The M 99 to A ' ? Live i . The only "place" to live hap pily is inside your income. Not until you have lived for a time outside your income do yon fully realise this truth. - Make it a practice to save ten per cent of your income. Tou i will then live within your in ; come* '-and live happily; ! Start today. | i v v '' W. ? i |. ?" , ? ] i THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURG, North Carolina . REASONABLE SAVING flELPS US ALL l-l? ? -r-i~ 'i- '-turn? wagers Chew your food well, then use VVRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. - It also keeps tlie teeth clean, brea'th sweet, appetite keen. CEDAR BOCK HIGH SCHOOL News Of Interest To Teachers, I'uplls and The Public Generally By School Correspondent On last Thursday evening, Mar. 15 the Senior class and faculty of Cedar Rock high school was delightfully en tei U*lued By the sophomor?j class, in the school auditorium. The right wing of the auditorium was beautifully dec orated In white and lavendar, the Sen ior class colors. At the end of the hall was arranged a figure 23 In the Senior class colors; and beside It was a figure 25, In gold and black, the col ors of the Sophomore class. After a number of entertaining games and contetfbw *4 salad course was served, this being followed by cream and cake. Each visitor was presented a souvenir of the occasion, In the uni que manner of first being given a verse containing a description of the souve nir and the place in the room where It would be found. Mr. Dewey Fisher and Miss Sallie Lancaster were united in marriage Sunday, March 18. After their wed-, ding tour they will make their home in Castalia. A number of the Cedar Rock people attended the comarunlty singing at White Level Sunday. "Everybody knows that the sun has spots on It, and yet some people al ways expect a ten year old boy to be about perfect." ' ? Miss Bernice Smith spent last week end at the home of Miss Lucy Thar rjngton, near Hickory Rock. ^ Mr. Gray Byrd Murphy has return ed from an extended visit to Richmond. He reports a fine time. Miss Elizabeth Long spent the week end visiting friends in Maplevllle. With the victory at Youngsville Sat urday night, Mar. 10, the Cedar Rock basketball quint closed a most success -Tul season. Since the opening of the basketball season after Christmas, the team has played a total of 18 games and has won twelve. Most of those lost were at the beginning of the sea son. The team has played every high school team in the county; with the ex ception of Franklinton and' Youngs ville. Youngsville's Armory team be ing played and defeated Instead of the high school. At least one game has been won from the following te?ms: Loulsburg, Bunn, Justice, .Epsom and Ingleslde high schools, Oaetalia All Stars Justice All-Stars and Youngs ville Ar?nory team. Out of the 18 games the team has made a total of 344 points while a total of 299 has been scored against them. They closed the season with four suocesslvc victories to their credit. The following men have been awarded their letters, after meeting requirements as to school work and number of games: Jennings, and Dickens, Forwards; Sturdlvant, Center; Bledsoe and Leonard, Guards. The team was greatly handicapped in the beginning of the season in that many of the players had never played basketball before this year, but It bids' fair with continued Improvement, to give some one a close race for county championship noxt year. It Is hoped that we may be able to have an Indoor gymnasium and basketball court near the school building by the opening of the season next year. "No one It useless In this world who lightens the burden of it, to any one el??" The third basketball team of Cedar Rock closed their season with two successive victories, the first one the CaMalla quint, and the second over the Justice team last Thursday after noon. R?ad the notice of >lses offered at the Music Carnival here March 30, and tone up that Instrument and get in practice for they are all going to be liere that night. Come and bring your friends. Admission 26 and 35c. Student Editorial? SCHOOL I.IFE By Mary Gardner, 10th Grade Most of us enter schoot when we are between the agea of six and ten. and we do not always begin the right kind of school Some of as begin school lit* with * determination to win what there Is to be won. We make a reso lution to gain what Is worth while In Mfc; We ttttnk of our school Ufa as belhg the real beginning of our life