wfthlA said building on or be foiV'IU dedication; "J. That a rising and rousing Tote of thanks be extended onr distinguish ed fellow citizen for his?generous and unselfish gift for a noble cause." In its account of the meeting the Frankllnton News said: "The meeting was opened with pray er by Dr. Bumpas. Members of the school board. Supt. Hoy Taylor, May 9 r Ford and the ministers of the town occupied the stage. Mayor Ford was In charge of the program. . "Superintendent Hoy Taylor read a "letter from Mr. Vann in which was outlined the purpose and plans of the proposed school building. The min isters, Supt. Taylor. Mayor Ford made 1 6ve minute speeches, paying tribute to Mr. Vann and expressing apprecia tion of the spirit that prompted him to make this magnificent gift. "Resolutions read by Ben Cook on behalf of the town pledging co-opera tion were also read and adopted. Fol lowing the speaking the audience stood and "gave a rousing Tote of thanks' to Mr. Vann, and several Individuals l.resent accepted Mayor Ford's invita tion and made short speeches of appre elation . "When Mr. Vann was asked to make a few remarks, he said that the letter read by Supt. Taylor about covered what be wanted to say, but added that to make the school the success it should be the co-operation of all of the citizens was needed. This was fledged. ^ "Mrs. George Gilliam sang a beau tiful solo, after which the meeting was closed by the audience singing 'Amer ica.' and the benediction by the Rev.i D. A. Long." ?j SHORTEST KOl'TE FROM NEW TORK TO XIAXI. It is a fact but not generally known that the shortest distance between these two points Is right through Louis burg, as by the enterprise and public spirit of our Countym&n W. D. Fuller, the road over Ransom's Bridge has been made passable and traffic made possible by the completion of good roads on either side- leading to that bridge. The public is especially indebted to Mr. Fuller of this County, and Mr. Sydney Williams, of Halifax County, for their attention to this matter as the distance between this seection and Halifax has been shortened by sixteen miles. Only a week ago a man from over in Halifax County was trading in Louisburg. When the link between Warren ton and Louisburg Is finished the old town will rise from her ashes and take on a new life. BEPAIB OF K0 AD DET0CB Public Laws of 1921. Chapter 2, En titled. "A? Act To Provide Fbr The Construction of a State System of Hard Surfaced Roads, etc. 8ec. 11 reads as follows: "It shall be mandatory upon the State Highway Commission, Its officers and employ ees, or any contractor, or sab-contrac tor employed by the said commission to select, lay-oat, maintain and keep in as GOOD REPAIR as possible, suit able detours by tlfe most practical routes while said highways or roads are being Improved or constructed and It shall be mandatory upon the said highway commission and its em ployees or contractors to place or cause to be placed explicit directions to the traveling public daring repair of said highway, or road, aoder the process of construction. All expense of laying oat and maintaining said de tours shall be paid oat of the State Highway fund." BABN SI PPK B Mr. and Mrs. J.- W. Wesson gave a delightful barbecui last Friday night complimentary to their neice, Miss Annie Moore, of Alberta, Va., who la visiting them near town. There was plenty of barbecue, cake, and other gDod things to eat. All enjoyed the toe. After the yoang people spent some time playing games of many kinds they departed tor home, wishing Mr. snd Mrs. Wesson a k>nr and n*p rr nts. 8. A. L. LETS CONTRACT Capt. L. L. Joyner, local Agent for the Seaboard advises the TIMRS man this week that be baa received Infor mation from the Railroad authoiitlea to the eSsct that a contract has been awarded Elliott Building Co., for the construction of a 110,000 station at Louisburg. It Is expected that work lWtl> be begun In (he near fmturs. HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS TO SPEAK AT THE FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR I The Fair Association and Franklin County are extremely fortunate to have Hon. Josepbus Daniels, Secre tary of the Navy under Wilson to ad dress the people of Franklin and ad joining Counties October the 4th. which be educational day at the Frank ln^'ounty Fair. jrhia will be a red letter day for tke "Fair and Franklin County. Wednes day wtll be a County holiday and thir ty-live hundred school children with numerous oats and decorated Car*. iCapt. Hugh Perry, Commanding Bat tery B 117th F. A., Capt. R. E. ES? (?erwood. Commanding Headquarters Detachment and Combat Train 117 F. | A.. Cape. P. G. Alston. Commanding I The Confederate Veterans, will N? [seen m a rplendid parade to do honor |u? Xoni Carolina's gift to America, j Jos- ^ ~ Daniels. "The greatest Sec lietirr Tie United States Mitt has ever had." Mr. Daniels *u