New Price The FordSOne-Ton Truck Chassis ^ has proved its ability to reduce transportation costs in practically every line of business where there is a haulingjproblem. It is eco nomical, efficient, dependable. At the new low i price you will agree it represents1 a value that has never before been offered in the commercial, car field. . Place your order now 'for reasonably prompt delivery . Terms if desired. Louisburg Motor Co. LOUISBUBG, ' North Carolina We still hay? a few choice young males left, also 2 ping mules and 2 horses, all of wlilch we are offering at cost . and below cost prices. Conic quick as we are going to let them go. Wlo also hare a few sets of nice Buggy harness, some wagon harness saddles, * etc. and 1 Tyson & Jones Top buggy for sale. See R. E. FULLER AT FULLER'S STABLE NOTICE OP VALUABLE LAND FOR BALE Under and by -virtue of the power and authority contained tn>that cer tain deed of trust executed by N. P. Boono to B. P. Wood, Truatee, on the 22nd day of June, 1922 and duly re corded In book 224 on page 695 of the franklin County Registry, default having been made In the .payment of the Indebtedneaa thereby secured and demand upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, 1, the undersign ed Trustee, will on " MONDAY, APRIL 1?, 1923 at or about 12 o'clock M. at t$e Court house door in the town of Loulsburg, N. C. aell at public auction to th* high est bidder tor cash thoae two tract* of lang wltunte In Cedar Rock town ship, Pranklln county and described ci follows: Pttat Tract: Containing 39 1-2 acrea, more or leas and b?lng bound ed on th* north and northWMt by the landa of S. O. White, on th* east by W. R. Boon*; On the south by Mrs. M. H. Harris and on th* Mrs. Barah Btalllngs and 8. O. White, and comprising th* two tracts h*rtofore conv*y*d to N. P. Boon* by d**d of J. J. Creekmore recorded in book IS* on pag* 9, Pranklln County Registry.' Second Tract: jOon'tatntng IS acr*s t mors or l?ss, and'bounded on th* north by th* landa of 0, W. Brldgsrs. on th* east by Or**al*af Johnson Lumber Company, oft th* south by W. R. - Boon* and on th* w**t by W. J. Boon*; It being th* cam* tr*ct of. land here tofore conrey*d to N. P. Boon* by de*d of W. R. Boom aim wU? rsoord e'

?} 1-2 acres and Delng fully described in the record of said division in Book 6, Orders and Decrees, office of Clerk Superior Court of Franklin county at pages 218 et acq. . 2nd Tract. That lot or parcel ot land ciiuate in tho town ot Franklin ton, N. C. known as the Norf Whita place and bounded b7 the lands of W. L. McGhee, Christian church and Hills lioro road containing about three acres and fully described In deed ot R. B. White. Comr. to I. H. Kearney, record ed in Book 156 at page 368 Registry of Franklin county. 3rd Tract. That lot or parcel of land in town ot Franklinton known as Norf White Shop lot on Hillsboro road and more fully described In above mentioned deed of R. B. White, Comr. to I. H. Kearney recorded In book 156 at page 338, said Registry of Prank lin county, 4th Tract. That tract or parcel of land known as the W. W. King lands adjoining C. H. Sandllng estate aild Geo. Kearney lands and lying on Mount Olivet road, containing 44 acres more or less and being more fully described In deed from Spruill and Blckett, Comra to I. H. Kearney, said doed being duly I recorded in book 166 at page 434, Reg istry of Deeds for Franklin county. Reference being here made to all of the aforesaid deeds and records for a more full description of the lands hereby conveyed. This 23rd day of March, 1923. 3-23-Bt J. E. MALONE, JR., Trustee. SALE OP LAND - Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in* that deed of trust executed on the 4th day of August, 1919, duly registered In tha office of the Register ot Deeds for Franklin county in Book 224 at pago 385, default having been made In the payment of the notes secured thereby and demand made upon me to fore close in accordance with the terms and provisions i hereof, I, the under tlgned Trustee, will sell at "public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door of Franklin coun ty, N. C. on MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. the following describ ed real estate, situate In Franklin ton township. Franklin county. State of North Carolina, and described aa follows: 8rd Traot. All that parcel of land containing 37 1-2 acres more or less and being known a3 the Toney Pugh Place, conveyed to Oza D. Kearney by deed of R. B. White, Trustee, dated Sept. 25, 1917 and recorded in Book 221, page 83 Registry of Franklin ooun ty. N. C. 4th Tract All of the parcel ot land containing ^8 1-4 acres more or less, conveyed to Oza D. Kearney by deed of W. H. Yarborough and HJ. H. Maione, Comrs. dated August 28. 1818 and re corded in Book 221 page 189 aforesaid Registry. 6th .Tract. All of that parcel of land conveyed by R. B. White, Comr. to Oza 0. Kearney by deed dated Nov. 10th, IMS and recorded in Book 213 page 684 aforesaid Registry. Reference to all of said deeds and ,-ecords being her* mate. 6t J. E. MALONE, JR., Trustee. 81JP8 HBADBA8T For Sale by Ay cock Drug Co., F. R. Pleasants, Baasiey Bros., Bnnft Drug Co., W. B. Murphy, Henry Ayacue. r j A better biscuit campaign in Polk Oounty attracted trigger and batter crowds to tbe courthouse than the Co art Itself. Perhapa this means tor Uk? future, fewer courts and better homes, suggests tha home agent. Mourlsher ot the community spt^tt ? tbe heme town newspaper. Agricultural paper may run f jr nine months according to section 38 ot the North Carolina Banking Law. Farm ers entitled to orsdlt might ask their bankers about this. ?his 23rd day ot March, 1923. v SODA 18 iL Per Cent Ammonia $60 Per Ton Maine grown Irish Cobbler po tatoes $4.00 bag^ 50c peck. McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS I Ice! Icc! Ice! I am preparing my ice honse for the accommodation of the people of Louisbnrg and will be ready to serve yon with the best Ice that moifey can buy at reasonable prices in the next few days. My line of henry and fancy grocerle* is complete and priced down to ttgnres that will make yon smile with satisfaction. COME ANT) SEE ME. i . A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. Horses and Mules I have just received a large number of fine well broke horses and mules that I am of fering cheap for cash or on good paper. They are especially adapted to farm work. COME AND SEE THEM. In the Griffin & Baasley Stable near the Jail. R. A. Pearce Bay one, or one thousand sacks of WILLIAM TELIj, tt'a always the name! 2-23-8t . J. 8. HO WELL. Subscribe to THM FRANKLIN TIMS $1.50 Per Year In Adrance The farmer plant* hi* cotton. ? Bat lha we?Tl! takes a toll. And the way the square* are drop ping - , i Just afflict* the tanner's son). But ho roea and dust* hi* oottoa, When he should bo In M* bed. And the wferil comea to eat It. But I* soon among tl?* dead. Oa 8. B,