ONLY lUll FEB TEAK IH ADVANCE The Franklin Times WATCH LABEL 05 YOCK PAPER ? Send In Renewal Before Time Expires. A. F. J01LN80N, Editor and Manager VOLI JTV Ln. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION " ? srasclu?,?., M ~ ~ LOUISBCKG, 1*. C, IRIDAV. JfNE 2i, li?3 MTCBEB 17 WOMAN'S MISSION ARY UNION MET IN LOUISBURC, JUNE 14TH AND 15TH Ureensboro Division of The Baptist Denomination; Each Session of a Hig-h and Pleas ing Order; Many in Attend ance. The first meeting of the Greens boro Division of the Woman's Mis sionary Union of the Baptist Denom ination was called to order by the Vice President, Mrs. Martin W. Buck, of Burlington In the chair. \Mrs. Wesley W. Jones, o' Raleigh, sXe Stale President, conducted the Devotional meeting using Jacob's three visions of God as her subject Mrs. J A. Mclver of Louisburg ren dered a beautiful solo. How Many Sheep are straying lost from the Sl'ephard's Fold. The address of welcome was given by Mrs Wingate Underfill!, Louis burg. In well chosen words making all visitors feel at home. Miss Wynona Chainey of Durham responded most appropriately. The choir sang a very appropriate Si-lection. Mrs. Mclver gave us a beautiful ep into the life of the work at the ?' ithwestern Training Schaof, aftev .1 ,ve sang cne verse of "Nearer ; ? to Thee." Then Mrs Buck ij.'.' eed Miss Ruth Jinks who had char, of the Training School I'o Ki'Bi ? ' ter a short introduction Miss J!".'..: thon gave the origin and history uf the school in tlio Pioneer ilays, Sii? then introuuced Miss Wy nona Chainey now Pastor's assistant in Diuv.i'm. She gave us a beautiful picture of the busy life in the Train nig Sc.:'.od1, speaking on tho subject, "The Program of the School." Fol'i,'.' ing Chainey, Miss Pearl Taylor, of Oxford, spoke, subject be ing "The Religious Life and V. W. A. of the Training School." Then Miss Sigmon of Wake Forest so beautifully pictured the settlement work, empha sizing especially the "Good Will Cen ter Work operated and conducted by the Training School Girls. Following Miss Sigmon, Miss Cora Lee Can 11 on of ^sst Durham, carried us through House Beautiful explain ing each memorial and Introducing us to the wonderful Faculty and just how Die school Is run. She told us that it Is through love and sacrifice from the Great Mother hearts all over the southland that these girs are sent to aid The er.pense of the scliooT. Many touching and pleasant Inci dents were beautifully pictured by the girls in turn, which will help us to catch the vision of sacrifice willing ness, and unselfishness In service, as they labored in the mission sections in Louisville. Mrs. Myers of Spring Hope, gave us a striking picture of the married students in the Seminary and Train ing School Life. Miss Jinks then gave the qualifica tions for entrance In the Training School, then in her brave sweet, spir ited way gave a pleading call for more scholarships to the training sc hool, given by either Association or Church. Following a few remarks by Mrs. Buck we were then dismissed with the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Thompson ot the Beulah As sociation conducted the devotional us ing hymn, "Come Thou Almighty King." After leading a most Im pressive prayer, she read a scripture st lection found In the 24th chapter of I.uke. A hymn "Close to the Master") vss sung by the congregation. Mrs. Buck using the map explained some of the work done In eight as sociations in the Greensboro Divis* ion. Then using her chart she was able to show still greater work that Is being done in the Division, and showing some of the needs as well. The Assoclational Problem ques, lions were asked and answered by T.Irs. Buck, and Mrs. Jones. They ex plained very definitely what was don? with the State and Associated Ex pense Fund, MrsJ Buck explained ho .v (he superintendents could assist in helping the society. Mrs. Jones asked the question, "Can the time of your assoclational meeting be chang ed In this Division so that our Offi cers can attend." Her suggestion was that the superintendents of the association and officers confer with each other and arrange so that State Officers could attond. Mrs. Charles E. Maddry presented end discussed personal service, stress rd the giving of our time and talent to this work giving some scripture read ing from Job after Wlilch slie told us of the nned^ttj personal service In our pelves, for tV sake of our spiritual Itles need of our church need of hu manity around us, intellectual need, social need, last and greatest spirit inl need. We can best meet these nr?