Farmers Bank Louisburg, N. C. Capital and Surplus J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS, Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier "A Bank That You Will Like" NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In certain Deed of Trust from Moses Rogers and wife to the undersigned P. B. Richardson, Trustee, recorded In Book 241 page 138, Franklin County Registry, de fault having befen made In the pay ment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured, at the request of the holders of the notes therein mentioned, the un dersigned trustee, will a< or about the hour of two o'clock p . m . on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1923 offer for sale at the court house door In LoulBburg, N. C., at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt:' -One tract ot land deeded by J. H. Weathertfby and wife, Cleo Weathers. by, to Moses Rogers, February 23, 1917, containing 10 acreB, recorded In Book 213 page 461 and 462, Franklin County Registry, reference to which Is hereby made and a tract ot land deeded by J. R. WeathersDy and wife, ? Cleo Weathersby, to Moses Rogers, re corded In Book 170 page 487,. Frank lin County Registry, containing 199 acres, reference to which la also made. This 1st day of Jan., 1923. P. B. RICHARDSON, Trustee. AuBtln & Davenport, Attys. Nashville, N. C. l-12-4t COMMISSIONER'S SAl6 By virtue of an order of Jhe Super ior Court of Franklin County made In a special proceeding entitled Richard Pearae et als Ex parte, appointing the undersigned commissioner for the pur pose, I will sell' at public auction, for cash, on the 10th day of February, 1923 at 12 'o'clock M. on the promises in the Town of Youngsville,. N. C., the following described lot of land. Bounded on the north by the lands of Richard Weathers on the east by the Knitting Mill, on the south by the lands of J. T. Wilson and on the west by the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Jan. 10, 1923. N. Y. QULLEY, 1-1 2- 5t Commissioner. NEW CROP GARDEN SEED v ? RADDI8H SEED MUSTARD SEED ... ) TOMATO SEED LETTUCE SEED GARDEN PEAS CABBAGE SEED BEET SEED EGG PLANT SEED The Progressive Gardners are now preparing ?o low for these vegetable. Get In line by supplying yourself with our Select Stock that have made Satisfied Customers hi the past years. 1_. P. HIOKS fcALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue and authority contained in the Deyd or Trust execu ted and 4*liv?r?i by W . H . Yarbor ouglr*nnd wlfo, Eloise H. Yarborough to G. M. Beam, Trustee. dated De cember 1, 1920, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeda for Franklin County ^In Book 234 at page 1C3, and default having been made In tlrtj payment of the uotes thereby se cured, and upon demand and request of the holder of the sald-aotes des cribed therein, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or near the hour of 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of Franklin County, In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described tracts or lots of land situate In Frank lln County, Loulsburg and Sandy Creek Townships, State of North Car. cllna : "First Tract: Situated ra Louis burg Township, known as the Shelly Brown farm, adjoining the lands of Jno. R. <Vllllams, Ernest Roe and others, containing 155 acres, more or | less, and being the tract of land con veyed to Elolse H. "Yarborough by Shelly T. Brown and wire. "Second Tract: Situated tn Louls Tjurg Township, known as the Wheless Tr;act, adjpinlng said o'aetiy Brown Tract, H. J. Hayes and others, con taining 49 acres, more or less, and b? Ing 'the tract" of land conveyod to Eloise H. Yarborough by J. M. & W. H. Allen, "Third Tract: Situated partly In Loulsburg Township anti partly In Sandy Creek Township, known a.s the flight Farm, adjoining the lands of 1 Henry Cottrell, C. S. Merrett and others, containing 170 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land con veyed to Eloise H. Yaroorough... by Waxy W . ^Yarborough ^asa Edith T. \ arborough." The three above described tracts of land are subject to three prior encum brances, one in favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., which amounts to $8,000, and which may be paid off under the Amortization Plan^ of $572.00 per year; one in favor of J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen in the sum of $750 and one In favor of J. J. Barrow in the sum of $847.88; all of which said encumbrances will first be paid off