Farmers i National Bank \ ' Loui^burg, N. C. Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 . * -l ? ' J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS, Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier ? "A Bank That You Will Like" NO MORE or mice, after yon use BAT-SNAP. It's a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and proTe It. Bats killed with HAT-SNAP leare no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch It. Guaranteed. 85c size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or tellftr. 66c slse (2 cakes) for .Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.25 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and ont-bulldlngs, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by < CASH GKOCERT & MARKET Subscrlbe?to The Franklin Times To Cure Day stops the Cough a CeW. E.W.GRO> Take LAXATIVE KJININE (Tablets.)1 It she and works off the iture oa each box. 30c. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. May run for 33 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL,. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 SAM'S HEADEASY For Sale by Aycock Drug Co., F. R. Pleasants, Beasley Bros., Bunn Drug Co., W. E. Murphy, H^nry Ayscue. NEW CROP GARDEN SEED RADDISH 8EED MUSTARD SEED TOMATO SfcED _ LETTUCE SEED GARDEN PEAS CABBAQE SEED BEET SEED EGG PIANT SEED The Progrennlve Gardners are now preparing to sow for tvese vegetable. Qet In Jlne by supplying yourself with our Select Stock tbat hare made Satisfied Customers In the past yeara. L.. P. HICKS VAltMTIXE PAItTY G1>E?< IX HOJf OK OF THE Jl'XlOlt CLASS Of THL Jl'STICK HH-H SCHOOL I It was with much gayety that the Freshman class of the Justice High School laid aside their school duties and. entertained the Junior class, with a dfctighfful reception at tho home of Miss Denaize Metric, on the evening of the nlnfh.^ _l 1 The guests began to arrive about 7 ! o'clock, and were' met at the door by Miss Lillian Sykes. President of tha class, and were ushered Into- the par lor, where conversation and music (were engaged in. After all the guests had arrived, the real fun began when little tfhlte cards, cut In the shape of hearts, bearing the names of all girls present, were passed to the boys for them to draw. Every erne began to wonder how the draw ing would come out. However, each one seemed to enjoy It and was eager to And his partner foe the contest. The contest was on "canning." Miss Emma Hayes and Will Morris were the successful contestants. Miss Lil lian Sykes, charming In her gracious manner, presented the ptfze, which a nlce box of chocolate candy. After the contest had been finished. Misses Edith Duke and Florine Hay man served delicious home-made can dy. Then came the Valentine con test. A large red heart with pencils to match, was. given to each couple with the word "Valentine" written on them. Each couple was to sco how _many words thev could make out of it. Mrs. Wheless was the successful | contestant In this contest. After this contest, Misses Sallle Mitchell and Oveda Bowden served a delicious fruit salad. Those -mjovlng the delightful enter tainment were: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wheless, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lamm, Mrs. Alex Wilson, Misses Sadie Stallings, Bettle Moore, Enola Carmean, Emma HayeB, Elizabeth Moore, Vera Burnette, Pearl Hopkins. Ruby Wheless, Maybelle Mc Gregor, Mable Edwards, Allle Perry, , Inez Perry, Sallle Mitchell, Oveda Bow Iden, Florine Hayman, Lillian Sykes, |Denalze Meade, Isolene Moore, Edith | Duke, Mestrs. Arch Wilson, Elijah Wheless, Zack Perry, Arthur Pearce, I Johnnie Bowden, Monroe Carmean, Deward Strickland, Ewell Moore, Lee I McGregor, Cleveland Stallings. Mark I Hayes, Ralph Simmons, Rufus Bunn, Guy Moore, Will Morris and Waine Creekmore. The guests departed at a late hour [declaring that the Freshes were ever .the most delightful hosts and hostess i? : To Stop a Cough Quick toko * HAYES' HEALING HONEY, _ cough medicine which stop* the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues A bo* of .GROVE'S O-PEN-TRAtE SALVE tor Cheat Colds. Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the cheat and throat of children suffering from ? Cold or Croup. The healing eflfcct of Harea* Healing Hooey la* side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pore* of the akin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed In one carton and the coat of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. I The world gets better, r Several people haVo realized they can't sing. ? ? ? ? A politician with strings tied to him has hla drawbacks. ? ? ? tf a fool weren't born every mlmrte the big towns would be entailer than this town of ours. A wise man never turns up- hl9 nose at the Jailor pr his wife's cook ing. V _ ?? ? What" ls~ nicer than ~ seeing two grouches meet and enjoy a miserable time? ? . ? " ? ? ? Nice thin* about' winter Is It Is cold enough for two people to sit In the same chair.* A , ?? ? ? Money lsn't^evefythlnj, but it Is -very useful when you ane broke. .? ? ? ? '.Most any man can be popular by liking everybody else. < ? ? * ? We often think the old gray mat ter ain't what she used to be. ? *.? " ?, ? 