The FranKlin Times ' At WATCH LIBEL OH IOUB PAPEK ? S*Dd ta Hnml Before Time Expires. A- F. JOHNSON, Editor ul THE COUNTY, VOLCJOI LI. LOUHBUBG, N. C? f] 'ATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION 91M Per T? . DECEMBER IS, 1022 MIBEK 48 COOPS HOLD MEETING IN LOUISBUEG TUESDAY AFTER NOON * Crond Present ? Miuij Excellent N'wchea ? Adopts Ringing Resolu. lions ? To Organize Locals. WiU^ quite a good crowd of Tobacco Growers; Q;om all parts ot the county present on Tuesday afternoon a most interesting meeting in the Interest of the Association was held in the Court MHuse under the direction of Mr. L. V. Morrell, who has charge of the field work In this district. Fln? f^e?ches -were made by Mr. W. .A. Coanell. Jr., ot Warrea Plains, Mes srs. W. M. Person, E. H. Malone and other*. It was desired to encourage the or. Kanizatlon of community locals and the following gentlemen promised to organize locals In their respective communities: J W. Bartholomew, J- 1.. Dorsey, Cedar Rock; Milton Strickland, Rock Spring; P. S. Fos ter, lngleeide; John B. Parrish, San dy Creek; W. T. J. Eaton and i. H. Wilder, Frankllnton; Justice, Seven laths and Pilot already have live lo cals and are producing good results. After the discussion ol contract breaking and the many reports in re. gtrd to misrepresentations in secur ing signers to the contract th " mitr ing passed the -following resolution by a unanimous rising vote: Ktsolved; That we members of the Tobacco Growers Association of i i.mklin County in convention as > .uWed this 12th day ot December, desire to go on record as em 1. ically denying the charge made by : .?e of our opponents that there 1 ..s liCen'any fraud or misrepresenta tion in the organization of our asso. tlation in Franklin County. Resolved, further; That we are deep ly appreciative of the work of our Dl leitors, we endorse their action and j ledge them our continued 'loyalty and support . The meeting was a great success fcnd will be of great benefit to the r.i.tny members ot the Association in Franklin County. ingle side news As you have not heard from our lit tle town in quite a while we will write to let you .know we are as lively as > ever. 1 llllirlr every one is ready tor Xmas. Mr. Best, the Couny Superintendent paid our school a visit last Friday. l.ittle Miss Grace Edwards left last week for Gastonia, where ?? she will take treatment. Our Literary Society, that we organ ized not long ago, is improving wry fast. We hop? to have great su?oes? with it. - ? Mr. S. H. Dickerson's little daugh ter. aged~two, got badly burned on Tutsday before Thanksgiving but wo are glad to know she is some better We are having groat success In our t IS, Y. P. U. at Corinth and every one si cms to 7enjoy it bo mocu. Miss Ora Holden spent last week end with Mrs. W. T. Harris. Mr. Sam Macon made a visit to the school house last week to see the teachers. Miss Emma Smith spent Thursday r.isht with Miss Slssle Dlckerson. Mrs W. T. Harris accompanied by Mr. Alison Macon and sister. Miss /.nnic I-aurle Macon motorsd over t6 Raleigh Friday. >Miss Annie Laurie Macon spent last week at home recuperating after an automobile accident which she had rear Nashville. We are' glad to Know she Is rapidly improving. Miss Mary Wilson, of Louisburg College, spent last week ona with her cowSfii, Miss Annie Laurie Macon. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Matthews and ? * children spent Saturday night with lier sister, Mrs. W. T. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Beasley and ctild ren spent Sunday with her fath er. Mr. W. J. Macon, The G. A. girls ot Loulsburg Bap tist church will give a play at Cor inth Baptist church Sunday. The j ulilic Is cordially Invited. Bluo Eyes. JIIN IIKAMJKD HALE MILK AND 18 NOT KILLED ?