out of the proceeds of , this sale In order to give a clear title to the purchaser. "Fourt Tract: Also, one lot in the Town of Louisburg, said county and state, bounded on the North by Noble Street; on the East by Main Street; on -the South by the lands of Mrs. J. E. Malone; and on the West by Church Street; containing about one acre, and upon which the parties of the first part now reside." The above described lot of land is .subject to two ? prior encumbrances, one in favor of Annie Lee Hoffman In the sum of $3,500; and one in1 favor of W, H. Allen In the sum of $3,000; both of which will first be paid off out of the proceeds of this sale In order to give a clear title lie purchaser. The abovgtracte or lots or land will first be sold In separate tracts and then as a whole, the highest total bid. ders or bidder being declared the pur chasers or pulfCKaser. This the 3rd day of Jan., 1923. l-5-5t Q. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue ot the power apd authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by W. O. Stone to Ben T. Holden-, Trustee on the 25th day of November, 1919, and duly registered in Book 236 at page 167 and 168, office of Register of DeedB of Franklin county, default liav lng been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and de mand made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, I, the undersign ed Trustee, will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1923 at 12 o'clock M.-at the court house door of Franklin county. In the town of Loulsburg, N. C., sell at public auc tion to the highest bldeer for cash nil that tract or parcel of land situate and being In the County of Franklin. Cedar Rock township, N. yC. and be ing lot-farm No. 2 of plat of land for merly owned by Dr. E. H. Bobbitt, plat of which Is duly recorded In Book of Maps 1 page 88, office of Reg ister of Deeds for Franklin county, described as follows: Beginning at a stake m the Ivey. or Raleigh road, W. O. Stone's corner, and running thence N 89 W, 2800 feet to a stake, thence 8 10 3-8 W 380 feet to a stake, thence S 88 3-4 W 208 feet thence N 85 W 891 feet t& a stake, thence S 30 E 1270 feet, thence S S9 E 2800 feet to a stake In the Ivey or Ral eigh road, thence along said roail In an Enstferly direction 334 feet to the beginning, containing 32.2 acres. This the 17th day of Jan., 1923. 1 1-19. St BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator for the estate of John Alford, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned rn or before the 22nd day of December, 1923 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This Dec. 21st, 1922. 12_22-6t J. M. STALLINOS, Adm'r. Subscribe to The Franklin Times NO MORE or mire, after yen nse RAT-SXAP. It's a sure rodent killer. Try a I'kg. and prove It. Hats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs wont touch It. Guaranteed. . 8.">c slue (1 rake) enough for Pnntry, Kitchen or Cellar. <5e site (2 cakes) for ( hleken Honsc, coops, or small buildings. 41.25 site (a ctblffs) enough for nil farm nnd out-bulldlngs, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by CASH OBOCERY & MARKET n SAM'S HEADEASY * For Sa4e by Aycock Drug Co.. P. R. Pleasants, Beasley Bros., Bunn Drug Co., W. E. i Murphy, Henry Ayscue. SALK OP VALUABLE REAL fcSTATE Pursuant to and iu-?4^.^?r4ftnce with i the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. R. I^arce and wife Nlamie Y. Pearce and K. A. Perry and wife Lucy If. Perry on the ftOth day of. April, 1918, and duly registered in of- i flee of Register of Deeds of Franklin "county in Book 224 at page 100, to which reference is hereby made, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby and demand made upo? n)e by the holder of said indebtedness to foreclose 'l, the undersigned Trustee, will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1923 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of FYapklin county, in the town. of Louisburg, N. C. sell at pub lic auction to the hghest bidder for j cash those tracts or parcels of land ! situate in Louisburg and Youngsville | townships, Franklin county, N. C., described as follows: 1st Tract. Beginning at an iron state on the East side of Kenmore Avenue in the town ot txjujsburg, N. C. at tlje intersection of \Vagcm Fac tory street, thence along- said Avenue in a Southerly direction <J5 1-2 feet to an iron stake, O. H. Cooper's corner, I thence in an Easterly airection along 'said Cooper's line 256 1-r feet to an