of work and the making of our career. | We are striving with the utmost strength and confidence to overcome the trifling things and gain those that Will be a benefit to us and our fellow men. For we know that this beauti ful school Itfc Is a short one and we must make th* best possible use jof I our time. fin (lays and opportunities of the past oan Wsr be recalled; so must use the pronont. On the oth er band w? hare some others enter school with apparently no purpose or. determination, hot coma and drag over New Ambition For Nervous EttopU _ - The great nerve tonic that ifill put rigor, vim and vitality Into nervous, tired cut nil In. despondeut people In r. few days Is thecelebrated Prunltone. Anyonr can buy a bottle. It U Inex-. pensive i r.d L.. K. Scoggln la selling I'runitone in such large quantities, that !t .froveg that It Is a remedy ot UBUsual 'merit. Thousands (.raise It for general de bility. nervous prostration, mental de pression and unstrung nerves, caused by overindulgence In alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of any kind. ' At a brain food or for any affliction of the nervous system Prunltone Is un surpassed, while for hysteria, tremb ling and neuralagla It Is simply splen did. Mall orders filled for out of town customers. PRIXITONE LABORATORIES BOSTON, MASS.v their work in the laziest way possi ble and never try to improve or bulid up their school. They sometimes think of it as time wasted that they wMt and I over-did. My back fc: earns weak and mornings I had a dull, aggravating pain across my Kidneys. This dull misery bothered me Jl day long and the longer 1 stood, the worse the trouble became. . When I stooped a sharp twinge ?hot across the small of my baek and at times I had dissy spells and dark spots appeared before my eyes. On ? Mead's advice I procured Doen's Kidney PUis and several boxes of Doen's removed the trouble. 1 haven't >4 a spell of that kind since." Price 60?, at all dealers. Don't tply aak for a kidney remedy? get Vs Kidney Pills? the same that Pergerson had. Fnster MIlbura ?re.. Buffalo, N. T. i< '? i ...I AND SERVICE 31,646 Stars BuilTBy Durant To March 1 ? NEW YORK, March 18? Durant Mo tors reports that on March X a total of 31,646 Star cars had been produced In the three months the various factories have been turning out this line. The February count waa 10,794, while March Is expected to produce 15,000. Ir> April the schedule calls for 20,000. The red letter day in production so tar was Feb. 23, when 852 were manu factured, while on Feb. 28 a shipping record was broken wtai 912 were sent out to distributors. It Is expect ed production will reach 1000 a day Inside the next three weeks. Equipment is being installed in the new Flint plant and It la expected it will take sixty days to complete the jcb. Production on the new Prince ton car, which will be turned out from ibe Muncie plant, is expected to" start in about ninety days.? Motor World. STAR ROADSTER $414,000 F. O. B. IT SHINES DAY AND NIGHT DURANT ROADSTER $890.00 F. 0. B. JUST A REAL GOOD CAR BECK'S GARAGE PHONE 311 LOUISBURG, N. C. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE STATION The thrifty shopper says ShoePolish Notkhvq else "will do You qoi more# and B?ttor sKlnes for your money. P. W. Daflqr Cafttgp Inc. Notice To Owners of Cars and Fordson Tractors of Franklin County ' -n We can nerve you night or day, when In trouble with your automobile or your Fordson Tractor, an Messrs. H. 0. -Leonard and N. B. Medlin, known ?s Herbert and Nobe, are with me, and Leonard Is known as the ' beat Far ..son Tractor .mechanic in the county, also (or Ford cam. Mr. Med lin is known to be one of th? best me chanics in the county tor all large oars such as Hudson's, Essex, Dodge's and Bulck's and all other large makes at cars. We can serve yon as well aa any Oarage in the county. We carry nothing except genuine Port part* (or; /our Ford and can serye yon as quick for parts for large cars aa any Oarage In Loulshurg as no Oarage carries stock tog, other cars except la small quantities. When In town ?all to se? gur stock of casings. Inner tnhsa and accessories as we carry the large* stock In the county except the loalt burg Motor Co. Dont forget whan t? trouble call day Phone (No. 1), at night (No. 237) and we are always on the job. We serre yon tor g*a, oil and all acceeeorlea on Sunday as well' an Monday. , , . L ?>? / HUDSON'S GARAGE R. W. HUDSON, Proprietor Louisburg, H..C