/^ Oxford. Dec. 12. ? M. J. Council, a I imminent merchant of Oxford, while erf*sing College street on Saturday pie lit. was struck by an automoble, knitrkod down snd dragged over a hi, If mile before the occupants knew that he was under the car. When tli*' occupants heard his calls, they <it, i,ped lha car and removed him from under It and after placing him on the nearby sidewalk, left the injured man I; i. ,no. The accident was observed In i passer. hy on the street who has tened to follow tho car In which Mr. ? oiincll was entangled and who car him to his home. When medical ,,i l was summoned it was found ny i.snry lo take several sUtches In vi, umled man's head and other reme ,j s to be given. It Ib a miracle that Mr. council was not killed and that did not receive more serious Injur es. The occupants of the car who v cr<> said to be speeding when the nrrlilent occurred, are thought to be nfiTocn and no clue can be found to i,;rntl& them as they have cleared r,,i rmm this vicinity entirely. FOR FIRST OLAS8 JOB PRINTING PHONB NO Ml. RECORDER'S COURT "Hie following cassa were disposed of In Recorder's Court on last Mon day: . " .... State vs Corbln Blount, 1 and r, nolo contendere, prayer for Judgment con tinued upon payment of costs. State vs Robert Skene*, aiding and abetting In manufacturing whiskey, guilty, 4 months on roads, appeal. State vs Charlie Stone, adw, con tinued. State vs Sol Wright, appeal, con tinued. State vs Willie King, adw, continued. State vs Charles Stone, ccw, contin ued. State vs Marcus Dunston, dispos ing mortgage property guilt}-, prayer for Judgment continued. State vb Nora Mann, adw, guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Corbln Blount, ccw, guilty, PO days on roads, execution not to Issue until December 26th. State vs Troy Raines and Early Mitchell, forgery, Raines called and -failed, Judgment ni si scl fa capitis ar&~?ontlnued.' Mitchell continued. State vs Butlor Evans and Wash Evansj adw, trial as to Butler Evins, guilty Judgment suspended upon pay. ment of. costs! capias and continued as to Wash Evans. State vs Butler Evans, ccw, guilty, fned $100 and costs. State vs Paul Harris, ccw, guilty, prayer for Judgment continued upon payment of costs. State vs Paul Harris, adw, "guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. . State vs John Faulkner, ccw, adw, Kuilty, 30 days in .'all In ccw, Judg ment suspended upon . payment of costs in adw. T|ie following ca3es were disposed I of in Recorder's Court on Monday, December 4th: State vs Corbln Blount, 1 and r, con tiiiued. State vs Bill Smith and Robert j iSkenes A and B distilling. Bill Smith] trial guilty, 60 days on roads, coniln- j ued as to Skenes. I State vs Bill Smith ccw, guilty, 60 days on roads. , ? State vs John W. Alston, 1 and r not guilty. ? . State vs Zeb Collins 1 and r, guilty, filed $15 and costs, St&.te vs Charlie Stone adw, ccw, continued. State vs Sol Wright appeal from Mayor, continued,. o ? STUDENTS' RECITAL " Tlie Louisburg College students in piano, voico and expression gave the second recital of this semester in the College auditorium? Friday evening, December eighth. Each student did credit to the department which sfie represented. The following were on the program: Misses Eliza Newell. Margaret Holdcn, Marian Gardner, j Louise Taylor, and Ora Holden, of Louisburg; Miss Essie Llles, Little ton; Mils Musette Winstead, Roxboro; Miss Julia Daniels, Elm 64ty; Miss Etta Beale Grant, Hookerton; Miss Elizabeth Grant, Garysburg; MIbs Hattle Mae Parker, Rich Square; Miss Susie Crowell, Thomasville; Miss Mae Campbell, Slier City. The College Glee Club will present "Cherry Blossom" a Japanese oper etta, at the Star Theatre, December nineteenth. n DID YOU GET TOUR CHfeCK Every member of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association is urged to keep the Association informed of hlB_correct address. If you have changed your address since signing the contract, or if you are not getting jour mall properly kindly write the Association at Raleigh and tell them about it, giving them your propor ad. dress. If you haven't gotten your i check for your second advance on your cotton or do not get It in tbe next few days, you had better write the Association giving It your correct postofTlce address. ' o BIO HOflS The following big hogs killed the past week, have been reported to the Franklin Times: A. J. Frazler, Hayesvllle township, two weighing 493, 620. W. D. Foster, Jr., Hayesvllle town ship, one weighing 480. R. H. Ayscue, Hayesvllle township, i two weighing 440, 432. 