FOUR DROWN LAST SUNDAY ' mm ?m?m IN GREEK NEAR LOtllS BURG # Mole Runs Awa^ With Victims In Wagon And Rons Into Greek Is Story. Quite aiittle exoltement was creat ed lit LoUlsbferft on Monday morning about 10 .o'clock when Bennla Perry, colored, came In town and. told about the accidental drowning of his family the evening before at the Sand- Mill creek. Great throngs gathered aronnd him to hear his story as he related it to the Sheriff and the TIMES man, which was in substance as follows: That off Sunday evening he had hitch ed the mule to the wagon to go to town and trade the jnule off tor a horn tor a few days with his landlord; the. owner of the male, and his wife, her mother, and twx> -little children were in the wagon. He went back In the houBG with another little girl to close up the house. The mule became frightened and ran off down a path through the woods and he and the lit tle girl followed. On arriving at the creek which was up an account of the high water, he found the mule and wagon and dw occupant* all oat hi th e iu rescue them, when hd found the ii.i.o girl thAt was with him had start en i > the water after her mother. He turn-., J to save her as the others went down. In trying to Rave the mule he was knocked down. . Sheriff: Kearney' and Coroner N. B. House went immediately to the scene and with the assistance of quite a r. umber tMe' bodies were located > and brought- out. After a careful exami nation of the' -bodies and the circum stances th?-. Coroner decided there was no naed of an investigation by a jury as it was evidently an unavoidable ac cident. . * Those drowned were Delia Perry, IS; Edna Brewer, 30; Bettie Brewer, 7; and George Brewer a baby. "The accident occurred at the Bind Mill creek about four- miles Southeast of I.oulaburg about six o'clock Sunday afternoon. -The Coroner ordered that the bodies be burled at the expense of the County, after ascertaining that there were tto relatives to claim them other than Bpnnie Perry, who was without mean* ? Sehool Nurse Beoort The following Is a report of State School Nurso lor week ending March i7, 1M : White schools visited? Frankliflton, looto visited ? Phelps, Lit tle -Zlop, Wilder, YoungsvlUe, Mitchell, . Schooi s with oiled floors ? 1. SchooH With Individual drinking fa cilities? S. Number children examined ? 879. Defeats fautt& ' ^ ? Vision? Hi'.-f . TonsillB? 165. I Nasal? 16. Teeth? 248. , Other- defect*? Hearing, speech, crossed eye. diseased, lids, nervouB, goitre, orthopedli Wt Worn Olub *_? . 5fcS' XLZ* * ' . Don't forget thatnext week la clean op. week. All sorts ot trash aooumu irtes about the premises daring the long Winter raobths. Spring Is here. Let's get busy and tidy up the place. If erdry owner will do his share to keep hi* yard clean that Is till "that will be necessary. The city beautiful committee wants some canrva bafts to plant. M any cnp has bulbs to spare this committee 'will appreciate It If you will notify Mrs. T. W. Watson. One hundred trees have been plant ed on Main Street. The committee will appreciate If. ft every one in front of whose pliioe trees are planted #111 1 are an eye to tlieee trees ?ad see that they, are not Injured by the children playing around them, or by Stock, bit ing or breaking them. Inspire the children to look upon them aa their trees, and they will be our beet alliee In oaring for them. I ~,HM.-M.0r6?nDC?d Mr. I. M. Qrwn, on* of Vance goun ty'? fflMt aubetantlal and popular plan* I ' con and Bed Mu and hla funeral wma with the hlsbMt honors at the two orderi , He *M a member o? Liberty Church from Which the funeral waa held on Tueeday afternoon. Po*?lbly the larceet crowd erer gathered at thle beautiful Mttla church for raoh an occasion was present to pay a laat ?ad tribute to one that had been tried and found true. Mr. Qreao leare* nv? children. MM. C. O. DanleU, of Oxford, tin. C. B. Fuller, ot ifittrall, Mr.. W. O. TWO HOBOES KILLED Of WRECK AT HENDERSON Derailment of Freight Cars Ties Up Traffic On Seaboard Several Honrs. . * Henderson, March 19. ? Two men ?old to have been hoboing were hart, one of them seriously, when tea cara on a southbound freight were derailed ten miles baton Henderson about n)j* o'clock this mornlag. / fhe men fare their ovum and fd dresses as Ed Smith of Atlanta,' ?nd Jack. Qa y of Jacksonville, Fla. 1 They were riding on the cars wlach. were derailed, in a cut. Gay lulleted a broken ?rm and dislocated hip, wltle Bmlth was injured about the face Sod Ml \ V The train was a southbound freight. It wai stated- in railroad circles here that a long arm Qt a derrick loaded on onfe of the derail sd oars broke loose from Its fastenings and swung outward, making the car top-heavy and toppling It over. "This started the de railment and only six cars and the ca boose remained on the