-ds through our personal service jivork. The presentation o! the banner, Ton by the Mt Zlon Association of the Greensboro Division. The hour hay* Jng arrived for the conference the oon grogntlon dispersed to different parts of the church tor discussions, J Regular Meeting of the Busi ness Men's Association Tuesday Night, June 26th Items to tw lirourtt up for ac tion are: lie tii lis of Tobacco Market and advertising campaign. Co-operatluK with citizens of Frnnkllnton In an effort to haTe fast trains stop on flap. The Officers want to make the meeting short and snnppy, com mencing promptly at S o'clock and adjourning early. The Women's Missionary Society v.'ork was discussed by Mrs. Wesley N. Jones The Young Woman's Aux iliary and Girl's Auxiliary work was discussed by Miss Wynona Chainey of Temple Church. Durham. The Royal Ambassador and Sun beam work discussed by Miss Cora Cannon of West Durham Church. On motion the action of t^ie Super* intendents was ratified. (The elec tion of Mrs. Z. M. C'aveness of Ral eigh. as Secretary, and Mrs. Rober: A. Bobbitt of Louisburg. as Treasurer of the Greensboro Division.) A committee on time and place ap pointed. Mrs. Harvey Pollard, of Durham, Mrs. J. A. Mclver. of Louis burr, Mrs. W. C. Cullom, of. Wake Forest. Committee on resolutions, Mrs. John Kemp of Wakefield, Mrs. J. W. Dunn of Raleigh, Mrs. R. M. Squires: of Wake Forest. Closing prayer by Miss Cora Lee Cannon. Afternoon Session Opened f.t 1:30 by devotional exer cise led by Miss Pearl Taylor, Supt. of Flat River Association. Scripture Lesson: 1 Peti-r 5, 1-12. Hymns, More Like The Master, O Master Let Mo Walk With Thue. Subject: Tend 'the flock of God that is among you. ? Treasurer report. Committee on En rollment asked to report at end of session. White Cross work dlECiSbO'i by Mrs. Z. W. Caveness. | Letter from Miss Grayson Supr. of 'K thleen Mallory Hospital, read, tell - |ing of opening of Hospital. Prayer Ifor Miss Grayson and the K. M. Hos f pita ]. led by Mrs. W. C. Cullom, of |Wako Forest.. Mrs.* J. T. Mlrchlner Supt. of Central Ass'ri. explained ! Standards of Excellence for various ! organizations, and how they can be I used to advantage, urging definite goals to be set by associations after ! standard reports have been submit tad. Mrs. Wingate rnderhill, Louls fcurg, -continued this discussion, in sisting on regularly marking up re port, so as to be accurate in record. Mrs. Underhill plead for cotpmon st nse application of tbis standard; for instance meetings weekly are omitted for unavoidable reasons, may be made up during the year; a socie ty that has every woman In its church enrolled may answer yes to the ques tion about 10 per cent increase of members. Rvery Bociety was urged to have committee on Literature, whose church Is to keep permanent record of subsertpions see that litera ture is read and reported on in socle* ties. Mrs. Buck outlined plan for completing mission study book In one all day meeting. Recommendation one person In charge of Standard Chart, to mark up after oach monthly meeting and see that chart Is on hand at every meeting place. Discussion of Auxiliary Conference by Mrs. Buck, aud announcement of Mt. Zion Auxiliary conference at Chap el Hill June ftth. Miss Mary War ren could pot be present for this dis cussion. Mlas Ann Lassiter, Waco. Texas, s Introduced by Mrs. Mclver. Miss Lassiter had just arrived In Louisburg from Rlchmfffid, where she had been appointed as missionary to Chilly [South America, to bo sent out this summer. In absence of Mrs. A. C. Howell, Mrs. Buck discussed Mission study giving plan for circulating library of Sunbeams, and helpful list of books for Juniors, delightful sketches of books and outlines for teaching. A list of books was given. Report r,f Convention: Time and Place, 1st week In May. date and place to be announced later In Recorder. Resolutions. [enrollment, 102 delegates from 6 associations. The committee