'L. P. Hicks. Louisburg, four weigh Ing 348, 340, 326, 320. Zollle Mamenburg, of Cedar Rock township, four weighing 215, 230, 297. 2V7. B. B. Fogg, of Cedar Rock town ship, three weighing 368, 353, 215. William Fogg, of Cedar Rock town ship, two weighing 418, 315. Haywood Bowden, ot Cedar Rock township, four weighing 211, 228, 343, Mrs. W. 0.\ Mitchell, Hayesvllle township, three weighing 350, 820. 287. Q. 8. Leonard, Louisburg, Ave weighing 445, 440, 420, 160, 140. PI.AY ASNOtTMCEMETT | The Sophomore Class of Cedar Rock High School will present their class play "Unacquainted with Work" In, the school auditorium next Thursday evening, Dec. 21 at 7:80 p^ m. This Is a cflmedy-drama lit five acts and plays a full evening. Admission 25 and 35 cents. "MISS CHERRY BLOSSOM" On next Tuesday evening, Dec. 19th "Miss Cherry Blossom" a musical comedy will be presented by the Loula Lurg College Glee Club at the Star Theatre at 8; 00 o'clock. The cast of characters are aa follows: Cherry Blossom, brought up as th? daughter of Kokemo, In reality Er? lyn Barnes of New York, U. S. A.-* Fiances Ft us so . Kokemo, ? proprietor of a Tea Oar den In Tokeo, Japan, comedy part Margaret Ledbetter . John Henry Smith, a New? Yorker, on a visit to Japan as a guest of Mr. Worthlngton ? Settle Holden. " Henry Kcster Jones, Jack's pal, la love with Jessica ? Ora Holdepu Horace Worthlngtoi*1,- a New York stock broker who is entertaining a party of friends with a trip to Japan on his private yacht ? Gradle Parker, James Young, Worthlngton s private' Btcretary ? Edythe Guffy. Jessica Vanderpool, Worthlngtorfs niece ? Josephine Bandy. Togo, a Japanese politician of high rank ? Genevieve Peltz. The choruses are comprised of the following Geisha Girls: Hattie Mae I'arker, Etta Beale Grant, Susie Crow, ell, Ruth Jones, Nolle Hunt, Ida Eross, Hattie Real Congleten, Sarah Johnson, Essie Llles, Mary Munden. And- American girls and men who are: Julia Daniels, Ruth Hopkins, Char lotte Plttman, Katherine Melvfn, Xna Fracey, Mary Wilson, Panllne Eason, Mae Campbell . Pianist ? Miss Ruth Hall, Violinist ? Dr. H. H. Johnson, 'Mr. S. B. Berkeley. Director ? Mrs. A. W. Mohn. The lovers of music in Loulsburg will be delighted to know that one of the principle attractions ot the even ing will be the solos of Miss Russo, who plays the part of Cherry Blos som. She has had experience in work of this kind, and has always charmed her audience by her marvel ous-voice. Miss Russo has a wonder ful voice which is bering well devel. nnpri under the excellent' Instruction of "Mrs . A. W. Mohn. Those who have already heard Miss Rhsso will not miss this -epiSTSrffinlty of seeing ier appear in the role of Cherry Blos som. DEATH CLAIMS ONE OF FRANK LIN'S CITIZEN'S Youngsville, Route 2, Nov. 29 ? R. R . Holmes, one ot Franklin County's highly esteemed citizens, died this morning at his home la the county after ten days of Illness. His age was S3 years. He is Survived by his wife, two daughters and one son. Mrs. Will Lawrence. Estel and Wade Holmes, besides a number of grand children and great grand children. ? Franklin, ton News. IUZaAB UNDER AUSPICES OF ACX ILIARY OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH The Bazaar under th& uspiccs ot the Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church was one ot peculiar interest and pleasure to Its workers. From the beginning keen interest wa/ felt In It. All felt an especial pride in its financial result, a clear profit of over $200.00, including the Junior Auxiliary's fund of $28.00. o SCHLOSS ITEMS I guess you think we are all dead around Schloss but we are still alive. We are having some cold rainy weather, It Is almost like winter. I guoss everybody is getting a little wood up for Christmas. Mr. J. W. Smith visited Mrr J. E. Tharrlngton Sunday. ? Mr. C. A. Hale visited his son near Epsom the past week. Mr. W. W. Smith and son. killed two hogs the past week weighing 636 pounds. We are sorry to hear that Mr.'S. G. Johnson is going to move from Schloss. If this escapes the was/e basket we will call again soon. Btue Eyes. HONOR ROLL The following honor roll is sent from Laurel School: lat Grade ? Bruce Gupton, Pearl Champion, Bryan Harper. Lucy S. Parrlsh, Elliot Breedlove, James Speed. 