1*6 la* of luxury tr always the next laix AVERAGE PRICK OX COTTON 26 CEJiTS FOK CO-OFEKATUKS RalelgM? Feb. 17 ? All average price of 26.25 cents wan received for 37.493 bales of short staple cotton sold by the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Cooperative Association, according to an announcement from the headquar ter# here. ' ' This average represents prices on short staple cotftin actually sold and delivered to date by the cotton coop eratives, It Is stated, an^-flow not In clude any estimated quotations on the hundred thousand bales yet to be sold Tho cot top trade has been taking the IoWer grades for the iqom part. It Is explained, and the cotfon coopera tives still has Its best grades on honrt. The tendency to buy lower grades la declared to be due to the strong de / OLD FOLKS NEED NOT BE FEEBLE 1F.jan Tonic and Blood Enricher jrnand, and aa the supply of cotton In j these classes become exhausted the de mand will turn toward the better blades, which command higher prices. Reports from cotton trade centers this week indicate an increasing de mand for cotton. Consumption fig ures show that more cotton is being used jn America th?3 season than I last tvhlle the outlook for European Ice nsurnption is considered much im proved. consider the situation as being favor able, and the officials of the associa tion expect to return to the members a good profit over what they would have received had they sold during , the rush season. o ? What's In a name? It's QUALITY with WILLIAM TELL Flour! 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. The agents held 6,711 meetngs at' which there was a total attendance ] of 463,394 people reports C. R. Hud. son, State Agents County agents In North Carolina coil ducted 23,165 crop demonstrations on 70,973 acres last year. Your grocer can quickly get WIL LIAM TELL Flour. 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. THE RIGHT WAY TO KILL GERMS Here is a* powerful and recognized disinfectant which kills the germs. Is your cellar sanitary? Germs will multiply by the million over night, in a damp, musty cellar. Make a solution of Red Seal Lye and sprinkle into all the dark corners, and all mustiness will immediately disappear, leaving your cellar fresh and sweet fmelling. If your kitchen sink does not drain quickly, here is an immediate remedy. Sift a little Red Seal Lye into the pipes. The lye will com bine with the grease and dirt, forming a solution which will be carried off quickly by the water, leaving the pipes free and clean. Housewives may save money by making their own soap. All that is needed is one can of Red Seal Lye and a quantity of waste grease or fat, such as would ordinarily be thrown av/ay. The one can will make twenty cakes of pure soap at less than one cent per cake. See how quickly and easily Red Seal Lyc will clean the wash-stand, tub cr closet bowl. Tied Seal Lye is put up in handy round cans. It contains no filler or adulterations. It is absolutely pure. Send for the Red Seal Booklet which explain; many rrefpes and .use-j of the fa dor ^ T'ied Sen! L--;. * V.'rite1 Jsv. A-.!: your Jr?!er f?r the o:d reliable Red Seal Lyc. Talcs r-. other. P. C..TOMSON & CO. Soathwark P. 0. Philadelphia, Pa. LEATHER Has Advanced % 10 Cents a Pound But we are-*tlll putting on Soles at the following old prices: Ladios Soles 85 cents pair Men's Soles $1.00 per pair Panco Soles, tougher than leather, absolutely waterproof $1.25 Plow Lines 25 cents per pair Myers Stock Food -- 3 pkg for 25 cents Any fclnd Harness made to order. LOUISBURQ REPAIR SHOP . Julius Lehman, Proprietor 1802 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. ? Soclil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In asidlt!on_ta Ihe regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, etc.), and Religious Education. Rates as low as consistent with good serrlee. Send for free Catalog. * For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. PRICE LIST Cash Grocery and Market MELROSE FLOUR 98 lb. SACKS $4.45 48 lb. SACKS $2.25 24 lb. SACKS $1.15 Choice Cots Western Steak, per lb. ^ 30c Choice Roasts, per lb. 20 and 35c Choice Stew Beef, per lb. 12 He Soap Bones, per lb. ?c Fresh Pork Chops, per lb. 30c JEresh Hams, per lb. 30c I'resh Shoulders, per lb. ; 28c Fresh Middlings, per lb. 25c Spare Bibs, per lb. 224c Fresh Pork Brains, per lb. 20c Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb. : 25c armour's Sliced Bacon, per lb. 35c Armour's Cured Hams, Sliced, per lb. 40c WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LI>'E OF HEAVY ASD FANCY GROCERIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PHOXE CS YOUR OR DEB AM) GET PROMPT DELIVERY. All Orders Filled Promptly. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. 01 B SEED ARE FRESH CBOP AND OUR POTATOES CAME FRO* RAISE. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated THE FRANKLIN TUBS Unli U h itir homft. If j?i an Mt ? nk ?rib?r, b? 8w4 ta xur tah ?criptloa i?< k?l? ?? U kMrt far a b?tt?r Maanltr. A Bubacrlb* to THB rHAftaJN ILN PH TM* t?