on Resolutions mak es the following report: Resolved : First: That we the repiesenta:lon of the Greensboro Division of the W. M. U. of North Carolina here register our appreciation of thu many kindness en and courtesies extended Os In these Loulsburg homes and at the bounti ful luncheon served today. We ask God's blessing upon them and upon the work of the whol# Association. Second: That we recommend that the societies in the different associa tion (five most loyal support to their Superintendents, and keep In touch with the work by reading the publi cations of our W. M. U. Third: That wo recommend that the superintendents encourage their societies to meet their pledges to the 75 Million Campaign. CO-OPS TO MEET IN LOUISBURG ON SATUR DAY In Regular County Meeting ? Will Elect Officers- AH Lo cals Urged to Send Dele gates The regular County Meeting of Cotton and Tobacco Growers of Frank lin County will be held In the Court House In Ixiulsburg on Saturday morning al 11 o'clock, June 23rd, at which time It la especially desired that representatives from a'l locals In the County be present. Also all oth er members who wish to attend are -.?tpeclally invited. It is especially desired that a large number be present at this meeting as it will be time for the election of on cers for another yaer. Remember the date and the hour ? Saturday, June 23rd. at 11 o'clock a. m. V. IV. A. MEETIX; The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Loulsburg Baptist Church met with Miss Virginia Perry, Wednesday night, June 13th. The roll having been called, minutes of the previous meeting read and approved and all business attended to, the following program was carried out: Hymn ? Take Time to be Holy. Prayer ? by Miss Mattle Allen. Devotional, Scripture lesson, Gala lians 6 ? by Mrs. J. O. Newell. Prayer ? by Miss Doza Upchurch. The program was furthered by the study of our Home Mission book, "Old Trails and New." The lesion study and lesson quiz was conducted by our leader, Mrs. Newell." Report of Y. W. T. work at Meredith ! College ? by Miss Catherine Rnbbitt. i Report of Religious Activities at N. C,. C. W.? by Miss Effie Taylor. Hymn ? Ha\e Thine Own Way, Lord. Closing prayer ? by Mrs. J. C New jell. After the meeting hour ended de licious refreshments were served. The following were present: Mes dames J 0. Newell, F. B. Leonard, J. IS. Howell; Misses Emma Bartholo imew, Beulah Cooper, Fffi': Taylor, ' Victoria Adcock, Elizabeth Matthews, [ Lily Edwards. Mattie Allen. Eleanor i Collie, Y'irginia Perry. Visitors, Miss lis Bell Hayes, Doza Upchurch, Myrtle i Harris. Messrs. W. R. Tlmberlake and Wal ter Bobbitt, of Wake Forest, were in Louisburg Monday on business. I - Fourth: That we thank Mrs. W. N. Jones and the attending members i f the Executive Committee for their presence and inspiring helpfulness in every place of our work. Fifth: That we express to Mrs. Duck and her co-workers our heart felt thanks for thl3 Divisional Meet ing. which has been so helpful and inspiring to all. May God's spirit continue to direct His Labors in His work. Respectfully submitted. Mrs. John Kemp, Chairman. Mrs. J. W. Bunn. Mrs. R. M. Squires. The following receipts were an nounced: Number paid In 18 Mt. Zlon Association $10.00 Tar River " 6.S3 Piedmont " 10.00 Beulah " 5.00 $31.85 $15 40 $16.45 I Disbursements to the amounts of $15.40. Report of Treasurer, Mrs. R. A. Bobbitt, Loulsburg. N. C. Those from a distance attending the meeting were as follows: Mrs. J. C. Markham. Durham; Miss Edna Allen. Mrs. T. V. Allen, War renton; Mrs. J. F. Mltchiner, Frank llnton: Mrs. M. W. Buck. Burlington; Miss Nannie Slgmon, Wake Forest : Miss Cora Cannon, Durham: Misi Pearl Taylor, Oxford; Miss Ella Thompson, Roxboro; Mrs. B. O. lay ers. Spring Hope; Mrs. W. N. Jones. Raleigh: Mrs. R. T. How^rton, Mrs. C. B. Williams, Mrs. H. S Pollard. Mrs. D. R. Ivey, Mrs. Q. N. Harward. Mrs. James Yates, Durham; Mrs. It. M. Squires. Mrs. W. W. Holding Mrs Jessie Karnshaw. Mrs. D. B, Dryan. Mrs. W. R. Cullom, Wake Forest; Mrs. W. W. Tarker. Mrs. H. H. Den-, nis. Mrs. W. H. Wester. Hr., Mrs W> H. Wester. Jt., Miss Orace Neather. ley. Henderson; Mrs. H. O. Hill. Mrs, Q. D. Pearce, Flat Rock; Mrs. W. F. Nenl, Reedy Creek; Mrs. J. V. Bowllnft