iron stake, Cooper's corner, thence in a Northerly direction, parallel with the first course 65 1.2 feet to an iron stake in Factory street, mence along said Factory Street 25tr l-z feet in . a Westerly direction to the -beginning, and being known as the K. A. Perry Home Place in the town of Louis burg. N\ C. 2nd Tract. That certain lot or par cel o! land in the town of Youngs ville. N. C. which comprises lots Nob. 5, 6 and 7 as shown on map or plot made by Pool and Tucker, C. E., which is duly registered, the same be ing described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Main and Cross Streets, thence along the Eastern boun dary line of Main Street ni an Easter ly direction 75 feet to a staKe, thence North a line parallel with Cross Street 100 feet, thence West^ a line parallel with Main Street to Cross Street 75 feet, thence South along the Eastern boundary line of Cross Street 100 feet to the point of beginning, and being the lot upon which there is a large brick building. 3rd Tract. One Store house and lot of land lying and being In the town of Youngsville beginning at a rock in Lf . F. Mitchell's corner, thence nearly North 100 feet to a rock, thence East 60 feet to an iron stake, S. A. L. Ry. corner, thence South 100 feet to a railroad iron stake or slab on Main Street, thence with said Street to the beginning, containing 1-3 or an acre more or less. This the 17th day of Jan., 1923. l-19.5t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. No Worms in a neaUhy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un^ healthy color, which Indicate* poor blood, abd as a rule, there is' more or 1 es/ stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS cljT TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks Wfll enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, anp art a* a Gerfrral Strength ening Tonic to thesVh0:e system. Nature will then I throw olf or dispel tJre worms, and theChildwiii be I in pcrfect health, ^Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. | StoD tint Hsadache with SAM'S; HEADEASY. Subscribe to The Franklin Times 85c PRESIDENT HARDING SENDS SHOTS TO COBBLER Ladies Shoes, Half Soled. Sewed on Men's Shoes, Half Soleftj QQ Sewed on ? * Every Job Guaranteed Best Leather Used Any kind of Harnes made to order, , LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman, Proprietor Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 tf 21 Days ? "LAX-FOS WITH fEPSl.N" is a specially rarepac^lSyrupTonfc-Ijixatlve (or Habitual Constipaftortr ? It Irallpves promptly but should be taken refcuiarly for 1 4 to Zl days to induce regular action. It Stlmula'tea and Reflates. Very pleasant to Take.# 60c per bottle. \ ? _ j" A J 1802 ? ? " " 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teacher*. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Soclil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addlt'on to the regular college courses, Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, MubIc (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, ctc.), and Religious Education. Rates a# low as consistent with good serrlce. ? Send for free Catalog. For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. PRICE LIST Cash Grocery and Market MELROSE FLOUR 98 lb. SACKS ..." . 7. $4.45 48 lb. SACKS \ . . . v $2.25 24 lb. SACKS $1.15 Choice Cots Western Steak, per lb. 30c Choice Roasts, per lb. ; - 20 and 25c Choice Stew Beef, per lb. i 12He" Sonp Bones, per lb. Fresh Pork Chops, per lb, 30c Fresh Haras, per lb. -i-- 30c Fresh Shoulders, per lb. 28c Fresh Middlings, per lb. , 25c Spare Bibs, per lb. 22Hc Fresh Pork Brains, per lb. ? 20c Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb. - 25c armour's Sliced Bacon, per lb. L 35c Armour's Cured Hams, Sliced, per lb. 40c "WE ALSO CARRY a COMPLETE LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GBOCEBIES AT THE LOWEST PBICES. PHONE CS YOUB OB DEB AND GET'PBOMPT DELIYEBY.' All Orders Filled Promptly. CASH GROCERY ? and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. PURE DRUGS COMPOUNDED Properly ?? r Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated . - \ ? - r T-.n" ? -r?? * ? ' .* . .4. ?- ? - - ?THE FRANK 1,1 N TIMES nhoold b? In roar homo. If ;t| *r? not ? noh irrlher, te? ono. Bea4 your ?nb nrrlptloB tad h?lp U to b?Mt tor ? better commnnltj. ? ? / . . Subscribe to rf - . THE FRANKLIN TOON ry < * 1 1.50 par Tht la. AMae* * V J

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