Franklin Times voiumn Ll LOUISBURG N. C , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 NUMBER 44 A.N WI'OKTUNITY TOBUY HIGHLY IMl'KOVl'.D. SMALL EAUfclS '.N'EJtR TOWN py vtnue of the power of sale con taintd in thai certain deed of trust i.'Urtt |ij Marcna Allen and wife anil llolitri Allen to WH. H. Ruffln, Trus. t. e dated March 27. 1920, a:id record ed hi tu< Registry of Franklin County iu Luol, 234, page 76, derauU having Jl-een. m;n,c lu (lie payment of the debt thei x-Ua 8ti ur..d and dem-.ud tor fore closure l.Lv^ig been, made on said trus'cv , y the holder of said indebted' ntBs, ti e undersigned -will on Monday, January 1st, 1923 at alou^'jiu hour of noon, at the Court House dubr In Lou.sburg, N. C.r offer tor n,.lt at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, those highly .m provid, small farms near Lonisburg and more particularly defined as fol lows. First Tract That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin Co., North Caro lina. ai.joiuing the lands ut William Allen et al, more particularly defined a.3 follows : Beginning at a rock on ti:e West side of the road leading from the Old Massenburg place to J. J. A1-. l.n'8, corner on said road; thence a!oi;g J.J. Aliens line N 70 W 48 cha to a rock on the-fiBat^plde of Fox Swamp Creek; thence tlown said creek as it meanders in a Southerly direc tion 14.80 chs to a rock on East branch of said creek; thence S to E*7t80 cha to middle of sfforeeald road, marked by a rock on the West side of the road; tlience along said road N 29 E 12.90 tits to the beginning, and containing Sixty ( 60) acres, more or less. It-be ing the same land conveyed to Joel B. McKcnzie by T. K. Allen, widower, by deed dated July IB, 1913, and re corded in the Registry of Franklin County in Book 190, page 329, refer ence to which Is hereby made for a further description. It being also the land conveyed to Marcus Allen by Jtel B. McKenzie and wife, which deed is also duly recorded in said Registry. Tills tract contains one of the best farm dwellings and outhouses in theTiumty and is highly improved land. Second Tract Adjoining T. K. Allen and others, more particularly dellnea as follows: Keg. uning at the intersection of Sheep Eranch <ind T. K. Allen's Southern boundary of T.. K. Allen land; thence 3^i!onK the nieanderings of said branch to 1-ox Swamp Creek; thence up said Fox Swamp Creek to T. R. Allen's n.ri.ek" "ilnnCe nearly East along T. K. Alien s line to the beginning which is not surveyed but estimated to be about ten acres, more or less, and be ing a of the said William Allen l?iiU. it being the land conveyed to ->oel 11. .ViKeiizie By Wm. Allen by ueetl dated June 21, 1913, and recorded ? Ijook 1'jO page 321, reference to hi oil is hwe'jy made lot further des. ..tion. it being also the land con-, by Joel B. McKenzle and wife" u? i.iarci.s Allen, which deed is duly ltucrdeu and reference is hereby made t . same. V ' Third Tract Adjoining- the lands of Mourning May and otherB more">?!rticularly de lined as follows: Beginning at a Hake in a branch with Mulberry Pointers, thence S 8 1-2 K 67 poles to a stake near the lot; thence N 13 1-2 W 75 poles to a rock and pointers near the water falls on Allen's branch cor. of No. 2; thence down said branch as .it meanders to a large whiteoak, Afters. coiner on said branch; then N 49 1-2 W 34 poles to a Sweetgum on Fox Swamp Creek; thence up said greek as 'J meanders to a Whiteoak liiown), lnscoe'B corner in Fuller's line; thence S 77 E 30 Doie^ to the be ginning. containing 39 acres, more or less; it being the land conveyed to Marcus Allen by Jos. Fuicher and wife Ross-Lee Fuicher by deed dated Nov. .27, 1916 a?d duly recorded in liegiitiS' of Franklin County in Book 217, page 44, reference to which is hereby made for a full description. . Fourth Traut Adjoining the lands of Marcus Allen nr.d others, more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at a stake at well of Allen's Chapel on Public road known .is the Massenburg road; thence N 86 15' W 2,000 feet to the old bed of creek; thence along the creek (old Bed) in a Southerly direction to a BUtke, corner for No. 2 In Division of We* Roberts' Farm as shown on Map made by J A. LaPrade, C. K.; thence S 74 30' E 1,996 feet to a stake on the Master burg road, comer tor No. 2 In tl'8 survey above referred