TIRES Just received large shipment of HIGH GRADE TIRES AND TUBES from factory, all sixes, and can SAVE you some REAL MONEY on same, as I have been appointed distributor for this section. Adjust ments made right here in Louisburg in case any go bad. SEE ME BEFORE BUYING TIRES AND TUBES H. P. Cranford LODISBURG, North Carolina 1 have ju?t received a new lot ci Melrose and Yanco Flonr, the kind that makes the best biscuits, niso a nice line oi heavy and fancy groceries. A (nil Line oi feed stuffs and dairy feed. Give me n call and lei me show yon that I can furnish you the best at a lit tle les?. J. Allen Harris Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sizes Carried in Stock ALLEN ?, MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE Louisburg, N. C. Phone 295-J MONEY TO LE^jj ON IMPROVED farm lands. 8 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus . May ran for 33 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. SALE ? . ARMY SHOES . - SALE We have Just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct . Price .11^75. Tbeso shoes are 100 per ceut solid leather with heary doublo soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heary tan chrome leather vfah bellows tongue, thsreby making them yntorproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we adviM you to order at once to lnrar? your order being rilled r The sites are 6 Coll Ml jHdthsf Pay PostmAn on receipt or goods or send money order. Money refunded U shoes are not satisfactory. The C. B. Btoro4 Co., 1441 Broadway, New York City ^Snk?rrit>? to Tho Franklin Time* BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is hereby given to all Inter etted persons that the Board of Coun ty Commissioners will meet as a Board of (equalization on the second Monday In July, 1323, In Loulsburg N. C. for the purpose of hearing complaints as lo valuations on property. This June 4, 1623. ARTHUR STRUKLAN0, Ch'mn. 5. C. HOI/DEN, Clerk. 6-8-4t To Stop s Cough Quick # take* HAYES' Hp. A UNO HONEY, a cough medlaine whigh stops the cough by healing (be h>flnm?d.nnd Irritated tisanes A bo* of\ GROVE-8 O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for CHpst Colds. Head Colds and Croop Is encldsed wfch every boala of HAYES- HEALING HONXY. The salve should be rabbetron thfe chest and throat of children sufTerhW from a Cold or Croap. Tha haelhig rflMt ociferV H?alia| Hooay in ?Ida tba throat comMOMlKh\'>ir healing ?4Vcc of r.rUn aooo atova a toofh. \ Bnth mvdM era paefcM la las carton and the coat of Uk combined traatmant h Mo. 0 ?Just ask your drogglrt lor MAYES J HEALING HONEY. ^ Free Flower 8eeds You wQl be slid to know tfeat Bit ting*'. "TtM Sooth's nwfrrnny will rMMl ot this ' P*W You can get Qrcml Jnat writ* to 1 Hastings' (or the new lWl CctaJog. It tells yoc how td g*t tVrirtr Ms tree. | It hss 100 pagta ot graphic picture* and Uo69 ot garden flows bulbs and plagfa m helpful latowawpn almost dally lh Its the most published Purify It and IRON to Enrich It Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Two Car Loads FLOUR Just received direct from the Mills, and has been in nobody's storage house. ?' .* > DON'T BUY FROM US UNTIL YOU GET THE OTHER FEL LOWS PRICE. The following quotations are on our best and cheapest grades, we have other grades between: VANCO, Per barrel $6.90 MELROSE, Per barrel $8.30 MELROSE, y2 barrel $4.15 MELROSE, y4 barrel $2.10 MELROSE, i/8 barrel $1.07 The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. Farmers National Bank MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, IN. C. Wants your bank account, and offers you a banking service that you will like. Our first consideration is the safety of our de posits. We are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on nny proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. * WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF! DEPOSIT. Wie have a growing list of customers who like their connection with the Farm era National. , WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THE MATTER OVER WITH YOU, . \ 1 Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. O.