track., . All traffic was blocked and it was said trains would not be abls to Da?s probably before midnight. r ? ; Orphans at Methodist Church The Singing Class from the Oxford Orphanage paid New- Bern a visit yes terday and last night gave a most en joyable concert at the Masonic Thea ter, at which many were present, and v-hlch was declared by every one to be the. best ever rendered here by the Class. ' The entire Class this season seems t? be better trained* than . ever before and their renditions were such as to please the most critical. ?' While In the city the members of the Class were the guests of local Masons and thoroughly enjoyed' their eta^r here. To be In Loulsburg Thursday night, -March 29th. f . ? ? ? ? Missionary Meeting at Mrs. W. - jr. Alleira. Monday afternoon the tour circled of the Baptist W6?ian'a Missionary So ciety held a Joint business and sociai meeting afc the resldonce of Mrs. W. H. Allen with the Fannie Heck Circle ps' the hostesses. > v , The Weather was bad but the at tendance was large, theie being twen ty-eight present. .The Kenmore Circle was the banner "circle .on this .occas ion, having thirteen present, the jfreat? est amount of personal service To re port, and two new members, Mrs. Rog ers and Mrs. Bledsoe. MIm Roth Hall mi a delightful hostess to the Younger Set Bridge Club on the evening at March 9th. ?- There were four table* of unction and thoie playing were the regular mem-, ben with Misses Fannie Neal, Lliate RleWart, Onnlo Tucker, Margaret Tur ner and M?. K. K. Allen, a* her gueetn. After th? regular progressions the lights were turned oat and each table was given an Incense burner and every one WM naked to think Of torn* thing Egyptian, In the wlerd iDenoe that followed the door opened and a. mummy case wis brought b on a stretcher and was carried *nd present After the devotional services. which wera -conducted by Mrs. J.. O. Newell, report* were received and business dispatched under the leadership, ol the vice-president, Mrs. - Upchurch. Delightful refreshments were then served by thS hostass clrcift. ' J ' . ,1 I - A? j ? ! College Notes i?!(u "Go.iile MOTtlssette spent the week-fend with her uncle, Mr." It- 11 Mlrriasette, of Oxford. President Mohn attended the Fay ettevllle District Conference which met in Sanford last Wednesday. The following students have been elected as otTlcera of the Young Wo man's Christian Association tor next session: Pauline Eason, Pres.; Lois Qnffy, Skc'y. ; Ola Dale Lewis Treasurer. The delegates who attended the Stu dent . Volunteer Conference gate fall and interesting reports of that meet tog. ? <\ 1 ? ???'? O " ? 1 Triangular Debate Lou labor* will meet Oxford tn the Court House here Friday evening, March M, 8:00 P. M. The Qpery "Resolve: That Congress should pro. vide for enforcement in tha Decisions Of the Radiroad Labor Board." Louis burg is well represented, Mr. John Mills and Mr. Dunham Tay.or, Jr. de fending the Affirmative here, and Mies | Petri Pearee and Mr. Will Yar bor ough, Jr. going to Frankllnton. 1 relict and Jewels, inner of UU boob] WILL THE ADDRESS Day, Friday, April 1923. . . We are indebted to tiupt. E. I* Beet for the following article* concerning the Franklin County ScNfeol Day: The office iu gratified to recstye the following letter from Gore rn or Mor rlson accepting the invitation to deliver the address at the Franklin County School Day on April the ZOth: _ . "I have your invitation to make an address in Louisburg on the 20th of April, at eleven-thirty o'clock, and appreciate it very Brack Indeed. I will be glad to be with you on that occasion, and will, look forward ""?"?wtttljnuch pleasure to. seeing my many friends in that section again. V?rx tritly yours, Cameron morrison." Tho program has all (Men arranged and the schools arc busy working on the derails. _ Reports from many of the schools givo assurance that the day will be A great success. The parade which will begin promptly at 10:30 will consist Of attractive school floats, children marching in line and a brass band. This feature of the program will be under the direction of Mr. E. C. Sexton of the Justice Sc^ooL "Much interest Is being taken In the exhibits. We are?oing to have a real school exhibit and thereby show to the people of Franklin County some of the things ttot yre are attempting, to do for tMbrhoyB and girls in the schools. These exhibits will luclndd only those things that are done at school under tha supervision of the teacher. One teacher in the county showed me some specimens of theme work that she was saving as a part of her exhib it, another teacher of the fourth and fifth grades will exhibit specimens of writing' showing what tmprovemen- haa been made during the year. I have given these illustrations to show that each school In the county can put on an exhibit