to; thence K 18 50' 651 feet to the beginning, con taining 4 2 acres, more or leu and be ing tract No. 1 in the division of the Wea Roberts lands, the Home Place as shown on map and survey made by J. A. Lal'rade, C. B. which is duly re. corded In the Registry of Franklin County, reference- to which la hereby r>ad?. R bolng the land conveyed to >iarctis Al'en by 13. T. Hjlwlen trund ?wife, Willie S. Holden, Dec. 6, 1^16, and duly recorded In Hook 217. page C2, Kegistry of Franklin County, ref erence to r.hich is hereby made for full description cf me panic. Fifth Tract ? Bounded on thf Norvh. by J. B. Mc, Kenzie, qn tho East by J. W. A. Al lien and others, on thv South by Cora Hawkins and on the West by A tki.i Jones, cont lining 66 acica ^nyre tir It as. being the land devtsei: by Will iam Allen to Marcus Allen i.y will re. ctoi'ded in Will Book V*., p 316, Office o'f t!'e.('lers of \he S'iptrior t-aut, Fianklin County. reference to which it hereby made, after cutting ort ri acres to Ann Allen and 20 ccrcs to Cera Hawkins as set out in said Will. Tructs Noa. First an 3 Second, the Joel B. McKenzie Place* by the term*; or said detd <>f triift will sold sub ject to a first lien thereon nsld by the Federal Ltnd Bank of Columbia, S. C. for I4.3GO. ; This Dec. 1. 1022. ? 1 2-1 -5t WM. H. RUFF1N. Trustee. COM M TSS I OXERS SALE OK LA?J^? By virtue of a power of sale mad.4 in that Special Proceedings entitled J. D?. Shillings. Adm'r. of C H. Bunn now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the Court I^ouse door in Louisburg. -N . C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, that part of the C. H. Bunn lands so ordered to be sold which more particularly^ defined as follows: Beginning at a stake Southeast cor-, ner of the Dower tract, thence alonR the line of the dower tract North 67 poles to a stake, corner or the dower in line of W. J. Stallings; thence S 83 E 25 poles to a stake; thence N 2 1-2 E 10 poles 12 links to a stake; thence S 84 E 28 poles 10 links' to u stake; thence S 5 W 18 poles; thence S 83 E*32 poles to a stake, B. Lewis' corner; thence S 54 3-4 W 71 poles Iff a. stake; thence N 87 1.2 W 12 links to the beginning, containing sixteen and one-half (16 1-2) acres by survey in 1922. This Dec. 1, 1922. WM. h. RUFF1N, 12-1 _5t Commissioner. SALE OP SMALL, FERTILE FARM NEAR LOUISBURG By virtue of the power of sale con-s tained in that deed of trust made by Joel B. McKenzie and wife to Wm. H. huirin. Trustee, dated March 27, 1920, pnd recorded in (he registry of Frank lin County in Book 234, 78, de i'-iult having been made in the pay n.ent of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been n. tde upon' said trustee by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un. ?HerhigneiT^ilh-tm- - MONDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1923 Qt about the hour of noon, at the Court House door in Lou!sburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, that tract of land therein conveyed and described aB fol lows: Adjoining W. A. Jones, Sam Kelly and others and bounded as follows: Situate on the Allen Chapel Road about tour miles Northeast of tne Town of Louisburg, County and State aforesaid and containing 36.10 acres, more or less and being the tract or Farm lot No. 3 of what was formerly the Wes Roberts farm and having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will appear from Map or Plot thereof made by J. E. LaPrade, C. E., and duly re corded in the Registry of Franklin County in Book of Maps No. 1 at page 191 and said lot being the identical lot or parcel of land conveyed to W. A. Bailey by deed of Ben T. Holden and wife, dated Dec. ?.0, lull and duly recorded in Book 217, page 108 in the 6lftce of the Register cf Deeds for s.-iiri Fianklin County, reference being here irade to all of said records, maps and deeds for a full description thereof* ?aid land being the same conveyed to* Joel B. McKenzie by deed of said Wm. Galley and wife, dated Nov. 29, 1918 and recorded in Book 227, page 12 said Registry . ? This sale will be made subject to a first lien mortgage made for $4,360 on this land and about 76 acres of the McKe^xle Home tract also recorded In said Registrar which debt can be ap portioned flHtveen the tracts and paid ,on the amortization plan of 7 per cent per annum for a period of about 30 years at the end of which period the debt will he paid off. This Dec. 1, 1922. 