THE FRANKLIN TIMES F. JOHNSON, Editor ud Manager Year 91. f Months 1. 1>0 ?oaths r. - ?? Months M C Foreign Advertising Rcprcier.litKe THF. AMEH ICAte PRETSS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Louls ? *?rg. N. C., as second class matter. Conditions in Europe present more grave aspect as the French | troops advance. ^ Mr. W? N. Everett. df Richmond County, has been appointed Secretary I 4ft State by Gov. MorNson. He took the oath of office on Tuesday morning | and entered upon his new duties. We see in the News-Observer com ment on a certain Carper raising a hog that weighed S26 vpotmdB; * as if that was the record, j We want to introduce to our esteemed contempo THry Mrr~Z. L. Cheavfo, of Franklin county, who recently killed a hog thut ?weighed 946 pounds. We think Mr. Cheaves, of Franklin, holds the record for big hogs in North CaroHna. Reports show that Dr. Peacoek, who J escaped some time ago from tfie crim inal insane department of the State penitentiary has shown up 4n Flori ?4a. The it-port says lie has "been de clared sane by a Court in that state. North Carolina should have no objec tion to his becoming sane, but if he takes that course there eQould be some mear.s of trying him again for murder. He 'should be brought back and confined, or tried asaln and sen tenced according to the cr:mc he cum mitt'd. ? *? - * ? * v ?j ILii.VK hUt'o liiwi sriliiwl. " Of interest. . 1 l'e:.eii".r*. * I'lipils and H e I'niffr iUuer.til* * p.y >e! ?".? I iru-^s ? r.u r.i # * ? K ? V ? - ?' Am :.c ?? V: - . v.- ::: i r. a- . - ; to <-;??; : ?- TT'.v- v. the.. ? ?? ?- .:.v ; . ? - ? the ^ . Thi.- ; t . . -,v\ - 1Z?- .. . ? : V try . ? y. ? ? .? i.,: pre:-: ? . '. .. r. ? -r ? i ch? : , . . . " c ? *??,. ? proi ? ?">* : V- ? i li.ti- 1 . :..V - ? *?: ;? ? V..: )vork *. * ill ? -i acco'r.t'. t ; i!i- ; J 11 rf ii Irai: ? - ? : > ; ' * . flliu-.:. . ? : c. i:? . T)y ' . - : 'i; - ? wee!: i . ; :rt 1 v*.u . >s Il ? iHeiit ? . ..a.- . " * Sj- ?. . ?: ? ,1 .4 . ?" i. .. taxu?*;. ; j.j! . i .?.lo:*:-: ul Hick in ???: i . :? , % tv, :?> j ten*. ' iriv i;- f ]? i jyiis : i'1/.y ? :.j ! by i . Ouj prl:. Mr m fctteaded j llio b" . ? : i "i }?.'>* :.v/r.T. M-r. ( air. ' Frid .y iifter'io&ii. I Jtc v . W . I i , Wa 1 i a < p r ?*. a (. ? 1 i A a s ery intr.-:*vs^ing - rm .n| day. Mr. Mill Mrs. H <\ VL : p spent I tlie vwk-wl at C<- i i!1 i;' r*: wiih Mrs. I Kemi> ? pf*rents. We. wlcome in-o oar r'u^nt baly; Air 1. ii .If-n ot Cedar llylk . i Dr. Ollie Copp'-dse of Nashville; vis- j ited bis father at C'idar Ilock on last j Sunday. In the one gam" or tTio week the local l?:tukct t ii II rruii.t *rounce?l thf ! JuBtice five V."<-dnesday af'.ernoon by] the s.eot'o of tn 7 on tiiv ' Justice] court. ' * I TJVVOISIKP. filEMICAI- SOCIETY , , Th?* MaiiiilacturinK of 'Olaw (!?y Haywood Stalling?., Jr. ) is a hard t!Bnf;?;ent sub stance made < f a mixtur of sodium j gllicdtat ?. cilelurn silicatr ?ind silicon i dioxidrr l.oatcd !o^et!ier to ?i very high i temperature, the mixture slo-.vly fusts I to a transparent liquid, wlncii on cool- j iHKj Passes into the rj^;?T material call- ! ed glass. The method in which the' melted glann is handleG :u the factory depends upon the character of the object to he made. Such arti cles as* bottles, lamp chiinnrys, and glasses are made by the plas tic glass into mo1ds~of the desired shape . The mold is opened, a lump of plastic/ glass in a ho?:ow rod is lowered into it. ami tli" nj?ild is then closed. Hy blowing into the tube the glass is forced into he ?aapc of the mold. Tp, prevent ridg'-s from show ing where' the mold joins the articles while being, blown, are revo;ved. Window glass -is made- by blowing j the melted glass inlo the form of large hollow cylinders. Thes?