that Can represent some actual work that is done in each grade. Mr. T. H. 81edgfe dt the Cedar Bock School 1* doing all in his power as director of this department to make this the ir.ost important phase of the day. Nettherhas the athletlo feature neglected. Mr. J. 8. MasBenburg of the Bunn School, informs ma that the ninutti^ will be swift, the Jumping high and plenty of "Pep and.Oinger" will be In evidence for the entire 2 hours. There 4r<J events tor the boya and girln linger Jl" and tor the boys and girls from 12 tojn. Mr. Massenbarg-wllI be glad to give any aid that la possible to help In the training for these events. Notify him as noon as you can giving the names ot the boys and girls from your school that will enter the conteetsTI Thero has never been a time in the Franklin County schools when more In terest has been shown in spelling. One week before the final contest In Louis burg each school will decide on Its representative. Mr. W. R. Mills the direc tor of tfev spelling contest states that he is expecting each school In the county to be r*prese6tMT ; - . Miss Addle Bordeaux states that from QNE TO TWO o'clock, a spread will be laid that will volt the taste of the m?M fastidious and one that will be moat appropriate for. a feWt ot Kings. .The old weather profits say that the Mth Of April is going to be FAIR AND BALMY. Let no one dispute this prophjioy.?n# art pray that it will come true. Straightens Foot The following letter Jut received by Bnpt, E. C, Perry, In addition to ex plaining lUrtf, to the atronceet possi ble endorsement of tbe Puhllo Welfare Mfik. It bM kMn Milt after a weak Satarday. 5RT , I heard from hois* today. I lota of mall. I cot tk? ptokagn yon *?nt ma Chrtatmaa. 1 go to school: oot here aa I did whan I wara at horaad I r??M I will Ut? to oloae. A a*, thanking rou again lor getting ma In , 2*3 GRACE HOWARDS, ^ N. a 0. Hoapltal, (5a?tont?, N. <^j JHM ? jj Oaatonls, N. O., Mar. 12. 19M. Dear Mr. Farry; I hafe been thinking I woultl writ* to xov (or Ik long time but 1 wan wait in* tor Dr. Miller to maaaure me tor Perry you should see my footj sow. tt-ta so straight and when I com* hp me I think t will b? walking with oat orutches. You don't know ho? muoh I thank you for getting ma In bars. My brace has been sent after and I am hoping It will soon com* Recorder's Court BUSINESS MEN TO MEET r. We are requested to state that a meeting of the busi ness men of Louisburg has been called for Monday night _at 8 o'clock ln the xBoard of Education rooms on Main Street. It is es pecially requested that every business man in Louisbnrg who has the in terest of the town at heart be present. Regular Services at the Baptist Church Next Sunday Sunday school begins promptly at 9:30. "We are having two hundred and more In Sunday school. Suppose you come next Sunday and help make cur Sunday school a still greater suc cess. There are between fifty and one hundred fathers ahd mothers taking p.n active part In our Sunday school. We are so happy to be back home with our little darling who was very critically 111. It seems that everybody In Loulsburg did everything possible to lighten our burden. We- wish to thank you for every kindness, eyery letter, telegram, flower, phone mes sage, visit to Raleigh, and most espec ially your prayers. You have bound cur hearts and lives to yours with ties that time can never break. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mclver. Confederate Veterans We want every Veteran who wants to attend the Reunion at New Orleans to meet In Louisburg on Saturday the 31st day of March, that we may know exactly how many expect to go. We will take train at Franklinton on Sun day the 8th day of April, at 2:30 p. m. D. C. THARRINGTON, Comd'r. Camp McKiuney No. 1527. Special Music at Methodist Church Miss Louise Wardlaw, of the Graded 'School -faculty will sing "Les Rame aux" (Palms) by Faure at the Metho dist Church Sunday morning and the choir will sing "Jerusalem" a Palm Sunday anthem. Justice To GiVe.Phty at Hick i. ory Rock Justice High School will give a splendid play "My Irish Rose" at Hick ory Rock on Friday _night, March 23. i The public is cordially invited. The price of admission will be 25 and 15 cents. v ? White Man* Found Dead A white man named Wllklns, residing on the Miss Mary Timber lake place, southwest of Loulsburg, was found dead In his surry on Monday. The Coroner and Sheriff were summoned to the scene but before arriving there | they met Dr. R. B. Henderson, who had made an examination and, so we are informed, determined that the de ceased had In all probability corps to his death from effects of too much branch liquor. The deceased leaves a wife And a number of children. Receives Promotion ? ? ? Mr. B. P. Connelly, who has been serving as flagmaft on the Loulsburg branch of the Seaboard, left Wednes day for Raleigh, where he will take a position with the spme joad as Con ductor. This is quite a nice promotion and his many friends here extend con gratulations. Franklin County Missionary Union The Franklin County Missionary t'nlon met the second Saturday In March with the church at Justice. Mlsa LUlte Harper of Laurel presided The devotional exercises, scripture verses with comments on prayer, were condiKt?