12-l-6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TTME8 $1.60 Per Year In Adraaoe TKUSTKEE 3 SAL^TOWN LOT Ly virtue of the poweKof sale con tained in that certain (leech -of trust made Ly O. i . Yarboro to Win H. Kiifiu, FrUBtee, and recorded in Frank 1 u kegisirv in Hook 210. page 264. t. ult having been made n the. pay ment j)f the d? bt thereby secured and licuand for fore insure having been : mi tit- Ly t!:e holder of said debt upou said trustee, the undersigned will, o.i .MOMV.Y, DLTl EM-BEli IS lj*22 :it about the hour of nuoii. at tlie v ourthouse door, in L*)u^burg N. C. otter for sale at public auction, to the lugi esi bidder for cash It.e lot of land ? t. said de*?d of trust conveyed an>.; tnere described as follows. S.tuatt* tj.?> Wes' st.'.p of Elm Street i:i tlio town of Louisburg, and more particu larly defined as follows; Beginning at the corner of Mrs. K. Z. Egerton's on Elm Street (formerly Bob Yarbor ough's corner) and corner for lot here in conveyed; thence Westwardly along Mrs. EgertoiTs line, the old Bob Yar boro line, 222 -feet more or less to corner for Mrs. K. Z.Egerton, F. N. Egerton and the lot nerein conveyed: thepce Southwardly alo: g F . N. Eg 'erton'B line 1131 feet, more or less to hi? corner', thencfe Eastwardly aion? l is line 22 feet, more or less to Elm Street; thence Northwardly nloag Elm Street 113 feet,- more or less* to-the I eg nning Tills Nov. 15, 1922. 11-17 -5t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 1st. 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Dec. j 8. 1922. ? * . 12-22-2t WM. H. RLFFIN, Trwffec. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Clifton Dickerson and wife iio Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated'Dec 13, 1M21, and recorded In Franklin Reg. iri.i y :?i itook ? >4. :?agc S51. dolwt'i having !*eett jvade ii the pa/iner* of the- debt thirty toured and dem ??t? f. r f l i c< I os ure ag Bert*. nnr;j ~n said t.u'ee by I. a nolaer o. ? tie. rfb: so r? c u< ? <1, the u . -sign* .? i ! ! i MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1923 at about the h ui ol poou, b ? t ?e <->urt so ? i,i ? ou:sr. ru X ? I*ei vr s-ile at y\ 'jc auct c u, u .Le highest bidder , i . ash. tfr. i ? . *? t < ( luhil dwe - :1c herein conveyed and ij ?? ? described i s to. i j Situate ?\ s ?? I'reel; . w:;-.hi)i. near i*..;l side ? uu bounded ti* f". iovt; F>e?:nning at D. T. Snutli wick'fe corncr on uev* road ruanir.jr est ^"0 .wrds. thence North TO yarils to a rock Uickers^n's iliic, thuiM^ Kaai 10 yardB to the Wurrenton and Loulsburg road, thtnee South to the point of beginning, containing one acre mere or lees. "ills December 8th, 192r. 12-8-5t Win H. RUFFIN, Trustee. COMMISSIONERS SALE By virtue of an order of sale made by the. Superior Court of Franklin County In that spcclal proceedings therein pending entitled J. C. Whe Itss, Adm'r. of John Cope vs. Arch ("cpe et al heirs at law, the undersign ed will on MONDAY. JANUARY 1st. 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the CouTt House door In Lou.sburg, N. C., offer for Biile at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, that tract of land therein defined as follows: Situate In Cedar Rock township. Franklin County, part of the Joe Cope lands as divided among his heirs, and more particularly defined as follows: Rounded on the North by the lands of Willie Cope, on the East by Callle Wheless and J. C. Wheless, on the South by the lands of Wm. and Sisslc Jones and West by the Spring Hope road containing after a part thereof has been cut ofT by the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company's railroad, 10 acres, more or less. This Dcc. 1. 1922, WM. H. RUFFIN, 12-1. 6t Commissioner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of jthe estate of the late John N. Harris, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de corujent to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of November, 1923, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This Nov. 24. 1922. R. V. HARRIS, Adm'r., Bunn, N. C. Wm. H. A Thos, W. Ruffln, Attys. Loulsburg, N. C. 11-24 6t FARM FOR RENT Oood two horve farm, good dwell ing and outhouses, In good community, convenient to church aua acnool, for rent for IMS. MRU EVA A. TCRRY. 