ml BlackPaste 8 If J^Sho&Polish Positively the onltj polish that will shine qihj or damp shoes -No disagreeable odor QUALITY QUANTITY Hasthelaigesf sale in America Bu v *,;vi V> vrfF . Tutt's Pills To School Committeemen The following letler has been la sued to the several School Committee men of Franklin County by Supt. E. L Best: Dear Commltteemen: You will find below a copy of a sec tion of new school Uglslauon that was passed by our last General Assembly, in order to conform with the roquire TKeiiW Sf this section the Board of Education in regular session, Mon day March the 5th Instructed me to give notice that cn Monday, April the 16th at IX o'clock In Loulsburg there will be a Joint meeting of the Board of Education and the various sohooL committeemen and trustees of the county. At thla meeting the county wide plan ot organization of the tchools will be discussed. You are urgently requested to be present as the Board ot Education 1? anxious to secure your advice, sugges tions and recommendations before adopting a permanent county-wide plan of organization or me schools. N'o election will be called or any change made in_any district until af ter the above date. Looking forward to seeing you on the 16th of April. Cordially yours, E. L. BEST, Superintendent. "Section 73-a. County-Wide -plan ot Organization: The county board of education shall create no new dis trict nor shall it divide or abolish a district, nor shall it consolidate dis tricts or parts of districts, except In accordance with a couniy-wlde plan of organization as follows.: 1. The county board of education shall present a diagram or map of the county showing the present location of each district, the position ot each, the location of roads, streams and oth er natural barriers, the number of children in each district, the size and condition ot each school building in tach district. The county board of education shall then prepare a county wide plan for the organization of all the schools of the county. This plan shall Indicate the proposed changes to be made and how districts or parts of districts are proposed to be con solidated so as to work out a more ad vantageous school system for the en tire county. 2, Before adopting the county wide plan, the county board of edu cation shall call a meeting of ail the school committeemen and the boards ot trustees and lay the proposed plan before them for their and sug gestions. After receiving the advice; of (he committeemen and trustees, the county board of education shall have authority to adopt a county-wide plan of organization, and no districts or parts of any district. Including non local tax, local tax, and special char ter districts, hereafter referred to in this article, shall be consolidated or the boundary lines changed, unless the consolidation or the change of boundary lines is in accordance with thq adopted county-wide plan of or ganization: ' Provided, that- in the event the county board of education deems it wise to modify or change the adopted plan, the board shall no? tify the committeemen and Interested patrons and give them a hearing if they desire to be heard before any changes shall be made. ' 3. The county board of education shall haveauthorlty to execute the en tire plan or any part of the same, but the county board of education shall have no authority to create a debt for the execution of any part of the pro posed plan, unless authorized by law, | end If the amount necessary to put Into operation all or any part of said plan shall be greater than the amount tlat may bo reasonably expected froir. the Operation and Equipment Fund for this purposet the amount shall be guaranteed by the districts alfected by the execution of the plan, or If the districts do not guarantee the funds the county board of education shall lay the proposed plan before the coun ty commissioners, together with the estimated amount necessary to pbt the same into operation, and If the amount necessary to carry out all or apy part of the proposed plan shail be approved by the county commis sioners, the county board of education shall then have the authority to or ganize the districts in accordance with the county-wide plan. 4. When the proposed county-wide t-lan is adopted the county board shall notify the Committeemen and boards of trustees as to what part of the plan the board proposes to carry out first and in what order the other parts of the plan will be considered, ana the preference shall be given to those dis tricts In which the needs are Jteatest if the funds for providing the equip ment are made available. 6. In the event that any child or children of any dlatrict or any part of a district are without adequate school Sd vantage, and these advantages mav e Improved by transferring said child or children to a school or schools In adjoining districts, the county board shall have authority to make such a ttyufer. But this shall not empower the county board Of education to abol ish or divide a district unless such act shall be |n harmony with the county- wide plan of organisation. The ?nrni)orary transfer or such child or Children may be made until such time as the county- wide plan will provide more advantageously for them. Tour mother used WILLIAM TELL Flour, wb jmot yopt , 8-SI-8t ' J. 8. HOWELL. FOR FIRST CLAM JOB PRINT1NO PHONE MS ^Hastings' 8eeds 1023 Catalog Free Wffca today tor Huttail' Bern 1923 mUUox You will need the Information ft g|ro.i almost dally ? tha. mnst val? ablo and useful seed book ever publish ed- It ooDtatoa 100 paces, ploturlng .Md correctly describing the beat and moat popular vegetables, flowers and farm crops for thj South. How and what to plant In your yard, garden and field for every purpose. How to boat the boll weevil, bean beotlt and other pests. Full natural color pictures of the best Roses, Glad ioli and other flowers. How- to get 5 pack alt of seed of beautiful flowers free. How much seed Is required to plant a row or acre, when and how to plant and cultivate. Why it pays to plant good seeds and bow to get them as cheap or cheaper than common or ordinary seeds. Just write tor thu handsome new 1923 Se?d Book. It's a beautiful book and you'll be mighty glad to tare It in your home. It b absolutely trot, ^rlte for It today. H. Q. HA8TINOS CO, / I Atlanta, fia. | SALE. OF LAND U n ' I < ? r anu Dy virtue of the power! and ;:i:'.huriiy contained in that deed I ol trust executed on the 4tu day of | August. l'.'l'J, duly registered in the Offlc ? o i tile Register of Deeds lor Franxliu County in Hook 224 at page !sS6, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby and mwlUJIliiiy^M M?a?>iHli IKTMhltttiwI li hum Nun?ei;V.i *mm ?t?r ttifi tka om aa* tkaCfcM ? . ?; ta hiataiydL iki?U^ FOB FIRST GLASS JO? TWiUftisO PHONE KaW.