not ca fcr a great S?retary. but is a silted spekk ?r and with the first hand knowledge of eight rears of the Earths most *oa *?rfu! happenings, he is in a poacoa t* 4riv (acts from a store house (iH at oioot ail information . The reoyle of Franklin and adjoining Coudt! are (ortanate indeed to hare , Mr. DttMi and thousands will hear biB at I iwiitin oa October Ul. . SIDE LIGHTS OF THE GREAT WEST I Your scribe trill never forget the I scenery along the cogged railway op I to the top of Pike's Peak. With a. cog ged rall^ middle of track, with a. 35 degree jjtade In places, it took near 1 5 two hours to make the eleven and one half mil &8 to summit. This railroad has been in operation thirty years, not an accident during the whole lime. This was the first time we met women in knickers, bloomers, men's collars and hats, bo that it waa hard to tell them from men by their dress. We were struck by the absence of bird life. Saw a few specimens like oar Jay birds, but called Whiskey Jacks, and a few mountain sparrows. We left Colorado Springs at 4 o'clock a. m. Aug. 2nd and entered the Royal Gorge at 7 o'clock after passing, thru a large apple orchard in the valley, that shipped usually 15,000 barrels per year. The market value of this land was over five hundred dollars per sen* and none for sale. All thru the West the blockldera hold forth la galley and canon, and his product is called by various and sundry names, some times Jackass Whiskey. The Royal Gorge is where the Arkansas Rivet cuts its way thru the Rocky Mountains. For twenty-four miles thru gorge and tunnels, with perpendicular cliffs ot solid rock in places 3000 feet above the track, with river and railroad crowded In places not over 100 feet is width, with hanging bridges as it croasea from side to side of the cliff -s and river the mind Is lost la bewilder ment at the wonderful panorama of changing scenes, and the ?u?ilsfsl engineering skill ot the railroad bond ers. After the Royal Gorge was passed thru the Eagle Pass, with Its gold mines In the cliffs thousands of feet above the railroad. Wo Faith fa the Lord . >;? N?>w. <3? Peak Daily News with In It. tor the ?a I gtoaMd (he Pike's Psak Daily Xm: EXTKHDS TIME * PAY TAXXS Tin ifTws uu?? w hi. DC MAM M W ill M r Inviir |iy>rt? ?a Puyrr LpC Ti* Ocuu d off Coulf Commission? ?? *? recalar session ra Honda? w*hail meatier: pressmt. After ap ;??" ->* erf prerioas meetings tir Biir< ya i*f f ii? ;c:?Mt a desk for the office tie Bxs* DeaosxtraDoo Agent. Hjjtsci wa?a??o?aied a cotai-itTTee to l*Takp- tie jfinrtiase. Or ?d? oT Fuller seconded by TS*i?r-iake. ?. T Griffin was reBer ei off -yZl fell tax on acconnt erf i( UtoSiB. , Oa iriT->m_Tpm Rogers. Percy Sol' <4sa axit E. G Gonick were rsUered o< jua ai Isr 1<>S. ' On sdkxil si -was ordered that the '""tta'T VMf"-iC Soldiers to go to Asfce Ti* iatlowmg * we placed on ocr '?ii? jasj-er list az the amoont set op posite tifc_r TT-m?: * A- Perry s I children. increase trom. K..? ta H.?* [ *". A- Penrs wile 14.90. hi? \~rgriT J4.M. | QnL?a Skh?r M.W. F MUdrad Lame S3.W. Cyrass Ftnsnxait C M. HHISard Sl-rrey S3. 09. j Begcrt ef B . C Perry. Saperinien ' lien P?ft?r "W rttare. was recetred and 'orfenti fjeid. f Bepec: a* J . J Hoioez. Saperitnen Ers as The Xasb Cownty line ( the t.vu&nlUe road) that may be agreed I a t?-C_ ipat rxmfijtjOT that we can reach ! a SiCM^rOTy agrefrment with the 'State HagjLsay Commission for a defi 1 rw* *?e? trr the refund of sach mem [?ys by the Coonty for the isasi tiatHLi utajaii . " f After aUcwisg a cumber of ac nralar among a host at ? !wr bile ?r nw r?n? AMOS8 TO Iflllf mmx t?t Mr C. C. Hitei Jfr. a B. G. Pws ca ri KZtri ~>ii ,<1*7. | 3?naror i3d ?_ 3. i left fg?!*>T foe m rise u j " c* ' I *r. C. D. u>i t2? oC E|i abeth City, w?r? r^xxi la jSonday. Strs.4;. A. miv of l ? .1.,!, m \ rajr.n* u ti- tesbe 4( Sr. Hi Xn. jr. H. HaffEa. / Mr. and Mn. J C. Mr-rid. of Cm u! Zca*. Pujisi. fa*aa * ^2o;!i-r SnjiT. 1 Ex-Ja djp K. *. T rttrlil * ' Wake P8rwr_ *13 a t^?v- !?>? bars "-!*?? jaot *??* ' Chief of Pj6c* D. C. Sfl ul Mri. '' Higi left XoaiiaT Sc a nsn T3 !a I 'ja.ngtirtr. Jfra. X. 3. -Alisiraok itmrloe 5. Clr^ar. Jr.. mrai [last "Jw CG^a?t C I M. T. C.. Ca-rty IfcOtuix. Ala. j Jfc-s. Leo aarr ta her i hoiSLe ji Sa'^fT Tvzt&kT aiies- a t^sC Ito k-r src*ier. 3Cn. 2- Z. E?noai. v ? nfi^wi wi?3 iss beea Tisiiias ;iij rtiatir-s m . Taroonj ii.i W-jiieo. isas ' hacc. j Mr. a 3d ytr%- J. 21 * sons. riltiB a-.? u to ?j? rrteted. ?h? tame gaoa a poistia irr:n? a -*r a ier f?"; t?at : mjcnfn^. I Cast T. Fr.Ti Cares. Sxj>erae!a< ?zst at tie 5?are hjri*?r ? i i Caaigs No I u* ? near Gteari;*. Gailio-i CciEny. ?T9a] iar* witli ii-? parCTrs. Jfr. u>i Htj. W. H. (ares, "eir jyn. I b uti>t rmci j The nerrtil i^ts " ???rw-.~ ?d ai im EagtLst C4?r*? zMtr w=s?i iy Kzr Raswl C. ITnti ci ,1 oai. -j* niMtiig ? m> i^meai ami ?iyvv-?t- Tijc ' ?a?li iay ar? <