2nd Grade ? Elnora Champion, Es ther Bailey, Maud Hayes, Sam Person Newell Breedlove. 3rd Grade ? Myrtlce Upchurch, Bet tie Bobbltt Marshall. Fred Merrltt, Thomas Speed, Sue Egerton. 4th Grade ? Lucy Breedlove, Willie Breedlove. Irma Gupton, Monnio Hay es, Helen Parrlsh. 6th Grasle- Lessie Breedlove, Blount Kgorton, Rachel Garbee. Ruff In Har per, Bunnle Murphy. 6th Grade ? Eugene Harper. 7th tirade ? Alice Hayes. Claude Hayes, Harold Garbee. Mrs. M. K. Williams, Mlssf "ETll lo Harper. Teachers. f'ARI* OF THANKS We wish to extend our most Sin cere thanjtn and appreciations to our many friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy during the recent Illness and death of our little son. Ernest. They will be long and affectionately remembered . Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Perry, Jr. rW'S OF Bl'NX AMI VICI.MXV Senior Class of Bunn High dI presented a pla#*4ji the audi Jn df the school last Friday even ithat would do credit to any com nlty.. They presented "Bashful Bobbs*' in a well selected and iced cast. Not a character fell In the presentation. Playing fnusual hard part; Alma Gay per. ted a country hotel mistress to a degree, displaying a very unique ^*he caused the audience much en ent throughout the comedy. An outstanding feature was Wiliiard : In the personage of a. "fresh try guy," a porter, in the cast, as the wltlcism of this character kept splice In the production, other outstanding features were parts played by Frank Chamblee Stantly Hagwood as "Bashful " and the cOusin "Robt. Bobbs."* whole cast was carried out - in exceptionally flncmanner that d speak well for older players, e Dunn township group meeting their bi-monthly "stunt" night lot on Friday night. Each school Uy of the different schools in the ship presented a "stunt." The house was over crowded in. at ce. T^e stunts were well car __ out and much merryment pre, X?S?Kl. The feature of the stunts was tbt minstrel given by the Bunn facul ty^ Which was a "sft^eam" from be ing to end. Refreshments we? ed the visiting teaclrers by the ' faculty. t ' ?g. Howell's Missionary class of Lonisjjjirg presented a Tory unique pKeant in the Baptist church -Sun day. The pageant represented the fullfillment of the Baptist ?5 Million Campaign. The children carried out parts with marked ability, and ?L unusual way, brought the im Bpce of fulfilling the pledges made to tlji campaign. A contribution was taken and the proceeds given to the young people. The regular bi-montnly Stunt Night Will be at Bunn Friday night at 7;30t The public is cordially invited. No admission fee. The friends of Mr. W. E. Bedding, field and Mrs. Mary White Mullen were delightfully surprised to hear of their wedding on Sunday morning of last week. Mrs. Be'odlngfleld will remain the music instructor of Bunn School . Mr., Best was a visitor at the school His visits are always a sduac* of much pleasure Jo both the students and teachers. T*he Bunn basketball team met its first defeat at Spring Hope in a fast and snappy game. The score was 17-12T? Basket ball will begin in ear nest after the Christmas holidays. ^The Bunn High School will close foil the holidays on Friday, December the 22 instead of the 2\)tli because'' o# the endfng of the month. Parents are expected to send their children back cn Monday, January Sth. prepared for the days work. All recitations are expected to be prepared by the stu dents for that day. WFNDELL MERCHANT FOUND DEAD IN STORE Wendell, Dec. 12. ? Joseph Mitchell a prominent business man of this town was found dead in his place of busi ness Monday morning. When found he was sitting in an upright position on a bor. He left his home Sunday afternoon in companv^with some of his friends. At a latewour, as he had not returned, his wife became alarm ed and commenced inquiry. Early on the following morning his dead body was discovered by a person .looking throtigh the window of his store. The store had to be broken In to reach his body. The body is being held In the Stell undertaking room, awaiting a coroner's inquest to be held to de termine the cause of h*s eeath. He leaves a wife and two small children and a host of friends to mourn his death. His remains will be laid to rest in the family cemetery near Youngsvllle after the Inquest is I held. Mr. Mitchell was a former Louis.! burg resident an4 *te*-?