Franklin Times WA*CB UKL nr riru-hM trn ? t A. P. JOHJISON, Editor u4 THE OOUHTf, TBI STATS, THE UHIOM HMcunwi ui VOLCHK T.i uuuwjM, a. c, nam AT, mt?u& n, lie si SEN. J. A. BROWN SPEAKS TO (rOOD CROWD AT FBANKLI> COC?m FA IB Co-operative M*rk?tl?g D?y Friday? Introduced By Sr. T. W. KufThi, S? retary Chamber o' Commerce. In one of the strongest speeches de livered In Loulsburg in the Interest of Co-operative Marketing Senator J. j A . Brown, of Chadburn, held quite a big crowd of cooperatOrs and non ccoperators at strict attention at tiff Franklin County Pair on Friday, Co operative Marketing Day. He told of the success of. the associations In every place that they be-1 been tried. Told how the members of the Asso ciation In the Mississippi Delta got liom |28 to $30 more per bale for their cotton last year than their neigh bor who was on the outside and told how tho Kentucky tobacco growers had succeeded In spite of the big fight, and also of the big success of the South Carolina growers, whose ad. vs.ncos this year practically equalled their sales the year before, and who wero receiving their additional pay ments that made them glad they were members. Being a Director of the Tobacco Association he explained how the advances had absolutely nothing to do with the final sale price and stated that they were now making pales to manufacturers representing prices far beyond the outside market 1 rices. He paid his respects to ? d In Fraaklln Cnnnty. km ihe crop of 1923 prior in giplinl i IW. aa compared -*h r*m W. es ginned to September IS. IR1 . The tronMs ahont the pnkJtc debt is that the prints hMtal has in raf H . ? Washington fast. ^ ?h- urnns or c*rro* fob c*-*rs Raleigh. Oct. It.? While the rata ? u the cottar Mt up 4e*tr- . ?tea ot cotton by whin of the Sorth "Vsliii Cotua Gnmn ? ??- ' Latins. General M? ft i C. B. BU bet rtforu tku ISM kales vara rc ?I'liJ by I be CO niraLTit Jit Satar I Tb? daily average dariag tW past I ??t is reported as betas wall aboee two Ikouud bales wfcB* ma Mrt ma I ? ***** 4a r. Geaen; \li Hfyr Blilork has tee kfa force ot gi iSi 1 i ta order to take ear* of tie sampling. Tk* int. ? *r? reported ta be the co-eperatiree so be o( citcUtat (uttr . The uoa -r ? ? * mw? : warehossiag. aad exhibits ?t it; biilt *?ri tit lis habits. The Assocatks jxpects to more ia i its permaseet qoaners within the [aexx se*w?l weeks. The former Acad ot Xt$K it Ri3^t has beea ftraasfomed iat ?> 3 Barters especially ini; ri to facilitate tte prompt but i'?f ot tie Ss : n ^ c-t tie Assoctapoe . lv-Mt tie bcsMK place it lie State pest 3>o*. Every Brftber of tie As?xijacc Us a separate "ac cost oc tie Kxjks c; the Assocwioa BE d c^ooa be is ea ktvc oc kts ?cccmai. Tlw cal is ktp? b-isy &2^ iiy tkf oftw wor* ta - " Bsinzr a if* trail prctw istery^iy v-xk. iri *b^ cltncil for ces *iad it is iunnvi*Nt> ? AiKnacc'SU L- f.IkjtTS hi? "Mrs- Mary Cb=X? Joi? la :oik?s ifc* aeirrsm## ot Wr dmgi! ter. Tirpaa Go-? xs - to Mr. Conor E. Jcffrrrv en M?4i?. tie mialh of Ocuttr. uku? kuM ud r*?tj iwa. LMixtarr. NorU CaroU**-" TVt will he at ksw Sm Toraprilk. X. C. after Octoiwr Ikk. TV brifc is cm of FmtliB 0 cani ty's birM Ttmic bfiK. k?ar a d?sk tcr of tV tur. Rer. J R Joe?s aad Mrs. Mary C^ibNh Jones, uc a sfe m of tW fonwr $i)vhi??d?t erf Flktk W?B?r?. J. C. Jcms. ud is KECOKD uaim as r?.?ps om '??*? B*r. LaM TkK Ott. The ftood tun at Ctoopenuv Kir kecug 09*=* a last wr-rt 1 n I Mi ait II I o? Or C'JmmUTf ia North C&raiiu i.M4H pcmads of tokectrt? ? iiMHI pouda to the aid be* ud Ceatral urkni ud l.i*e ?S p?M7^rat^os the coop-.' erative syssen rsts more ssaoochiy 1 aad the e=ti-ssraj=: c-f tic growers ' ?kka aa-i wriott tie Assocaaco is j prorec by tie fac. -ha: rf>0 contracts i ot se* areE-Seri reaci-w; EaCetgh head | liane"s *erisg the past T?rt atd ' | tke oz=her of local 'Ssrcar.ixati^s oi I the asoccoca hai raei to SS ia ' 1 Westers Nonk Oaro-Iir a . I *:~t o< these locals sspplr thar ; 0*1 to waich for co-tract j breaker.-. as y? toe a ?-r~? 1-. case j jot nstnet is the oid belt j has bee=. re?oc-ed -o be*?qaancrs - I I L*X1. n-vv^ cvT tie Tobacco Gro*iri CkVflencro Ai?c:\:? are j ii-er^aii^g ^ ic=.iir t^rocci^oc. Eas tern North Ciroi.ii. arl tit a ssrie-s ol raeetiags ieie last weei tiroaghost the *??era ben aast-fsauce ir-e?a>ers p*^; ?e? tietr si?