* nrr rut long. I itudinally and are then placed in an oven and heated until They soften, j when they nre flattened out into p|;ites' and cut into the desired sizes. > Plato glass, an American Invention 1b cast into flat slabs wnt< n are th^n ground snd polished ta perfectly plan" ? surfaces . In o61orin^ glass the amb'-r color of Common l>ottles Is ?o iron cmi 'rwitods in the glass in- other c.i^r Iron 'Colors the gla? a u Co ? 1 j^ftnhds of l^vr V T n ITfiu? thyst tint and urqrMnm^coioptuunls lm . parts a pehjllor yellowish grc n color. hywflM# Rl88* Uffl to ndtnlf linlil Into , the limlillng^-wlicro the vlo? Is to 1>0 p tfXVllll'li 'Ii rlnss l? rouKhencd. rtrhtn* daalpis upon class by flnorlto U Md snlftirle acid. 'I I o Rlnss ves.y'l If i>n!ntscl oTor* with ft iirotorllve. pnlut f . ? and give your stomach a lift. Provides "Ike bit of ?wccf* la fr?n?fictaJ form. Help* t* cleanse the teetb and keep . them healtfcjr. upon which the acid will not act, the parts which it is desired to make opa que being left unprotected. Then a , mixture of fluorite ?nd sulfuric acid is painted over, the vessel, and af^ar a; few minutes the vessel is wastied cl^an, v herever the hydrolluoric acid comes in contact with tlje glass !t acts upon it, destroying its luster and making it , opaque, so that the exposed design j will be etched upon the clear glass. | The glass industry hag expanded wonderfully in America/this now be ! in& the leading country in its manu- ! facturing, but still we have to send to Europe for our finer grades of opt toil j glasses., j NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of. George L. Dodd. late of Franliliir county. ,\". ?. .. this is to no%xfv all per-) sons havir.g claims against the estate . ? f said dt ceased to exh::t them to the under nod on c?r before thr r.'th day-, Ti February. l'?^4 or this notice wilL 1 !?!??;:?! r:i bar < ? their recovery. All 5-t_.*s indebi d to sa>fi estate will : !v,?:!:euiae pay.iie:-.:. j - day ? i te*>runry. I > 2. ?,. I. 1'. 1 r. ^ I \ ; :? 4 !...r-e f-ri.i. a ' . *? r. . 1 'ft* vo 1- il l. fir.o ik.sukv, ( *?! K. IL . .ALOXi*.'. i 'iuojif-cd n*'rvr~ v :! ? J A Word, declared; ? * ? : F: ;.l:lir. Ccwty, no'ice Is given t!1 pc-rsons hsddln^j ? ? r?2?ir.s! saM estate to present ?V\. ?r? th" undersigned ^n. or before ?? 22nd dsy rf l>rc-:\'>er, 1023 or ??lis notice will l>o pler;d :n. bar "o? recovery. All poisons indebted to said estate w^l) please tome for v.' rd ::nd make lmrr. ?d iate settlement. 12 r J. :7. STALLING?, Adm'r, J NGTlf E Having Mia lifted ts administrator of th" estate of Geo. W. Burnctte. de f cased, late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all perrons \ holding c'a!:r.s against said estate to.lijr??ent them to the undersigned on or before M?e J Cf* h dry -of January, 1T24. or tills notice will bu-plead in bar of their re covery. All prrsons indebfe?l to said ? Home flsr:nen and H.