~b?*ther to' the late Mr. Kofcar 'Mitchell . MINSTREL SHi)W AT JUSTICE We are requested to announce ^hat | there will be a Minstrel Show at Jus tice next Tuesday night for the bene fit of Ju9tice High School. Admission I 2.e and 35c. Tlie public js cordially) Invited. THE AMERICAN LEttlOX A I X ILI A RY TO MK FT ! The American I.?egion Auxiliary will , nioet next Tuesday, fhe nineteenth, at three-thirty, with Mrs. E. W. Fur son. All members are urged to be present as this Is the meeting at which officers will be elected for the coming year. % MATTIK ALLEN. Secy. NAHM STREET TO BE OPENED SOON Information has been given out that Nash street will "be opened clear through on the morning pf Dec. 22nd. and also the fill will be Thado at the bridge at 8ycamoro creek and the I ridge opened at the same time. This will be good nexrs to all those east of Ixnilsburg who have been having to ase the detour. Wilson 9 Years Ago and Now TIIK Otrvw IN? aiiuvv Of WoKlrriV Wttjwm w*r UJtPI lately th?j t^prrD^'T* "*r o*<~, on f>.?? fwirrh of hi? WH*ht>.tr'n* hmi>?> The stii.iUi r o*?*? wv- ;??: rurtnit m- Ural cHiurwl iuhoj;^ ti li?13 KUAN KLIN (Ot'MY UNION MEET. XJTG The following is the' program for the Frank'.in County Union meeting which will be held with Cedar Rock church, December 30 anil 31. Saturday~3Xorning ? 10:00 J3ong Setvice. 10:30 Devotional exercise, Rev. W. R. Wallace. 10 45 Organization for 1&X3. I-. :00 A Retrospect, Rev. J. A. M Iver. ' r II-45 "erinon. Rev, Geo. W. May\ 11:30 Dinner hour. Saturday Afternoon 1:30 Song service. i:4 5 ?? -thfi Horn*, Pujt.Ci. 2:30 Song by congregation. 2:35 Duct, Mi?s Ora Holden and Miss Belvin Finch. J 2:40 Christ in the Church, Dr. D. B. Bryan. Saturday Evening 7:00 B. Y. P. l>. Demonstration program. Corinth B. Y. P. U. S:3C B. Y. P. U. ? Study Course, Rev. Hovt Blackwell. Sunday Morning 10:00 Song service. 10:30 Christ in our National Life. Dr. W. L. Efoteat. 11:30 Solo. Miss Claudilenij Sykes. 11:35 Dedicatory Sermon, Dr. J. H. Gorrell. 12:30 Dedication or Cedar Rock Church" " - Choir Leader, Rev. X. F. Britt. ST. PAIL'S CHIRCH Rev. Walter B. Clark, Rector. Ser vices for the Third Sunday in Advent Dec. 17th. - Church Schpol 10:00 a. m. Mr. Wm. H. Huff in. Superintendent. Morning Prayer and wrmon 11:00 a. m. Sermon subject: j'The Mas ter's Missicn." Evening Prayer and sermcn 7:00 p. m. Sermon subject: "Love Not the World." Wednesday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p. m. ? Vespers and choir rehearsal. A cordial welcome to all services. THURSDAY EVENING BOOK CI I B MEETS The members of the Thursday Even Ing Book Club were delightfully en tertained by Miss Tom Ogburn at the Franklin Koter on the 23rd. Besides the club memtxirs Miss Ogburn had as her guests Mis^ Katheriqe Pleasants and Mrs. F. B.V Leonard. Miss Alice HaV*"i8 read the life of Bellini the author of the Opera stud ied. The story of Norma was given by Miss Babbie Turner for Miss Maude Ashley on account of her absence. Miss Ruth Hall sang "Goodnight, little Girl, Goodnight, by J-. C. Macey which was enjoyed by ail present. Very interesting current events were given by Miss Ix>nie Meadows. A (tor the programme. Miss Ogburn served a most delicious sweet courso. o ? I LAY FRIDAY NIGHT, BOX PARTY TtESDA Y NIGHT AT HICKORY ROCK On Frldny night. December the 15th Hickory Reek school will present the t lay "Dot. the Miner's Daughter". The Justice Orchestra has promised to furnish the music. Como and have a good time. Admission will be 15 and 25 cents. The*, proceeds will bo used tp repair the sekool building. On Tuesday nlfcht following, Dec. 19th a box party will be given for the same purpose. We are expecting a lerge crowd and a good time each night. Be sure to come. : o ? Ten Gersha Girls, dainty and petite fclve a decided Japanese flavor to MIsr Cherry Blossom." among tee visitors SOME YOU K*OW AND SOKE YOU DO NOT K50W. Personal Items About Folks And Their Frfeqds Who Travel Here - And There Mr. J. R. (collie, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. Mr. W. Frank Davis, of Richmond, was a