1 2-22-21 Maplavtlla, N. 0. * okh los rut; sale ok to w.n DWKLL1XG LO> By- virtue 4)f th 1 power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made ly J. B. Davis to Wm. H. Ruf In, Trustee, dated October itith, 1!?17. """and recorded in Book 210. page 292 Kftxikiin Registry. deiauii ua.-ing h en made <n tho payniDiu of the deb. :i ereby secured and ucm.miUfor -iorr . < .o:%ure having been made on sa il by the holder of the debt j&o hicuied, tiie undersigt ed will on i MONDAY. JaNVAKY S. U2A at the ( ourt house door in Lonisburg. N. C . at about the hoar of noon, of fcr for sale at public auction, to Ui* !? gaest bidde'r for catih, that lot an.: dwelling in said d^ed of inui convey ed and there dctcribtd as .ollows. ' Situate in (J^^Tovmi of Lou^stiurg bounded as folii'VvSV Beginning at -the corner of Main sflteet'aiiil the Rtv tr Ujjad in tho said to^. thence along Nia*n street in a Southerly direction ;o Zollie Williams cornlr iu- Alain St ? j. v nee in a Westerly ^frec lien atong Collie Williams line to Wi! Kins' cor ner in J. M. Allen's line; iheace at r.ght angles to the last line ,n a North erly direction, a straight ?:ne to the J>ivcr Road. J. M. Allan's corner; thence in a Northeasterly direction along the River Road to the beginning, containing about one.flfth of aiuacrc, and being the land conveyed by JL M. Allen to L. B. Wilcox by deed yluly recorded in Franklir. RegistryX jr. book 192, page 48, and by L. B. Wil ccx and wife sold to J . 13. Oebuain Oct.- 24,. 1912, which deed Is recorded in Boo?"192 page 50, reference lo which is hereby made for a full uescription of said lot. And by said D<-b nam sold to J. b. Davis. this de.-d be lli}, to secuv the purchase money. .1 ..s December 8th, 1922. 12b-!?t Wm. rl. KL'FKIN, Trustee. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND By virtue of the p.^wer of sale con .tarinedin that certain deed of trust, made on Sept. 30. 1U21, by W. W. Shearon and wife, Kattie M. Shcaron. no Thos. W. RufLn, Trustee, and re corded In Book 2.14, page 3iu Registry if F.unklin County, c \ tk^tuit having been made in the paymen^^C the indebtedness therein se? ured. and i>eniaud Tor foreclosure having been made on said trustee. by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned uill on , MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1?23 at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse <Joor in Louisbu:g, N. C. oiTer for sale at public auction to the ^[sliest bidder for cash, a certain or parcel of land, situate in Franklin County, Franklinton town ship, North Carolina, and described us follows: Adjoining the land ot E. J. Cheat ham, C. B. Kittle,~Mrs. J. C. May and others: Lying and r?e:ng on the South side of the right o? way of the Louisbut'g branch of the S. A. L. Rail road in the town of Franxlinton. N. C. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on said right of way. Northwest corner for- the E. J: Cheatham lot, theftce iiv an Easterly direction along the lino Ot-E. J. Cheatham lot to a point where the said Cheatham line inter sects the line of C. B. Kittle lot; thence in a Nortfierly direction along the C. B. Kittle line to the North west corner of said C. B. Kittle lot in the line of the lot hereby conveyed, thence along the Northern boundary line of the said C. B. Kittle lot in an Easterly direction to point where said Kittle line Intersects line of Mrs. J. C. May lot; thence In a Northerly di rection the Westerg boundary line of Mrs. J. C. May's lot and R. D. Col lins' lot to the right of way of said Louisburg branch of S. A. L. rail road; thence in a Southwesterly di rection along said right of way to the point of beginning. ??>mainlng by estimation Two and One Half acres (2 1-2) more or less, it Dedng the land conveyed by Francis Winston, single to W. W. Shearon by deed dated Sept. 12, 1917, duly recorded In the RpglBtry of Franklin County in Book 217 page 302, reference to which is hereby expressly mane for full de scription of the same. 1 This Dec. 19, 1922. THOS. W. RCFFIN, 1 12-22-frt Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Fred A. Riff, late of Franklin county, this Is to notify all persons having claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December, 1923, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This Dec. 1, 1922. CARRIE RIFF. Executor. Wm. H. A Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. 