Miss Ruby Bowling, Rosevllle; Mrs. L. O. Clark. Tarboro; Mrs. John Kemp Mrs. H. P. Whitley. Mrs. W. K. Phil lips. Zebulon; Mrs. Alvla Brlnges, Wakefield; Mrs. C. E. Maddry, Sirs. Z. M. Caveness, Mrs. J. W. Bunn Mrs. T. O. Garrison. Mrs. J. R. Bark ley, Mrs. Frank Castlebury, Mrs. C. T Hanburry, Mrs. C. R. OraTes, Ral eigh; Mrs. J. W. Strange, Mrs. W. J Perry. Jr., Mrs. W. E. 8trange, Ma plcvllle. mabonic district MEETING To Be Held With Louisburg Lodge Friday Night, June 2|tad It hn-i been announced that there will be :i meeting of the Masons of ?his Masonic District In Louisburg oo Friday r.ight, June 22nd at 8 o'clock, guests of Louisburg Lodge No. 41U A. F. & A. M. Dr H. A. Newell, Dls ttlct D<";.uty Grand Master, and W. C. Wicker. Kducatlonal Secretary, will be pre-cnt and address the brethren. All Masons are urged to attend ami to meet promptly at 8 o'clock in the lodge rooms In Louisburg. Entertainments Th" marriage of Miss Mary Burt Turner, one of Loulsburg's most pop ular am! charming young ladies, to Mr. Frank R. Hose, ot Henderson, on Saturdav. is the most Interesting so cial event of the season in Loulsburg. Since the announcement of their en gagement at a beautiful party given by Mis^ Frances Barrow on the 12th, other parties. showers, receptions, luncheons, etc. have followed each day. Mrs S. J Parham entertained at a love'.y bridge party Thursday morn ing f '.lowed by a "Miscellaneous Show, r Miss Mary Esum F.urt gave a bos: attractive bridge party and "Handkerchief Shower" Friday after noon. Saturday afternoon Miss Eleaa or Yarborough was the charming hos tess ar a bridge party and "Towel Shower'. Tuesday afternoon Miss Mildred Scott gave a delightful bridge party ami "Wash Sho?er". Thurs day atternoon Mrs. W. ii. White gave an unusually beautiful and attractive party in Miss Turner's hoiior. and Thursday evening Misses Jessie and Alice Harris gave a lovely bridge par ty an'. "Money Shower". Friday evening Mrs. J. L., Palmer will give ar. elaborate bridge lunch eon with tonsrs. etc., appropriate for this interesting occasion. Friday evening Mrs. R. R. Harris will enter tain the young people of Louisburg. friends of Miss Turner and Mr. Rose at a largo reception at hor home on Main street. The wedding will be at the Methodist Church at six o'clock iSatarday afternoon. June 22, 1&23. MAKCII.Lls KENT I'EAI' [ Marcillus Dent, aeeri 6'.. died at his home near Franklinton or. Tuesday of this week. He was a 'iUiet and un assuming character, a good neighbor and a man. He leaves wife to i mourn his going, besides a host of friends and r?l*Uv?s. fi5? remain* were laid to rest in the family buring ground at the old Burt Winston home place on Wednesday. Quite a large number attended the funeral HANDKERCHIEF SHOWF.K I On Friday afternoon. Miss Mary Uxum Burt entertained at a handker chief shower for Miss Mary Turner whose wedding to Mr. Frank Kose Hikes place on the 2Srd of June. | Cut flowers and ferns tnade the home very lovely. Bridge and Rook were played at nine tables. After several progressions. Miss Mary Leona Ruffin, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.Ttuffin. presented Miss Turner with a corsage of sweet peas, which contained the myriad handkerchiefs of the shower. A fruit salad course was served, and mints and nuts. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER | On Thursday morning, Mrs. 3- J. | Parham entertained at five tables of Bridge In honor ot Miss Mary Turn er. bride-elect. The house was made very attractive with Its artistic decorations of Queen Anne's Lace and fern. At the conclusion of the game. Miss Frances Russo sang Sanderson's '"Until," and then the Bridal Chrrus from Lohengren during which Miss It ise Kearney Ma'.one and Master !to bert Elmore, dressed as a liny king and queen of Hearts, entered and pre sented MIss'Turner with a white pack age showered with little red hearts, which contained the miscellaneous show?r. Sandwiches and Ired tea were then served, and mints In tiny brides' bou quets. MISS MII.DRKI) SCOTT ESTEH TAINS Mis# Mildred Scott gave nn unusual land quite Attractive shoTrer. honor ing Mina Mary Hurt Turner, bride elect, on Tuesday afternoon June 19. Bridge was the game of the after noon, and especially interesting wer? the band-painted score cards, each uith a Chinese scene, as the young ( ouple are to make China their futuro home. After several progressions, a 'Linen Shower" of beautiful gifts **as presented Miss Turner In a laundry basket, by a typically costumed Chinaman, In the r*?