LOWEST PRICES In the History of the Ford Motor Company I > >J ?> TO VOI R TAX ON FEB. 1ST AM) 1 PER CENT,! EACH MONTH , THEREAFTER CNTIL PAID. PAY YOl RS BEFORE THAT DATE AND SAVE THE PENALTY WHICH IN DER THE STATE LAW WILL BE ADDED. - ' ' ^ Yours very truly, H, A. KEARNEY, Sheriff FORECLOSURE SAL.il OF FRANK LINTON IX>T By virtue of the power or gale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by W. W. SUearmi and wife, Kate M. Shearon to Thou. W. Ruf. fln. Trustee, dated May 3, 1922, and re corded In the Registry of Franklin County In Book No. 234, pace 265, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the debts thereby- secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said, trustee by the hol der of the debt so secured, the under signed will, on I ^MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1923 | about the hour at noon, at the Courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the property In aaM deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Adjoining the Home Place of Mrs. Kate M. Shearon. J. 8. Roberson and others, bounded as follows: On the Nprth bjr lira. Kate M. Shearon, on An Bant by Winston Street, on J.he South by W. W. St learon vacant lot and OR the Want by J. 8 . Roberson . Said lot running 80 feet North and South and 171 feat East and West and being the lot Upon which a house Is now alMhte; It being also the North ern portion at the lot conveyed by Vtanoea M. Winston to W.-W. Bbear on by daeddatad Jan. 10. nil, duly recorded in Franklin Registry In Book 229, page 124 to which reference in hereby made for description of en tire lot. This January 5th, 1923. l-5-5t THOB. W. RUFFIN, Trustee. MONEY TO LENfl ON IMPROVED farm lands, 6 per cant Interest. No commission, no bonus. N May run for 33 years or be paid off *t option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. Hnbscrtbe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11.50 Per Year la Advance A TONIO -t drove's Tasteless cfclll Tmric reetor? Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel lu strengthening. InVignri ting effect, see ho* It brings color t^\ U e cheeks apd how it Improved the a(H> dMe y?*Awill thee appreciate its true toil c vane. > Grove's Tasteless chil I Tonic W dlmph Iron and Quinine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even chlldretl like it. The blood needs QUININE to Ptlify it ?nd IRON to Eorich It Destroys Milarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. \ TURKISH VIRGINIA burhy NOTICE The regular annual meeting of the share-holders of the Farmers National Bank of Louisburg will be held at tho bank Tuesday, the 9th of January. 1923. at _3 P. M. 1-5-lt H. M. STOVALL, Cashier. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain deed of trust executed by W. D. Wes ter and wife Annie Wester to A. P. Strickland, trustee on the 8th day oX -April, 191S to ^secure the payment of a note due J. L. Wester, which deed of trust is on record in the ollice of< the Register of Deeds f6r Franklin county in book 224 at page 90; and default haying been made in the pay ment of 'the said indebtedness, and the said J. L. Wester having made demand upon me to-sell the said land according to the terms and provis ions of said deed of trust, I will on SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C. sell at pub lic auction for cash, the following des cribed real estate: First; being the lot assigned to said W. D. Wester known as lot No. S, bounded as follows, to. wit: Begin ning at a stake or rock and pointers on Cyprees Creek, corner of No. 6; thence West 30 poles to a rock and pointers, corner of No. 6; thence S 2 E about 17 poles to a stake in place of a hickory: thence S 22 W 26 poles 15 links to a stake and gum pointers on Bull Branch; thence down said branch as It meanders to Cypress Creek; thence up Cypress Creek as It meanders to beginning, containing J 1-2 acres, more or less. Also. Lot No. G assigned to Q. W. Wester and herein conveyed by him to W. D. Wester, bounded as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a rock, corner of No. 3 on Cypress creek; thence West 30 poles to a rock corner of No. 3; thence N 2 W 28 poles to a rock in stump hole, formerly *a red oak, thence N 87 W 25 poles 6 links to a rock, cor ner of No . 