JMfoejDeadJin ' Smuggler? Battle /Fifteen Chinese were found aboard the fishing schooner Mary Bcatrlca fil lower New York Bay. Blood smear* and marks of battle told the story faf the desperate straggle at sea In which four of the crew and Ovo of ' the Celestials, who were being smuggled Into this country, were slain. .Details of the fight were extracted from the frightened survtvora bv immigration officials I haTe just receiied a new lot of Melrose and Vanco Floor, the kind that makes the best biscuits, also a nice line of heaTjr and fancy (rrocerles. A foil line of feed stuffs and dairy feed- Clre me a call and let me show yon that I can furnish too the best at a lit tle less. J. Allen Harris Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sizes Carried in Stock ALLEN * MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE Louisburg, N. C. Phone 295 J MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED (arm land*. ? ptr cant Interest. No commission, no bona*. Mar run for SS years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a abort time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. SALE - ? ARMY SHOES ? - SALE We have lust bought a tremendous stock of Army MunBon last shoes to be sold to the public direct . Price 91. 7S# These shoea are 100 per cent solU leather with heary double soles sewed and Ballad. The nppers are of heavy tea chroma leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof. These fthoaa are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to insure your order being - filled# > The tftto are 0 toll all width* ? Pay "oetmaM on receipt or good* or ?end' ?>??iy orOot. ICner rolona&d M w'ocea I %tt Dot eaticTaeto*. s< ;l-s;-tr ' Vkt V. ?. W ** -Co-. ;? ?^:,Vs?v Nov jQity ( M BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice la hereby given to all inter* cited persona that the Board of Coun ty Commissioners will meet aa a Board of Equalization on tile aecond Monday In July, 192*, In Lrnlsbnrg. N. C. for the purpose of bearing complaints as to to inn. ions on property. Tldi Jan* 4 1923 ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Chm'n. 8. C. HOLOEN, Clerk. 6-8-4t To Stop a HE 'UgU Quick LING ItJNEY, a stop* th? coatfb by nd Irritated tisane*. ?8 O-PtN-TRATE - ? ? ' Golds and bottle of HONEY. I The salve the cbest and throat from a Ct>Id or Group. The Heves' K 4 W r. d Hrr.rflc ? .r -.hSv^lflt (M ?r ' ri'. . * U-w.^h t~c iwu i. J I Tf-rJ U r.ojjcn rtos aa. U * take' HAYES' cough medicine healing the InBai A bo* of GKO SALVE for Chest Cronp is enclosed HAYES' HEAL1N( should be rubbed of children auflerii * f < it i c?. <?' " i * ?>w uofcva :*V l'fj. 1*3 C. ( Jfr Vv' ' *. _L HA"1 Free Flower 8eeds You wfll ba glad to know that Ba? Ones'. "Vtm Uouth's SMdRnJUL" MB gtr? away aboot t.ooftOW cCaatg of a?ad at tha Sooth'* matt popilar Qow ars this wring. Then y w^htn# ts Cm thtl oan oqoyare with rial) oolarad Ofrw^n. They bnpitca ba all op ahd maka any house attfractlra. Too oairt (last too many fiorwan and this IBmM| to tat Bhtrtay Popplaa, Ertrlaatln# ftow m, fllTTnisi. Coamoa and Msijcan Bant ing Bush abeolntaly free, la dirtalrjy to b? walootnad by all laaAafii at tbla papar You can sat them! Jut witla to Hastings' (or the new 1MI (Vtalng It taU? you how to gat flowar iaada traa. It has 100 pagaa of bwittfnl photo graphic ploturas and coiraot daacrlp tlona of gardan Do war and flald aaada, bulba and plants, and tin ta (nil oC helpful Information that h watii almoat dally in arsry Boutharn Kama. It's tha moat valuable a*ad book arwr published and you will ba mlfkiy glad you're got It Joat writs au Mk tor tha now Catalog. M. a HA9T1NQS CO, AeMa, C*. The old heg ?xallow is an expen sive bath tub for all hogs and more especially the young pies under tour months of age. Young pigs are suscep tible to parasites and fllth born di sease say extension workers of the State College and Department of Agri culture After Every Meal a p?