HEBE'S WOULD CHAMPION BOWXEB 15 ACTIOX JIMMY Blouin. shown here.* Is champion bowler of the world. Tho pic ture was taken as the champ was rolling a series In Chicago with Jim* ? Tiy Smith, tho Milwaukee star. Farmers National Bank ? Louisburg, N. C. Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier "A Bank That You Will Like" NEW CROP GARDEN SEED RADDISH SEED MUSTARD SEED . * * TOMATO SEED LETTUCE SEED GARDEN PEAS CABBAGE SEED BEET SEED EGO Pl^ANT SEED The Progressive Gardners are now preparing to sow for tvese vegetable. Get In line by supplying yourself with our Select Stock t that have made Satisfied Customers In the past years. l_. P. HIOKS i Rural Mail ^Carriers Assigned v To Feed Starving Birds ? WORD has reached PovtmasNl, General Work from HXTO) mal) carriers In regions long covered by snow that birds a/e starving in thousands along their routes. Bo Dr. Work, has provide supplies of grain and instructed the carriers to feed the Utile songsters. A Washington mall man is shewn setting the example in a city pork. GET RID OF THAT "TIRED FEELING" DO you feel run down and half sick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired ? no energy, no ambition , no "pep"? ' Now is the time to take Gude's ' Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, give you a delightful- feeling of vigor and ambition, enrich ydur blood, build firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy color back to your skin. Your druggist has Gude's ? Liquid oraolid, as you prefer. Glide's Pepto-^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher r!iIS gown>sone of the latest crea- j tions for the coming Spring, if of [ ? silk fiber knit, hand painted. It * la black and white and decidedly 1 startling in the effect it gives. ' ( NOTICE COMMISSIONER'S SALE LAND J. A. Griffin and othors to the use of W. H. Williams, Sr. Vb. W. Hamp Williams, et als. Pursuant to an order of ihe Super ior Court of Franklin County, N.* C., io the above entitled action, default having been made in the payment of the sum so declared to be due by W. Hamp Williams on the 1st day of Jan uary, 1923, I will sell at public Auc tion for cash at the Court House door in Ixmisburg, N, C. at about the hour I of Noon on the 7th DAY OF APRIL., 1923 the following described tract or par cel of land. Iteing Lot No. 3 in the division of the Williams land recorded in the Clerk's office of Franklin coun ty in Orders and Decrees on pages 91 to 94* bounded as follows: Beginning at a Rock and small Cedar pointers corner of No. 2 in Dr. Fowler's line; thence S 2 3-4d W 168 poles 15 links to a rock corner No. 2; tncnco N 74 l-2d W 21 poles 14 links to "a Walnut tree; thence S 48 3-4d W 28 poles to Pine pointers; thence S 2d W 8 poles 18 links to a Pino corner of No. 4 in W. 'H. Williams line; thence N 2 2-3d E 194 poles to a Rock and small Kim pointers corner of No. 4 In J. R. Wil liams line near the vineyard; thence E 11 poles to a Hickory In front of the bam near the road; thence 81 ;-2d E 3* poles 10 links. tq the beginning con taining 51 1-3 acres. For Mtle to said liAd see the Rccord therein referred to. The small quantity of land sold to R. Williams, said to be about one d one-half acres, and the ? mall Quantity of land sold to McKlnne Bros, said to be about one-ha * an acre are both exempted and excepted fiom thts sale. This Feb. 2?, U?23. w. m. wnnsQN, S-2-6t Commissioner. APPLICATION FOR PAtlDON OF E.G. FOSTER v Application will be mhde to the Governor of Noith Carolina for th-> pardon of E. Ol Foster convicted at the January term 1923 of the Frank lin County Superior Court, for tho crime of having .whiskey In posses ion for purpoa? of sale, and C. C. W. and sentenced to a term of 18 months on the roads of Wake county. All persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Governor wlth cut delay. This Feb. 20, 192S. ft-2-2t T. W. RUFFIN, Atty. [II What's in a name? It's QUALITY1 I With WILLIAM TELL Flourl J 2-33-St J. 8, HOWELL. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. Ma; ran (or S3 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Ofily a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf S. A. NEWELL. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by W. O. Stone and duly recorded in tfie office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, the undersigned assignee will on SATURDAY. MARCH 2?, 1923 ? at twelve o'clock noon, sell at the store and place of business formerly occupied by said W. O, Stone in Ce dar Rock township, Franklin county, at public auction to tne highest bid der for cash, all and singular the stock of goods, wares and merchan dise contained in said store, store fix tures, gas and oil tank, electric wash ing machine, iron safe, and also one I dark bay mule and one one hoTs-; wa ?on and harness. L This February 27th, 1923. T W. BOONE. Assignee 3-2-4t ' of W. O. Stone. To Cure a Cold In One Day I T?V - LAXATIVE BRfiMO QWTffTNE (Tablets > It i i:oi s the Cough and Headache and works off the j OU E. W. GROVE'^-diilnature on each box. 30c. LEATHER Has Advanced 10 Cents a Pound) > T!ut we are still putting on Soles at | the following old prices: 1 .11 (Ilea Soles I 85 cents pair Men's Soles $1.00 per pnlr rnneo Solos, tougher than leather, ?l