Removes the cause of disease without the use of Drugs or Surgery. If you are tick, and want to get well, try Chiropractic Adjustments It "doesn't matter what disease you have, CHIROPRACTIC will get you well. DR. CHAS. BREMNER HENDERSON, NORTHJCAROLINA Louisburg office in Franklin Hotel. TUESDAY and FRIDAY'S from 2 to 4 P. M. Good Farms For Sale I havelseveral good farmslin fine state of cultivation with good building and outhouses in good communities for sale cheap. See S. A. Newell Louisburg, N. C. * Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sizes Carriejl in Stock ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE Louiaburg. N. 0. Phone 295-J Don'f take excuaea. Inaiat on ha ring WILLIAM TELL Flour. Wt J. g. HOWELL. Music Carnival at Cedar Bock On Friday evening, March 30 at 8 P. It there will be a Mustc Carnival and Fiddler's Convention In the school auditorium at Cedar Sock. The following prlsss are offered: Beet Violin $7. SO; beet Oifltar MOO; M Banjo $4 00; best Mandolin $2.60; best Plino $2-50; beat Vocal solo $2.(0; best Group (3 to B) $6.00. The prise ffor best violin and best croup will be cash and thrf others will De cash or their equivalent. Second prize* on Violin, flutter, Banjo and Mandolin. Everybody come Admission SB and 35 ceptft Garden flowers show- oS beet If planted la masses rather than la row*. They need a line, firm seed bed, rich In humps, abundant moisture and free dom from weeds. MRS. Z. A. WmtETT.T. * GAINS 24 POUNDS Declares T&nl&c Restored Her After 5 Years Of Suffering1 > From Stomach Trouble "I almost a nervous wreck, bat Tanlac has built me up twenty-tour pounds, and I never felt better In my lite." declared Mrs. Z. A. Harrttl, ;:09 W. Graham St., Shelby, N. C. "I suffered -trom stomach trouble five years and was In a terribly nervoua run-down condition. Almost every thing I ate refused to digest, but sour ed on my stomach and kept m6-ln mis ery. My appetite left me entirely, and Isimply dreaded to eat. because I knew I would suffer so badly afterwards. I was so unstrung the least little thing would upset me, a good night's sleep was Impossible, snd nothing seemed to do any good until I took Taalac . "Six bottles of Tanlac made me a well and happy woman. My nevous cess Is gone, I sleep soundly, and tear ful headaches that used to nearly drive me frail tic have never bothered me since. My stomach trouble has been completely overcome, I have a splen did appetite, and I think Tanlac is sim ply grand." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Over 35-mllllon bottles sold. Box Party and Fiddlers Con vention There will be a Box Party and Fid dlers Convention at White Level on Friday evening, April 6th. Prizes will be offered to the best violinist and Uanjoman. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the church. The public is cordially Invited, especially the mu sicians. Admission 10 and 25 cents. 1 1 akea the Work Out of Dish - Washing Every lioogewife hates the drudgery of washing dishes and wctccaacs RED SEAL Lye, it makes the jcb ear;'. . Spotfcos pota and pans, Ro well as shining silverware find dishes are aura whan RED C2AL Ly? helps. ' - , , Thoroughly dissolve one half teaapoonfu! in dish pan of water ? then jut the cishes in. (Do n^tfse^ aluminum.) Write for fccck!et of house hold uses. Pull directions in each can. Be euro eni' buy oniy the genuine Red* Seal Lye. TUCKER'S CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. I h*T? Ju?t opened a first clasa Cafe la the old Naal building and am prepared to fnrnlsh meals at all boar*, and tha bMt tie market affords . I<* Oram I canto a cone, ?oft Drinks. ate, Prtoaa reaaonable, aarvfee I. C. TUCKER Proprietor =========^^ You don't have to . rush the season to buy now. 50 dozen just received. \ ? From the sorriest to the best. All ? prices, but always under the other ? fellow. --- /? Special for Saturday and Monday - Chesterfield Cigarettes, 20's, 2 for 25c Camel Cigarettes, 20 's 2 for 25c The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. . \ - .1: - - * TRUSTEEE'S SALE} TOWN LOT Byvirtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Yarboro to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, and recorded In Frank lin Registry in Book 210, page 264, de. fault having been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922 at about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door, in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the lot of land in said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Situate on the West side of Elm Street in the town of Louisburg, and more particu larly defined' as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mrs . R. Z. Egerton's on Elm Street (formerly Bob Yarbor ough's corner) and corner for lot here In conveyed; thence Westwardiy alone Mrs. Egerton's Jine, the old Bob Yar boro line, 222 feet more or lets to corner for Mrs. R. Z.Egerton, F. N. Egerton and the lot' herein conveyed; thence Southwardly along F. N. Eg. ertoa's Use 1131 feet, more or lees to his corner; thence ? Eaatwardly along his line 22 feet, more or leu to Elm Street; thence Northwardly along Elm Street lit feet, more or less, to the beginning. This Nor. 16, 1922. 11-17-5t WM. H. HtTFFIN, Trustee. The Jtbove sale >wu continued to Monday, January 1st, '1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Dec. i*22. ? 1 2-22-2t WM . H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 8th, 1922, by consent of all parties concerned. This Jan uary 1st, 1922. 1-5- It WM. H. RUFFIN, Truatee. The -above sale waa continued to Monday, January 29th, 1922, by con sent of ail parties concerned. This January tth, 1922. WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale waa continued to Monday, February tth, 1922, at about noon, by consent of all parties con cerned. This Jan. 29th, 1922. 2-2-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The abovd sale was continued to Monday, March tth, 1922, at about noon by consent of all parties oon cernM. This Feb. R, 1922. 2-9 -4t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. March 12th, 1922, at about noon by consent of all parties con cerned. This March t, 1922. 2-9-tt WM H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Th? abofe sale was continued to corned. This, March 12th, 1922. 2-lMfc WM H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale wae continued to Monday. April 2nd. 1922, at abottt ?3# mhflMT* *** 2-2241 WM H. RUFFIN, .Trustee. ? ' ? 3' i 1 ? 1 ' I A?k jfiTLT neighbor | 8b? wM k?ow TELL ^J*?. HOWELL. Farmers ? . *:V ? National Bank r ' - 2 . MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. Wants your bank account, and offers you s banking service that you will like. Our first consideration is the safety of our de posits. We- are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on any proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. "WEPAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES / OF DEPOSIT. "fate have a growing list of customers who like their connection with the Farmers National. % WE WOULD TJTtFi TO TALK THE MATTER OYER WITH YOU. Farmers National Bank ? . Louisburg, N. O.