*?t in roar pocket for ever-ready refresh ment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat For Quality, Flavor asd a the Sealod Package, g? America has always preferred to take her great men from the sol). Rarely has she bestowed her cholca Cn those nourished where the city pavemeDts separate them from ihe mother of us all. ? Calvin L'oo'idge. NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Willie Z. Arnold, de ceased, late of Franklin Ccunty, all persons holding claims .against said estate are hereby notified to pre;ent them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of June, 1924, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Jone 7th, 1923. MRS. ZANIE ARNOLD, Admrx. B. T. Holden, Atty. 6-8-6t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary G. Hudson, deceased, late of Franklin County, no. tice is hereby given all persons hold-, lng claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This June 21st, 1923. 6-22-6t W. H. HUDSON. Adm'r. 1 FRANKLPr 158. * REALTY CO. - LOANS ASI) INSURANCE 7-21tf TUCKER'S CAPE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. I hare Jnat opened a flrit claaa Cafe In tlu old Neal building and am prepared to farnlnh meal* at all honra, and the beet the market affordi. Ice Cream S cent* ? cone. Soft Drink*, etc. Prtcea reaaonable, tervtce the best. J. C. TUCKER Propilotor i FLOUR Prices Reduced From Last Week's Quotations Sugar 1 0c *= Any Way You Want It CIGARETTES Chesterfield and Camel 20' s 2 packages for 25c The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. "How Me Cleared Our Summer Home of Bats," by Mrs. Perry. "When we opened our seaside borne last May, It was alive with rata. They'd gnawed all the upholstering. We cleanea them out in a week with RAT-SNAP . I prefer this rat killer because It comes in cake form, no mixing. Sa-tfes dirty hands and plates." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1 25. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market. NOTICE? TAX PAYERS By order of the Board of Count7 Commissioners at their regular meet ing on Monday, June 4th, 3 923, thu names of all persons In Franklin County having property that should be listed for taxes and who fall to list sxme by July 1st, will be reported to the Grand Jury. Therefore all per sons are urged to list their proporty within this time and save trouble, embarrassment tnd expense. This June 4, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Chm'n. S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 6-8-4t "MEN'S U. 8. ARMY MUN801M.AST SHOES AT $2.95 Sixes 5H to 19 Never again will yon be able to bay IKm shots at suoh a low price. We were lucky In finding a manufacturer, who tu overstocked with them, and needed ready cash, so we bought them at almost one-half of the regu lar price. This shoe Is made over the U. B. Army Munson-last, with ex tra heavy stitching; special grained chrome brown leather used through-, oat. An Ideal shoe for workmen, far mars, Ice-men, postmen, "carpenters and motormen, who are obliged to be on their feet all day. Send correct size. Pay Postman $2.98 on delivery, or send us a money order. If you are not satisfied with these shoes after yon examine them, we will promptly refund your money." U. 8. DISTRIBUTING ft SALES COMPANY, 20-2# West 22nd Ftreot, 8-2- tt New York City, N. Y. A T^NIO drove's Tastetoss/etilll Toole restores Eoergy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the JJIoAi. When you feel lu strengthening. fciWgoratin* effect see bow It brings color lo the cheeks and bow k improves t hi appetite, you Kill then epj*eciatn Its *ue tonic value. Grove's TaniM^n chill Tonic U simply Iron end QuWne (suspended in syrup. Sa tftvmr* cvcpjJUldrcn Uke it. T?c U > 4 netAfi ty'OLNpK W_ptirlfy it n'.tf i&iK' t n Enrwh l?. /a t.-ryii Malaria'. umn* And Crip ggrWby Ua Hip lip. I *'-i w< ' > ; . i+x Farmers National Bank MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. Wants your bank account, and offers you o banking service that you will like. Our first consideration is the safety of our de posits. We are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on any proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. ? , WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Wie have a growing list of customers who like their connection with the Farmers NationaL WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THE MATTER OVER WITH YOU. Farmers National Bank - ? ? ? **i Louisburg, K. 0.

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