*;l?jr lira. Wtngpte Underbill of LouMnff|j ' , The minutes of the meeting ftelrt In December at Wood were read by the secretary, Mro. R. A. Bobbltt. Little Hiss Brallne Morris sang as % solo the Sunbeam soncuMlss Nan ufi Fowler and Master Randolph Car mev.i- gave a recitation. Mrs. Tommle tttokes and Mlsa Meade each sang a so kx !. After the roll call of Meletied and a report from each delegate preaent the meeting ?d)o timed tor dinner. The services were held In the high school auditorium, and a bosatlful . *I??W "as spread on the roetram. Every ?is enjoyed K feTj nauoh. rhe people of Justk* are very hospitable ?*d know fcoSr to ?rraa?s an appetising spread. . '?te.'V- ? ?? .Jjh - Mi Pt-oached sn lMpbMKfc mMk, - . nokJitLwnl ' There will be a Laarel Da Every one Is stoat ~Wfu AMONG THE VISITORS 8031* TOP now Ain> SOU TO0 11(1 SOT KNOW. Personal Items Akoit Feika- AM Their Friends Who Travel Itn And There. -J.;' Mr. J. H. Best visited Raleigh Wed nesday. r w %t Mr. W. M. Person attended Court In Raleigh Tuesday. Mr? J. H. Southall, of Raielgh, was In Louisburg Wednesday. NJrs. M. C. Pleasants Is visiting her people In Wilson this week. Mr. W. M. Person left Wednesday for Wflllamston to attend Court. Mr. R. S. McColn of Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednesday. Mr. HI T. Beasley, of Apes, was a visitor to Loulsburff the past week. Mr. C. W. Edwards left yesterday for a vlalt toRalelgh and other points. Mrs. G. R McGrady and children, of Raleigh, Is visiting her people here. Constable J. E. Thomas returned the past week from a trip to Balti more. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White, of Wash ington, D. C., Is visiting his sister, Mrs. W, D. Egerton. Mr. N. M. Ballard, of Sherman, Tex as, 'was a visitor to his brodier, Mr. Frank Ballard, tills week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E .i?rlnce and Mrs. W.TJ Tboma? of Raleigh, were among the visitors to Louisburg last week. Mr. J. G. Henry, of Nashville, was In Louisburg yesterday, getting infor mation preparatory to putting on an auto bus line from Rocky Mount to Raleigh by Louisburg. Messrs. J. S. Lancaster and C. M. Lynch, of Ruthertordton, were visitors to Louisburg the past week Mr. Lynch was with the 30th Division In Prance along with our townsman, llaj. S. .P. Boddle Sacred ^Cantata On Easter Sunday evening, at 8:00 o'clock the choir of the Methodist Church will give Weasel's cantata, "Calvary" (The seven last words of Christ) . This Is a very brilliant cantata, a work remarkable for the independent and clearly defined Individuality of each number. The dramatic and the meditative, expressions! aspects of the music well employ any degree of excellence in the solo and choral forces available ? though the vocal demands are always reasonable, the accompaniment carry ing a large share of the task of inter pretation. After the cantata the choir will, by request sing "Hallelujah Chorus" from "Messiah" by Handel. The children of the Methodist church under the direction of the Bright Jew el leaders will give an Illustrated Eas ter song lust before the Cantata Eas ter Sunday evening. Mrs. Cobb Entertains . , V On March 15. Mrs. O. W. Cobb entertained, the Efrwin Puller club and other guests. The meeting waa called to order by the president, Mrs. B. T. Holden. After roll call and reading ot the minutes of the previous meeting the program forthe afternoon was ren dered. The subject ot the program was Kuth Sawyer. The sketch ot the life was omitted,, aa Miss Annie Oreen, who was to have prepared a paper on the subject, was out ot town. One of Ruth Sawyer's, .stories "Sim ple Slmoa", published In Everybody's Magazine was read. This story was both humorous and pathetic and port rayed some ot the tntaost feelings ot % person who on. account of six* had always be?n a joke to his neighbor*. He safe], "X&ey mak? a Joke- of the amount o t doth It take* to make ma a sui?; they laugh at my hartng to. order specfel sizes in hat* &ad iKom; and I am sure they will |?C|? omt tlie sise ot my coffia When I nm to be buried." But hia wedding was OM tti in* which the town did take llilw ty, "and they all - lhred happily ??r afterwards." Mrs. J. A. Hodges read aa carrent topic a paper oa "Tha Prioa ot Qaao liae, ft subject which n lBtareatiBe to a^graat many people twj much

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