124-6t TRUSTEES. SALE OP LAND By v.rtut ui tho power of sale con tained in that certain ue<d of trust, made on Sept. 30. 1921, by W. W. Shearon and wife. Kailie M. Shearon. to Thos. W. Ruff.n. Trustee, and re corded tn Book 2. .4, page 3i4. Rig.s?.ry of Franklin v_oilnty, .\ . C., defati.t lading been made in tiie piymen. of the indehtt dm ss therein sec ured, and demand for foreclosure having been n yde on caiC trustee by the holier or suul indebtedness, thi undersigned v. ill on MONDAY. JANUARY 2-'. at or aVyit the hour of noon at the "'(Yurtiiou. e door in Lou?*buig. . N . C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for t??s:i. a certaia tract or pai eel of . lanu, situate n Franklin County. Franklinton town bhip. North Carolina, aad de^'Tilxd. as tol'.ows : ' Bounded on the North by Front Street, on the East by MeGhee-Joyner Warehouse lot, on the South by the S. A. L\ Railroad, and on the Weot hj the Sterling Store Co. warehouse Jot. It b\ng a lot in the Town of Franklinton^\N. C. on which is situ ate a warehouse building; t>nd being she identical property conve>ed to'W. W. Shearon by deed of C. S. Will iams and wife, dated Oct. 1. 1919. duly recorded in Franklin* Registry in Book ?27, page 442 anci deed of I . H. Kear. ney and wife, also duly recorded in Franklin Registry, reference to all of vhich deeds is hereby made for a full ^description of the same. This Dec. 19, 1922. 12-22-5t trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 1 Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain Dee<i ci Trust executed to me by Percy Fos ter and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklii^^ Count in Book 234 at page 8. default having been made in the payment of the notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder of said notes. I will on MONDAY. JANUARY' 8. 1923 at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, sell at public auction at th^Tfourt house uoor in Louisburg, N. C., to the beh est bidder for cash alt that certain lot or parcel of land, situate in Frank lin county. Town of Louisburg. State of North Carolina, and described as^T fellows: * Bounded on the north bv the lands of Zac Terrell; on the east by th* S. A."~" E*. Railway; on the ?outh by the lands of Sam Harris, (formerly a part of this lot) ; and on the west by the lands of J. T. Clay; containing 3-20 of an acre, more or less, and be ing the lot this day conveyed to said Percy Foster by said Sam Harris and wife. This 5th day of December, 1922. 12-8-5t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. NOTICE OF THE SALE OF LAND , Under and by virtue of ^>ower lid authority contained in that certain d of trust executed and de.'.vered Nick Richardson to C. E. May. the 1st day of November, 1917, to fewure certain notes then held and still held by one i. B. Gardner, which sa:c deed of trust is duly recorded in the oftice of the Register of Deeds for \ash * county in book 219 at page 296 and* in the office of the Register of Deedi for Franklin county in book 2Z1 at P-ig*' 122, default havlnfe been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand In writing hav ing been made upon the undersigned. J. O. May. admfnistrator of C. K. May. deceased, the undersigned will.'" on the 1st DAY OF JANUARY. 1923 at the courthouse door in Nashville Nash county, N. C., between the hoars of 12 o'clock M and 1 o'clock P. M offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed real estate: Lying and being in Nasn and Frank lin counties, adjoining the lands o* Ashley Batton, John Alford, the Cal , pepper land and J. J. Green, being the "Homeplace" of the said E. W. Green, and known as the old Bass Wheless place, containing 72 acres, more or less, it being tne same land conveyed by E. W. Green ?o I. B. Gardner, by deed of record In the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Frank lln county, book 213 at page 247. This the 28th day of Nov.. 1?J2. J. O. MAY, Administrator of Ike estate of C. E May, tTMte?. 12 8-4t deceased . FOR SALE 100 hogs for Porkers can dress any day at 15c per pound from gallows, also pigs and small shoata at IS 1 Sr groas. Mall your orders to > JUSTICE LIVE STOCK CO.. Car* W. P. Haysn. 12 22 4t Spring Hops. N. C.

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