*1 Chinese lingo. A delicious salad course and Iced ginger ale was nerved. . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harris and child ron and Mrs. Joe Ben Beasley return ed Tuesday from a trip to Roxboro, i Recorder's Court Judge G. M. Beam disposed of the following cases in Recorder's Cr.urt Monday: State vs Boat Jones, disposing of mortgaged property, continued for defendant by agreement to third Mon day in September. State vs Walter Alston, ccw. guilty, fined J100 and costs. Appeal. State vs Walter Alston, Willie Strickland, trespass, guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Appeal. State vs Arthur Wright, distilling, guilty, Judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs State vs Dallas Blount, adw, guilty, fined $2 ~j and costs. State vs Dallas Rlount, assault, guil ty, Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Zeb Collins and John Leon ard, vpl, guilty. 60 days on roads each sentence to begin at expiration of present term. State vs Casey Carr. up#', pleads guilty, prayer for judgment continued to July 2nd. 1923 upon payment of costs. State vs Dick Shelton and Estelle Sherry, f and a. pleads guilty. Dick Shelton 6 months on roads to be hir. td to Jamison Bros, to pay $&0 to Julia Shelton. wife of Dick Shelton. and costs, judgment suspended upon Estelle Sherry uron ot costs. State vs Elijah Wright, cruelty to animals, guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. After disposing- of some civil issues the Court adjourned to next Monday. MISS rAf!Bt)!!Olf;H ENTERTAINS Miss Eleanor Yorborounh gnve an attractive Towel Shower in honor ot Miss Mary Turner, on Saturday af ternoon, June l?j. The house and porch were beauti fully decorated in flowers and ferns, and an enjoyable game of bridge pre ceded the shower. Miss Mary Exur.i Burt most happily presented Miss Turner with a large Chinese straw basket filled to overflowing with all kinds of lovely and useful towels. In presenting the gift. Miss Burt used the following sejtiments, 'These arc for you, Mary Turner, our pil. May you always be the same sweet Bdl. Our hearts are full of good wishes for you, Acd we know you will be a wife, kind and true. Here are towels (or you in Chinkv Chlnk town. And towels fcr Frank to .ise, and throw down, In this bundle which love prompted us to bring. thing. Take these and use them as long as they last. If the ship starts to sink, string them up for a mast. And in your love-nest acrosi the ocean blue. I'se your towels and remember we are still loving you." A delicious course of sandwi-.hes and iced tea was served. o Postmaster Examination Announcement of a cometitive ex amination for postmaste_r at Yjungs ville has. been announced, along with a number of others, for July 14th, 1)23. 411 persons wishing to enter this examination will write to the t". S. Civil Service Commission, Wash ington, D. C., for information, or call at most any postofflce for same. Auxiliary To Meet The American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Miss Onnie Tucker on Tues day afternoon, June 26, at 4 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. R. C. Beck, Pres. Mrs. J. W. Mann, Sec'y. Elects Officers At a meeting of Louishurg Lodge No. 413 A. F. & A. M. held on Tues day night the following officers were elected for the ensuing rear: W. B. Barrow. W. M. F A. Roth. S. W. T. W. Ruffln, J. W. F. J. Beasley. Treasurer. B. B. Perry. Secretary. The following appointments were ?] : ;ionnced . - .. ft. Berkley, 3. D. < ri<. Adams. J D. W, L. Beasley, J. L. Collier. Stew ards, P. J. Brown, Tiler. Rev. J. A. Melver, Chaplain. Good Sales The auction sale of the Williams and Reavis property held hers Friday resulted In good sales as follows: The J S. Williams home place or the Clifton residence, sold co Mrs. W. B. Cooke for $6,000.00. TJio J S. Williams Dr. Porry resi dence sold to Mr. N. B. lacker for $5,000.00, The P. A. R'earls homo place sold to Capt. P. O. Alston for $9,975.00. among