4 ; thence N 2 1-2 E 21 poles to a -stake, corner of No. 4 in line of No. 2; thence East 38 poles 7 links to1 a stake and pointers, corner of No. 2 in Bobbin's line; thence aiong Bob bin's line S 16 E about 80 poles to a whitg oak, Bobbitt's corner; thence N 83 E 4 poles 14 links to Cypress Creek; thencfe down said creek as it meanders to the beginning, contain, lbg 9 1-2 acres, more or less. This 13th day of Dec., 1922. A. P. STRICKLAND, 12-15-6t Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain Mortgage Deed, from J. D. Williams and wife, Fannie S. Williams, to M. C. Chamblee & Sons, which Mortgage Deed is recorded in Book 193, at page 581, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., to secure the payment of a certain note, and default having been made in the payment of the note secured there by, the undersigned mortgagee, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door, In Louis burg, Franklin County, N. C., on TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1923 at 12 o'clock M., the following describ-, ed real property: > ? All of our 1-3 undivided interest in two certain pieces or tracts of land lying and being In Franklin County, and described as follows: First Tract: Adjoining the lands of Joe Holding, James Young, Joe Timberlake and others, and bounded bb follows: Bowidcd on the Wwt by lands of Joe Holding, on the South by James Young; on the East by Joe Timberlake; on the North by George Timberlake; containing about 65 acres ihdre or less, about one mile South of Youngsvllle. N. C. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by Mrs. Duk Pearce, T. C. Cooley and others, bounded as follows: Bounded on the North T>y Mrs. Duk Pearce; on the West by Mrs. Duk Pearce; on the South by T. C. CoOley; on the East by Dr. J. B. Powers. Lo cated about 3 mllos Southeast ot Voungsvllle. on or near the County line of Wake and Franklin Counties. Containing about 55 acres more or ltaa. There has been a division by deeds of the above land which deed Is re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, and the 1-4 Interest as above mentioned Is more fully described as follows; Third Tract: Beginning at a stone at the Northwest corner of Oupton's line and running thence South 88 42' East 578 feet to a stone Oupton's North cast corner; thence North 12 1-2' East 10 feet to a stake In O. H. Timber, lrke's line; thence 8outh 64 33' West 180 feet to a alone said Tlmberlake's corner; North 24' West 1388 feet to a stone; thence 8outh 3 18' West 3280 feet "to a stone; thence South 89 ii' East 37 feet to * stone; thence North 1 18 East 228 fe<>t to the beglnnfhg. Containing 22 1-2 acres more or less. This th?J4th day of Dec., 1922, M. C. CHAMBLEE & SONS, By M - B . Chammee. A. R. House, Atty. Zebulon, N, C. 12-22-4t SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust made by J. C. Conyers to E. H. J'alone, Trustee, dated Dec. 1, 1920 and recorded In Book 193, page 294, l.'egistry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure hav. lug been made on said trustee by the holder of the Indebtedness so secured, flie undersigned will on MONDAY. JANUARY 29. 1923 at or about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door" in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the behest bidder for cash the proporty therein conveyed and described there in as follows: "All of his light, title and interest in a certain lot of land being in Franklinton, Franklin County aluretaid and mora particularly da? c ; ; bcU and defined as follows : Situate on the Western side of Main Street in the Town of Franklinton, N. C. be ginning at W. L. McGhee's corner in the western edge of said Main Street; thence alongf said Main Street South westwardly 26 feet to the center of fl'.e brick wall between the Moving Pic ture Show building recently owned by R. I. Cheatham and building on lot hereby conveyed; thence along the as said wall extends; thence in same direction to the line of W. L. McGhee r total distance of 100 feet; thence Northwardly along McGhee's line 2ti feet; thence Eastward along McGhee's line 100 feet to the point of the begin ning, containing 2600 square feet more or less, and being the lot con veyed to.H. F. Fuller and B. X.. Bragg by deed of R. I. Cheatham and wife recorded In Book 227, page 206 of the Registry of Franklin Co. reference cription. This 22nd day of Dec. 1922." 