%2! schools dur Ing tljo past year, reports Mrs. Jane S. Jt.eKimmon. Hastings' Seeds 1923 Catalog Free Write today for Hastings' new 1923 catalog. You will need the Information ? It giro 4 almost daily ? the most valu able and useful seed book ever publish j ed. It contains 100 xpages, picturing and correctly describing the best and > most popular vegetables, flowers and ? farm crpps for the South. How and what to plant in your yard, garden and field for every purpose. How to l^at tho boll weevil, bean beetle, nr l oth?r pott*. Full natural color pictures of the bed Hoses, {Had ! loll and otb? r fiowory, Ho* to get 5 [ packet*; of of b^uUnil flowers | frro . jjf # m*;r this hrnfl^ome nr?w i 1923 So d TVo't. It's a ^*?n'itir\il boolc ! and you'll be mlfrhty gird to htVe it in yo;;r UoiA^. It Is a'>eolut?;ly fi jo. i Write for It lO'*ny. H. G. HA5TING3 CO^ Atlanta, Ga, f EXPERT HELPING FARMERS IX WAR ON BOW, WEEVIL Free Advice A vail* ble to Cotton Growers in Any Part of North Carolina. North Carolina cotton farmers will be much interested to hear that Mr. J. 0, Taylor, special agent in boll weevil .control work connected with the Government laboratory at Tallulah, La., has been employed by the F. S. Royster Guano Gom -pany to devote his entire time to giving frqe advice and demonstra tions in the State of North Car olina on what the United States Department of Agriculture recom mends as the successful method of lighting the ravages of the boll weevil. For several years Mr. Taylor has been working on farms in the boll weevil infested sections of the South, poisoning weevils with calcium- arsenate, under the treatment known as the Coad Meth od, which was worked out by Pro fessor Coad, the Chief Bacteriokb gist in the Government Laboratory at Tallulah, La. Mr. Taylor will work in North Carolina the entire year of 1923, and there will be absolutely no charges or fees in connection with the assistance that he is to render the farmers of the state. He will | in all instances work in conjunc tion with the eounty agents and jthe extension forces, and all re [ quests for his sen-ices should be made through tiie lotal county agent. Between now an.Lthe grow I i:ig season, Mr. Taylor * going to 'spend his time lecturing on the jnbject of boll weevil poisoning wherever request is made for his 'service*. lie will pro anywhere in the state-that the farmers ask for a* no < xpen?o whatever to the1 iiiihiers. Mr. Ti v'.or is going to nleet test !i --tils in twelve or fifteen counties nped mil spon-] y "... V. :ro \ Depart : " A-v!.-;;!v ? . No '.-nstton - : 5 Uv''> Nortln .-.I:..., ? :;u.n rite proper 1 ?.?? r . j tl :s enemy. t- - . ^ , ,.^,1 attention : " ."v,y farmer >7 C wbt \vMw?s to ?. i:".s . i "li is Mr. j . IT..-: r "'ho ; ?S of'.G j" -Viii; . ,\m 'i- ? 5n 3? ? :"ng tin 1 ell w ? viT. and I rlc i expected tajg - n touch j !o farmers of the stale during] this season. i All rc-':'iert-) for infonv-ation about Mr. Taylor's work or appli cations for his practice . ft my mpo'injf. sbovtlrl he f--:nt to life F-.'m Service Depfrrtnnnt of tin F. c!. Royst-r Guano Company, 'Norfolk. Virginia. UNCLE HANK Th' voice of thr devil often ftpetflcs to a feller through an uncomfortable church pew. UNCLE HANK K'ltirbti'm Is rtlin* ppa;rh*i*| I? p you \vu* to "S'lbncrlbo to, THE FI(A.\KIJN TiMES . TO I'v.f ^ -?^j- jn. j\r?v r.r< PROFESSIONAL COLUMN j ' ' ' ? 1 ( UK. J. HEKBEBT F1TZU?KAU) * Eye, tar, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office 111 Loulsburg every first Mouday. En gagements should be made as far la advance as possible. - DB. B. F. Y ARBOBOCGU ftWM* i?i gmm Uabbiij, N. C. Office In Bickett and Yarborough Boll ding. Office Phone Ml Residence Phone 18 DB. W. B. aOKTCi; Eys Specialist Office In Hotel Building Louiabura. North Carolina 8. ATWOOD IT? WILL. Atteraey-ALLaw. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First NatlonaT Bank Building (ieaeral J*ractlce I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basts when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FLEMINCJ 8. P. BUBT, K. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Sooggln'e Drug Btor*. Hours 11 a. a to 1 i. m? and 4 to 6 p. m. * ? - _ - . , >? DH. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335- hT~~ Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. t. SMITH WICIL DeatUt. Loaliburg, H. C. Office In the First Natlonaf Bank ? Building on Main and Nash Sts: W. M. FfcBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina .?l.votlce in all courts. Office cq litli N Street. G. M. Attorney -nt-Law Offices over Post Office Practice In aa courts. Bit. J. li. ii. i lis Physician mrd Surgeon Loulsburg, North- Carolina Ouice Main Street A. '|'. N'eal Building ;:t iiiver Bridge I'Uonc Connections 64 and 04-2 11 H'.uis; S to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. ?. 8. White E. H. If alone WHITE A AIALONt _ -LAW2ilfc?i Lonlsburg, North Caroli^s i^ncral practice, settlement o! -i ..*,. Loulsburg, N. . . ? i Office In First National Kank Building Day Phono 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Wm H. IwMn, rhos. W. Iluifin MIL W A TliOS. W. it IF FIN / Attorneys-ai-Lnw ijfcuNbarg, : North Carolina general practice, both civil and crlm 'Sal, ?tn Franklin and adjoining conn laa. Supreme and Federal Coivts. OfflcoB in Firpt National Bank Building. THE CITY BAHBEK SHOP N'cxt Boor to Farmers Nations! Bank LonKburg, North Carolina Only barber shop In Loulsburg run by wljlte men. The beat of service at mosV reasonable prices guaranteed Cleaning and pressing department In connection. Clothes sent for and de livered promptly. HTKGAIr sale .?,t. public' miction, to the highest holder for cash, that tract of land therein defined as] l .1 lows: ' Situate lr? ?V'nr Hoc]? Township.' I -ankllii f'onrfiy. part of the .Joe f'ope ';.rds as divided arnoi??r Ills heirs. fin.) i'.re pr-yj i< ulurly ft' f::.- d an folio f. rinded o 'i I \.f- No/th by the larid** >f ('it ie nn thr* - K^r* Y.y Crilnf* / > a)^g and. .f..,*'. Wli'l'^. . on the ih f*y th" land:; of Wilflam and ,f r?iif h x?n'd on Ur^ V/esf tiy the ? niC lloi-c :? I. ? -F> Inc., Nl"*i 't . t re-. r I:- ?? !:'?'*? ' off by tin: 's --Attlcaf f ? ' * -r ( '? ;ri ' ?jy's . . '?'oad, 10 u';t ? . *i"? r" or >-;? I lili Jatjunry H?t!i. IfC?.. 1 i -5t W.M II. UrFFTN, f oiji'r. NOTICE ' " ? , By virtue o f the power contained la a mortgage deed emr'nuHl by? J. MT McGhee an f lot 3, N Id W 24.74 chains to a stake corner of lot No. 3 in Joe Jones' line, thence with said Jones line S S6 3-4d E 10.85 chains to a stake In ordinary Branch, thence up the various courses of said Branch as it meanders about IS. 75 chains to a stone in the Branch and pointers. Ihence tolth JT. W. Jus tice's lfne S S, l-2d W 5.72 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 1 in said Jus tice's line, thence with line of Lot 1 S 79 1.2d W 13.54 chains to the begin ning". containing thirty acres. Time of Bale 12 o'clock M. This January 13th, 1923. C. J. FRAZIER, Mortgagee. W. M. Person, Atty. l-19-4t COMMISSIONERS-' SALE OF LAND By Virtue of an order of sale