OUR FOUNTAIN is in Full Bloom. Cold Drinks of all kind. Give us a trial is all we ask. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded and will save you money. Seibert Poison Fly Paper Bee Brand Insect Powder 8 Sheets for 10c 10, 25 and 50c Size F. R. Pleasants PHONE 222 J Furniture The season's best and most popular styles and designs both in Suits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look over our Stock before you begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co. Summer Demands Window Screens Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Frames Lawn Mowers Insect Powder Fly Paper Fly Traps Disinfectant Lawn Hose L. P. HIOKS Muke Tliem Work "Who would sutler most If the I. \V. \V. radicals had been successful In demoralizing operatic* Industry on M?y '1? The working communities- where the industries are located. A man who listens lo the talk of an I W W. in on a par wit!* the man ?a ho looks down the muzicl of a load td gun while fooling with the trigger. What can the I. W. \V. give the American workmen but demoralized government and unemployment. Why don't the I W. W go to Kus sia? Because the workmen there are starving to death ungtyr the policies which they advocate here and air 1. \\ W. could not fill his stomach there cfT the labor of others he might have to work and starve. The I W. W agitators have Just been turned down hard, but they will not proit by the lesson. They should be rounded up and sentenced to work. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtu-' of authority contained ft that certain dtf-:d of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by R D. Mosley an I wife on the 5th ditv of April, 1922. the condition* In the said deed of tru-t not having been complied with, tl.e injeht. ?Iv.es.s there by secured being i>;nt due and demand having been made u;>on :ue for li/re closure.T will on MONDAY. JIN E is, 1j2J at about 12 o'clock M. at tho court house door at Loulsburg. N. C\ ofTer for s'tle to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being In Sandy Creek township. Frank lin couuty, North Carolina, described as follows: Hounded on the North by the lands William Plnnell, on the East by the lands of Ed Faulkner, on the South by tho lands of Wiley Askew and on the West by tho lands of W. S. Per nell. Containing 39 acres, more or less. Being the same land devised to Patty Mosley by the will of her father, Wiley Mosley. This May 16, 1923. 5-18-at S. A. NEWELL, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust to J. G. Mills, Trustee from J. T. Wilson and wife, which said deed of trust is tecorded in the office of the Register cf Deeds of Franklin county in Book 225, page 23, default having been made in th-? payment of the notes secured thereby, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the town of Lcuisburg, N. C. on MONDAY. JUNE IS. 1923 at 12 M. the following described real estate: A certain parcel or tract of land sit uate In Harris township, Franklin county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Samuel Harris, Perry and Tattersan, Joe Young, J. T. Wilson and others, and being the land con veyed to W. B. TimherlaKe by Caro line Timberlake by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 71, pag'e 145, and afterwards conveyed to J. T. Tim berlake by Emma Timberlakd and c'hers, and containing 180 a-jres, ir.ore or less. This land is known as "The Gid Wiggins" land. This the 14th day of May, 1923. 5-18-5t J. G. MILLS, Trustee. TRUSTEE S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the powerJ conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed to me by Henry Y. Cleek and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In book 224, page 496, I will on MONDAY, JUI.Y 2, 1323 at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door in Liouls burg, N. C , to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Hayesvllle Township, Franklin County, N. C.. and descrlbj ed as follows: Beginning at a stone, Mrs Josh Cheeks's corner, thonce S 24.70 chain* to a stone on the Hayes vllle road, Mrs. Josh Cheek's corner, thence along along said roaj X 69 3-4^ degrees W 230 chains, N 6 1-4 degrees W 6 50 chains, N 57 1-4 degrees W 5. 0 chains, N 57 1-4 degrees W 7.62 clains to a stone, Green's corner on the road, thence N 1-4 degrees Ei lfc.30 chains to the beginning, con- 1 tainlng thirty-six and one halt' acres j according to a survey made by. Thomas Taylor, May 11th, 1920, and being the tract of land conveyed, to Henry Y. Cheek by W. W. Green byj deed dated February 28th. 1921, and, said deed of trust having been execu- ; ted to secure the balance of tli ? pur- 1 chase money therefor. This 1st dav of June, 1923. 6-l-5t W. H. YAT.ROROUGH, Truitee. NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ci tlie estate of W. H' Byrum. decuus<-d. line of Franklin County, all per.-o^:-. h":l- 'vi-ne f ?rwir?l and make imme diate < -.:1 m< :.t. This May 17, 1*23. H \V ALLEN. B vi alli:n. 5-1 s;r Executors Win. H ?v Tho-!. \v. I.ul'i:), Atty NOTICE Having jualified as Adn inistrafor of th?* estate of Isaac M. Gupton, de ceased. late of Franklin County, no tice i shereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of May, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All person j indebted to said estate will please rome for ward and make immediate settlement I This May 10th, 1923. iE-ll-?;t J. W. GUPTON, Admr. 1 SALE OF LAND Und-r and by vlriure of the power and a ;-!:ority contained in that deed of tr isr executed on the 20th day of Octol). r. 1 :? X 5. duly registered in tho office ? ?! the Register of Deeds for Franklir. County in Hook 210. Page 4, rtct:>u!l having been made in th-j paytnei.t of the indebtedness thereby secured Ujn! demand made upen mt '.o foreclose in accordance with the terms'nnd provieions thereof, I the utidersiened Trustee, will s II at pub lie auction to the bigest bidder for cash at the Court hona-* door of F ank lin County, N. C.. on Monday the '?5th day ->l June, 1923, that certain tract or parcel of land situate tu Frank 11 . County. Louisburg Township, North Ctrolhia. and described as follows Adjoirling the lands of Mrs. F. X. Ji yn^r and J Xt. Allen, Beginning at the Southeast corner of Mrs. F. N Joyner lot on the Street running North of the Louisburg Graded School Campus; thence In a Northerly di rection along Mrs. F. X. Joj ner's line to the J. M. Allen line; tbence In an Easterly direction alcng the J. M. Allen line Ninety feet (90) to a stake In the eaid Allen line; thence In a Southerly direction in a line parall .? to the said Mrs. F. N. Jjyrer liio to a point in said Street running North of the Louisburg Graded School Cam p. e ; thence along satrt Street in a Westerly direction Ninety feet (901 to the beginning, it being the same lot"* conveyed by XL S. Cliftcn and wife ?o Alice j Czzell by deed re corded in the Registry of Franklia County In book 153. Page SO, ,.cgfer 'jftice to which record is nere n.ade. This th-> 2'jth dav of Vay, 1923. C i? it E. H. Malone Trustee Bps, per lb 30c Pork Koa^t . . . "Joe Home-made All Pork Sausage per lb 25c Frankfurter Sausage .... 20c Fresh Sparenbs 221,:-o F resh Pork Brains 2^0 Beef ami Pork Liver .... 20c C'ouutrv St vie Slice Ham . .40c F. F. V. Hams 35c Country Hams 30o Slice Bacon 35c Armour an>l Kingan in 1 lb. carton ' !5e Phone Orders Promptly De livered. Our Refrigerating Plant will keep fresh meats as good in summer as in winter. Qualitv guaranteed at all times. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. DRINK AT OUR FOUNTAIN WHITE'S ICE CREAM "Surety of Purity" Sanitary Cups. Clean Spoons. Pure Drinks. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated THE FRA5KUH ITM19 ihoold M In tow hnmn. H jrr>n ?r? not a Mki Heritor, be one. Send hi jowt wb RcrtpUon and help M to b?rt for * better eommanJtr. *?*? * MMSrftx to M;W tub franklin ntm IJl 11.50 fttTtRH