12.29-5t "E. H. MALONE, Trustee. A Rat Breeds 6 to 10 Times a Year, Averaging Ten Toang t? a Litter. Remember thiB, act as soon as you see the first rat. Get a pkg. of RAT SNAP. It's a 'sure rat and mice de stroyer. It's ^convenient, comes In cake fofm. no mixing. Mummifies rat after killing ? leaves no Bmell. Cats or dogs won't touch It. Three sizes, 35c, 6 Be, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market, NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained In a certain deed of truBt executed to me on the 9th day of Starch, 1921, by W. E. Muprhy and wife Ella Murphy, which said deed of trust Is recorded In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county In Book 234, page 229, the debt therein secured being past due and demand having been made upon me for fore closure, I will on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 at about the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C., otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land lying and feeing In Loulsburg township. Franklin county. North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning In the center of "the old road leading from Loulsburg to Nash ville, N. C., corner of the Horton dower, thence along the road N 38 1-4 W 190 feet, N 35 W 600 feet, N 67 1-4 W 142 feet, N 74 1-2 W 24S feet, S~88 3-4 W 200 feet to the entrance Into the new road leading into Loulsburg, N. C., thence along the new road S 68 1-2 E 187 1-2 feet, S 57 E 100 feet, 8 37 1-2 E 355 feet, S 40 1-2 E 300 feet, S 39 1-4 E 229 feet to the center of the new road in line of the Horton dower, thenle-frtong the dower line N 50 3-4 E 136 feet to the beginning. Containing 4 1-5 acres, more or less; and being the same tract of land con veyed to W. E. Murphy by R. A. Pearee and wife by deed duly regls ?t?red fn Book 2:18, page 227. This Dec. 12th, 1922. ' 12.15-5t F. J. BEASLEY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me on the 24th day of April, 1922, by S. It. Boone and wife Annie Boone, which said deed of trust ts recorded In the llegletef of Deeds 1 office of Franklin courity, In Book 232 page 307, the debt, therein secured be ing past due and demand having been made upon me for foreclosure, I will ion SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Louisburg, N. C offer for Rale to the highest bidder for cash, those certain tracts of land lying anil being in Cedar Rock town ship, Franklin county. North Caro. lina, described as follows: First Tract: Bounded On the West by the lands of J. A. ooppedge, on the East by the lands, of the W. M. Boone estate, on the North by the 1 lands of Howell Wood. St. _ Anna Jones and the W. M. Boone estate, and on the South by tHe lands of W. B. Coppedge and U Trustee. The QclolM nut I VMS no{ /flttt The ffesd ? ?Owt, LAXA ron b* Uk*a The Season's Best Wishes " We extend the season's best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of our friends and custom ers who contributed to the success of our business during the past fall, es pecially and to the public generally. We expect to be prepared to gratify the wishes of the mosst exacting In our line the coming year and at most reasonable prices. Call to see ns when In Loulsburg. THE LADIES SHOP at Store formerly Occupied by Allen Bros. Co. Mrs. R. R. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, MgT. I Thank You V ? * For your liberal patronage the past fall and extend to you the season's best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I will continue to gove you the best service possible and save you money on your purchas es. Come to see me and lets help each other make money. ? N. B. Tucker (B. 8. FOKD'S OLD STAND) NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. I sincerely trust that you had a Merry Christmas and wish for you and yours a joyous and Prosperous New Year, ? I thank each and every one of y$u for your Ijberal . ' " * . - ^ patronage the past year and hope that I may serve you this year which I believe is going to be better for both of us. Yours truly, J.W.PERRY NASH STREET LOnSBUBO, N, 0. R. f. Fuller M Hwm nl Male*. .AIM H?r u4 Oat*. Baffl* u4 UWbhi for Ml*, of Uo right Ui( ul a* th* rl^t prtoM WW Mil far (Ml ar ptrt ea>h or on appro TO? IMVttr, II r?v horic or agb 1m a?t ?alt yea coin* la aa* *M II f*m MI1 aot Mil a ferafla f?t wkat jaa nut CrtM aa4 hi i?h?UM?r r*a ?u orf a at. %R. F. FULLER Itabkut W. 0. ~ >n?T WAIT TIM. THE LAST DAT TO SEND THE ?OPT IK FOB AW ADVERTISEMENT WHEN THE AD DUN CAN GIVK YOU A MUCH BET TER JOB IV SOU BEND IT IN &00NEB1 DON'T FORGET IT.