^" it r*s>omng ihy ctse; oi mktk'. fer=ai^? aa the parr 't t ?c*l ??iikuk 111 1 1 or growers in their district. I Oii**r J aAsas fcl.a ix-i Nt * 3^r= cc ts-? Kir=iBg ltd if:fn>xc a* Fniiy. cVLobcr Sti. FVUow^g tie r? ?.' riits asd the higiS- sacoffssMI sa:-?s of EiSte-ra Cir : c *iy i ;ok>.'er;es are ex I jectoi this *?i &?t -^e? t-^rs i- th? es^ter^ beit. whi^ th* r?th; o coop entire to the fraecCy haxks oC So?ti ] 'Caroioa- whart hay* b?=se its fle pcsKories. Bi the sMvcd cash ad- \ I wtll be paid to the Soath Carvj. , 1 jnjwtrs ix rear Tercre ac- ^ ccriia? tc rwciT rivjeft? troa RMaeoii oftw otf Assocuu: Ib? IUMW$ t>TI ET 11 >S 1 Hiss ae2igbtf*ay *n jtertaiaxd k?- Bricpe CTxH. Hoodiy |fr?iVL Oft. it>4. *3 bM" beaatifu' ^cw w?r . Bmd? lit [twrtr* r?*?lar mttJxrj sl? >?.i as ! her (wttx. Mrs. Pul J(?*. o i Ft>rt ? : Brio. {??< <4 Mrs. Tees KifiL Hiss ' Mie Carr Tir>ir. of Oxford. 0?st of ! Kk Sal&f TayVw. ui Kiss )bOK UW aH *35 Ida Tow, Tfce rwm ?w? fc?tai:f?ry dfcon ix OH i ? ? u< Ite ?corf cards j Attn six ! *r> RoMmtt SkrrtidTv r in rtM i: ? Hrl P?*t* Sb*-K(^w t>? A?u>. IVw H'lKM ?wt; WuMtllfiK H [1 TJJW. E. A. BlM?n. W K fv?* 'l?*_ L ? PutiA. Puttr Parwaac ? Fn4 Lkcii4 JSh rattts Jr?M dahtcls nus Xashville, Oct. 11. ? Thousands of a (ran all over eastern North Car eiina ptteml here today tor the 1 ing la which the Tri .Slate Growers* Co-operative At. seehs to secure injunctions ? i? i two men. who are alleged to have sold their tobacco outside of the imocIi uon. . Judge Frank Daniels heard a loos string of affidavits read this afternoon ?nd tomorrow he will listen to many h To Interest Regularly -very fifteen minutes, the beautiful chime j' that hare been in stalled to the court house here would ring out their notes. Then came the hoar of noon and as the chimes were jmr-'.mg their longest. Judge Daniels concluded his charge and the* jury took the case There was a perceptible change in the audience. Now would come the fireworks. Aaron Sapiro. who came t- North CaroUna as the apostle of co-operative marketing of farm products scarcely two years ago. was oa his feet reading a long and formidable looking legal document wherein it was alleged that W . T. Jones s Nash county farmer, and Z. A . * HarrelL an Edgecombe to. Iscco farmer both claimed as mem bers of the tobacco growers associa tion. had broken their contract by sell ing their tobacco on the local market, and the court was asked to restrain them from farther selling, and - for sach other relief as the court might Arrayed on either side of Mr. Sapiro *as counsel tor and against the plain 1 tiff, which in this case is the tobacco association . Appearing with him was his assistant. Lawrence Levy, Burgess and Joy-nCr. and James H. Pou. of RaL e-gh. Henry C. Bourne, of Tarboro,, land Archie D. Odom. of Nashville. A rearing against him were such able attorneys as H G Connie Jr.. of T ;1soe : Prank Spruill. Jos. B. Ram fey and L. V. Bassett. of Rocky Mount Fin c h-a n d Yaughan. of Wilson; and ; C. Howard, of Tarboro. Say*. Its I sronMitational | Mr. Sapiro was willing to forego 'the reading of the contract which the | two defendants in the action before the ! court are aleged to have signed, but Mr Bassett. who may have found it ! -c>oyab>- thought '.be contract ought to be read . It wastn*t the first time Mr Sapiro had read it by anv means, and he made a good job of it, getting over it in record time . There were | quite a few of his audience who had [rever heard it read or had read it and : the* found it very interesting. TVe spok?asen for the defendants | was H. G. Conror. Jr.. who after mak i mg the formal denjsls for the defend ; ants, launched into a lengthy desserta 1 tjooi on the unconstitutionality of the legislative act permitting the Incor porating of the tobacco association . Mr . Connor read the answer tor th? defendants immediately attar Hutch. Judge Daniels having ordered a short "An unlawful combination in re st rSXnt of trade, of competition and a moaopotj was the way the aassrer i rfn led to the tobacco giwsn. That was a new kind of thrust aft to bacco growers. Usually it Is MSd with reference to some tobacco man - i or used to be mom the gov - t was supposed to them, and the audience got thrill. The answer went at length into a bill particulars. ?? was made to the 8tato c U ail ethen axe promised Ik* OQnal rrotertton of the laws. wsi