visitor to Louisburg this week. Mr. W. M. Person visited Raleigh Wednesday. ^Ir. J. R. Williams and sons. H. C. and Jim Williams left yesterday for Florida to spend the winter. Mr. W. J. Byerly. of Mt. Airy. was a visitor to Loiflsburg Wednesday. Mr. Paul Griffin who is stationed In Raleigh was a visitor to Louisbun? Tuesday. Sen. and -Mrs. C. P. Harris and Mrs. S. T\ Wilder went to Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. W. ' H. Yarborough visited Richmond on business the p*st week. Mr. W. H. Leonard, of Salisbury. *as a visitor to Louisburg Wednes day . Messrs. J. A. Mitchiner aad-A. F. Johnson visited Raleigh Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Austin and little daugh ter of Hickoryrare visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. C.'ranford. for the holidays. ERNEST WILSON PKRRY DEAD Ernest Wilson, the fifte ? months old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Perry, Jr., died alter a short illnecs on Fri idsy of last week. The remains were terred in Oaklawn cemetery on Satur [day afternoon afaer a stior* but im pressive ceremof!tv conducted by Revs. I J. A. >fclver and L. E. Thompson. ! The pallbearers were Dr. H. G. Per , ry. J. W. Perry, Malcolm McKinne j&nd S. P. Boddie. The floral tribute ?was especially pretty. Ernest was a bright little ehHd and had woven himself into the closest lajections of the family, who hav^e uie sincere sympathy of tlie entire llo-wu In their bereavement . He leaver ra sister. M:ss Eugenia. an<? two little jbibthers, Davis and Everard. ' | J6 I SEC OND PAYXENT i DIE NEXT WEEK h'peord Jfeetina> of Tobacco Growers Mark rd by Flood Tide of Loyalty In 3 States. ? Thousands of organized tobacco growers of Eastern North Carolina will double their cash receipts next Wed n*?Sday. December 20th, when checks for the second payment on all tobacco delivered to the Tobacco Growers Co operative Association up to December laL. will* be paid at the cooperative warehouses in the Eastern Beit. A flood tide of enthusiasm marked the twenty meetings throughout Cen tral and Eastern Carolina held by the I Association last week. At Henddr^ son. Roxboro. Oxford, Durham, and ' Raleigh great gatherings of gro^jrs passed unanimous resolutions of ioy. alty and confidence in thear Associa tion and their directors. More than 150 local associations of the tobacco cocperative have been formed in South Carolina during the past two weeks. An active campaign | for new members gives promise of a sign-up that will include SO per cent of the South Carolina crop of 1923, according to the farmers, bankers and merchants who are aldtng the associa tion in its new drive for membership in the Palmetto State. In the-^outh Carolina Belt where the markets are closed the Associa tion handle^ 20.000,000 pounds of to bacco and oVices receifed from actual sales for substantially all the tobacco averaged/521.54 per hundred pounds. J I Following the second payment to the | South Carolina growers, which equal ed their first advance, preparations are now being made to distribute a third payment to these members. A record-breakinr aeries of twenty : three meetings in Virginia this week will reach the growers of Pittsylvania* | Halifax, Mecklenburg, Lunenburg. iP.runswick and Amelia counties. I Such state leaders as John R. Hutchesoii. Director of Extension for Virgina, F. S. Farrar. J. H. Quisen berry and J. G. Bruce. State District Agents, and directors of the associa^ tlon will address meetings which be gin Wednesday In Pittsylvania Coun ty, Thursday In Halifax County am! continue Friday and Saturday; De cember 15th and 16th at Chase City, Clarksvllle, South Hill, 'Victoria, Ken bridge. Lawrenceville, Alberta, and Amelia . The record of the cooperative asso ciation in three months of active op eration and the second cash payment to be made to Virginia growers on all tobacco delivered up to December 20th will be discussed at these meetings, which celebrste the success of the aa r.ociattlon at the close of Its first year* The International stock brokers. Miss Parker and Miss Ouffy, will ap pear In "Miss Cherry Blossom" T a? ?% day night at Star Theatre, '

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