ECONOMY WEEK AT = KLINE'S Regardless of today's cost Kline is offering merchandise of every description at prices that talk for themselves and all we can tell you is if you need for now or later NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. These values will not last long at these remarkable prices. Compare with prices quoted elsewhere. Hickory Shirting, Heavy Grade 25c ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR Boy's Ai%l?tic Union Suits ~1 4?>C Men's Athletic Union Suits ... ! 59c Men's A'hletlc Union Suits, finely constructed, sizes 34 to 50.. 98c Hanes Athletic Union Suijs lor Boys 75c WORK SHIRTS Men's Blue Work shirts ? Sic Men's Khaki Work shirts Sic Boy's Blue Work Shirts - ? ? ? 49c BOY'S PASTS Khaki Pants for Boys 9>c All Boy's Pants Reduced for Economy Week MIX'S TROrSERS Men's Blue Serge Pants $2.9; Men's all wool Warsted Pants ^ #2.95 High Gra>ie Pants for Men and Young Men, Including serges. $7.00 value $4.95 Men's Palm Beach Pants, various ssades, sizes 30 to 50 _ #43.) WORE PASTS . i Men's Khaki Pants #1.45 Men's Heavy TWtll Khaki Pants $1.95 Men's Crash Pants #1.45 MEN'S OVERALLS One lot Men's Overalls 9?c Good Gride Boys Overalls 9>c Best grade Overalls for Men, heavy weight #1.75 IIRESS SniRTS Men's Dross Shirts, collar attached Men's Dress Shirts, fine quality, fancy patterns 9Sc Me's Dress Shirts, collar attache'ln green, b! je and tan #1.19 Men's Dress S' rts, collar attached and collar to match, worta $2.00 #1.45 XES'S STRAW HATS New Sai'or Straws, White and Burnt Straw #1.25 Men's Straws, value to $3.00 $1.S5 APROS GlSti RAM Best quality southern made Gingham, yard 10c GISGHAM ASD VOILE DRESSES #2,45 One rack Ladies Gingham and Voile Dresses, newest style, extra quality #2.45 CHILDREN'S DRESSES #6c Children's fine Gingham Dresses, sizes 2 to 14 J. 9>>c LADIES SPRING COATS ASD CAPES Groupe'l for Special Economy Week, Coats and Capes valued to $20 00, to go at #9.1."> SHIRT WAISTS Ladles Voile and Organdy Waists, price 9bc VOILE ASD TISSUE GINGHAM DRESSES Season's latest Btyle Voile and Gingham Dresses, light and dark patterns ? $5.45 CORSETS P. and N well known CCrsets value up to $2.50, to go at 98c KSIT TEDDIES ladies -?u mmer weight Knit Tjsddles, 89c 20c Gauze Vests, regular and extra size 15c CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's Fancy Top Sox 15c Children's Hose, black and white, fine mercerised, priced 25c CREPE DE CHINE $1.69 Crepe Dachine in Black, Navy, Pink, Brown, etc. at $1.69 - I BED TICKING Good Mattress Ticking 19c Feather Ticking 85c /moskea^ A C A Feather Ticking 89c SHIRTING Oood Heavy Hickory Shirting 19c BED LINENS 63 x 90 Sheets s $1.45 Pillow Cafes ? 72 x 90 Pppperell Sheets $1.49 RIPPI.ETTE DIMITY QUILTS 72x90 double bed size $1.65 81x90 extra size $1J>H SEA ISLAND SHEETING 3C Inch Sea Island Sheeting 17J4C INDIAN HEAD LINEN 33 In. white 29c 36 In. white 85c 44 In. white 45c L Kline & Co. WHE!* ADVERTISED OK KEF. N ELSEWHERE IT8 ALWAYS CHEAPEST 41 ERE ;] LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA FOR SALE BY MeKI>>'E ItKOS. LousljurK. C. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge vt Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Patry will be glad to see his trlendj, and when in need of ANT EIN'D of Insurance, see him* .Mr Perry has had many years ex perience in Insurance, and Is prepared to give the public the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, ?write, phone or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Willie Z. Arnold, de ceased, late of Franklin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified !o present them to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of June, 1924, or this jus tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleare come forward and make immediate settlement. This June 7th, 1923. MRS. ZAX1E ARNOLD, AUmrx. IS. T Holder, Atty. 6-8-6t NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE INCORPORATION OP KPSOJT SCHOOL DISTRICT - Upon petition of the Cou.ity Board of Education of Franklin County, said petition being in due form, It la here by ordered that an election be held In accordance with the previsions of Section 233. Article 17. Part 7, Chap ter One of "An Act to Amend the Con solldated Statutes and to Codify the Laws Relating to Public Schools" en acted by the General Assembly of North Carolina at its regular session in 1923, at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within that portion of tie Epsom School District lying and being situ ate In Franklin County as to whether or not .t shall be Incorporated with that portion of the