the visitors SOME IOC KNOW A>D SOME TOC DO SOT K>OW. Pergonal Items About Folks And Their Friends Who Trarel Here And There. Mr. W. H Yarborough made a bus iness visit to Nashville this week. Chief of Police B H. Meadows went to Raleigh Tusday. Mrs. A. M. Hall has returned from a purchasing trip to the Northern Markets for L. Kline & Co. Messrs. L. Kline and C. A. Ragland are spending a while at Buffalo Springs. Va. Mrs. J. W. HoUingsworth and son, Joe. Mrs. G. A. Wallace and son. An drew. and Miss Evelyn Blackwell. of Newton, are visitir.g Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. Wheless Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tucker and Miss Ida McLaurin. of Washington, N. C.. are visiting his brother, Mr. J. C. Tucker. Mr W. HrodiL Jones, of \VaTranon, was a visitor to Louisburg Saturday. Messrs. O. 'J. Hill and Ecn Ogburu visited Raleigh Friday. The following citizens went to Dur,. ham Friday to attend a good reads meeting: F. B. McKii.Be M. S. Davis. T. W. Watson. F. J Bc-aslev. M. 3. Ciifton. W\ R. Mills, S. C Holden, Arthur Strickland. J. E. Thomas, A. F. Johnson. R. C. Deck. Dr. A. H. Fleming W. D Fuller. W. t. White, t\ M. Hobbs. P. S Allen. Mr. W. D Leonard returned Friday from a visit to his people at Salisbury. Mr. Maurice Clifton, Jr.. visited Tnleigh this wc-k, Mr. A. "V. Green. .;f Philadelphia, visited his sister. Mrs A. M. Hall, Tuesday Mrs. A. M. Hall, who has bcca on a visit to her brother. .Vr. A. W. Green. Philadelphia, returen dolieni Tuesday. Mrs. J. P. Boyd and daughter Miss Simmons Boyd, of Mcrven, )s visiting her brother. Dr. D. T. Siuit'.iwick. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Timberlakt re turned home Wednesday from a trip to Richmond, where Mrs. Tiuiberlake received medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Reavis, of Ral eigh. were in town Tuesday. Mr. T. W. RuSia visited Raleigh Wednesday. Miss Mary Wiatt \ arftorough, >vhJ is a student at Smith s College. Mass.. is at home for the summer vacation, after attending a house party a", Princeton University during the row ing regatta. She left Mondny to vis it friends in Tarboro. Mr. A. F, Johnson, Misses Adelaide, Elizabeth and Sadie Johnson. Master James Johnson and Miss Mary Spen cer visited Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. J. E. Thomas visited Kaleigh Wednesday. Mt. Etna In Eruption Catania, Italy. June 19..? The great lava torrent from Mount Ktna. bear ing in its flow great masses of earth and volcanic stone, is advancing inex oribly and has already reached the houses on the outskirts of the town of Ltnguaglossa. Green fields, orange groves and vine yards have been swallowed up, and for miles around the aimospnere ia suffocating with volcanic smoke and a rain of black smoke and ashes which Is covering the countryside like a pall. Several smaller houses In Linguaglos sa have been shaken down hv the fre quent earth shocks and the once smil ing little town, which until the last it was thought might be spared, is di rectly In the line of the lava and is doubtless doomed to destruction. The mo]ten stream is traveling about 40 yards an hour and therefore unless some miracle happens. Lin guaglossa will go under during the right. Confronting It Ts a lava bed 800 yards wide and nearly 30 feet deep. Smaller torrerts of lava, diverted from the central stream, threaten the villages of Randazza and Bronte, from which so many tourists make the as cent of Etna, FracavIJla. Castigllone, Glardini and Fiume Fretfdc. People Kelnctant To fJo The work of clearing the threaten ed towns is being carriei out with the greatest energy a?<l admirable organization. Discipline is necessary to induce the terrified inhabitants to abandon their beloved homes, but their removal Is carried out with sym pathy and kindmesa. Airplane# ar? being used for the first timo to watch the progress of the eruption and spec ial signaling stations have been es tablished at various strategical points giving confidence to the people in the fact that they are being protected. Special units of tha R*d Croai. with supplies, huve been dispatched to oar# for the homeless wanderera and pr* vide food and shelter for them.

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