made by the Superior Court or Franklin county-ln that special prueecdings en titled Jr II. Stallings, Adrnr. of C. H. Dunn, being a re-sale of said lands under the order of said Conrt^tlie un dersigned will on V MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1323 at the noon recess of Court, it being Che first day of the February term of s-ald Court, at the courthouse door in 'Louisburg, N. C. offer tor sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash that part of tile C. H. Bunn lands which are more particularly defined j as follows: j Beginning at a stake Southeast cor ner of the Dower trait, thence along ' the line of the dower tract North 57 i poles to a stake, corner of the dower ? in the line of W . J. Stallings; thence | S S3 E 25 poles to a stake; thence Nj 2 1-2 E 10 poles 12 links to a stake; I thetrce S 84 li-?S poles 10 links to a . stake; thencf S 5 TV 18 poles; tlience, S S? E 32 poles to a stake, B. Lewis' corner; thence S ."i4 3-4 W 71 polc-a IS links to a slake: N S7 1-2 \V 12 Iiuki> to the beginning. containing six teen ami one hu'.f Tl'J 1-21 acrosi "nv sttr\ "V In lf'22.' ' T!:is .January 1023. \VM. H. Ul'lTIN, C oui'r. Subscribe to T ic rranlclli: Times I i'ci* Yc?r In Advance SALE OK ffRANIUJNTON LOT By virtue of the poweR of sola con tained la that certain deid of trmt made by W. W. Shearon and wife to Wm. H. Rultln, Trustee, dated Sept. 23th, 1921, and recorded In the /Reg istry of Franklin County In Book 234, page 311, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having beeu made by me bolder of the debt so secured upon said trustee, the undersigned will oiu. MONDAY, FEBRUARY i8,-18&S at about the hour of noon, ai the court house door in Lo^iisburs, N. Q, offer for sale at public auction, to tire hlgh lest bidder for cash, a 'part of the lands I In said deed of trust conveyed which Is in the Southwest corner of the orig inal lot conveyed by Mrs. Frances Winston and whlpli Is contained with in the following boundaries: Beginning at Roberson's and W. W. Shearoti's corner on the (Loulsburg road and running thence Along sals of E. O. Pcarcc, and bo(i:idf^l :?? follows: On the North bj* Nancy IJak -r, n;i the Fast hv W. I*. and w. K. i:r:!i:ins, on the Si.-irli 1-* All! i yi'.unij on tlio West by J. C- Doi.ton. roni;iininu and 3-S aces 01 less. This jar uriry li?:h. 1 l_lC?-3t D. F. PIESivi!, Cymnissioner. We take this method of nmi'mncmn1 to th" ni erehnnts fif Franklin un-1 adjoiuinii. c-mitii \v< haw opened an exclusive! y whole-sale business in Lonislmr^ in the building formerly occupied by P. A. Iienvisv and will at all times be in position and (.leased to take care of your needs in our lino. In fact we hofse to fi 1 1 your every need. ? Doth onr 3IiC ?fc. M. Fnrtrursoii ami >fr. \. ('. 1'liiITlj's an' ? rxper. iciiccil " Iiok-vnlc nifn nnil ree sinTicienUy I'aiailinr nidi (bis olass ni lju>iiu-ss lo~gnarante? you thp bost smite ami ju-icos to ir V.'e hope to be accor slk t;s, or cai.l bhoxk no. Louisburg Grocery Go. (INCORPORATED) I.OL'ISnCfHJ, _ North Carolina^ ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Chas. Bremner wishes to announce that he will be in Louisburg at the Frankfln Hotel every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoons from 2 to 5 P. M.( for the practice of CHIROPRACTIC. If you have tried everything else without re sults tike Chiropractic and get well. DR. CliAS. BREMNIlR HENDERSON, NOUTU CAROLINA