Epsom School Llstrlct lying and being s'tuate In Vance Count7, so as to form an Incor porated school district to be known as the Epsom School District. The said election shall be held on the 16th day of July, 1923, the polling place to be at Dickie's Store in said District. A new registration shall be made and L? O. FYazler Is hereby ap pointed Registrar, ond O. T. Ayscuo, Jr. and J. H. Ooodson are hereby ap pointed poll holders The boundaries of Bald portion of Kpsom School District situate within the County -of Franklin are as fol lows; Beginning at a point where Lytch's Creek crosses the line of Ha*>esvlPe and Frankllnton Townships and | thence up said Croek to th& Vance and Franklin County line; tbenco In a Northeasterly direction along said County line to a point where Vance. FrankMn and Warren Counties fol; thence In an Easterly d'rectlon along the Warren and Franklin County line to the point where Hayesytlle and Sandy Creek Townships corner 'n the Warren and Frgnklln County line; thaoce In a Southerly direction along said Ingleslde School District line to a point jvhere said line cross es Toole's Croek) thence down Toole's Creek to the Frankllnton and Hayes vllle Township line; thence in a Wes terly direction along Slid Frin\!in ton and Hayesvllle Township line to tbe point of beginning. The Registration nooks shall hi < pen from June 10th. 1923 fo July 7th 1!<23 and tbe Registrar V" HI have said Look* at s?ld pulltuK pi icv on ?ach Saturday durmg said period from the day at Jucv, 19:5, to the 14ili u?> vt July. B> order cf the Board of Ccunty Comratsslrnera this ihe 4tU duy of Juae 1 :'23. AUTHl'R STRICKLAND, Atiest- Chairman h C. H01.DEN. U&rK 6-S.-41 I NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION I'poQ petition signed by the requir ed number of citizens of the Pine Hidge School District, Franklin Coun t>. State of North Carolina, said pe t.tion having been du.y approved and indorsed by the County Hoard of Ed ic.-tion of Franklin County, it Is or wreil that an election be held in sal ' sfchcol District in accordance with the provisions of Article 17, part 7, Chapter 1. of "An Act t> Amend the Consolidated Statutes an l ' to Codify the law relating to Public Schools,'' tnacted by the General Assembly of ."? orth Carolina at its regular session in 1923, at which election shall be as ct r'.ained the will of the people wlth iu said School District whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty cents on tin One Hundred Dollars valuation o: property within said District to supplement the public school fund v l ictf fnay be apportioned to said dis-'.rict by the County Board of Edu cation and in case such special tax shall be voted then It shall operate to repeal and abolish all special si hool taxes heretofore voted within si-id school district. . -- The said electon shall be held on Vonday, the 16th day of July, 1923, the polling place shall be Pine Rldgo School House In said district; a new registration shall be made and How ard \V 1 ant is hereby appointed Reg istrar and J. O. Williams and F. C Richard?oti are hero' y eppolnted poll he Mors for said election The boundaries of said Pine Ridge S-chool District, as fixed by the Coun ty Board of Education, are as follows: Beginning at bridge over NbrrliT Creek on Tarboro road; thence down Norm' Cre?k - to Crooked Creek; thence down Crooked Creek to Tar Kiver; thence down Tar River to Nash County line; thenie along Nssh County line to line of Pilot District No, 4 Dunn Township ; thence along line of Pilot District to P.urwell Ba ker's in Spring Hope road, west to head ot' Contentnea Creek. West ?o hew road, Falson's corner; thence to lead of Baker's pond; thence along creek to beginning. The Registration Books shall be open from June 16th, 1923 t-j July 7th, I 3 and the Registrar will have aald becks at said prlttfig place on eacn Saturday during said period from the 1611; day of June, 1923, to the 14th day of July, 1923. By order of the Board of County Con'.mlssloners this the 4th day of June, 1*23 ARTHUR STRICKLAND. Attest: Cnairman. S C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 6-S-4t I NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon petition signed by the requir ed number of citizcns of the Pilot School District, Franklin Coun ty. State of North Carolina, said pe tition having bet n duly approved an 1 endorsed by the County Board of Ed ucation of Franklin County, it is or dered that an election be held in said School Dl.-trict in accordance with the provisions of Article 17. part 7, Chapter 1. of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify the law relating to Public Scho >ls," enacted by the General Assembly of Ncrth Carolina at its reguli.r ses?loi If 1923. at which election shall be as certained the will of the people with in said School District whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than DO cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of property within said District to ^supplement the public school funu which may be apportioned to said district by the County Board of Edu cation and in case su^h si ecial tax shall be voted then It shall operate to repeal and abolish all special school taxes heretofore voted within said school district. The said election shall be held on Monday, the ,16th day of July. 1923, the polling place shall be J. M. Stal lings' Store In said 'district; a new registration shall bo made and J. M Stalling^ Is hereby appointed Regis trar and Preston Massey, and Clellon Pearce are hereby appointed poll holders tor said election. The boundaries of said Pilot School District, as fixed by the County Board of Education, are a? follows: Beginning at the head of Strickland Mill Pond on Moccasin CYeek; thence up said Creek to Mobley Spring Branch; thence up Mobley Spring Branch to the Mobley Bprlng; thence In a Northeasterly direction along the old Willlsm Pflvatt to the head of Nannie Orchard Branch; thence in an Easterly direction to the head of Contenthea Creek; thence in a South easterly direction to the Spring Hopo road at Burwell Baker place; thence Southeast to the Nasi County line a: the most Northerly point where said Nash County line touches the land of John Pace; thence In a Southerly di rection along said Nash County line to the New Road frum Pilot to Rocky Crp?i; thence in a Southwesterly di rection to the Southeast corner of I,onnie Jones' land; thence alone I,onnle Jonea' line In a W^terly di rection to the B. M. Altord land; thence In a Westerly direction along the old line for B. M Alford and J. T. Alford to Moccassin Creek, the point of the beginning. The Registration Books shall be 0|>en from June 16th, 1823 to July 7th li?9S and the Registrar will have said books at said polling place on each Saturday during said period from the 16th day of June, 198?, to the 14th t'/>y of July, 1823. By order of the Board of County Commissioners this the 4th day of June, li?23. ARTHUR STRICKLAND. Attest- ?? , < liilr nan B C. HOI-DEN, Clerk. 0 8 it NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Boston Allen, deceased, late of Franklin County, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are ro quested to make Immediate settle ment. This May 28th, 1923. IDA ALLEN, Extra. G M Beam, Attorney. 6-1 -6t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Rarah Thomas Morris, d ecp?tied, late of Franklin County, no 1 1 d' Is hereby given all persons hold SL log clalma against said estate to pre eont them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come tor ward trad make Immediate settlement. Thin May 28th, 1923. J. W. THOMAS, Admr. G M. Beam, Attorney. 8-l-6t No Worm* in a All children troubled with Worn* have ao un healthy color, which Indlcatte poor Mood, eod ?? ? ml*. thers Is mMe or liu atocucb dleturhsnw GROVE S TASTIfiESS chill falflC (Krw re#ola?hr for two or thr*Y*'*fl,a wl" Sorlch the biood. Im prove thedlgeWum.Vod sot *? a General fcrenrb nlnl Tonic toihe whale arettm. Nsoire will then throw off or dispel tbr Vorm t, sod theChlld will ne is perfect hrijtb fteatf^Dt to take. tOc per bottle. A. TONKEL LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE Announces to the buying public of Louisburg and Franklin County, his FIRST BIG SALE Beginning Friday, June 8th, 1923 and will continue through the entire month of June. For weeks and weeks we liave been arranging for this big event and our values will speak louder than words. Everj- department will offer tempting spec ials daily. This is going to be the most remarkable low price Sale ever offered in Louisburg. Do not con fuse this with any ordinary sale for the reason that A. TONKEL wants the people of the surrounding coun t try to become acquainted and secure the thousands of different bargains that will be thrown on the counters during his First Big June Sale. Even* item advertis ed and every price and value quoted during this sale will be found absolutely as represented. DON'T FORGET THE DATE OF THIS BIG SALE JUNE 8TH. 1923 A. Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. C. High Grade OVERALLS Sizes 32 to 42 $1 .50 Pair McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS

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